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Twilight Struggle
Twilight Struggle
2005 | Modern Warfare, Political, Wargame
The Struggle Is Real
Generally when someone in the board game community talks about a “thematic” game, there is a particular archetype they’re referring to–the science fiction or fantasy themed game with minis, elaborate artwork, and the promise of action, narrative, and adventure. Twilight Struggle does not look this kind of game. It’s set in the Cold War, has a functional but not flashy art design, and provides cardboard chits instead of plastic miniatures. However, Twilight Struggle is perhaps the most thematic game ever made.

Critic: Marc Davis
Read the full review here:

Sam (4 KP) rated Hereditary (2018) in Movies

Jun 20, 2018  
Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Set design (0 more)
Length (1 more)
After reading the amazing reviews this movie was getting, I had to see this. Sadly, I was left checking my watch, waiting for something to happen. Half this movie could have been cut and it wouldn't affect the pacing or the plot. There is a spooky atmosphere towards the end but not enough to chill me. This is the third movie but A24 studios I've seen and all suffer from the same fault. The only positive point i can make is the set design - comparing it/making it look like the miniatures that frequent the movie
Blood Bowl (Third Edition)
Blood Bowl (Third Edition)
1994 | Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, Sports, Wargame
Variable player powers (each player has different strengths and weaknesses) (3 more)
Good Basic Strategy in blocking, making tackles, and passing the ball from player to player
Your players evolve from match to match, they get better and they can also get hurt.
Miniatures (can be painted any colors you like)
Luck based rolls with some mitigation (1 more)
I hope your good at prioritizing what you need to do on a turn.
Just a damn good time. Fantasy Football with Orcs, Dwarfs, Lizards, Giant Rats, and much much more
This is a game about patience and if you can handle bad luck. ther is fun in losing, and fun in bad rolls if you understand it upfront... this is not the kind of game you play to win, but you play to have fun, and some of the fun is in watching you opponent fail miserably, and then you on the very next turn do the same thing. or you pull off a miracle. Both happen all the time. This is a head to head game, so play with people you like and have a good sense of humor. And it helps to have a beer to cry into when the first roll of your turn goes very wrongly. It will... I promise, but it'll happen to the other guy too. I've had this game since I was a kid and I've played in Leagues, it has a cult following. hence all the miniatures and video game versions out there. there are also website where you can play for free if you go looking for them. This game was very much ahead of its time, and still holds up. The sheer amount of customization in this game is amazing, and people are always doing amazing tings to dress it up and bling it out. just google "blood bowl miniatures painted" and see some amazing paint jobs.

Beetle Rider (341 KP) Mar 29, 2018

Great game!

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
1979 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
A more cerebral take on the franchise with lots of interesting ideas (2 more)
Amazing production design. Great miniatures and sets. The refited Enterprises is still quite possibly the best looking ship in all of Trek
Jerry Goldsmith's fantastic score
Moves at a snails pace. There's a reason people call this the "motionless picture" (1 more)
Characters feel kinda lifeless. They aren't as interesting as in the show despite being played by the same actors.
Interesting, but uneven
The Motion Picture is very much an acquired taste. Some will love it's slower, more cerebral approach, while others will find it boring and inert and neither interpretation is wrong.
Star Wars: Rebellion
Star Wars: Rebellion
2016 | Entertainment, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction, Wargame
Star Wars: Rebellion review: A fully operational 4-hour board game
Looking at the box for Star Wars: Rebellion, the massive new two-to-four-player galactic board game from Fantasy Flight, I had only one thought: "Look at the size of that thing!"

Loosely based on the 1998 video game of the same name, the board game version of Rebellion is ludicrously outsized. The galaxy, too large to fit on a single game board, here sprawls across two. Rebel and Imperial forces aren't represented by cardboard but by 153 plastic miniatures—including three Death Stars and two Super Star Destroyers.

