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Inheriting Edith
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maggie falls into a job housecleaning as a way to pay the bills. A college graduate, her work at a publishing firm barely lets her eke by. But she finds comfort in cleaning, even if it might not be the most glamorous trade in the world. Still, as a single mom, she's not exactly wealthy. So when a former employer and friend, Liza, passes away and leaves Maggie a home in a beach town, Sag Harbor, she's amazed. The only catch? Maggie must stay in the house with Liza's elderly mother, Edith, who is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. She's also a feisty, opinionated woman who is reeling from the loss of her only daughter. Neither Maggie nor Edith are too happy with this arrangement, but Maggie moves in with two-year-old Lucy in town. Slowly the two woman learn more about each other-- and their past.

This is an interesting little novel. The characters within are enjoyable and endearing. I took to Maggie immediately, as well as her sweet daughter. Even prickly Edith is one to root for. The supporting cast, particularly Edith's friend, Esther, are lovely. Still, somehow, the novel felt a little flat to me. As if it was trying too hard, or conversely, not enough. The book was good, but felt a little predictable, and the plot seemed to just barely scrape at the surface of the hard issues it dealt with: depression, Alzheimer's, adoption. It seemed like there could have been so much more depth of feeling and intensity shown in dealing with these hard subjects. I kept thinking back on one of my all-time favorite books, [b:Elizabeth Is Missing|18635113|Elizabeth Is Missing|Emma Healey||24946905], which is just this gorgeous, heartfelt story of a woman struggling with Alzheimer's and the daughter caring for her. In that novel, you could truly feel the pain of the characters. Here, they just sort of slide through, as if all these real problems can't truly touch them.

Still, it was a fun book, and as I said, the characters are endearing and often humorous at times. There is a lot of backstory that goes into Edith's early life, which is interesting, even if some of it becomes a tad farfetched. I'm glad I read it, but I wish it would have done more with its serious subjects and its lovely little cast. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Librarything - thank you! It is available everywhere as of 10/18/2016.
The Broken Girls
The Broken Girls
Simone St. James | 2018 | Horror, Thriller
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating, ghostly thriller
Idlewild Hall has been abandoned since 1979. Until then, it was a boarding school of last resort, where parents sent the daughters they'd sooner rather forget. Now someone is looking to restore it, bringing back all of journalist Fiona Sheridan's memories of her teenage sister, Deb. Deb was murdered and her body left in the fields of Idlewild. A rich teen--her sister's boyfriend--named Tim Christopher was charged with Deb's murder. But it never seemed quite right to Fiona. So, she decides to write a story about the restoration, but encounters more than she bargained for as she begins to uncover years of long-buried secrets.

This is a wonderful, captivating book that drew me in immediately. I've never read anything by Simone St. James, so this was a welcome surprise. The novel alternates between two time periods: 1950 and 2014. In 1950, we hear from four girls attending Idlewild Hall--Katie, CeCe, Sonia, and Roberta. One of the girls soon goes missing and her disappearance ties to 2014, where Fiona is both searching for more information about her sister's death and, eventually, more knowledge about the missing Idlewild student. It's incredibly well-done and extremely suspenseful, drawing you quickly into the narrative and the two separate but related worlds.

The book plays on the boarding school mystique and offers up more supernatural elements than I was expecting, but they somehow work here. The novel is creepy and not one I always wanted to be reading alone in the dark! Like some of my favorites, Jennifer McMahon and Carol Goodman, St. James has a flair for the eerie and the ghostly, and it works well in this context. The boarding school stands stark and haunting in the book-terrifying at times-and you feel the fear ooze across the pages from the various characters.

Indeed, St. James does a great job capturing her characters, whom practically come to life before your very eyes. The group from boarding school are excellent--each different in their own way--and Fiona is an excellent, complicated character as well. While the two eras stood alone, I enjoyed how the stories intermingled and slowly tangled together, making the book quite fascinating and a real page-turner. This one wasn't what I expected; at times, it could be quite heartbreaking and touching.

