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Project Power (2020)
Project Power (2020)
2020 | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi
Another glossy but slightly underwhelming Netflix genre movie. A new drug granting temporary superpowers is being sold on the streets of New Orleans, and a maverick cop, a ex-military drifter and a teenage girl team up to put a stop to it.

Maybe some of these Netflix movies would be more impressive on a big screen where all the special effects and sound design would get an appropriate delivery and have the faculty-numbing effect this sort of film is depending on. Or maybe not, I don't know. As it is this has an interesting premise, charismatic leads and seems to genuinely want to do some social commentary about US society, the nature of power, etc etc. But that would require a level of downbeat grittiness wholly at odds with the extravaganza of lavish CGI and show-offy direction this film also wants to be, and it's the latter elements that win out. As a result it is watchable and engaging on a superficial level but you sort of lament the loss of the more interesting and restrained film this could have been instead. Hey ho.
Night Moves (2014)
Night Moves (2014)
2014 | Drama
Not very exciting
The premise of this film sounded interesting, but really was quite boring. The acting and visual landscape shots were good and kept me interested, but a lot of the movie is waiting for things to happen and then waiting after certain things happen.

Two environmentalist partner with an ex military marine to devise a plan to blow up a hydroelectric plant that they believe is harming nature in an act of sabotage. They meet up, iron out the details, then procure the necessary materials they need to get the job done.

Their scheme goes mostly the way they thought with one big exception they find out about the day after the deed is done.

The three handle the news in different ways and with a varied emotional reaction. They then start doubting each other will be able to keep the secret of what they have done and tensions begin to mount.

I hoping was hoping for more going on and there were long sequences where not much actually happened. I found myself checking the time every 20 minutes which is never a good sign.


Erika (17788 KP) Sep 7, 2019

I've been debating watching this movie for a long time, but it does sound super boring.


Andy K (10821 KP) Sep 7, 2019

Yeah it was kind of a snoozer.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Edge of Darkness in TV

May 5, 2020  
Edge of Darkness
Edge of Darkness
1985 | Drama, Fantasy, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Age shall not dim its brilliance, nor dodgy big-screen remakes with Mel Gibson: Edge of Darkness remains a landmark piece of TV drama, of enormous scope and ambition. The pitch - grieving detective hunts his daughter's murderer - sounds straightforward enough, even if the plot rapidly becomes ferociously convoluted. The key thing is that the conspiracy-detective storyline is in many ways the least important thing about the series.

Lengthy theses could and probably have been written about all the things that Edge of Darkness touches upon in the course of its six episodes: Anglo-American relations, the military-industrial complex, nuclear power, secret societies, ecology, the future of the human race, and much more (the original script ended with the main character mystically transforming into a tree). Strong performances and great direction keep it engrossing even when it's not entirely clear what's going on (you can generally get a sense of the direction of travel, though, and episode five works as a terrific mini-action movie even in isolation). Martin Campbell went on to successfully relaunch the Bond franchise twice, but this remains his magnum opus.
Hard Box ( Wild Scots book 1)
Hard Box ( Wild Scots book 1)
Jolie Vines | 2022 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
135 of 230
Hard Nox (Wild Scots book 1)
By Jolie Vines

My brother warned me about his 6'5" brawler friend. I'm going to do him anyway.

Lennox is one hot Highlander.
Muscles bulging on thick arms.
A smirk and a bossy swagger.
In a kilt, he's devastating.
To everyone but me. As teenagers, he crashed my car, stole my first kiss, then walked away with another woman.
I'll be damned if my brother's best friend is getting an easy ride back into my life.

Isobel is a menace. She races cars and has tattoos in places I can't even imagine. I shouldn't want her. But I can't forget the one kiss we shared as teenagers. Fresh out of the military, I have one thing in my sights - her.
Isobel Fitzroy is my best friend's sister, and I'm going to tame her wild heart.

