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David McK (3505 KP) rated Prey (2022) in Movies

Aug 14, 2022  
Prey (2022)
Prey (2022)
2022 | Sci-Fi
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If it bleeds, we can kill it
1990s 'Predator 2' has a famous tease - other than the HR Gieger Alien skull on the wall of the spaceship - that the Predators have been visiting Earth for centuries.

Despite that, this is the first one that actually takes that tease and runs with it, set roughly 300 years ago when a Comanche warrior finds themselves in a battle of survival against the titular Predator.

It's also been getting rave reviews, with many calling it the best Predator movie since the original and some even going as far as saying it is better than that 1987 film.

Which makes it somewhat surprising that this was only released via streaming, not even getting a theatrical release.

Having now seeing it, and perhaps having too high expectations as a result of those reviews, I can really only say that I found it to be overhyped - enjoyable enough, yes, but also (very) slow getting started, and with it - in my opinion - definitely missing something by being released only via streaming.
The Crimson and the Black (Hidden Empire #2)
The Crimson and the Black (Hidden Empire #2)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Countess Fyodora julianova Korelev is at a loose end. She is feeling no joy in life until she gets asked to help on a case of missing selkies. Whilst on the hunt for them she has a run-in with a Mr Callum Brown who she is very mysteriously taken with. On their journey, they find more than just the selkie they are searching for.

This story is brilliant, I feel like I have been waiting forever for a follow-up from shadow of the swan and it didn't go in the direction I thought it would. The way it has gone is fantastic finding out more about Fyadora is fascinating no wonder she's the hardened woman she is. The hardships that she and Callum have been through could be enough to send somebody insane!

The growth between them is very carefully written the sex scenes are very steamy and intimate. There are battle scenes that are a wee bit gruesome but the detail is all there.

Nicola is a fantastic author and she has done another stellar job well done.
Blood and Honour (Forest Kingdom #2)
Blood and Honour (Forest Kingdom #2)
Simon R Green | 1992 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an old favourite of mine, set in the same world as Simon R Green's earlier Blue Moon Rising but just, well, seemingly missing something compared to that earlier novel.

I struggle to put my hand on what that something is, though.

In this, a down on his luck actor - 'The Great Jordan' - is hired to impersonate Price Victor, one of the three claimants to the throne of Redhart following the mysterious death of its former incumbent, and after the chaos of The Demon War, which is really only mentioned in passing, with a few cameos from characters from said war.

None of the three claimants, however, are particularly nice characters ...

Cue a mix of magic and mayhem, with an outsiders view of the politics played in the courts of those high in the land, a few twists and turns - some of which you can see coming a mile and a half off, but others of which you (or, at least, I) didn't the first time around.

Then again, I was in my early teens that first time around ...
Gingerbread Cookies and Gunshots
Gingerbread Cookies and Gunshots
Leslie Meier | 2010 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Missing Child at Christmas
Lucy Stone gets involved when a four-year-old boy is kidnapped in her community. With no clues to go on, Lucy begins to think that something much larger is happening. Is she right?

Even though I don’t normally read this series, I didn't have any trouble jumping into the characters here. There was enough explanation of who people were that I could follow along. The bits about those I assume are series regulars didn't mean quite as much to me, but I enjoyed meeting everyone. This is on the serious side of the cozy spectrum, and the atmosphere was carried perfectly throughout the story. Lucy did seem to jump to one conclusion, but since she was proved right with evidence later on, I can't call it a major flaw. There are two recipes at the end of this story to enjoy later. This is probably my favorite of the stories I’ve read from Leslie Meier.

NOTE: This is a novella, roughly 100 pages along.

NOTE 2: This was originally published in the anthology Gingerbread Cookie Murder.