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Darkness Falling (Light Up the Dark, #1)
Darkness Falling (Light Up the Dark, #1)
Bria Ferguson | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOW!!! Just... WOW!!!

DARKNESS FALLING is the first book in the Light Up the Dark series and it is simply brilliant!

In a world similar yet different to the one we currently live in, Lex and Mike are soul mates, platonic ones, much to Lex's disappointment. He has loved Mike for years but hides it, knowing Mike is straight. Mike, well, he thinks he's straight, but he can't help certain feelings towards Lex. The question is, will these actually talk about it before the world ends?

The quick answer is yes, yes they do. I loved these two young men, I really did. It is a big world they live in, with plenty of characters and situations to keep you turning the pages. I loved the flow of this story, as it took you from the streets of New Orleans, to training, to Afghanistan, and then on a trek across both land and sea as they tried to return home.

They are ably supported by a fantastic cast of characters - military guys, witches, shifters, mages, and let's not forget Andie. I love her addition and can't wait to see more of her in the next book. She's going to keep the boys on their toes, that's for sure.

There is so much I could rave about - the natural relationship of Mike and Lex - the brotherhood of the MagCorps - the magical EMP that causes such devastation - Lex's enthusiasm for history - honestly, I'd be here for hours! This was a novel that I started at night, figuring I'd just read a little before bed. Instead, I was glued to the pages, only putting it down when I simply couldn't focus any longer, only to pick it up first thing the following morning to continue and finish their story.

Absolutely fantastic and I can't wait for Book 2. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 4, 2023
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
2016 | Comedy
Mike (Adam Devine), and his brother Dave (Zac Efron), are a couple of easy going and fun loving guys who make their living as liquor salesman, often using some elaborate schemes.

One evening their parents greet them with an ultimatum, they must bring dates to their sister’s wedding in Hawaii. The reason for this is that in their exuberance, Mike and Dave have been known to go overboard in trying to impress the ladies, which has resulted in some epic disasters at numerous family events.

Desperate to appease their Sister Jeanie (Sugar Lyn Beard), the duo turn to the internet to try to find nice girls who will go with them to Hawaii. Naturally they are flooded with thousands of e-mails from girls hoping to score a free trip and their efforts soon get them on a talk show, where they tell their story.

Enter Alice (Anna Kendrick) and Tatiana (Aubrey Plaza); two lifelong friends who have just lost their jobs after Alice was brutally left at the altar on her wedding day. The two see Mike and Dave on television and devise a plan to pass themselves off as decent ladies to score the free trip. The plan works and in no time they are in Hawaii and getting ready for the events.

Unfortunately for Mike and Dave, the two girls are not what they appear as they are actually foul mouthed party girls with a passion for wild and reckless behavior and who lack any sort of internal censor.

Combine this with the internal family tensions that can arise at such events it is no surprise that this wedding is on a fast path to disaster.

What follows is a series of crude, outrageous, and hilarious events as Mike and Dave clash with the girls, family, each other and learn more about life, love and family.

The cast works well with one another and there are some truly funny sequences such as the relaxing massage and musical number. The cast works very well with one another and you will want to watch the outtakes during the final credits as they add even more laughs to the film.

While it is mainly a comedy that uses every bit of its R rating, there are enough laughs for those who are willing to overlook some of the issues with the film’s pacing and basic premise, but remember it is a comedy, and if you do not mind this type of humor, you will find yourself laughing along frequently.
Turning Forty
Turning Forty
Mike Gayle | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good plot and easy to read (0 more)
Maybe too easy (0 more)
Typical Mike Gayle
I loved this book. Written in a first person point of view, the reader counts down the days with Matt, until his 40th birthday. The beginning of the novel see's Matt in his expensive house, admiring his new shed paid for by his high flying job. This false sense of security is short lived and the reader watches as the protagonist's life falls apart.

For me, this novel is all about the character's; Ginny, the back up plan, Gerry, the ex music idol and now charity shop manager, Rosa, the too young and too controlling girlfriend, and many many, more. These characters are believable and cringe worthy at the same time.
I think the most refreshing thing about the novel, however, is the ending. All the way through the story I held out hope for Matt, and the ending, although not exactly a fairytale ending, was realistic.

