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Concussion (2015)
Concussion (2015)
2015 | Drama
7.7 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Concussion has quite a few big names starring in it, as well as a few I
had never heard of.

The main cast is as follows: Will Smith as Dr. Bennet Omalu, Gugu
Mbatha-Raw as Prema Mutiso, Alec Baldwin as Dr. Julian Bailes, Albert
Brooks as Dr. Cyril Wecht, David Morse
as Mike Webster, Matthew Willig as Justin Strezelczyk, Paul Reiser as
Dr. Elliot Pellman, Arliss Howard as Dr. Joseph Maroon, Luke Wilson as
Roger Goodell, Mike O’Malley as Daniel Sullivan, Hill Harper as Spellman
Jones, Eddie Marsan as Dr. Steven DeKosky, Stephen Moyer as Dr. Ron
Hamilton, and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Dave Duerson.

Dr. Bennet Omalu works at the Pittsburgh coroner’s office as a forensic
pathologist along with Dr. Cyril Wecht and Daniel Sullivan. Omalu, a
highly educated Doctor hailing from Nigeria, strives to stride in the
footsteps of Dr. Wecht, and must contend with the derision thrown his
way by Sullivan.

Based on true events, the story follows Omalu in his quest to find out
the true cause of death of “Iron Mike” Webster, and subsequently team
mates and other football players that seem to go crazy for no obvious

Will Smith takes this role and immerses himself in it. His accent is
believable, his mannerisms are believable, his portrayal of the
character as a whole drew me and made me BELIEVE it.

The supporting cast are all really really great as well. Gugu Mbatha-Raw
as Smiths love interest, Prema is probably one of the quietest
characters in the movie, yet she portrays herself as Omalu’s staunch
supporter straight through the whole film.

Albert Brooks as Dr. Cyril Wecht gave a brilliant performance as a cut
and dry no-nonsense Chief Medical Examiner as well. He supports Omalu’s
research even when he must see that it may be detrimental to his own
career, and indeed, in the end, his support of Omalu does almost cost
him his entire career.

Dr. Omalus research, spending his own money to run testing in order to
find the cause of death of Mike Webster, puts him directly in the
crosshairs of the NFL. His subsequent discovery of and diagnoses of CTE
(Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) in Webster, and other NFL players
that died by their own hands or in tragic accidents due to basically
going crazy, threatened the NFL and its entire existence, or so they

Alec Baldwin gives a great performance as a man struggling between his
love of a sport and his guilt over sending players back into a game when
they were hurt. Early in the film he is shown to say “what am I
missing”. He has run the tests he knows to run, but cannot get to the
bottom of what is clearly affecting his players. He helps Dr. Omalu in
his quest to bring the truth before the NFL and the media and the

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Dave Duerson has only brief moments on film,
but his contribution to the movie and his final contribution to Omalus
research at the time of his death, helps bring CTE to the forefront of
the media eye, which in turn forces the NFL to address the findings, at
least ion some level.

Will Smith is up for a Golden Globe for his role in this film and I have
to say that in my opinion it is well deserved.

I loved the movie, it had my full attention from beginning to end, and I
thought that it was very well done. It showed the seedy underside of the
NFL and the extents to which big multi-million dollar companies will go
to in order to hide any truths that might threaten their way of doing
business. During the movie I murmured under my breath to my husband
“This reminds me of the crap the tobacco industry pulled when it was
trying to deny that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer”, and I was not
surprised when in some of the later clips there were voice overs heard
from a congressional hearing basically saying the same thing.

I would give this movie 5 out of 5 stars.
Shrek Forever After (2010)
Shrek Forever After (2010)
2010 | Action, Animation, Comedy
6.9 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After spending years scaring villagers with his evil roar, then rescuing princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz) from a dragon, and saving his in-laws’ kingdom, Shrek (Mike Meyers) feels his adventuresome days are over. This doesn’t sit well with him and he finds himself growing somewhat weary of his day-to-day life of a loving husband and father of three. He longs to be a “real” ogre again.

Enter Rumpelstiltskin (Walt Dohrn), who tricks Shrek into signing a contract with him, giving up a day of his life to be a real ogre again. Shrek finds himself back in Far Far Away, but this time it’s an alternate universe, one where ogres are hunted. In this alternate world, Shrek soon learns after meeting up with Donkey (Eddie Murphy), Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) and Fiona, that they have never met before.

Shrek realizes that the only way to fix things is to make Princess Fiona fall in love with him, and recruits Donkey and Puss in Boots to help him. Along the way Shrek faces many challenges in the world where Rumpelstiltskin rules and witches thwart his every effort, but in the end (as all fairy tales should, of course) love conquers all.

With nonstop laughs from the get go, this movie will not disappoint. The 3D effects were impressive, added a great depth to the movie, and really brought it to life. Although this is the fourth movie in the franchise, I was impressed with this one most of all. It has a heartfelt storyline that can capture an audience of all ages, making it a wonderful conclusion to the Shrek series.

