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The Berenstain Bears Love One Another
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review: The Berenstain Bears Love One Another In “The Berenstain Bears Love One Another” the plot is good. This book teaches you how to love one another. Mike get it done nicely. It the picture tell the story. The concept is to show love and help out and show the love to your family and others in your neighborhood.
Bother and Sister are taught what Love One another means by Mama bear. They Brother and Sister Bear bother show it though performs it throughout the book. Find out what they do and how they help by reading the book.
It great for children and young readers. Parents can use this book as a teaching tool if they choose. It great for young children as and good book to learn how to read.
Our Kind of Cruelty: A Novel
Our Kind of Cruelty: A Novel
Araminta Hall | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eerily mesmerizing & creepy thriller
Mike Hayes had a terrible childhood, where he was neglected by his drunken mother and beaten by her string of hapless boyfriends. At ten, he was taken into care, eventually winding up with a nice couple. With their help, Mike went on to a good university, where he met Verity (V), with whom he fell madly in love. V helped Mike learn the ways of the world and society. They also played a sexual game called the Crave that brought them even closer together. However, after Mike went to New York for two years for work, their relationship ended. Even worse, Verity is now getting married to another man, Angus. At first, Mike is devastated. But soon, he realizes that V's wedding invitation is just another piece of Crave. As such, he must watch her, track her, and prepare his home for her inevitable return--all parts of the tense and careful game that is Crave.

Well, this was an interesting one. It was a pretty quick read, yet sometimes felt a bit long. It was definitely creepy, for sure. Hall has created a slow-burning thriller here, and you become eerily mesmerized by Mike's crazy. In fact, at times, I almost found myself rooting for him, despite the fact you knew he was unreliable, delusional, and not at all good for anyone in the novel. The book is less "edge-on-your-seat" thriller and more a character-driven study. Be prepared for Mike, Mike, and more Mike. The novel is told from his perspective and we're reliant entirely on his mindset. Because we know we can't trust said mindset, we're constantly waiting for something bad to happen. It's like watching a train wreck. A very twisted one.

That being said, the novel can be fascinating at times, but it also hard to know where it's going. As you're constantly waiting for something terrible to occur, you're waiting. And waiting. The novel moves slowly, with its intense focus on Mike, and his thoughts on Verity. I would have liked more insight to V, for instance, or the other people in Mike's life. So at that point, things can get feel drawn out. Not to mention, is Mike really this delusional, you wonder? Can he really believe what he's spouting? Needless to say the book is very effective at making you feel uncomfortable. It captures anger, longing, tension, and more (stalking?!) very well.

Overall, this novel drew me in with its creepy tone and compelling character of Mike. It's definitely slow-moving at times, but oddly fascinating as well.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.

Woody Harrelson recommended The Graduate (1967) in Movies (curated)

The Graduate (1967)
The Graduate (1967)
1967 | Classics, Comedy, Drama

"Then The Graduate. It’s just one of the greatest comedies of all time. The way Dustin Hoffman is… You know, I guess that was his first big break and he just blew me away when I first saw that. Extraordinary performance, and you know, Mike Nichols. Just amazing, the way it’s shot; it’s just absolutely beautiful. And also, an incredible, quirky kind of love story."

For the Love of Mike (Molly Murphy Mysteries, #3)
Rhys Bowen | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Searching for missing woman and working undercover in the sweat shops of 1901 New York is enough to keep Molly very busy. Can she find the woman while also forming an early union? The historical detail, characters, and plot all come together for a great book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Better Call Saul in TV

Oct 31, 2018  
Better Call Saul
Better Call Saul
2015 | Crime, Drama
Quite simply, better than Breaking Bad. With a slightly different mix between the underground criminal life and real life (here Jimmy MacGill's life as a respectable but morally dubious lawyer, rather than Walter White's family life), the tension is there and we watch as these characters (mainly "Saul" and Mike) start to move from respectable to the lovable rogue/terrifying gnome we have come to love from BB.