Critic: Nate Anderson
Read the full review here:
7 Wonders: Armada
7 Wonders: Armada
2018 | Ancient, Card Game, Civilization, Game Expansion
This expansion was bound to add more interaction between players, for example, to wake war on your non-neighbors in 4+ player games, which it succeeds with. (3 more)
One extra card per age is nice, which makes it 9 in total with Cities.
Straightforward rules, if you have played 7W before this will not be a problem to get started with.
More paths to victory, thanks to the fleet boards, and the islands.
It might be hard to keep track of the opponent's naval strengths. (2 more)
Ship miniatures tend to fall off the tracks from time to time. They are kind of fiddly.
Adds playtime, especially with new players. This is probably the biggest drawback.

Bob (8 KP) rated Gloomhaven in Tabletop Games

Mar 6, 2019  
2017 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures
Cool miniatures (2 more)
Tons of content in the box
Good game mechanics
Time between turns in 4 player can drag at times. (1 more)
Set up is a process
Lots of fun
Fun dungeon crawler with tons of in box content to discover and unlock through in game achievements. Our group had a lot of fun when we played our first 2 campaigns. It is truly enjoyable to crack the seal on new things that havent been revealed.

The problems we have run into though are the amount of time it takes to play and the fact that you should have the same group each play through, this has been our issue and caused us to all have to wait due to our group not being able to carve out enough time to commit to our 3rd campaign.
The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast
The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast
Comedy, Games & Hobbies, Sports & Recreation
8.8 (11 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Board Game Talk (2 more)
Knowledgeable Board Game Geeks
They sound like my friends, only they don't know me.
My Personal number 1, favorite podcast about boardgames. Give it a listen...
I love these guys, and they throw a great party at all the major conventions. This past year at Gen Con they took over a brewery and an entire city block. They are generous with their time and energy, and love what they talk about. The host does a kickstarter to do this professionally. The quality and the sheer amount of content is amazing, I can't imagine doing what he does with a day job. The scope of games they cover ranges from light weight card games to really heavy miniatures and they even have a Roleplaying podcast that wins awards too. Give them a listen and delve into the secret cabal world.
Godzilla: Tokyo Clash
Godzilla: Tokyo Clash
2020 | Video Game Theme
Gameplay (2 more)
No expansions...yet. (2 more)
Superb game, could do with some expansions!
A great game for all Godzilla fans!

What can I say? The gameplay is beautiful, simple, fun and quick (despite the terrible rulebook which is stupidly overcomplicated).

The playing pieces, figures of 4 kaiju, Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Mothra and Megalon are a decent size and of a great quality. The design for the game overall is superb!

Now the main downside, the vehicle and small building tokens. While large buildings have plastic 3D tokens, the vehicles and small buildings are all cardboard, and as it shows them from an aerial view, it's usually pretty unclear as to what they are.

Also, Funko Games, this game desperately needs some expansions featuring other kaiju. The base game is great, but it would be great to play the game with Mechagodzilla, Biollante, King Kong, Rodan, so many great kaiju that could add some great twists to the game!
Mice and Mystics
Mice and Mystics
2012 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures
Co-op taking away tension of competitive (3 more)
Fun for all ages after a few rule adjustments
The story its self is a rich, beautiful tale of adventure
Combat is simple
For people new to the genre, reading all the rules including those for new tile spaces could be cumbersome (0 more)
Mice and Mystics is a great story telling boardgame in a series by Jerry Hawthorne. The game follows Prince Collin and his court of advisors who turn themselves to mice to escape certain death at the hands of an evil witch.

The whole game plays out by reading the story that accompanies the box and then playing out scenarios depicted by board pieces and using beautifully sculpted miniatures to navigate and fight the queens rat forces, spiders and more.
Its a game for the whole family which is brilliant, although to keep things moving smoothly for younger kids some rules can be stripped back for sure. This game is imaginative, difficulty can ramp up quickly making it challenging for all level of players and even though its co-op you can always just compete for kills......Centipedes only count as one.