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Lonely are the Brave (1962)
Lonely are the Brave (1962)
1962 | Drama, Western
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Two years on and Douglas has returned to the safety of westerns, looking older and gaunt, if no less charismatic. Something had cooled in him since Spartacus, and approaching 50 years of age, you can see the maturity and heart-ache most evidently in this performance. The tough guy remains, but there is a wistful aspect to Jack Burns that was not there before. He utilised the writing talents of one Douglas Trumbo to convey a “sadistic harshness” he called “the most perfect script I ever read”. Reportedly, in later years, Douglas considered this his best work, and son Michael (who you may have heard of) has also said this was his favourite amongst his father’s prestigious oeuvre. In that context alone, it is worth watching again.
21 Bridges (2019)
21 Bridges (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
I found 21 Bridges to be a pretty entertaining action flick, even if it is a relatively predictable straight shooter.

The narrative revolves around two small time criminals gunning down 8 police officers during an escalated robbery, causing the whole of Manhattan to shut down as the NYPD hunt them before they can flee the city.
Like any cop thriller worth it's salt, it's of course not that simple, and has some twists and turns along the way. This is probably the main issue I had with 21 Bridges - the twist is easy to see from a mile off, and the pretty standard action sequences means that it doesn't particularly elevate itself above the competition.

The strengths here lie in the cast. Chadwick Boseman is a brilliant lead as detective Andre Davis, who is heading up the entire investigation. Stephan James is also great as Michael, one of the robbers. He's a man completely out of his depth, and is a sympathetic "antagonist". There are also some decent turns from J.K. Simmons, Sienna Miller, Taylor Kitsch, and Keith David.
All of the performances keep 21 Bridges pretty grounded for an action film, it's more of a thriller in that respect.

I'd say it's worth a watch, you could certainly do a lot worse when it comes to New York cop dramas.
Antikörper (Antibodies) (2007)
Antikörper (Antibodies) (2007)
2007 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A serial killer named Gabriel Engel (André Hennicke, Pandorum) that the police have been after for months has finally been captured. This is where most stories would end happily ever after, but instead this is how Antibodies begins. Michael Martens (Wotan Wilke Möhring, Valkyrie), a cop from a small, rural town had an unsolved case from a year ago concerning a 12-year-old girl named Lucia Flieder and Michael intends to interrogate Gabriel in hopes of a confession for her murder.

Gabriel already admitted to being in the area around the time of Lucia’s death, but her murder doesn’t entirely fit his M.O. But Michael plays right into Gabriel’s hands and becomes the pawn in his sick, psychological game as he’s able to get into Michael’s head from the moment they meet and remains there until the credits roll. The question isn’t, “Will Michael be able to find what he’s looking for?” but is instead, “Will Michael be able to survive the cerebral hedge maze Gabriel has thrown him into?”

Written and directed by Christian Alvart (Case 39, Pandorum), Antibodies is a German crime drama thriller that is worth seeing for André Hennicke’s performance alone. His portrayal of Gabriel is psychotic, disturbing, and extraordinarily mesmerizing as he steals nearly every scene he’s in. Hennicke embodies Gabriel and brings the character to life in all of his monstrously disquieting glory. There’s a brief sequence where Gabriel is drawing in his cell and he slowly starts pulling out his hair. There’s no dialogue, but Hennicke is able to pull it off with such terrifying elegance that it is incredible to witness.

Wotan Wilke Möhring is also quite impressive as Michael Martens. Michael struggles with the mental obstacles Gabriel throws at him throughout the film. Möhring is fantastically efficient at portraying a man who devoted his life to being an abiding citizen that is also committed to his religion. He cares deeply about his family and is now slowly losing his grip on his so-called perfect life. The interrogation scenes between Michael and Gabriel seem to simultaneously be homage to The Silence of the Lambs while also offering something different with its complete mastery of tension and Gabriel’s ulterior motives ring loudly upon the audience yet fall on deaf ears to a gullible Michael.

