
Daniel Scheinert recommended PEN15 in TV (curated)

mmb02191 (81 KP) rated Where the Red Fern Grows in Books
May 29, 2018
Believable (1 more)
Good for Middle school level readers
Man VS Nature
Very nicely written and believable story. A story I have remembered since I first read it in Middle School. I still use it in my Middle School classroom today. Haven't met a student that hasn't enjoyed reading it! You will cry!

Christy Reams
(0 KP)
Middle School Librarian
I love to get new book recommendations, especially ones that might be good to add to my library...

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Where the Sidewalk Ends in Books
May 10, 2018
I used to love reading this book when I was in elementary and middle school!!

Jason Lazarow
(1 KP)
Middle School Teacher
I am a middle school teacher and father of 2.
Last Active: Jun 3, 2018
Learning Engineering Through Video Podcasts
Smith College engineering students create educational video podcasts about how materials behave for...