Overall, this is an incredibly well-done thriller. It's quite captivating with lovely characters. A great discovery. I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review. More at

Jemma Walsh (81 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Aug 31, 2018  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
A good twist (1 more)
Characters and their backgrounds
Weak ending (1 more)
Slightly long winded
It was ok! I liked the twist.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Firstly I apologise for any spelling mistakes.
Luckily I borrowed this book, always lured in by “thriller of the year” but honestly if I had paid for the book I would feel more unsatified, maybe I like gory crime books more, always expeting the worst outcome in the worst way ...

Begins this book enjoying the where had Amy gone!? My wife is missing, thinking “ohhh where will she turn up?” With her side of the story about how things weren’t so great, nick hiding thing from the police being secretive.. the book clearly pinning what happened to Amy on the husband but that’s always to obvious... half way through this book I started to get bored, thinking when will something thrilling happen, that’s right this book has three parts!

I’m trying to work out what’s happen to Amy, maybe Go has done something? ( Go? What a strange way to spell it, made it hard for ready to for naturally, Brian is constantly debating go or Jo?) or maybe did nicks fatehr do something seeing as her a confused angry man.... oh man was I so far off!

Then I get the the second part and finally I feel somewhat satisfied! At last what a great twist to the story! Got me totally hooked when I was so close to calling it quits! How could she do that to nick! All them months of dedicated planning and Scheming, to see how all the pieces fell into place, realising how insane Amy was, and for her “logical reasoning”

Then you get to part three, and again it gets abit dull but your so far in you need to finnish it rather than quite so you keep checking how much more you have left to ready, come on!

The ending is just “so,so” they could have done so much more! The detective could have come across some evidence to show that desi had an alibi during the time Amy went “missing” I feel like tommy and Hillary should have gotten justice, and then the ending is just nothing they clearly live their lives together the end ? Just not closed up enough for my likings,

So my Rating Is low because for a thriller of the year and the addictive no1 is bestseller I had higher expectations and felt so disappointed and underwhelmed, over the story line is good and I enjoyed the characters, but not that thrilling
I think I'm reading books too fast for the following reasons:

~ It was spring break. I probably got cabin fever. 101°F most likely
~ It was short, compared to a lot of other books I typically really, which are usually 350+
~ It really was action-packed and suspenseful

The last part is a fact, and to my embarrassment, I didn't realize April Henry was the exact same author who wrote Girl, Stolen which I actually loved (I forgot if it was Book Battle, Truman Readers Award Nominee, or both). Or maybe I just forgot who the author was. Whoops.

The Body in the Woods follows multiple perspectives – Alexis, Nick, Ruby, and why yes, the murderer on the occasional basis of creepiness. e_e *ominous music* Alexis' is someone who doesn't let others become close to her (sounds like me) and has a delusional mother who hates her medication, Nick had no father figure for most of his life and tries getting attention just to fit in, and Ruby has interests no one else seems to understand. But while all of that is true, there seems to be one thing in common between the three: they're odd and simply want to fit in with the world.

All three are part of Portland's Search and Rescue, which is actually mainly made up of teen volunteers who search for missing people. While on the search for a missing man in Forest Park – no, not the one in Missouri where the Muny is at – they end up finding a girl... dead.

The multiple POVs actually had a handy advantage: it pretty much kept me at the edge of my seat. A chapter ends at a suspenseful part, I turn the page in hopes of finding out what happens and I end up with a different person entirely. Unfortunately though... there were these random POVs from other people that just seem to pop out of nowhere and proved to be a bit of a distraction from the main 4.

