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Fatal Attraction (1987)
Fatal Attraction (1987)
1987 | Drama, Mystery
Not Going to Be Ignored
Fatal Attraction- is a excellent movie both Micheal Douglas and Glenn Close are excellent in it.

The plot: For Dan Gallagher (Michael Douglas), life is good. He is on the rise at his New York law firm, is happily married to his wife, Beth (Anne Archer), and has a loving daughter. But, after a casual fling with a sultry book editor named Alex (Glenn Close), everything changes. Jilted by Dan, Alex becomes unstable, her behavior escalating from aggressive pursuit to obsessive stalking. Dan realizes that his main problem is not hiding his affair, but rather saving himself and his family.

A excellent psychological thriller. A must see.

Nick Rhodes recommended Off the Wall by Michael Jackson in Music (curated)

Off the Wall by Michael Jackson
Off the Wall by Michael Jackson
1979 | Rhythm And Blues
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This was a difficult choice. I did want something that was a disco album and could have gone for The Bee Gees’ Saturday Night Fever - you don’t get much better than the songs on that particular album. But then I thought about Michael Jackson and what he did and how he changed things. Off The Wall is Quincy [Jones] at the height of his powers producing Michael Jackson as he is coming of age. Michael had the most amazing voice and a sense of rhythm that no-one had ever heard before. It’s really something. I listened to it about two or three months ago for the first time in quite a while and it is flawless. Off The Wall was the sound of [New York super-club] Studio 54. I was too young to go to Studio 54 when it first opened but I did go later when they reopened it briefly at the beginning of the eighties. I stood in the same room just imagining what it would have been like - it would have been a lot more fun in 1977. So, that album, which to me is a more interesting album than Thriller (although again another really great album), captured the spirit of a generation and moved dance music somewhere. This discussion could go on for hours if we had time, about what happened with disco and funk, bands like Chic and Sister Sledge who I’m obviously a huge fan of, but, for me, Off The Wall was the album that defined that period."

I Know Where I'm Going (1947)
I Know Where I'm Going (1947)
1947 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This was the first Powell film I ever saw. I saw it when it first came to New York, where it played for only a few days in its initial run, or so I figured when I tried to go back and see it again. I fell in love with that film, partly because of where it took place, partly because of who was in it, partly because of the way the music slipped in and out of it, and mostly because I could see that Michael Powell, whoever he was, was my leader. Years later, when I finally met him (I was trying to make The Riddle of the Sands with him, but couldn’t raise the money), I spent an entire lunch recalling all his lines from I Know Where I’m Going! In the face of my slavish foolishness, I remember he was most gracious."


ClareR (5589 KP) rated Akin in Books

Oct 28, 2019  
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A poignant story of family history.
Akin was such a lovely surprise of a book. It’s a touching story of an elderly widower, Noah, and his estranged 12 year old great-nephew Michael, going on holiday together to Noah’s birthplace in France. Noah hasn’t been back to Nice since he left as a four year old during WWII and wants to go there for his 80th birthday. Noah and his wife were both science professors at a New York university, and had decided not to have children so that they could concentrate on their careers. So when Michael is dropped in to Noah’s life, it’s something of a shock. Noah rises to the challenge, no matter how reluctantly, because Michaels mother is serving a five year prison sentence, his father (Noah’s nephew) is dead of an overdose, and his maternal grandmother has recently died. Noah is a good person, whether he realises it or not.

I loved how both of the characters were written: Noah is not some feeble old man, he’s fit, mentally sharp and has a great sense of humour - something that’s needed with a pre-teen! Michael puts on a front of being worldly wise, wise cracking and untouchable, whilst hiding the scared 12 year old that he is. I loved how the two of them bounced off one another. To be fair, Noah is incredibly patient with him, considering that he hasn’t had much experience with 12 year olds!

