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Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans (2009)
Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans (2009)
2009 | Drama, Mystery
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
285. Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. The Cage unleashed!! It starts with two cops, The Cage, and The Iceman inside a flooding prison staring down into a cell with a prisoner inside begging to be let out before he drowns, the cops are taking bets on what time the cell will totally flood and the dude drowns, but The Cage decides to go ahead and save him anyway, screws up his back in the process, becomes a hero, and is promoted to Bad Lieutenant!! Ok, its just lieutenant, but you get the point. Now Lt Cage, is hooked on pain pills, and just about anything else the evidence room may hold, and with Michael Shannon guarding the door, Lt Cage gets what he needs... Now don't get me wrong, Lt Cage has a job to do, and after the brutal murder of an African family, Lt Cage is on the case, and oh yes he will solve the case, even if that involves cutting of the airways of a wheelchair bound senior citizen for info, actually joining in the gang of suspects pulling off jobs, working both sides, and parking in a handicap spot!! An instant Nic Cage classic!! The ending is so, beautiful. A must see for the Cagist. Some greatly genuine Cage moments and Eva Mendes playing the hottest drug addicted prostitute in recent years. And the rest of the cast, wow, they dug deep!! Watch now!! 😍 Filmbufftim on FB
The Shape of Water  (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
Beautiful, quirky love story
THE SHAPE OF WATER is the most romantic, beautiful, charming, weird and wonderful love story that I have seen in a long, long time.

The fact that the love story is between a mute woman and the Creature from the Black Lagoon makes it just that much more interesting.

From the fertile mind of Guillermo Del Toro (THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE, PAN'S LABYRINTH), TSOW answers a question that a young Del Toro had when he first saw the 1950's creature feature CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON. He thought, "what if the creature ended up with the girl?" In Del Toro's mind, the Creature was the leading man, not the generic hunk that was hunting him.

Wonderfully realized by Del Toro, TSOW tells the tale of mute cleaning woman, Eliza (Sally Hawkins) who works at a "secret Government agency" in Baltimore. When she is asked to mop blood up in a highly classified area, she soon realizes that a "creature" is being held there. It is her realization that this creature is not just "some creature", but an intelligent being that starts this lonely, mute woman and the "creature" on the road to a loving relationship.

Hawkins is mesmerizing as Eliza. Obviously, with her character being mute, she must express herself in other ways - and she does. Her eyes are truly the window to her soul and Hawkins' ability to "eye act" is astounding, she conveys more feeling with a look and a glance than most actors can with a mountain of work.

She is strongly aided by some really good co-stars - Richard Jenkins is marvelous (as always) as Eliza's neighbor/friend who, himself, has a handicap - he is a gay man in the 1950's. The strength of Jenkins' performance is that he is able to overcome the trap of "the sympathetic gay best friend" and bring to the screen a complete character. Michael Stuhlbarg is watchable (as always) as the main scientist that studies the creature. Here is an actor that has grown in my eyes and he is a "must watch" in anything he is in. Michael Shannon is a presence as the main "heavy" in this film and though his character is pretty one-note, Shannon hits that note strongly and holds our attention. Unfortunately, compared to these 3 (and Hawkins' lead role), Octavia Spencer's talents are not put to the test as Eliza's co-worker. She is capable of so much more and her character is severely underwritten.

But, while strong characters are a must in a successful film, it is Del Toro's direction and "sense of place" that embue this fable with the character and detail it needs. Set in a 1950's that is a bit more idealistic/stylized than is real, Del Toro steers us through a world that is fascinating to watch - and be in - and makes it seem almost plausible that such a creature could exist and that a woman could fall in love with him.

Much like how I fell in love with this film.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) - and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

JT (287 KP) rated 13 (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
13 (2011)
13 (2011)
2011 | Drama, Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Given the calibre of talent on show here you’d be forgiven for thinking that this film might have been a little more popular.

Most of them play second fiddle to Vince (Riley) who finds himself in a spot of bother when he takes the place of someone in an organised game of Russian roulette were people gamble on the outcome.

Along for the ride in this barrel spinning thriller is Ray Winstone and Mickey Rourke who themselves are part of the circle of men putting their lives on the line for a potential big payout.

Michael Shannon is cast as the adjudicator making sure that everyone follows the rules and has the right amount of bullets in the chamber, he’s hardly pushing his acting talents to any great length. Statham avoids kicking anyone’s head in for an entire film as the brother of Winestone’s character, Ronald.

The film in fact is a remake of Babluani’s original 13 Tzameti, in which his son plays the lead role, that film faired a lot better with critics. Obviously that meant Babluani remaking the film and testing it out on the English speaking audience, getting a few house hold names to try and sell it.

Aside from the Russian roulette scenes the film generally falls flat, the ending is awful and there is no real pay off, you could almost see what was going to happen mile off.

I think directors should start sticking to the originals only and avoid the Hollywood remake for the sake of having their reputation tarnished in anyway.
Midnight Special (2016)
Midnight Special (2016)
2016 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As children, we often fantasize about what it would be like to possess superpowers or some trait that sets us further apart from our peers. We imagine ourselves as being able to become invisible, fly, or command animals. The film Midnight Special introduces us to a young boy who is blessed with a special gift that no one can quite comprehend. A religious cult seeks the boy as their savior. The government wants to use him as a weapon. His father wants to protect him.

