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Ninth City Burning
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
J. Patrick Black’s debut novel, Ninth City Burning, is an incredibly intense ride alongside humanity’s bid for survival against an alien race seeking Earth’s destruction. Complete with a wide cast of unique characters with their own voices, this novel has earned its place among my favorites.

More often than not, I’m wary of books with shifting first-person. In this case, readers meet seven different points of view – and every single one of those characters have their own voices. I find this impressive, considering the frequency with which Black switches between his cast. (Actually, I find myself wondering how he approached writing the different views, as they are so starkly different.)

For the most part, all but two of these characters feel real. Jax and Naomi are the exception, as they both appear extremely mature for their age. While Jax does have a military upbringing, Naomi is a bit too advanced for a child of a nomadic lifestyle. There’s also a dash of romance in this book that feels a bit too forced.

Ninth City Burning also manages to blur the line between science-fiction and epic fantasy, which is an oddly unique feeling to encounter while reading. Magic and science both play heavy roles in this novel, and I imagine the former of those two, coupled with the camaraderie between the main characters, is precisely why this book is recommended for fans of Harry Potter.

The agonizingly slow build-up to action further lends to the epic fantasy feel of this book, a feat that I remain unsure of presently. While it leads to less action and battle in the meat of the book, it also serves as an opportunity for Black to further unravel this beautiful world he has created.

Ninth City Burning is definitely a book I’ll be recommending to my friends and readers who prefer science-fiction. I would like to thank Blogging for Books for providing me with a copy of this book for the purpose of unbiased review.
From the Auction Block to Glory examines the lives and stories of African Americans during the civil war years. Where transplanted and enslaved African Americans were bought and sold as property to the battlefield where two dozen black soldiers won the Congressional Medal of Honor. Beginning with a history of slavery from its European origins to its establishment in the New World. With the succession phases of African American involvement in the World effort. When the North faced a potentially disastrous manpower crisis at the end of 1862, more than 200,000 African Americans rose to the occasion and joined the forces supplementing the Union's dissipating army, salvaging the North's hope of reuniting the nation. The issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the repeals of the 1792 militia law transformed the military and political climate in the North. African American's were now free to fight on the side of the North but stereotypes were as such that black soldiers were under pressure to prove their combat capabilities. From the early battles and victories at Milliken's Bend and Port Hudson to the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantries famous attack on Fort Wagner, African American's demonstrated their fighting.

From the Auction Block to Glory by Phillip Thomas Tucker Ph.D. is 128 pages long and looks at the African American experience from slavery to emancipation. I found the book very insightful as it looked at the side of slavery not just from the slave's point of view but from the perspective of the Southern owners and the North's needs end the slavery. The painting, photographs, and stretches bring the past to life and allow additional visual confirmation of what the words were saying and gives you a rare and unique view of the world that they lived in. I found the book very informative and an enjoyable read. Dr. Tucker writing style is in a communicative style similar to a conversation from him to you which makes you want to finish the book in one sitting.
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
Marie Rutkoski | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Winner’s Curse</i> is the first book in the <i>Winner’s Trilogy</i> by American author Marie Rutkoski. It is a novel that mixes together rumours, lies, love and warfare to create an incredible new story for young adults.

It is set in a similar society to that of the 18th century or earlier (in Europe at least) except that for women there are only two lifestyles. By the age of twenty they must decide whether to marry or join the military. By women, that means Valorian women. Ever since the defeat of the Herrani during the Herran war many years ago, the Valorian have made them slaves and looked down on them, whilst seizing their lavish properties and enforcing Valorian customs.

The title, <i>The Winner’s Curse</i>, is a concept that relates to the winner of an auction. Whilst they have won the item they have also lost by paying out more money than other bidders felt it was worth. This is what happens to seventeen-year-old Lady Kestrel, a Valorian, when, with an unexplainable impulse, she hires Arin, a Herrani slave, for an extortionate amount of money. Put to work as a blacksmith, Arin becomes intrigued with Kestrel, and she with him, and they soon start to form a friendship – although rumours suggest something more.

It is not, however, simply the cost of a slave that <i>The Winner’s Curse</i> refers to. The Herrani are planning an attack on the Valorian Empire, and Kestrel being a General’s daughter could unknowingly reveal vital information. The emergence of a second Herran war is imminent, but Kestrel and Arin’s relationship complicate things further.

Whilst similar to other novels with lovers belonging to opposing families, it is more original regarding the circumstances, secrets and lies, which makes, not just the characters, but the reader question what their true feelings and intentions are.