The mystery element was fascinating, too. Noah has found some photos in his deceased sisters belongings which came from their mother. They’re quite abstract: the backs of heads, legs, parts of a building, and Noah starts to find out things that he’s not sure that he likes about his mother’s war.

This search was really interesting, as were the details about Noah’s famous photographer grandfather, Père Sonne.
This is such a lovely story that looks at what it is to be family - warts and all. I would highly recommend it. It’s wonderful.
A Fine & Private Place
A Fine & Private Place
Peter S. Beagle | 1988 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
imagery (1 more)
slow pacing (0 more)
Set in a the Yorkshire Cemetery in New York City A Fine and Private Place if doing it's job correctly; will make you think about both life and death. Michael Morgan is a man who doesn't want to be dead and will hold onto his lost mortality for all he is worth, Mr. Rebeck is an eccentric who lives in the cemetery forgotten about by the outside world, has food brought to him by a raven and converses with the recently dead. All three form an unusual friendship.
This book isn't in a hurry to get anywhere taking its time to get where it wants to go. The trip that you go on is beautifully described. There is a mystery behind the happening of Morgan's death, not hurried and at times easily forgotten.
It is a witty read and challenged me a great deal. I enjoyed the slow read so I could digest some of the concepts and think them over. A good read, if a slow one.

Ari Aster recommended Taxi Driver (1976) in Movies (curated)

Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver (1976)
1976 | Thriller

"My final choice. This is really tough. Part of me wanted to say Dogville. Part of me wanted to say The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp. And then part of me wanted to say Rosemary’s Baby. But I realized that I had to put an early Scorsese in there. I had a hard time choosing between Taxi Driver and Raging Bull, but I think it’s got to be Taxi Driver. I mean, from Bernard Hermann’s score to what Scorsese does with the camera with Michael Chapman. Yeah, it’s just like this sickly fever dream that captures a New York that I never got to see, but it just feels like New York to me. You know, the way that he kind of wrangled all of these very important influences that have nothing to do with one another. Like, there’s a lot of Bresson in there, but then there’s also Max Ophüls and there’s Fellini and there’s Cassavetes. You know, you see so many sources, but together they’ve become singularly Scorsese. I could put any number of Scorsese films in here. I could put Raging Bull, Goodfellas, The Age of Innocence, The King of Comedy, but right now this strikes me as like his toughest and most perfect film. Also, Bernard Hermann’s score is so persistent and so pervasive, it feels like a total montage, because that score is so driving. I’m not sure if there is another Scorsese film whose score is so integral. I mean, Cape Fear‘s score is all over it, but Taxi Driver is like top to bottom just Bernard Hermann music."

Donnie Brasco (1997)
Donnie Brasco (1997)
1997 | Drama, Mystery
Johnny Depp (2 more)
Al Pacino
True Story
Great film. Great start to a film....Just look at the information passed in the opening credits, we see gangsters, photographs, evidence, this film sets the scene in the first 1 minute, let alone 20. After that, the film plays out brilliantly. Depp plays Don the Jeweller (aka undercover FBI Agent Joe Pistone) infiltrating the New York mob/crime family. Al Pacino plays the flawed gangster Lefty Two Guns. I like a few other supporting roles like Michael Madsen as the rising mob boss Sonny Black, and Paul Giamatti show us great talent in a small role as FBI technician.
This is just a great film where we see Donny torn to pieces by the guilt of not being with his family, the pressure and danger of infiltrating the mob as an undercover agent, and the confused loyalties and love for his connected contact Lefty.
Lefty struggles with his tenuous and fragile position within the mob and looks at Donny as a way up or out.
 The film can only go one way but it's fun getting there.
Ill not divulge too much but, for me, its a must watch. Enjoy.
21 Bridges (2019)
21 Bridges (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
I found 21 Bridges to be a pretty entertaining action flick, even if it is a relatively predictable straight shooter.

