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Automatic for the People by REM
Automatic for the People by REM
1992 | Rock
Rolling Stone's 249th greatest album of all time
Just a superb album, there are no low points at all. Wonderful range of songs, from the emotional Everybody Hurts, to the sombre but warm and fuzzy Nightswimming, to the upbeat Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight and Man on the Moon. Some absolutely astounding vocal performances from Michael Stipe, especially on Try Not to Breathe.

Joe Jonas recommended track Everybody Hurts by REM in Automatic for the People by REM in Music (curated)

Automatic for the People by REM
Automatic for the People by REM
1992 | Rock

Everybody Hurts by REM

(0 Ratings)


"“Everybody Hurts” is a song that came to me fairly late in my life. As I was maturing into a young adult I started to really fall in love with R.E.M. and find out about their history as a group. This can be read as a kind of simple and sad tune of course, but it’s surpassed that for me. “When you’re talking about iconic frontmen, Michael Stipe is the one and it’s all in his voice: there’s no song that he could sing when you wouldn’t know it was him. I love the lyrics and the melody but I think I’m always attracted to the vocals above everything else. Michael Stipe’s voice is so unique and that’s what I love about R.E.M"


Butch Vig recommended Murmur by REM in Music (curated)

Murmur by REM
Murmur by REM
1983 | Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Murmur is the album that launched 10,000 indie bands. It had a vibe and a sound unlike anything that was out there. I'm a huge R.E.M. fan and I like a lot of their records but this one was something completely different and unique. It had a sixties sorta influence, the lyrics were elliptical - you really couldn't make out at all what Michael Stipe was singing. There's always touch and mystery and beautiful harmonies; there are churning guitars; it's psychedelic - all these things make it kinda hard to pin point what exactly the record sounds like. I don't know how they managed to pull it off. When I listen to this record I realise that this doesn't sound like any record ever. It really has its own sound. I don't think it had any commercial success but everybody who is a serious musician loved this record."


Ian McCulloch recommended Automatic for the People by REM in Music (curated)

Automatic for the People by REM
Automatic for the People by REM
1992 | Rock

"One of the classic albums. Played it to death. I was pissed off when it came out, it was when the Bunnymen had just split up and it would have inspired me with the band. When he gets it right, Michael Stipe, he’s just brilliant. It’s not that kind of American music that makes you feel queasy like The Eagles, it’s more indie. When you go to America and see some of the natural beautiful vastness of the country, it moves you onto your kneecaps, the prairie beauty of it. ‘Find The River’ - when I heard that it was instant choking up. I went up to my missus at the time and didn’t know if I could speak. I wrote ‘Nothing Ever Lasts Forever’ after it. I don’t know if it was inspired by it. It made me like a type of American that I’ve never liked, the Mark Twainy kind. For some reason it connected with me, but the last thing I’d like to do is buy a pair of dungarees and go net fishing in a stagnant pond. But each to their own – Stipey obviously does it. The videos and the bit in ‘Man In The Moon’ where he does the little shuffle and the Elvis “hey baby” - when I saw that I thought, you twat, you’ve got it completely right, and here’s me hacking about with some half-baked solo songs. And they were half-baked, some of them from Mysterio. But after Automatic they did too much and a lot of it wasn’t up to that standard."


Jonathan Donahue recommended Let It Be by The Replacements in Music (curated)

Let It Be by The Replacements
Let It Be by The Replacements
1984 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Like The Chameleons, they should be playing stadiums, or should've at their time. This album is one of the standards of great American music. Some of the songs here are up there with some Frank Sinatra tracks, some Bing Crosby moments. Like 'Unsatisfied', for instance, that's a pop standard worthy of Billie Holiday. Again, they couldn't seem to get out of their own way for a period of time. The thing with The Replacements is if you ask Wayne Coyne, Michael Stipe or J Mascis, they were the ones that would say: ""The Replacements, that would be the band to be in."" They were everybody's band before they made their own band. They almost would have been what The Velvet Underground was at the time for the bands around them. They also had that catalysing effect of being crazy - they had a nonchalance that most could only dream of. At times they had a recklessness, which put them a few steps behind where they should've been, but that was The Replacements. And it was the first time that the bands we loved actually made a real record. Their songs were going to stand the test of time, songs that we were all going to cover. I know it was like that being around a lot of the bands during the mid-'80s. They had that magnetism Sonic Youth had, but had songs we could all cover, sing and play. Now you hear stories of them playing to 200 people at Coachella and you can't believe how it didn't translate to the younger generation."

Low by David Bowie
Low by David Bowie
1977 | Rock
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I hadn't actually heard this song one before we played Carnegie Hall last year [for The Music of David Bowie concert featuring the Pixies, Debbie Harry, Cyndi Lauper and Michael Stipe]. We were the house band and had quite a few artists coming on to play, so I had to learn it. For me, it wasn't an obvious one. When I first heard it, I even thought it was a terrible song! Like it wasn't even a song! That was just my first impression of it. But it was only when I started playing it, and trying to do my own version of it, that I realised that it all fit perfectly. It was great to play live. It was just him throwing something together - it's unserious, a totally unpretentious concept, and the music just fits the lyrics so perfectly. You know, the drums are not that tight, and there are drum rolls where you think: 'Wow, that's like a beginner that's just been playing drums for six months!' But then you play it and it actually fits! It's really weird. It fits the idea of always crashing in the same car. If it had been played technically correctly it wouldn't have worked. For me, it was a good example of how everything in the backing of a song has to line up with the message of a song. I think a lot of music these days, gets into this over-produced, too-tight, no feel thing, but you can't fault it. It's correct. The dots are all in the right place, but there is no soul. Or even, there isn't a message to grab a hold of and it all falls down. It's so easy now to put something together in your bedroom on your computer that sounds like a finished record, but if you don't have those same elements there that make a good song, you may as well not bother!"