The religious parallels are incredibly interesting and deserve recognition, as well. The film has a tendency to not only reveal these parallels, but dives into them in a way that is easy to understand for the audience; the similarities between Michael and the archangel Gabriel are uncanny. The ending involving the test Gabriel gives Michael is all a part of a twisted game Gabriel plays and the web he’s spun has managed to get Michael tangled up in it. The film makes you think you know where it’s headed before it takes an unexpected detour and ends up going in the opposite direction.

Perhaps the most unusual aspect of the film is the involvement of Norman Reedus. The Wikipedia entry for Antibodies is still so bare, but apparently Reedus did his part in the film for free. Before The Walking Dead came along, Reedus was known best for his roles in The Boondock Saints, 8MM, Blade II, and the John Carpenter directed Masters of Horror episode, “Cigarette Burns.” Reedus has always taken part in projects that are unusual, but typically turn out to be fairly awesome. It was a great change of pace to see him show up and speak a few lines of German without a crossbow or a motorcycle.

Antibodies isn’t without its flaws as its script is often juvenile with the way it references sex and pleasuring yourself way more often than it should. The German thriller is still able to capitalize on a wonderfully tense and magnificently unsettling atmosphere with two incredibly strong leads that make the whole journey worthwhile. The story is riveting despite a few hiccups, the cast is top notch, the cinematography is excellent, and its unpredictable outcome is brilliant.

Antibodies is currently streaming on Amazon Video and Vudu for $2.99. The 2-disc special edition DVD is available for $24.98 on Amazon while the standard DVD is between $19.99 and $43.41. The film is available on DVD for various prices on eBay with the best offers being a pre-owned version of the single disc edition for $5.39 (10% off its normal $5.99 price) and the two-disc edition for $18.24; both have free shipping.
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
Why does Halloween always look like such fun in the movies?
Whenever you watch any scary movie revolving around Halloween, they always make it look like so much fun where every neighborhood is all decked out and many children are bustling from house to house getting their treats when in reality Halloween is almost non existent any more. The handful of trick-or-treaters we usually get is almost not worth it and it is always over before dusk.

Anyways, finally saw this film tonight and I was pleasantly surprised by it.

Yes, of course, it was very predictable in parts with its dopey unintelligent characters; however, there was enough new ideas and homages to previous films for me to recommend.

Laurie Strode has really seen it all. This film finds her hardened by the events 40 years ago and estranged from her family since she can think of nothing more than getting even and finishing what Michael started all those years ago. As usual, Michael comes home to roost on another Halloween night and only Laurie and family seem up to the task of stopping another sadistic killing rampage from everyone's favorite "Captain Kirk" wannabe.

If it wasn't for Jamie Lee Curtis, this movie probably would've been a letdown. She was born to play the "scream queen" role, although this time looked more like Sarah Connor all brazen and tough with her own home base fortress equipped with a weapon arsenal.

I wonder if Michael is done for good this time? Doubtful.

Show all 5 comments.

Paul (106 KP) May 21, 2019

A decent stab at resurrecting the franchise. It dismisses all the sequels after the original one but then uses some of the concepts from them. To me it was ok but having been a fan since the original it just didn't have enough horror or originality to keep me on edge. Hopefully the sequel will ramp up the chills better.


