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Vikings in 30 Seconds
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bright and colourfully presented, this "in 30 seconds" book about the Vikings is targeted at middle-grade readers but accessible by older students as well. It is well laid out and leaves information easily found. Illustrations are meaningful and show the lives of these well know historical people.
Overall, this is a pleasant read, that adds to information and one I would happily put in my youngster's library.
Amberlin: Divine Destiny
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest (not necessarily positive) review.

I enjoyed the story quite a bit. It was very unique, and the characters are very likeable (except for the ones who aren't supposed to be, of course). It's an interesting read, to say the least, and I think it'd be fitting for most anyone from around middle grade and higher.

4 stars =)

Cumberland (1142 KP) rated Perfect in Books

Jan 29, 2019  
Natasha Friend | 2004 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Important Middle Grade Read
I don't expect much from middle grade books, so I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Isabelle has some very real problems that can be hard for anyone to deal with, and she is trying her best to handle everything. I love that as soon as her mother finds out Isabelle is forcing herself to throw up, she sends her to group therapy. This book has a great message. Telling the readers that if they need help get it, and if they see some in there life needs help encourage them to get it. Its also very realistic. Isabelle has to got to multiple sessions, and receives some one on one counseling before she sees any improvement. My only complaint is that I wish Ashley had her own book. I didn't feel like her story was finished, and I really would like to read things from her perspective.
Archimancy (Shadow School, #1)
Archimancy (Shadow School, #1)
J.A. White | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved and enjoyed this a lot. It was the perfect light and cozy spooky type of read yet it also has deep meaning, great themes and lessons in it as well. It's the first book in what I think will be an amazing Middle-Grade series and the more I read and check into MG books, the more I think that MG is sometimes being overlooked and shouldn't be. Middle Grade is a gold mine with lots of hidden gems in it and this is one of them that had me feeling very satisfied, happy and left with warm fuzzies.
I can't wait to read the next book in this series. Also J. A. White is a fantastic author, I keep falling in love with all his stories and books. If you haven't read this book or any books by J. A. White then you'd better go check his books out!
The Tiger Rising
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Never judge a book by it's cover. I seriously thought a girl was going to ride a tiger in the woods. Sorry spoiler alert she doesn't. However, the book was well written and an emotionally believable story line of the trials the boy and girl in the book are going through and what events take place to overcome them. This is a middle grade book but I still enjoyed the quick read.
Double Cross (The Last Musketeer, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Middle Grade trilogy comes to an end as modern day teen Greg Rich must figure out a way to save seventeenth century France and find the stone that will take his family home. Fasted paced action made it hard to put down, and I loved every second of the race to the end.

My full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.