It is an excellent, fast paced read, and definitely recommended.
Megashark vs Crocasaurus (2010)
Megashark vs Crocasaurus (2010)
2010 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
4.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Decent concept (0 more)
Poor execution (0 more)
Is this B Monster Movie worth the watch?
Megashark vs Crocasaurus has a decent concept behind it as far as B Monster Movies go. 2 ancient giant animals somehow survived, hidden away, only to wake up for what is hopefully an epic clash. But does it deliver?
The acting amd writing is about what you'd expect from a movie like this. It's passable most of the time, but sometimes, not so much. That being said, top notch acting amd writing is not why anyone watches movies like this.
The movies biggest downfall is it's monsters. They look absolutely terrible and have inconsistent size from scene to scene. Let me break each one down.
The Megashark: this may be the least intetesting "giant monster" I've seen brought to screen, and unfortunately, itbis the star of the franchise (yes there is more than one Megashark movie). Terrible CGI aside, it's kills were extremely underwhelming, mostly resorting to flopping out of the water, to smash ships with it's tail as it hurtles over them, causing little CGI explosions. As an example of the inconsistent size, when it's fin sticks out of the water upon approaching a ship, it is about the size of the whole shark when it is seen flopping out of the water.
The Crocasaurus: This one is marginally more interesting with a wider range of terribly animated kills and the ability to be on both land and water.
The Clash: This was a laughably bad "battle between the two monsters. Most of it consisted of them forming a circle, both with the others tail it it's mouth, as the military poured missiles into them.
Overall, it's not at all a good movie, but I'm pretty sure that's intentional to a point. It has its moments where it reaches levels of fun for fans of the genre. If you catch it on TV ir maybe a streaming service (it's on Amazon Prime now), it might be worth a watch, but I don't recommend spending money on it.
War Dogs (2016)
War Dogs (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
The post-9/11 world changed how America conducted business and shaped our foreign relations. It also led to changes in how war was conducted and maintained. In War Dogs, we witness how companies of varying size were able to cash in on America’s need to supply their military and those of their allies as they continued their fight against terrorism and conducted nation-building. War Dogs follows the ill-fated careers of Efraim (Jonah Hill) and David (Miles Teller) as they aspire to cash in on the arms dealing frenzy that is unleashed by the US government. The film, based on actual events, gives its audience a glimpse into the problematic and perilous world of arms dealing. Efraim and David are confronted with international gangsters, bureaucratic “red tape,” and push their friendship to the limit as they pursue the goal of becoming wealthy by fulfilling government contracts.

War Dogs allows its viewers to have a greater understanding of how the government works and how businesses are competing with each other, to not only create a positive business relationship with “Uncle Sam,” but to become major players in an industry filled with companies and individuals who must suspend, amend, or terminate their moral code in order to become “merchants of death.” The film itself does a suitable job in telling the story of how these men form their own company from the ground up only to have it dismantled by mistrust, greed, and jealousy. War Dogs has its moments where you as a viewer envy the ability of these men to succeed in an industry that many would thumb their noses at out of disagreement with the war or adherence to their principles. We quickly see how money becomes a motivator for these friends as they pursue the opportunity to take on larger and more complex contracts in order to compete with the likes of Halliburton.
Bloodlust (The Rise Of Iliri #1)
Bloodlust (The Rise Of Iliri #1)
Auryn Hadley | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
When you were once a slave, freed only to become a ruthless warrior, "belonging" seems a trite concept. A pipe dream, the stuff of naive fairy tales. But not for Salryc Luxx. Private Luxx—Sal for short—is iliri, a member of an untamable race surreptitiously dubbed "their kind" by humans and bred thousands of years ago to protect them. Humans consider them expendable, barely more than animals. Freaks. But in a karmic twist of fate, they’re also one of mankind’s most feared predators. Abused and enslaved, the only control Sal has over her life is what military unit she serves with – if she's good enough to be accepted – and the only one to consider her is the best in the land, the Black Blades.

Everyone has secrets, and the Blades are no different. But acceptance into the Blades gives Sal something she never expected—the family she’s never had, and with it, the undying protection of seven of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen. It also gifts her a devoted line of potential mates. Many of her fellow warriors will submit to the bloodlust that overtakes her in the heat of battle and can only be quenched by rough, passionate lovemaking (making way for the steamiest of love scenes). Though it’s not all war and sex. Sal very gradually cultivates deeply loving, evolving relationships with each of the Black Blades, which morphs as a unit into a reverse harem as sweet as it is fierce, and as protective as it is impassioned.

But belonging has its own price. Each of the Blades would die to protect Sal. And it’s only a matter of time before the enemy moves to use this against her.

This series was recommended by a friend and I finally got round to starting it. So glad I did what a brilliant series full of action. The relationship dynamics are very well written and they don't have Sal casually sleeping around all of the men! I love how it's handled and written!

The Water Diviner (2015)
The Water Diviner (2015)
2015 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Russell Crowe both stars and directs the new film The Water Diviner.

The story follows Joshua Conner (Crowe) and his attempts to re-locate his three sons Arthur, Henry and Edward, who went off to war together and yet were never heard from again. The three boys were inseparable as children (Jack Patterson, Ben Norris and Aidan Smith) and they stayed inseparable as adults (played by Ryan Corr, Ben O’Toole and James Fraser) as they went off to fight in World War I in the Battle of Gallipoli in Turkey.

Joshua loses contact with his sons during the war, and after the fighting has ended, he receives a journal that belonged to them. He reads the journal with his wife and they conclude that the boys must have perished in the fighting. Corners wife kills herself in her grief over losing them and Joshua swears he will bring the boys home, even if it is just their remains, that is his wife’s last wish.