ChocolateCherry (8 KP) Jun 15, 2019

Was ok

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
2010 | Action, Comedy, Romance
Ron and I went to see this movie tonight with our buddy Jay. I had high expectations for it, and I was not disappointed. From the opening credits until the very end, the film is filled with great attention grabbing comic style fight scenes, along with a brilliant soundtrack to back it up. Another factor that made the film such a fun ride was the cast. It was clear that they had fun making the film and reveled in the roles they played. Michael Cera was great, but Kieran Culkin definitely stole the show as Wallace.
The movie is in the spirit of fun and it delivers in a humorous and entertaining way that's smart and doesn't take itself too seriously. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is a movie that is worth paying for to see in the theater and you should go see it if you haven't already.
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
.....Fuckin comedians
Michael Myers is back.... And this is supposed to be what actually happened... 40 years later???
I'm sorry if any of you disagree with me... But this movie blew....
Don't get le wrong. I love the fact that Jamie Lee is back and more of a badass than i wpuld have ever expected.
But come on...
Denying the fact that almost 40 years worth of mythology happened... Thats a hard sell. Let's do some math as well.
You expect me to believe that Michael is wandering around at 61 years old, after being locked up for 40 years... And he's picking up 200 pound men one handed and crushing their windpipes???
I love the Halloween series of films. Even the Rov Zombie offerings... I love the fact that Rob gave us a back story. You found out why Michael was the way he was...
But this??? This was nothing more than two morons... And yes, I think Danny McBride is an idiot. And he should stick to Vice Principals and Eastbound and Down. And stay the fuck away from horror films.
He should've taken a hint from his lackluster and shitty preformance in Alien Covenant... And leave horror to the pros.
I'm sorry but the only person who should've carried on this franchise was John Carpenter himself... But even he knows that you shouldn't dip your pen in the company ink too many times.
Ignoring the mythology of the films and expecting die hard fans to believe that characters like Jamie Lloyd and Tommy Doyle didn't exist in the history is ludicrous.
Some people enjoyed the sequels and some people didnt. But expecting us to forget forty years of horror history???
Not on your life, comedian.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Halloween II (2009) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Halloween II (2009)
Halloween II (2009)
2009 | Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
That fateful night in Haddonfield, Laurie Strode shot and killed Michael Myers or so she thought. As the ambulance that pulled what was thought to be the corpse of the world's most notorious serial killer, Michael Myers made sure everyone knew he was still alive the best way he could; by slaughtering whoever got in his way. Now, two years later, Laurie lives with Sheriff Brackett and his daughter Annie. Laurie struggles with hallucinations and panic attacks while believing the therapy she's receiving is only making her worse. As Laurie struggles with her newfound issues, Michael tries to reunite his family. Michael has visions of his mother with a white horse accompanied by his younger self. Michael is returning to Haddonfield to finish the job.

This film has to set the record for dream sequences, which makes you wonder if the entire film is nothing more than a dream. I wasn't exactly a big fan of the remake from 2007 and expectations for this film were incredibly low, nobody can really be prepared for how terrible this film really is. Since there's so much wrong with this film, we'll try and start with what was actually was enjoyable.

Brad Dourif as Sheriff Brackett is really the highlight of the film as far as acting goes. While that probably isn't saying much and his role isn't as big as you may expect, he does a good job with the screen time he gets. His character is intense right from the start, but as things take a turn for the worse for his character his downward spiral is the most enthralling aspect of the film. A few of the deaths were also really satisfying. Mainly Buddy the Secuirty Guard. There's a night scene where an officer is out on Sheriff Brackett's lawn and we're looking at the silhouette of a tree while the officer searches the premises. Before you know it, we see Michael emerge from that tree silhouette and kill the officer.

Everything else in the film was just horrendous. The flaws are almost so overwhelming that it's nearly impossible to know where to begin. The whole white horse thing is ridiculous. So if Deborah Myers tells young Michael that he can think of her whenever he looks at the white horse figurine she gave him, wouldn't that make her a horse by default? The inconsistencies in the film are incredibly glaring, as well. Laurie and Annie's injuries from the previous film seem more severe at the start of this one, Laurie being able to put weight on an injured leg by walking on it but it causing her extreme pain when she's lifted from a stretcher to a bed at the hospital, Michael chopping off a guy's head with a shard of glass, etc. The "Nights in White Satin" thing was literally beaten into your skull by the time the film ended. If you sit through the film, it's like Rob is sitting next to you each time the song comes on nudging you with his elbow going, "Eh? Do you get it? You get it?"

Michael was way too vocal for my liking. Heavy breathing is one thing, but when we're hearing him grunt loudly every time he stabs somebody then it takes a lot of it. When he actually talked at the end of the film, I was done. He also seemed to spend more time stabbing women than men in the film. Guys get their head chopped off or an axe to the back while women get stabbed a dozen times or have their face smashed against a mirror nine times. The choreography didn't seem as good as the remake either. There's a scene where water gets on the camera and it's on there the entire scene. It's interesting at first, but after a few minutes you just want someone to get a towel to wipe it down.