You get exactly what you expect to get with this book! Adult romance with plenty of spice and a Scots man in a kilt. It was well written with likeable characters and enjoyable to read.
The German Nurse
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
62 of 220
The German Nurse
By M.J. Hollows

Her past could kill you.
Guernsey, 1940. As war storms through Europe, Churchill orders the evacuation of all military personnel from the island. Boats ferry soldiers and vulnerable young children to England, leaving their parents and loved ones behind to face the invading German army on their own.
Her love could save you.
One of the few remaining policemen on the island, Jack must protect not only his friends and family, but also the woman he loves: Johanna, a Jewish nurse from Germany, whose secret faith could prove fatal to them both.
Her fate is in your hands.
When the Nazis arrive, everything changes. Jack is forced to come to terms with the pain and loss of a world re-making itself around him. And then a list of Jews on the island is drawn up, and he must make an awful choice: write down Johanna’s name and condemn her, or resist and put his family in immediate danger…

A good read for those who love historical fiction. This was definitely a heartbreaking story.
Set during German occupation of Gernsey.
Resolute (The Lost Fleet Outlands #2)
Resolute (The Lost Fleet Outlands #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entry number 2 (of 3) in Jack Campbell's 'The Lost Fleet: Outlands' series, which itself is a follow-up to both 'The Lost Fleet' series (consisting of 6 entries) and 'The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier2 (a further five) and even 'The Lost Stars' series (a further 4).

So maybe not the best jumping-on point for any newcomers.

Although, having said that, I do feel that enough background was given.

Anyway, this still follows (as did both 'The Lost Fleet' and 'The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier') 'Black Jack' Geary, rescued and awoken from hypersleep a century after the outbreak of war between The Alliance and The Syndicate Worlds and now, having brought about an end to that war and the fall of The Syndicate Worlds (some of which are in 'The Lost Stars' series) is heading a diplomatic mission into deep space and (uninvited) into the realm of the mysterious Dancers, but who has to contend with both political and military attempts at sabotage along the way.

As before, I did enjoy the read, and am looking forward to the next - and, I believe, final - entry in the series.
Jack Reacher (2012)
Jack Reacher (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
6.9 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Leaping straight from the pages of author Lee Child’s long-running popular novels and short stories, the tough-as-nails Jack Reacher has arrived on the big screen as the latest starring role franchise for Tom Cruise. Although described by Child as 6’5”, 250 pounds, with blond hair, Cruise does an admirable job of bringing the no-nonsense former military investigator to life.

For those unfamiliar with the series, Reacher first appeared in the 1997 novel Killing Floor and has appeared annually in new novels and short stories. Adapted from the tenth book, 2005’s One Shot, the film tells the story of a horrific sniper attack on the citizens of Pittsburgh. Faced with overwhelming evidence against him and being coerced into confessing to avoid the death penalty, the suspect in the shootings simply asks for them to find Jack Reacher.

This is easier said than done as after leaving the military, Reacher lives pretty much off the grid. He travels by bus, and aside from making occasional deductions from his monthly military pension, there is very little to indicate his existence since he doesn’t keep too much of the trappings of a traditional lifestyle or routine.

But thanks to a shared past with the shooting suspect, Reacher goes to the police after seeing the news reports and agrees that the evidence against the suspect is overwhelming. Reacher also admits to having past encounters with the suspect which explains his arrival as he promised that should the accused shooter ever get in trouble again, Reacher would be there to ensure that justice prevails.

At this point the accused’s attorney Helen (Rosamund Pike) enters the picture and informs Reacher that she seeks to ensure the accused gets a fair trial. A big chunk of her motivation comes from the fact that the district attorney prosecuting the case is her father. Helen believes that his perfect record is due largely to the fact that suspects get badgered into signing confessions to avoid the death penalty rather than having their day in court.

The presence of Reacher does not prove popular. The district attorney who pleads with his daughter not to use him in her case because Reacher’s credibility is highly suspect due to his unconventional existence. Undaunted Reacher does what he does best which is solving cases and in the process stirs up plenty of trouble as he quickly realizes everything is not as it seems. The supposedly open and shut case is just the tip of a much larger conspiracy in which he and Helen now find themselves squarely in the crosshairs.

The film cleverly mixes humor, action, and drama with a very credible plot that rarely strains plausibility. The characters have very clear-cut motivations and flaws and do not come across just polished and flawless cinematic heroes. Cruise keeps enough mystery about Reacher to keep the character interesting even though throughout the film I was very aware that I was watching Tom Cruise play the character rather than becoming the character.

There is some solid supporting work in film especially by Robert Duvall and writer-director Christopher McQuarrie does a great job with the pacing of the film as well as providing a framework for Cruise to do what he does best. This bodes well for the future as the duo is scheduled to team up again for “Top Gun 2”, and the next “Mission Impossible” movie.