4.5 out of 5

Vicki Gleave D'Aunay (12 KP) Aug 8, 2019

Another great shrek film

Stranger Things - Season 3
Stranger Things - Season 3
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Just everything (0 more)
Getting better with age
I've loved all 3 seasons of ST so far but this is the best so far. It's just just sublime. All the characters get depth and development whilst introducing a few new ones. The nostalgia shown in this is superb and unapologetic. At one point Mike and Lucas are having a convo about coka cola classic vs new coke and (very post modern tongue firmly in cheek) Lucas says 'classic is good but the remake is better'. Terminator, evil dead, back 2 the future, day of the dead, invasion of the body snatchers and many more are lovingly referenced with possibly the greatest and funniest being a brilliant neverending story shout out. The gore and horror is there in spades with more a focus on body horror and some very 'Lovecraftian' scenes which are equally awesome & disgusting. Steve & Dustin are the stars and continue their great team up from season 2 and honestly I think a spin off where they have a detective agency would be an amazing show that needs to be made!! It'll make u laugh, it'll make u cry but you will love it...PS keep watching for a post credits scene in last episode! Season 4 I cant wait!!!
Burden (2018)
Burden (2018)
2018 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm not sure why this movie is listed as being released it 2018. It was released VOD early this summer due to theaters closing down. IMDb has it listed as 2018, as well. Perhaps that was the intended release?

Anyway, Burden is a true story about Mike Burden, an active KKK member in the deep south. Having lived a life of hate and anger, he falls in love with a woman who shows him that there are other ways. He denounces his position in the Klan and removes himself from it entirely with the help of a local reverend who happens to be black.

The film makers did a wonderful job of showing the mental and emotional anguish that Burden went through by walking away from the only "family" he ever knew, even though they were heinous, it was still not an easy task.

Garrett Hedlund and Forest Whitaker are both absolutely phenomenal in their respective roles. From what I understand, the film stays pretty true to the actual story that played out in real life.

Though the film is based on events that took place in the 90's from what I can tell, the story told is a relevant today (perhaps moreso) than ever.

Erika (17788 KP) Aug 5, 2020

It premiered at Sundance in 2018.


Bostonian916 (449 KP) Aug 5, 2020

That makes sense! Thank you


James Dean Bradfield recommended 154 by Wire in Music (curated)

154 by Wire
154 by Wire
1979 | Punk
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's an album that had a massive effect on me when I was young. I remember on Steve Lamacq's Roundtable, there was a track from Journal For Plague Lovers which a member of Wire completely slagged off. So this shows how much I actually like this album, because he obviously hated us and thought were just plod-rocking, rock-dinosaur philistines. But despite that I'm still going to quote this as a really influential album for me. A lot of people pick Pink Flag and Chairs Missing as their favourite records, but for me this is the apex of their achievement: they're still fusing really blunt-edge experimental rock with really abstract notions and wild ideologues and monologues of different sorts. There's a song on there called 'The 15th' which is just an amazing song; there's another song called 'The Other Window', which has a direct lineage from some of the Velvet Underground narrated songs like 'The Gift', and it's about this guy travelling on a train and outside there's an animal dying in a barbed-wire fence. There's another song called 'Two People In A Room' which is just fucking brutal. A lot of people like Wire then they're bleak or when people couldn't get a handle on what they were saying, but I think on this you can pin down the emotion to the record, pin down the marriage of experimental edge with rock. For me, it's one of the great lost post-punk records. It's an amazing record that never really gets written about. It was produced by Mike Thorne who never did as good a record again. And I just love the cover: it's got a very… almost Mondrian kind of vibe to it. It's really strange and quite unsettling. I just love the record."


Jeff Lynne recommended Full Moon Fever by Tom Petty in Music (curated)

Full Moon Fever by Tom Petty
Full Moon Fever by Tom Petty
1989 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This was a bit of a dodgy situation at the time but I didn’t know that. Tom had asked me to work with him and it was a solo record and that was all I knew. It wasn’t with the group. He used Mike [Campbell, Heartbreakers lead guitarist] for guitar and it was Mike’s studio that we recorded in, in his garage in LA. Tom just stopped me in the street one day in Beverley Hills somewhere and he said, ""I’ve just been listening to George Harrison’s new album. I love it. I’m having a barbecue. Do you wanna come?"" I couldn’t go so he said, ""do you fancy writing some songs together and see what we come up with?"" and I said, ""yeah, I’d love to!"" So I went round his house the next day and after we wrote one, we then wrote, believe it or not, ‘Freefalling’ which was such a big hit for him. So it worked out great and we carried on doing them in Mike’s garage, which was an amazingly sparse studio. It was a garage full of motorbikes and oil cans and bedsteads and things like that - it was pretty amazing! Where him and George looking for that panoramic ELO sound? Well, it wasn’t always that panoramic a sound. I was gradually quietening that sound down that ELO had done and there were less strings. In ELO, it used to be a case of, ""oooh! String day tomorrow!"" and then by about the tenth album it became [adopts dismayed voice] ""oh, fucking hell! It’s string day tomorrow."" I’d had enough of them. I grew tired of the strings. But that’s not why they asked me. It was more the punch I was doing later on and they just liked the sound that I made, whatever it was. They liked something about it."

