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Daniel Scheinert recommended PEN15 in TV (curated)

mmb02191 (81 KP) rated Where the Red Fern Grows in Books
May 29, 2018
Believable (1 more)
Good for Middle school level readers
Man VS Nature
Very nicely written and believable story. A story I have remembered since I first read it in Middle School. I still use it in my Middle School classroom today. Haven't met a student that hasn't enjoyed reading it! You will cry!

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Where the Sidewalk Ends in Books
May 10, 2018
I used to love reading this book when I was in elementary and middle school!!

Sarah Betts (103 KP) rated The Awakening / The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries, #1-2) in Books
Dec 30, 2019
Believe it or not, this series got me through a lot of tough times in middle school.
RIP Homeless Steve.
Believe it or not, this series got me through a lot of tough times in middle school.
RIP Homeless Steve.

Lindsay (1732 KP) rated Where the Red Fern Grows in Books
Feb 8, 2018
I read this in school sometime in my highschool or Middle time. I do not remember the date I read it but I do remember reading it twice.

Erika (17789 KP) rated Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Books
Sep 2, 2017
I remember being completely enthralled by this novel when I was in middle school. I read it in 1998, when it was first published in the USA, and I thought I was the coolest kid in school for being the first one to check it out of the school library. The first chapter had me hooked on the series.

Melinda McGuire Abel (1 KP) rated Go Ask Alice in Books
Mar 14, 2018
An eye opening account of a young girl. Definitely not a middle school book. Interesting story of a girl who has run away and lives a life as an adult quickly.

Bohan Reviews (215 KP) rated Eighth Grade (2018) in Movies
May 7, 2019
The film almost forces the viewer to remember being in middle school, and that is somehow simultaneously cathartic and unbearably embarrassing.
Full Review:
Full Review:

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated Bruce Wayne: Not Super in Books
Oct 18, 2023 (Updated Oct 18, 2023)
Fun Middle School Origin Story
Bruce Wayne stands out at his middle school, Gotham Preparatory School for the Really, Really Gifted. No, not because of the wealth he’s inherited from him parents but because he’s the only one without any powers. But when he sees a student bullying another kid, he decides he has to do something. Will he come up with a plan?
This is a fun alternative take on Batman’s origins including cameos from other DC super heroes. The story was entertaining, and I laughed multiple times as I was reading. Be sure to look at the illustrations since some of the jokes are in there. This graphic novel is a very fun read.
This is a fun alternative take on Batman’s origins including cameos from other DC super heroes. The story was entertaining, and I laughed multiple times as I was reading. Be sure to look at the illustrations since some of the jokes are in there. This graphic novel is a very fun read.

Dean (6927 KP) rated Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010) in Movies
Jun 5, 2018
The first of 3 films, about a kid trying to fit in at middle school. Everyone can relate to a large part of the film. Starting a new school, with older kids, growing up and trying to fit in. It has a few childish moments meant to be funny for very young viewers perhaps. Overall a decent family comedy film.