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Siren Condemned (Thief of Hearts #1)
Siren Condemned (Thief of Hearts #1)
Mila Young, C.R. Jane | 2021 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
30 of 250
Siren condemned ( Thief of Hearts book 1)
By C.R. Jane and Mila Young

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One man will break me. One will lead me to sin. And one will kill me to save me.

The sirens have been hunted for so long that we no longer remember our pasts...

Our songs have been stolen, the source of all our power, and it's been made punishable by death to use it. They've taken everything from us.

The vampires.

I've been sent to the darkest of all places, Nightmare Penitentiary, for my disobedience to my masters. But I've promised myself that I’ll be free someday.. no matter the cost. I'll do whatever it takes to regain my power, even if I end up shattering the hearts of three captivating men who have the power to change my future forever.

It started of a bit dodgy I wasn’t sure I’d continue but I game it the benefit of doubt. It was ok I feel like something was missing which is a shame as it showed promise! Hopefully the series will get better.
Chernobyl Diaries (2012)
Chernobyl Diaries (2012)
2012 | Drama, Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
There have been a few things set in Pripyat, the abandoned town where the workers of the Chernobyl power plant used to live and almost all of them rely on dogs as a big/main threat. After a slow start 'The Chernobyl Diaries' looked like it was going to follow this pattern, however, the dogs soon give away to a bigger but mostly unseen threat.
I found that the film was predictable in parts both in the action and in some of the scenery used, you know that something was going to happen to the van, you can work out who is going to go missing and anyone who knows anything about Pripyat knows there will be at least one scene with the ferris wheel. However there are still plenty of good jump scares and the fact that we never get a clear view of the killers (although one did remind me of the 'Toxic Avenger')
All in all the 'Chernobyl Diaries' is a slightly above average slasher in the vain of 'The Hills Have Eyes' and 'Wrong Turn' with some creepy moments, not to much gore and a plausible set up.
Eyes Without a Face (1960)
Eyes Without a Face (1960)
1960 | Horror

"I became obsessed with horror at a very early age. Knowing this, my dad would often recall the greatest horror film he ever saw. It was black and white, it was French, and it was, in his words, “really, really gory.” He would tell me it was about a mad surgeon who tries to restore the face of his daughter, disfigured in a car accident, by mutilating young women and stealing their fair skin. And he would go on and on about how great it was, how scary it was, and how I would simply have to see it. But . . . He could not recall the name of the film. I tried to cross-reference with horror guidebooks in the library, but without the invention of the Internet and plot keywords, I was left stumped for a long time. Years later, I saw Eyes Without a Face and called my dad immediately. I told him the crucial fact he’d been missing, the actual name of the greatest horror film he had ever seen. I then agreed with him that, yes, it was a quite extraordinary film."

The Rocketeer (1991)
The Rocketeer (1991)
1991 | Action, Drama, Family
I remember having an old game, back in the day (late 80s) in the Amiga: Rocket Ranger.

The reason I mention that?

Because it very well could have acted as inspiration for this 1991 film.

(edit: I've just discovered it's actually based on a lesser known graphic novel of the same name! Presumably so is Rocket Ranger ...)

Released in the wake of Batman, and a good couple of decades before the birth of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), this stars a post-Bond Timothy Dalton on villain duty, with Bill Campbell taking on the role of Cliff Secord (who becomes The Rocketeer) and Jennifer Connolly as his love interest.

Set in 1938, this - apparently, like the comics - takes inspiration from the pulp serials of old, with director Joe Johnston bringing the same verisimilitude to the setting as he would his (much) later "Captain America: The First Avenger". Unfortunately, the film is a bit too po-faced for its own good - missing the wryness of, say, an Indiana Jones - an suffered somewhat from an unfortunate release window, sandwiched right between "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" and "Terminator 2: Judgment Day".
I really, really want to give this 4 stars. However, my ratings don't just include how much I enjoyed the story, they also include how I feel about punctuation, misspelled words, and grammar. Honestly, that is the only thing keeping me from giving You Loved Me At My Darkest 4 stars. There were several misspelled words (and I am aware that some of these words are not spelled the American way - I do not considered these words misspelled), some places where words were missing, and a good amount of incorrect punctuation. However! I really, really enjoyed reading this book. Despite it being hard to keep up with perspective (mostly in the beginning), I was easily captivated and it wouldn't let go! The story was heartbreaking, but filled with so much fight and spirit. I didn't want to put it down. My heart beat in sync with Lily's. I felt her pain, I felt her fear, I felt her love. I was more reserved in allowing myself to completely trust Jake, more so than Lily was, but it was easy to see that there was something bigger going on. I definitely do not regret finding Evie's book!
Proud Mary (2018)
Proud Mary (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Mary is a hit woman working for an organized crime family in Boston, whose life is completely turned around when she meets a young boy whose path she crosses when a professional hit goes bad.

I've been thinking over my star ratings and I'm having trouble... I'm not sure that this film should be a 3 on my scale as I'm almost certain I wouldn't watch it again, but there were lots of different elements in it that I loved.

The music for one, lots of classic tunes to tap your toes to. Always a winner... I enjoy Taraji P. Henson in most of the things she does... Mary goes on a fun rampage, wrecking her car and killing... well, basically everyone. There are some wonderfully tender moments too where she's trying to protect Danny knowing that she's now got him into another potentially dangerous situation.

I keep mulling the film over in my head though and I'm not quite sure how this film managed to fill the time that it's on the screen. It feels like it's missing something but I can't honestly put my finger on what.
Juliet, Naked (2018)
Juliet, Naked (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
Not up to Nick Hornby’s usual standards
Nick Hornby’s books are marvellous, so adapting them into films is an obvious choice for getting a sure fire hit (a la About a Boy). However sadly this doesn’t quite work for Juliet, Naked.

The plot itself is fine, fairly interesting yet doesn’t appears to be very in depth and i feel like there’s probably a lot missing in this that was in the book. It’s a good idea, just not very well executed and a little dull. It tries for humour but isn’t particularly funny and the romance side is a little lacking too sadly. I’ve always liked Ethan Hawke and he’s good in this but perhaps a little underused, and Rose Byrne is good but her accent is definitely a bit dodgy! Not too sure what was going on with Chris O’Dowd though, I’m not his biggest fan anyway but I found him particularly irritating in this but that may have just been his character. It’s a shame really that this film appears to be lacking all of the usual magic you’d see with Nick Hornby. Think I’ll just go read the book.
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