As powerful as Michael seems to be, it at least made a bit more sense in the original film by John Carpenter. Michael was pure evil. That was the explanation, so him not being able to die at least sort of made sense. Now that he's been given this white trash upbringing in the remake, his super strength and inability to die just seems even more farfetched than it originally did. So when Michael is busting through walls and lifting cars with his bare hands all Incredible Hulk style in this film, it's laughable. Not to mention what happened to the Dr. Loomis character. There are just way too many things wrong with this sequel to list here.
Rob Zombie has certainly made Halloween his own with Halloween II. It's just a shame that it's really not worth watching seriously. Let's put it this way, the highlight of the film is Weird Al's cameo. After five films of dealing with white trash families, it's time for Zombie to move on to something different. It's safe to say he's bled that idea bone dry. I wouldn't seriously recommend this film to anyone, but if you're looking for a film to watch with some friends to laugh at and make fun of while it's going then this is the perfect film.
A Fine & Private Place
A Fine & Private Place
Peter S. Beagle | 1988 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
imagery (1 more)
slow pacing (0 more)
Set in a the Yorkshire Cemetery in New York City A Fine and Private Place if doing it's job correctly; will make you think about both life and death. Michael Morgan is a man who doesn't want to be dead and will hold onto his lost mortality for all he is worth, Mr. Rebeck is an eccentric who lives in the cemetery forgotten about by the outside world, has food brought to him by a raven and converses with the recently dead. All three form an unusual friendship.
This book isn't in a hurry to get anywhere taking its time to get where it wants to go. The trip that you go on is beautifully described. There is a mystery behind the happening of Morgan's death, not hurried and at times easily forgotten.
It is a witty read and challenged me a great deal. I enjoyed the slow read so I could digest some of the concepts and think them over. A good read, if a slow one.
The Victim (2012)
The Victim (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I didn't fall asleep :) (0 more)
Horrible acting (4 more)
Boring plot
Long talking scenes that add nothing
No likable characters
Was this still worth £1?
So I paid £1 for this on blu ray from Poundland. You can't argue with that price even if you are going to just watch it once.

The tone confused me a lot at first. I wasn't sure what it was supposed to be. The lighting felt terrible and the plot was terrible.

Michael Beihn was pretty much the only good part. He's a great actor but not a good director sadly. Mostly the acting was just horrible.

None of the characters were particularly likable. Despite all this, I felt there was going to be a lot more to the story than I was led to believe at the beginning so I stuck with it expecting some kind of twist. Sadly the whole thing isn't like this and just has a predictable ending.

It is badly paced with boring scenes that go on far too long and a sex scene that feels too out of place. It is a movie that tries to rely on hot girls and sex (not much might I add) with flashbacks to tell a lot of the story. This does not work and takes away whatever suspense there was.

The movie was too predictable with no surprises. I wouldn't waste your time with it to be honest. You can't even laugh at it but for £1 I can't really argue. Somehow it ain't even worth that but at least I watched it so you don't have to.
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Jim Butcher | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hells Bells!
<2022 update>

I should perhaps mention that Michael Carpenter and his family don't actually turn up until a fair ways into the story ...

<original 2015 review>

"Last year I died, but I got better"

It's probably been over a year since I read the last Harry Dresden book, as I'd been waiting (and waiting, and waiting ...) for this one to come out in paperback. Was it worth the wait?

Absolutely yes.

I know it's still only March (nearly April), but this is a strong contender for my choice for book of the year - definitely the best I've read so far this year, with the bar set VERY high for any others later this year to match.

As this starts, Harry is still on Demonreach island, still recovering from previous events in Cold Days. It's not long, however, before Mab - the Winter Queen - has Harry (as her Winter Knight) paying off on of her debts, forcing him to work with Nicodemus Archleone and the Knights of the Blackened Denarius. Harry has to help Nicodemus to rob a vault belonging to the Lord of the Underworld Hades himself, while somehow staying alive and a step ahead of the inevitable betrayal.

As the Knights of the Denarius are involved, this also means that the Knights of the Cross - or, more specifically, Michael Carpenter - are back in the novel, as counter-points to the fallen angels. So, too, are Waldo Butters, Molly Carpenter, Bob the skull and Karrin Murphy with Thomas, however, conspicuous by his absence.