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Jennifer Kirkland (1 KP) created a post

Jan 25, 2018  
On age-appropriate reading and viewing..

There are two kinds in our household. I am not so concerned about Miss Abby; she's fifteen and has an innocent sort of sophistication that comes of understanding the theory of the realities of life, but not having experienced most of them for herself. So she can read dystopian novels and watch horror movies and so forth without much problem, though I like to be near her on first exposure to the scary or sexual or violent this she has not experienced before so she can ask questions.

Mix Liz is another story. She's ten, sensitive, scary-bright, and on the autism spectrum, so she has a bundle of insecurities. Also her father (Abby's stepfather) passed away about a year-and-a-half ago, so Lizzy is extra sensitive to stories where parents are dead or missing. You can, for instance, forget about Unfortunate Events, although Harry Potter seems to be fine as long as her momma is there to support her.

What she really seems to appreciate is middle school dramas; she's a huge fan of the Dork Diaries, for instance. They're aimed at ages nine to twelve, and although her reading level is higher than her age, her ability-to-cope level is at or below 10-and-in-fourth-grade. The GoddessGirls series is also a favorite; it's a slightly less scary (and more girl-power) kind of Percy Jackson. What I especially like about these books is that it's impossible for her to think of things like Hades as straight-up evil; in these stories he is the epitome of the Dark is Not Evil trope, the Goth kid from the wrong side of the River Styx. This gives her some perspective and nuanced understanding she doesn't get from watching, say, Disney's Hercules. (Whom she cannot call Hercules, as his name should be Heracles, and she knows it).

In any case, just wanted to share some interesting tidbits from a GamerMom with a sensitive kid. More later, peeps.
Gold Unicorn
Tanith Lee | 1996
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is going to be lengthy and a little roundabout up here I go...
When I first read this book I was in middle school ~12or so. I loved it and tried as hard as I could to find the prequel. The pet peeve was my favorite character (I -for some quark of the universe- find all of Thanith Lee’s series the second books before the first ones). It scared me and made me think. This was not my normal image of what a unicorn was and a female lead was quite new to me, especially one that saves herself. When I was 15 I read it again as I had found the third book. It had changed. I found Tanaquil self-centered and for all her travels short sighted. The relationship between the sisters was weird and not yet having read the first book I found Tanaquil being unfair toward her mom. I also found the interaction between her and the men interesting. I finally found the first book in my twenties so I reread the series. It had changed again. I realized how badly things could have turned out how lucky she was and yes still scared of some of the parts but was for different reasons. The interaction between the men and women were annoying anyone who wasn’t a main character was frivolous and silly. And having read the first book seeing Tanaquil not as self centered. I was also amazed that it was labeled a kids book. Now in my thirties, it has changed again. Mostly because of what is going on in the world. The best intentions of Tanaquil’s half sister which always unnerved me, I understand better. I as an adult realized this was the first (or one of the first) books I had ever read in which there is no clear cut villain. It is well written and worthy of being read over and over and I will lend it to my friends, nephews, and cousins to read.
Jennifer's Body (2009)
Jennifer's Body (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
6.4 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The best way to describe Jennifer's Body is that it's pretty middle of the road. Nothing spectacular, but still pretty entertaining, and a would-be standard demonic posession horror-comedy if it wasn't for some good turns from the cast.

The plot revolves around popular high school teen Jennifer (Megan Fox) becoming possessed after a satanic ritual goes awry. Her best friend Needy (Amanda Seyfried) is caught in the crossfire as she tries to find a way to stop Jennifer's murderous Succubus ways.
The movie misses a trick in its titular character. Megan Fox is good at the whole evil schtick, but Jennifer is possessed for about 95% of the runtime, and for that entire duration, she's an absolute douche. We don't see enough of Jennifer beforehand to feel much sympathy towards her. A flashback sequence dealing with how she ended up possessed starts to lean in that direction, but it's an opportunity that's not explored enough. It feels like there's a message in here about the pressures put on women in today's culture to always look the part. An important message indeed, but it's gets lost somewhat in this oversight.
Amanda Seyfried is the real lead here, and her character is wholly sympathetic, and a huge bonus for the overall film. The relationship between her and her boyfriend Chip (Johnny Simmons) is believable and often humourous, and together, they add so much to this movie.
It's also worth mentioning that Adam Brody and J.K. Simmons are both great, and definitely provide the best comedic moments.

The scares are spread pretty thin, but there are a few creepy moments here and there, and some decent gore for good measure. A lot of it seemed practical as well which is always a plus. The little CGI on display is a bit dodgy, but a minor gripe.

Overall then, Jennifer's Body is an imperfect, but solidly entertaining splatter film that tries to capture the struggles of being a teenager, and kind of succeeds, and is certainly worth a watch.