Conner crosses the continent to search for them, meeting people along the way and finding clues. His efforts to locate the boys are rejected by military authorities but he stubbornly presses on.

Seeing this film in the movie theatre rather than on a home television is definitely worth it. The action and scenes of war flash backs are better suited to the big screen than a home tv for full effect and drawing you in to feel like you are ‘right there’.

The story was a bit predictable because after all, it’s the story of a father searching for his children, but it was emotional and held my attention.

Parts of it felt a bit slow, or maybe just confusing, because during the flash backs I wasn’t really sure whose flash backs they were or why they were significant, but over all the story flowed well and I enjoyed it.
Day of the Dead: Bloodline (2018)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline (2018)
2018 | Horror
4.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This Re-Imagining A Romero Classic Fails To Rise Above Average
Contains spoilers, click to show
Even copying or borrowing from George A. Romero's unique concept couldn't make this film better than an average zombie film. I was excited to see their interpretation of the smarter or more capable than average zombie in this movie and their origin story for him was quite unique and interesting. He was an obsessive stalker and attempted rapist whose body has a high amounts of antibodies. Five years after the main character Zoe escapes Whittendale University she gets the military to go back for medical supplies and Max is still there except a zombie but more. He finds her and sneaks back to their base "Cape Fear" style and then sneaks into the base. I found that a little unbelievable that he was able to sneak onto and into the base so easily but also kind of believable since it's been 5 years without any incidents as far as the audience knows. I also think that the movie was kind of inconsistent with what he's able to do or how much he can reason. He's smart enough to sneak into the base, and through vents but gets caught when he attacks Zoe and is captured. They order her to come up with a vaccine in 48 hours or Max will be killed regardless but then don't put an armed guard to watch over him. That was also a little to convenient to me. He manages to steal the handcuff keys form a soldier during a scuffle too which I thought was rather brilliant. Some good stuff in this movie but some stuff I thought could have been better done or different. As I mentioned some of the actors could have done a better job or the dialogue, story wasn't that original but overall a decent average zombie movie. Worth watching if your looking for a zombie movie to watch but nothing to wow you out of your seat. I give this movie a 5/10.

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) Dec 21, 2020

Totally agree with your review. Although I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. I thought the film was pretty lousy to be honest. Far better average zombie flicks out there to kill your time.

Healing Thru Service by Sgt Q is a book filled with words, thoughts, and tools to help equip anyone who has suffered through trauma and come out the other side with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In all honesty, I think this book and the information in it can help people even if they do not have PTSD.

“Never be content with where you are…. This is a battle; therefore, the rules of war apply: If you aren’t taking ground, you are losing it.”

Sgt Q tells his story, his struggles and his triumphs intermingled with honest debriefings of life with PTSD. I loved getting to know Sgt Q and his story through this book. It helped me better understand what some of my family members live with on a daily basis. He explained the different stages or categories of PTSD in easy to understand ways and I enjoyed his “Tactical Applications” at the ends of the chapters and his biblical integration. Sgt Q dug deep into discovering your identity and who you are as a person outside of the military and I believe Sgt Q explained our need for identity in a very engaging and special way.

“No longer a Soldier, you are now a Warrior.”

From a US Marine’s daughter, this book was one I wish my dad had access to years ago and hope it will help him even now. I really enjoyed Sgt Q’s book and ministry and I am looking forward to passing this book along to more people who need the healing words inside. I highly recommend this book to anyone with PTSD, depression, or pursuing what defines you in life. 5 out of 5 stars. Thank you for your service Sgt Q, and thank you for helping Warriors have a family again.


The Travelers Wife

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
State of Lies
State of Lies
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let’s just start with the first chapter in this book. Can I say WOW?. Siri Mitchell gives us one of the best first chapters I have ever read before. It grabbed my attention as nothing else has in a long time. I picked it up to read when I only had a few minutes and boy was that a mistake. I could not stop thinking about the story and what was going to happen next.

In the first chapter, I got introduced to some of the intrigue, relationships, and mystery that Siri Mitchell weaves with great skill. It made me think in what-if scenarios (i.e. what if I was in Georgie’s or Sean's shoes?). As I picked it up to finish the story, the book continued to unfold much like that first chapter. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. It was such a thrilling ride to figure out how all the clues fit together and seeing the ending. I mean Wow. This book left me giddy smiling to the point my husband asked me what was wrong. I, of course, had to explain the plot and told him he really would only understand if he read the book.

The whole book flowed at a believable rate, not rushing, but letting you get a feel for the thoughts and emotions of the characters. After reading the first chapter I was hooked. The rest of the book kept that same momentum for me, and I highly recommend reading this book. I give this book a 5 out of 5 Stars (If I could give more I would), for the great attention-grabbing first chapter, how Siri Mitchell weaved in a military/political/mystery/romance with such easy, and for the strength of the characters in not giving up in the face of overwhelming odds. Thanks for the wonderful read.

I received this book from Celebration Lit in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.