Dirty Kiss (Cole McGinnis Mysteries, #1)
Dirty Kiss (Cole McGinnis Mysteries, #1)
Rhys Ford | 2011 | Contemporary, Crime, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book starts with a blast... a shotgun blast, to be precise, by a grandma wearing a leather bikini! If that doesn't want to make you bleach your eyeballs, I don't know what will. This is a story filled with mystery, banter, action, and steamy relationships. I loved the connection that Bobby and Cole had, and every scene in which they were in made me smile. Cole himself is a brilliant character, he has trauma and sadness in his past that he is dealing with. When his brother, Mike, asks him to look into an apparent suicide, Cole doesn't think that it will last long. However, he opens a can of worms, smokescreens and lies as he tries to find out just "whodunnit".

This is extremely well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I found. You get a brilliant backdrop of characters, situations and history, apart from one thing that is alluded to, but never answered. I am presuming this is part of the story that will come out in future books.

The reason for my 4-stars is that I never actually felt much of a connection with Cole or Jae-Min. At times, yes, but not constantly, and not enough for them to move as fast as they did. We're talking insta-love here, after a three-year hiatus on Cole's part. I don't know, for me, it just didn't seem to fit right. But that is probably just me as I'm not a big fan of insta-love anyway. Absolutely loved the rest of it and would have no hesitation in recommending this.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 20, 2016
The Voice Behind the Small Attic Door This story takes place shortly after a woman wants to be a bride and have her dream wedding. There a mystery that unfolds as soon as the bride and groom are to leave the church. Why and how does Mike Harwing die and why?There seems to be a someone that knows and Susan also knows but why? The parent of Susan want to help their daughter but do not know how.We are pulled in and wondering what happen. Why is Susan acting the way she is. Susan hears a Voice named Piddle Paddle Waddle. No one can hear this person other than Susan. She comes into Susan room. Though her parents cannot see or hear this voice from the small Attic Door.You will be surprised and the twist and turns this book takes you on. Does Susan have a personality disorder or not? Her parents do find some really strange emails but do not know what to do about them. They seem to find out how evil their daughter is but they love her a lot to want to get her help.Mary Lynn Plaisance doe bring the story line together and leave you wondering what Piddle Paddle Waddle will do? Will Susan learn her lesson or will she not? You will see find out by reading the book.
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, Music
Great performances & music, but drags
I asked my usual cinema friend to come and watch this with me, and her response was no because she “doesn’t like Queen”... I was astounded. How is it possible to dislike Queen?!

From the very start of this film, the music made this worth watching. From opening with Somebody to Love and going through all of the hits and classics, to the final set at LiveAid, I was struggling not to dance around and sing along. This film really does Queen’s music justice, it sounded fantastic. And the performances in this are brilliant. Rami Malek truly shines and is amazing as Freddie, I can’t imagine Sacha Baron Cohen doing this well, and the rest of the cast are great too. I loved the cameo from Mike Myers and the reference to Wayne’s World was a really nice touch.

The problem with this film is I found towards the second half, it dragged quite a lot. Freddie’s story is fascinating and I enjoyed watching it, but I think some scenes were overly long and I was getting a little bored. They could have easily cut out a good 20 minutes without having a detrimental effect on the story, and if it was a little shorter I probably would’ve scored it higher!

Dane Cook recommended Halloween (1978) in Movies (curated)

Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror

"Let me really rattle my brain here. I want to go back. I’m going to say Halloween. When Mike Myers walks out of the backyard… It’s an establishing shot of the front of the house, and you think it’s just a standard exterior, night, Halloween, porch. [But] then the music goes [imitates Halloween theme]. And then [Myers] walks out of the shadow of the backyard. I, to this day, don’t look into a shadowy night yard situation without seeing him walk out. The same way that when I’m in a very sudsy bathtub — and, yes, I do take baths, don’t judge me — when my f–king toe comes out of the water — my number six pick would be Jaws — I still look at my toe and I still become frightened of Amity Beach and all the things that happened to the poor people in the Steven Spielberg epic. I grew up in a family that loved film, loved music, loved comedy. Thirsty for the how-to’s. Some kids liked to take apart radios. I wanted to know how Johnny Carson set up punch. I wanted to know how Burt Reynolds jumped over the bridge in Cannonball Run. I really have a love of film. And although I wanted to be a comedian primarily, I certainly wanted to, with a smidgen of success, be behind the camera and live that incredible world."