I love Mike Gayle's work, easy to read, believable, funny and sad, a real look at the idiosyncrasies of people.
Sword and Scale
Sword and Scale
Society & Culture
7.1 (19 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Accounts of crime (2 more)
Recordings and interviews
Many episodes
Production can be cheesy (0 more)
Controversial but popular podcast
Sword and scale is a bit like marmite. You either love it or hate it.
Whatever you think, this crime podcast narrated by Mike Boudet is a hugely popular show in term of active listeners.
It really does draw you in and you have plenty of episodes to go through. Sword and scale is to the point and can be a bit insensitive or biased.
It's usually the host that draws the controversy. However in my mind the solution is simple. If you are easily offended don't listen..
My Name Is Joe (Mein Name ist Joe) (1999)
My Name Is Joe (Mein Name ist Joe) (1999)
1999 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Maybe My Name Is Joe, to mix it up a bit. At the time when I saw this, I was just wanting to get into filmmaking and I was really fascinated by Ken Loach — and Mike Leigh — because, again, they were social realist films. Loach is more politically based. My Name Is Joe was just such a moving film and it basically portrayed a portrait of a man that basically didn’t have a choice in the choices he made because of his political situation, and then, just how that wasn’t really enough. It was a really tragic, moving film. I just love that film."

Our Kind of Cruelty: A Novel
Our Kind of Cruelty: A Novel
Araminta Hall | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Our Kind of Cruelty is an engrossing, in-depth case study of the weirdly obsessive and detrimental love story between Mike Hayes and Verity Walton. Author Araminta Hall only provides readers with Mike’s point of view, so there are some limitations into what we can glean about Verity’s thoughts, motivations, and behaviors. Nevertheless, seeds of doubt are sown from the beginning of the story about both characters’ integrity and reliability.

Mike and Verity have been inseparable since meeting at university and starting up their one-of-a-kind relationship. During their early years they established a disturbing game which they referred to as the Crave, in which they always benefited at the expense of others. It is unclear who started the game, as Verity will say Mike did and vice versa. Similarly, a number of other relevant events in their tumultuous relationship are clouded with duplicity, right down to the moment when one of their so-called Crave victims ends up dead. What ensues is a riveting trial in which a jury (and readers) must navigate through the he-said/she-said testimonies and decide who the guilty party is.

In the ever-growing mound of psychological thrillers that have skyrocketed since the release of Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl, Araminta Hall’s latest work really stands out due to the fact that she’s changed up the ever popular unreliable narrator trope. In Our Kind of Cruelty, the central unreliable narrator is a male; typically readers have been treated to unpredictable and untrustworthy females. Needless to say, I really enjoyed this twist. I also really enjoyed the court procedural part of the book; reading the conflicting accounts between Mike and Verity was like watching a riveting tennis match where the ball is whacked mercilessly back and forth between both parties. Check this book out today if you’re in the mood for something dark yet intriguing, something that will leave you thinking and wondering long after you’ve finished the book.
In a Kingdom by the Sea
In a Kingdom by the Sea
Sara Macdonald | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Imagine how it must feel to live in a country that is nearly always depicted negatively? How does it feel to have your country's natural beauty and landscape usurped by the violence of a small percentage of people? This is what Gabriella discovers the majority of the population of Pakistan face when she accompanies her husband Mike to Karachi where he works for Pakistan Atlantic Airways.

Gabriella and her sons have been used to Mike disappearing for months at a time on various jobs abroad, however, she is beginning to feel she and her husband are drifting apart. When Mike suggests she come and stay with him in Pakistan, she jumps at the chance, however, instead of strengthing the relationship, Gabriella feels further away than ever. Constantly left behind in a hotel while Mike attends numerous conferences, Gabriella is virtually housebound; it being too dangerous to venture outside. Not only that, she suspects Mike is having an affair and to top it all off, her half-sister Dominique reveals a devastating secret about their childhood in Cornwall.

In a Kingdom by the Sea by Sara MacDonald is essentially a contemporary love story, exploring the woes of a nearly fifty-year-old coming to the end of a long relationship. With underlying elements of mystery, for instance, what happened to Dominique in the early 1970s and what exactly is Mike up to, the novel also explores the hidden truths of a country stereotyped by violence and terrorism.

Gabriella meets dozens of kind and caring people in Pakistan who have her best interests at heart. These people are not dangerous or violent as the media often leads the western world to believe. Whilst some groups of people are content to cause death and destruction, leaving the cities a minefield to navigate, there are plenty more who wish to live peaceful lives. Gabriella is captivated by the beautiful, enchanting landscapes, unlike anything back home in England.

