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Mob Psycho 100
Mob Psycho 100
2016 | Action, Animation, Horror
8.3 (3 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Pretty Different But Pretty Cool
Mob Psycho 100 is an anime tv series adaptation produced by Bones. It was created by ONE, directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa, written by Hiroshi Seko and licensed by Crunchyroll. The English Dub was released by Funimation in 2016, a live-action adaptation premiered in 2018 and second season in 2019.

Although he looks like an unassuming person, average middle school student, Shigeo Kageyama, is actually a powerful esper with immense psychic powers. He lives his life under a constant emotional shackle to keep from losing control of his power. To help learn how to control his abilities, he works as an assistant to a self-proclaimed psychic, Reigen Arataka, who is really a con-man. As he struggles to live a normal life, trouble keeps pushing his emotions which threaten his power to break through its limits.

This anime was way better than I thought it was going to be. At first the look of the characters and the personality of the main character didn't really draw me in. In fact I almost didn't watch past the first episode, but I'm really glad I did. Not only did this series have some awesome battles and cool concepts/ideas, it was really funny and humorous. I remember laughing out loud at a couple of scenes that were just ridiculous but seemed to fit in a way that accentuated the vibe of the show. The supporting characters were very interesting as well, his mentor, his brother, and even a ghost Dimple. All had their own charm and redeeming characteristics for all their flaws. This was a really fun show and very different from most mainstream anime. Equally funny and dramatic but with good action. I give this a 7/10.

Tom Chaplin recommended Achtung Baby by U2 in Music (curated)

Achtung Baby by U2
Achtung Baby by U2
1991 | Alternative

"I was never that big a U2 fan actually! The others, especially Dominic [Scott] who left before we got a record deal, were massive fans. He was a great guitarist - I think Keane would be a really different animal had Dominic stayed with us, he’s a brilliant guitarist. He basically just played a bit like The Edge meets Jonny Greenwood. And the others would harp on about U2, I was a bit younger and I was still into the Beatles and Queen, but Achtung Baby, of all of their records, is my favourite. It’s quite exposed, I suppose. I think that The Edge was getting divorced when they wrote that record and a lot of the songs were trying to make sense of that mess. But my favourite U2 song is 'Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses' and it’s really weird because that has the best middle eight that has ever been written - it might even be like 32 bars long! It’s a total heart-stopping moment, it’s vintage U2, it drops down with Bono doing his posturing, rock star thing, and then it builds and builds and launches into that great chorus. It’s classic U2, all quite pretentious. One of my problems with U2 is that it can sometimes smack of bad school poetry from time to time! I remember someone saying to me, “Oh that line about playing Jesus to the lepers in your head was the greatest line every written in a pop song!”. That’s the fucking lamest line I’ve ever heard! We met Steve Lillywhite when we signed our record deal, he produced that song, and we were saying, "Tell us about 'Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses'", and he was like, “Oh, I’ve got nothing but bad memories about that song! We couldn’t ever get it to work!”"

Very Best Of by The Human League
Very Best Of by The Human League
2005 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was into so much stuff around this time. It was 1981 and I was 12, turning 13 at the end of the year. I loved Duran Duran and Associates, 2 Tone stuff, ABC, The Jam... it didn't really matter then. You didn't have to be part of any tribe. We had them, but we never called them mods or rockers or whatever. We had the Sweats - they were the heavy guys who used to sit in a circle and smoke dope on the school field. They liked Motörhead and they all stank of patchouli oil. But they were all very friendly. Then there the Smoothies - they were more like mods really. Very tidy and neat, with these wedge haircuts. But I could never really do that. I could be one thing one day, and something else the next. I liked 'Ace Of Spades' at the same time as liking 'Planet Earth'. It was all the same thing. I remember being in class and we were all talking about 'Love Action', and singing the middle bit - "I believe, I believe what the old man says...", which I thought was profoundly wise at the time. It's still pretty good. I like the line, "I believe in truth/ Though I lie a lot." The noises in the intro really intrigued me. And for a while I did put the air guitar down and get my mum's ironing board out and play the synths on that. The music's quite cold - it's quite a cold groove for a love song. And it is a love song. His voice is kind of warm, but he's got such authority - you believe everything he's singing. At the end of that year, when Dare came out, everybody had it. It was great."


Darren Fisher (2454 KP) rated Killer's Moon (1978) in Movies

Dec 11, 2020 (Updated Dec 11, 2020)  
Killer's Moon (1978)
Killer's Moon (1978)
1978 | Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Classic low budget British horror
I love my bonkers films and this demented British horror from Alan Birkinshaw certainly is up there. Four lunatics escape from a cottage (yep, not even a mental institution) whilst dosed up on LSD provided by the psychiatrists (it's a experiment in which said nutters think they are only dreaming - so whatever they do whilst tripping holds no consequence). Meanwhile, in the middle of nowhere, a bus full of schoolgirls brakes down. With no other choice the bus driver goes lookin for help whilst the teachers and girls seek refuge in a desolate hotel. As the escaped lunatics make their murderous way across country they come across the hotel. Once inside they begin tormenting, raping and decimating the cast. It's grimy, sleazy and very non-politically correct. I certainly can't imagine it getting made in todays times. The infrequent gore scenes are more 'Carry On...' style than gruesome, the special effects are amateur, accompanied with goofy sound effects. What carries the film along is the dialogue. Co-written with the directors sister Fay Weldon, the script is jaw droppingly unbelievable, unintentionally hilarious and mind-bogglingly bizarre. The most infamous quote comes after one school girl has been raped by one of the lunatics and pretty much sets the tone of what you are watching...

"Look, you were only raped, as long as you don't tell anyone about it you'll be alright. You pretend it never happened, I pretend I never saw it and if we ever get out of this alive, well, maybe we'll both live to be wives and mothers"

Just one of many delicious quotes from the film I hasten to add. Guaranteed trash gold. Highly recommended.