While there are segments the film that are a little slow in the buildup, the payoff was highly satisfying if slightly Hollywood cliché-ish. Thanks to a great cast and a clever script the movie does hold your attention. I, for one, am hoping that there are further cinematic outings for Reacher in the near future.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Quatermass and the Pit (1967) in Movies

Oct 2, 2019 (Updated Oct 24, 2019)  
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
1967 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.7 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Dr Mathew Roney is one of the team that is set to investigate the discovery, he takes and scientific approach to everything working with the historian to put the pieces together. Professor Bernard Quatermass brings the historical point of view to the table, wanting to study the discovery and using previous historical discoveries to help figure out the truth. Colonel Breen brings the military point of view often looking to use the quick answer over the smart answer. Barbara Judd is a reporter that is trying to put together a story for the public who believe this is an unexploded bomb.

Performances – The performances from the whole cast is great throughout, we believe the scientific figures, the military ones and the reporter looking for a story. the four main stars of the film know how to make the most of their scenes where their character needs to be the larger focus.

Story – The story follows an object being discovered in London while digger to make the underground larger, we follow how the investigation to learn what this could be from different perspectives which shows how this would be handled in real life. We do have twists which comes from the discoveries going on, but for the most part this keeps things simple, with an air of mystery about what could be happening around the object.

Horror/Mystery/Sci-Fi – The horror surrounding this movie comes from what could come from the object, it could bring horrific consequences, this plays into the mystery as we are left with the mystery behind what could be behind it. The sci-fi side of the film comes from the explanation to what could be behind the object and the potential of space being involved.

Settings – The film is set in London and the underground, this is always a tight compact location which will add to suspense and horror in anything.

Special Effects – This film was released in the 1960s, the special effects for the time were great, while we might look down on them now, it showed us just what was capable for the time.

Scene of the Movie – The final act which we are built up to nicely.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The fact they just look like grasshoppers and no one says this.

Final Thoughts – This is one of the best hammer horror mystery sci-fi horror films out there, it keeps you guessing before letting everything out in the final act instead of giving away too much too early.


Overall: Must watch Hammer Horror
2016 | Civilization, Economic, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction
So, so much (0 more)
Can be a bit daunting to take on the rulebook (0 more)
The best mix of many board games
This game has so much going for it and by far is my favorite game on my shelf right now. First off, just looking at and opening the box, the artwork is fantastic. I bought the artbook for the game just because I wanted more of the art. Next, mechanics of the game. Each player has a choice of what unique pair of actions they will take in a turn. A turn consists of:
 1) Choosing a block of actions that said player had not chosen last turn
2) Choosing a top level action from chosen block
3) choosing a bottom level action of chosen block.

These action range from creating and placing workers, mechs or buildings, resource generation, or doing something that would initiate combat (usually moving). There are many different strategies to win, whether through ecnomics or military domination. Each play through is unique.
I highly recommend getting all expansions for uncreased play variety as well as the Broken Token organizer, which reduces setup time for 30 minutes to 5 minutes. Other items that really enhance the gameplay are metal coins as well as realistic resources from stonemaier games

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Killing Floor: (Jack Reacher 1) in Books

May 26, 2019 (Updated May 26, 2019)  
Killing Floor: (Jack Reacher 1)
Killing Floor: (Jack Reacher 1)
Lee Child | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good solid action and mystery. Has a Hollywood summer action blockbuster feel
My first Jack Reacher read and I started with the first of this expansive series. I went into this book expecting it to be a bit too action heavy for my tastes but was pleasantly surprised that the mystery element was pretty gripping. Really enjoyed the main story.

This book introduces ex-military policeman Jack Reacher who is currently of no fixed abode travelling where his whims take him. When he passes through the small yet pristine town of Margrave, Georgia, he is promptly arrested for murder. As the out of town stranger he must convince the town of his innocence, the investigation leads to uncovering uncomfortable truths about this little town.

It was well paced and action sequences weren't too over the top hard to follow affairs. Ok you need to suspend some belief to get along with the plot. I usually struggle to let maddening coincidences go but this book didn't seem to tick me off too much so they must of been done fairly well. Eye-roll at the romance line but again not overdone.

All in all this was a great holiday read, fast paced page turning fun. I will visit with Mr Reacher again