Becs (244 KP) rated Words That Kill in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Words That Kill
Words That Kill
Vivid Vega | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve always had a thing for poetry and have loved every single poetry collection that I have gotten my hands on. My husband got me Words That Kill by Vivid Vega for this past Christmas. When I started to read it, I couldn’t put it down, it was just so good and so emotional. But I eventually had to take a break because it was starting to mess with me. There are not many poetry collections that touch on the mental health subject and I’m glad that there is now one available to the public.

Genre: Mental Health, Young Adult

Audience: Young Adult but also mature audiences as well

Reading level: Middle to High School

Interests: Depression, Mental Health, Anxiety, Suicide, Abuse, Hope, and Love.

Style: Light to hard – depending on the person.

Point of view: First person

Difficulty reading: Very easy to read but be warned, it does make you very emotional.

Promise: Words That Kill promises a poetry collection that talks about mental health and it delivers.

Quality: I believe everybody should read this even if they haven’t dealt with mental health.

Insights: Not taking the grammatical and spelling errors, the poems were a lot lighter to read compared to Rupi Kuar or even Shakespeare.

Ah-Ha Moment: There wasn’t really a moment where I went ‘Ah yea, that’s the turning point’. This is only because it wasn’t really a story, more of a poem that brings memories of the past back to life.

Favorite quote: “There is no need to hide in the shade, the light will come and your pain will fade.” – This is a great representation of how depression works. You have your good and your bad moments.

Aesthetics: The thing that drew me to the book in the first place, minus the topic of mental health of course, was the fact that the entire book is white words on an entirely black background. I’ve never seen a book have that aesthetically pleasing style and I love it!

“Like a flower, I will bloom again – depression.”
A Wrinkle in Time
A Wrinkle in Time
Madeleine L'Engle | 2015 | Children
7.8 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Fiction, literary classic, children’s, young adult, science fiction.

Audience: children – young adult.

Reading level: middle school.

Interests: science fiction, fantasy, mythical creatures

Style: Fantasy Sci-Fi

Point of view: Third Person with a mix of first person.

Difficulty reading: Not at all! As easy as eating a piece of cake.

Promise: Ground-breaking science fiction.

Quality: Like a banana split with extra sprinkles and a cherry on top on a hot day. 🙂

Insights: I absolutely kick myself in the a** for the not reading this sooner. I think everybody should read it, no matter how old you are. And I didn’t know it was part of a 5 book series until today! SAY WHATTTT!!!??? I’m definitely purchasing the complete series brand new (the copy I have is my mother’s and it’s old and ragedy).

Ah-Ha Moment: THE ENTIRE BOOK. No joke. Like I wasn’t expecting the main character to be a girl, let alone so young and to have such an ordinary family. You don’t see that typically!

Favorite Quotes: “Like and equal are not the same thing at all.” – This is great, especially with our history as human beings. We need to be seen as equals not just ‘like’.

“Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You’re given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself.” – Be true to yourself, for there is nobody like you in the entire universe.

“Experiment is the mother of knowledge.” – You can’t just go into life expecting to know everything and how it’s all going to end. You have to experiment because then you gain the knowledge that others may have not known.

Aesthetics: My old first edition copy has a really neat cover, it’s what drew me in originally. I loved the take on the story and how in my mind, I can actually imagine the different characters and their surroundings. It’s a weird yet interesting book.

“People are more than just the way they look.”
The Blackcoat's Daughter (February) (2015)
The Blackcoat's Daughter (February) (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Characters – Joan is a lost girl that is trying to return home from a hospital which brings along a couple that want to help her to make up for the fact they lost their daughter, Kat is the emotionless quiet girl at the school who hasn’t heard from her parents before winter break and must stay there with Rose. Rose is the other girl that got left at the home, I feel she is older and expected to be the one to look after Kat.

Performance – The three girls Emma Roberts, Kiernan Shipka and Lucy Boynton are all good through the film, they each create their own personality for their characters which does make us care what they are up to however confusing it all gets.

Story – The story here is very confusing, we follow two seemingly different story arcs about girls that find themselves becoming possessed by an evil spirit, we don’t get to focus on either of them enough and they don’t seem to meet up at any point to explain why we need to watch two different stories unfold. I do feel this does end up coming off attempting to be too smart for its own good leaving us with nothing important happening.

Horror – This tries to play into the psycological horror but ends up falling slightly short because it ends up being confusing.

Settings – The settings don’t help here either because we follow the two stories one is on the road while the other is around the middle of the home the girls are staying.

Special Effects – The effects are good without being overused and mostly used for gore effects.

Scene of the Movie – Stop here, because it is shocking.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It was just too confusing.

Tagline – She Returns.

Final Thoughts – This film is just too confusing really, it makes everything hard to follow which didn’t make it enjoyable to follow.


Overall: Too Confusing.