The narrative revolves around two small time criminals gunning down 8 police officers during an escalated robbery, causing the whole of Manhattan to shut down as the NYPD hunt them before they can flee the city.
Like any cop thriller worth it's salt, it's of course not that simple, and has some twists and turns along the way. This is probably the main issue I had with 21 Bridges - the twist is easy to see from a mile off, and the pretty standard action sequences means that it doesn't particularly elevate itself above the competition.

The strengths here lie in the cast. Chadwick Boseman is a brilliant lead as detective Andre Davis, who is heading up the entire investigation. Stephan James is also great as Michael, one of the robbers. He's a man completely out of his depth, and is a sympathetic "antagonist". There are also some decent turns from J.K. Simmons, Sienna Miller, Taylor Kitsch, and Keith David.
All of the performances keep 21 Bridges pretty grounded for an action film, it's more of a thriller in that respect.

I'd say it's worth a watch, you could certainly do a lot worse when it comes to New York cop dramas.
The Beach House
Jane Green | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nantucket is a magical place, so many people say. Where good things happen to good people. When Nan discovers that her finances aren't that great, she decides to rent rooms in her large home on Nantucket for the summer to help earn some money. The people who decide to rent from her are all in some sort of deep turmoil in their life and spending the summer in Nantucket and with Nan, will help them to sort all of that out.

First we have Daniel and Bea. Married for close to 7 years with two young girls. Something is not right in their marriage, and Bea can't seem to figure it out. Maybe a summer rental will do them good to bring the family together.

Daph has just found out that her husband has been seeing another woman. This betrayal is nearly impossible for her to take. With her teenage daughter giving her a headache about "throwing dad out" she believes a summer away will help to clear her head.

Michael is Nan's son and is a jeweler in New York City. When events in his life take a turn for the worse, he escapes to his home town to find the solace he needs to take the next step in his life.

All these lives are intertwined and help each other to come out of tough situations at The Beach House. A beautiful story of family, love and rebuilding that anyone is sure to connect to.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Sleepy Hollow (1999) in Movies

Apr 20, 2020 (Updated Apr 20, 2020)  
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
1999 | Horror, Mystery, Romance
Sleepy Hollow is one of those films that I will always love. I first saw it when I was 13, when DVDs were still pretty new, and I would watch it over and over again.
It's just about creepy enough to offer itself to horror fans, and has the right amount of Tim Burton campiness to still appeal to younger audiences (not too young mind, plenty of blood flying about).

Johnny Depp plays Ichabod Crane, a constable sent from New York to the small town of Sleepy Hollow to investigate a series of bizarre murders, at the tail end of the 1700s.
The townsfolk are gripped with fear, convinced that the murders are the work of the fabled Headless Horseman, but Ichabod is certain that there's a less supernatural involvement behind the scenes.

The 18th Century setting is perfect for Burton's gothic style. The whole film is draped in a misty asthethic, lending it a cold and dreary atmosphere.
This is further complimented by Danny Elfman's incredible church-organ-heavy score.
The Horseman himself looks ghostly and makes for some unforgettable shots as he chases down and decapitates his way through the cast.
Said cast is a heavy duty one as well. Johnny Depp is front and centre, pretty much just being typical Johnny Depp, but it works wonders with Ichabod's almost mad-scientist character.
The rest of the cast boasts the likes of Christina Ricci, Michael Gambon, Christopher Walken, Miranda Richardson, Ian McDiarmid, Michael Gough, Richard Griffiths, Christopher Lee, Jeffrey Jones... It's an impressive list.
Some of the acting is a bit overboard at times (looking at you Christopher Walken) but it kind of adds a bit of surrealism to the whole affair.

The effects are pretty solid as well. Burton's approach to using a large amount of practical effects is admirable, and what CGI is used is subtle enough to not show the films age.

Despite it cheesyness, Sleepy Hollow manages to be both a dark and fun horror adventure, that I always enjoy watching and remains a highlight in Tim Burton's resume.