As the story progresses, Gabriella learns more about the lives of women in Pakistan. They are unable to live as they please, having to bow to the commands of their husbands, parents and brothers instead. The more Gabriella speaks to these women, the more she realises that cooped up in the hotel most of the day, she is in a similar situation, under the thumb of her own husband. So, she stops. Thinks. Is this the life she wants?

In a Kingdom by the Sea is a slightly long-winded but eye-opening story. Not everyone will be able to relate to the lives of Pakistani women, however, their plight will resonate with those who relish freedom. Whilst it is difficult to compare Gabriella's life with the women she meets in Karachi, readers will also be rooting for Gabriella's happy-ever-after.
This Is the Sea by The Waterboys
This Is the Sea by The Waterboys
1985 | Folk, Pop, Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I suppose this is another more upbeat song. I feel like I can remember it from one of those Best of the ‘80s compilations from when I was a teenager, but unlike a lot of the songs from that era, it has a lot of real lived experience and heart to it. “Although these songs are in chronological order, this had an influence on me when we were touring with Klaxons in 2007. At the end of the tour I stayed in New York to write on my own for a few weeks. I’d read that Mike Scott from The Waterboys was living on the East Side, and I would walk around that area every day listening to “The Whole of the Moon” hoping I’d bump into him. Which I never did, unfortunately. “I love the story behind this track. Essentially, one night Mike Scott had been out drinking and he met this girl. As he walked her back to her apartment, he told her he was a songwriter and she said “Well, then write me a song now.” He looked up at the sky and there was a half crescent of the moon, and he wrote the first half of this song on the walk home, just to impress this girl. I was so blown away by the romance of that. “I would sit on this bench at a dog park and think ‘How do I summon that greatness in a song.’ A few days before I flew home, I wrote “Two Doors Down”, sat on that bench in that dog park. And I feel I’ve got Mike Scott to thank for that."

As well as the love of reading, I also seem to have passed on my love of history to the Mini Bookworm. He is 8 and I often find myself digging him out of a pile of "Horrible Histories" books just to tuck him in at night!

So when I saw the cover and concept of "A Day in the Life of a Caveman, a Queen and Everything Inbetween", requesting a spot on the book tour was a no brainer.
This GORGEOUS book takes the concept of the illustrations within HH books and totally runs with it. The comic book style really spoke to the mini bookworm and really kept him engaged for a long period of time. In fact, when I asked him if he had any negative points for this review he thought for a very long time before finally saying "it just wasn't long enough".
The topics are presented in one page snippets - it's not going to teach your kids all about one particular subject but, in my opinion, it is going to get them excited to learn more.
As a parent, I also really appreciated the progression of the topics into modern history. The civil rights page initiated a whole conversation about segregation and racism for example! Similarly, fossil fuels and global warming are factors that greatly affect our youngsters, but are presented in a really fun way.
Thank you to Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley for creating this wonderful book, and to Love Books Tours for giving the Mini Bookworm and I the opportunity to review it. As we live in the same county as Mike Barfield the Mini Bookworm did initially want to find him to be his friend, but apparently will settle for adding "A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You" to his Christmas list!
Teaches children that love is not about gender. 100% of proceeds go to The Trevor Project and AIDS United! The illustrations are bright and absolutely adorable. Learn to celebrate our differences! (0 more)
Not a single thing (0 more)
A tale of tolerance and advocacy for both children & adults
Contains spoilers, click to show
A beautiful tale about a boy bunny, Marlon Bundo, who falls in love with another boy bunny, Wesley. Marlon's grandpa happens to be, Vice President Mike Pence. In real life, Pence has held a strong opposition to LGBTQ rights; young children will probably not be aware of this and so the humor is there for the parents. There is no sexual content in this book and is merely about love. The artwork is amazing and Marlon looks very dapper in his fantastic bow-ties. The stink bug declares that there will only be love between boy/girl bunnies and not boy/boy bunnies and that because Marlon loves Wesley, he is different and bad. Of course the stink bug resembles Pence. I bought this book on Kindle for my 6 month old granddaughter and I read it to her immediately and am eagerly waiting the hardcover version. I also read it to my 2 male and very gay cats and both the baby and 2 cats enjoyed it immensely! This book is a great teaching aid for children born to heterosexual parents or children of same sex parents, not to mention adults!