The film gives the audience enough suspense and relevant issues to keep them fully engrossed in the story. The opening of the film leaves us with very little background of the events that have taken place which for many films would be a grand weakness in the storytelling, however, for this film it is essential in shaping the dramatic moments as it builds to the climax. Midnight Special features strong performances from Adam Driver and Michael Shannon. Director Jeff Nichols does a superb job in weaving a story that is both original and imaginative. The film itself is a journey involving various elements that drive the story. For some, it will make them more skeptical of the government and religious fanaticism. For others, they will have a new take on the road film genre which is filled with peril, tension, friendship, and love.

Midnight Special is one of those rare movies that allows the viewers to become fully involved in the story and characters involved. With the suspense, humor, and interactions, the actors and director have made a complete film. It stays with you and makes you want more.
The Shape of Water  (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
A True Classic
A deaf woman working for a secret government agency finds a friend (and then some) when she stumbles across the creature the agency is hiding.

Acting; 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Strickland (played by Michael Shannon) ensured that strong action and tension remained throughout the film. Every scene he is a part of leaves you waiting for something bad to happen. The two opposing sides, those wishing to destroy the creature and those wishing to save it, are locked in a game of cat-and-mouse until the last twenty minutes when it’s more like a head-on collision. There were quite a few close calls that had me wondering whether or not the protagonists would make it.

Genre: 10
Just a beautiful film for the ages. Call it a drama. Call it fantasy or even science fiction. Wherever it’s classified, it hangs up there as one of the very best. Checks all the boxes and does so many things extremely well.

Memorability: 10
Guillermo Del Toro has a way of leaving an impression on your brain with his visual imagery. The movie is just stunning to look at in so many ways with a number of shots that you can’t forget. Del Toro has created a home for the weirdo here, a place of comfort for those that are different from the norm. It’s a movie so unique in its charm that it’s near impossible to shake.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10

Overall: 100
The Shape of Water has a charm you can’t get away from. When it won Best Picture, I was shocked and upset. That was, of course, before I had actually seen the movie. I get it now. A true classic.
99 Homes (2015)
99 Homes (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 99 Homes starts with hard working young man Dennis Nash (Garfield) trying to keep his family home from being reclaimed by the bank, but he is unsuccessful as real estate broker Rick Carver (Shannon) evicts him from his home with his mother Lynn (Dern) and son Connor.

Desperate for money Dennis turns to Rick who offers him a job involving his construction skills, with this job Dennis starts to learn the trade rising the ranks to become the very person he despised in Rick when he was losing his home.


Thoughts on 99 Homes


Characters – Dennis Nash is the hard-working construction worker, he works to keep the roof over his family home but when he loses his home he goes to all ends to get a job to regain his home. This means Dennis works for the man who evicts him where he learns the trade to make sure he can his home back become the man he once hated. Rick Carver is a real estate broker, he has been evicting for the bank for years now, he doesn’t believe he is doing anything wrong, but he is following the law. He has made a lot of money in this world and takes Dennis under his wing to follow in his footsteps.


Performances – Andrew Garfield is fantastic in this leading role, this guy is constantly giving us performances that we are left seeing just how talented this guy it. Michael Shannon is the always brilliant star of most movies, he is calm through every single scene which could have himself getting pushed to the limits. Laura Dern is good too in the supporting role as Dennis mother that questions his work.

Story – The story here shows one man’s struggle to keep his family home but needing to turn to the enemy to make the money. We see how far he must go just to make a difference, but can he cope with becoming the man he hates. The story gives us hard to watch scenes as we see people losing their homes showing us a darker side to real estate in America. This is one story that is a good watch, he can be hard at times, but the story is rewarding.

Settings – The settings show us the housing market and how people can be a community when supporting someone’s miss fortune.

Scene of the Movie – Seeing Dennis question his decision.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – We get a lot of law discussion, but a lot can go over your head.

Final Thoughts – This is a powerful drama that shows how difficult life could be for the people who lose their homes to the people looking just to make the money by taking them.


Overall: Strong, powerful drama.
Midnight Special (2016)
Midnight Special (2016)
2016 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great Performances (0 more)
A Modern Sci-Fi Classic
This movie really impressed me. Michael Shannon is, as always, fantastic in his performance and he showed a side of character here that we don’t normally get to see from him. He plays a compassionate and loving father on a mission and he will stop at nothing to succeed. Joel Edgerton is also typically brilliant in the film. He plays an old fried of Shannon’s character helping him on his quest and again is different here to any other role we have seen him in so far. Frankly I think these two actors are two of the best working in Hollywood today and this movie showcases their diversity, talent and ability to totally vanish into a role and sell their performance effortlessly. However, the real star of the show is the young actor Jaeden Lieberher, who plays Alton Meyer, the extraordinary boy that the plot revolves around. When I first saw his performance I thought he was extremely good for a child actor, but reflecting on it again, it is just a fantastic performance regardless of his age. His chemistry with the other actors was spot on and he carried this movie flawlessly, which left me very impressed. Kirsten Dunst also makes an appearance as Alton’s mother and again gives a stellar performance, she is tired of having to constantly be on the run and although she sometimes doubts her husband’s plan, she sticks by him until their mission is complete. Adam Driver is the scientist working for the government who are after Alton and he puts in a decent performance as the pseudo antagonist of the movie. I should really stop here though as you are better going into this movie with as little previous knowledge as possible. In summary, this is the movie that Super 8 wishes it was, essentially it’s ET for grown ups and it is definitely worth your time and money.