Well written and page turning, The Body in the Woods reminded me of CSI from a witnesses' and murderer's point of view instead of law enforcement. Not bad for April Henry's latest novel, even if I only read one other book. It'll be great for mystery peeps though!
ARC copy provided by publisher
Original review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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Lock Every Door
Lock Every Door
Riley Sager | 2019 | Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jules has just lost her job, her boyfriend and her home all in the same day. She is currently living with her best friend, Chloe. When the opportunity presents itself for her to live in one of the most exclusive apartment buildings in New York City, The Bartholomew, she can't pass up on the chance. Not only does she get to live there, she's getting paid to do so as an apartment sitter. This is an opportunity Jules can not pass up despite the protestations of Chloe, she has to get back on her feet. So she takes the job even though the rules are a little strict. Shortly after moving in, Jules meets another apartment sitter, Ingrid, who is unsure about continuing to live at The Bartholomew. When Jules is ready to ask her about it, Ingrid disappears without a trace. What happened to Ingrid and other apartment sitters that have gone missing? What dark secrets lie within The Bartholomew?

Thank you to NetGalley & Dutton books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I was so excited to get this book from NetGalley. Last year I read both of Riley Sager's books and I was looking forward to this one. It did not disappoint. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and I definitely didn't see the ending coming.

If I was a single young woman and was given the opportunity to live in an exclusive apartment and get paid for it, I would jump on that in a heartbeat. I don't think I would care about rules or anything, just tell me where to sign and let me sit back and collect the cash.

Another reason Jules is so quick to accept this opportunity is because her favorite book is set in the building. I think many readers would love to live in the place where their favorite book is set if they don't already. And Jules needs a little fantasy in her life since she has lost both parents and her sister. At first The Bartholomew seems like a dream place to live. With a courteous doorman, friendly neighbors and a doctor as one of the residents, it's idyllic. But when Ingrid goes missing, Jules starts to question everything. The explanation she receives for the sudden departure doesn't sound right and the police aren't willing to help because she doesn't know enough about Ingrid to form a case.

What is she going to do? Will she discover the secrets of the building before it's too late?
Bury Them Deep (Inspector McLean #10)
Bury Them Deep (Inspector McLean #10)
James Oswald | 2020 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have said this before and I will say it again ... once more, this is a treat for crime fiction, with a hint of "other", lovers the world over ... Mr Oswald has provided yet another gripping story.

DCI Tony McLean is a Detective Chief Inspector and, as such, should not be on the front line of policing however, he just can't help himself particularly when a trusted colleague, Anya Renfrew, goes missing under suspicious circumstances. Is this connected to a massive multi-agency enquiry that is just about to get underway and which is so hush-hush, that most people involved don't know the full story? Was she just unfortunate to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or is this connected to numerous missing persons cases that have remained unsolved for many years? When it transpires why Anya was where she was when she disappeared and her address is not where she actually lives, the mystery deepens.

It's clear that Tony is at his happiest when in the thick of things rather than sitting at his desk reading reports and directing operations and this theme is strong throughout the book. Mr Oswald is able to effortlessly portray the enthusiasm and passion Tony has for investigating and solving the apparently unsolvable crimes whilst trying to appease the top brass and having a life outside of the Police. This ability brings Tony to life and makes him believable and "human".

It's not just Tony who is brought to life, this book is littered with excellent characters ... Grumpy Bob, Norman Bates, Gav, Bobby, Professor Harriet Turner, etc., etc., etc. Ex Detective Superintendent Grace Ramsey was a particular favourite of mine who is described as "a slim, middleaged woman in a severe dark suit with a face like licking piss off a nettle" ... that one line caused a laugh-out-loud moment and conjured up an image that has stuck with me and one that captures a few people I know!! I will definitely be using that one in the future 😎

The opening chapter had me hooked and wondering what the heck it would have to do with a crime in the 21st century however, the subtly of how this was woven and developed into the story was excellent and had me thinking that it isn't something that's beyond what is possible in these times unfortunately.

This is an engrossing read and one in which I was completely drawn into and enjoyed immensely from start to finish and, once again, I am thankful to Headline and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
The Return: A Titan Novel
The Return: A Titan Novel
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seth (2 more)
Amazing Writing Style
Seth Apollo interactions
When your in love with a God
If you haven't yet read any Jennifer L Armentrout then your missing out!

Jennifer writing is so easy to get lost in whether your reading her Young Adult, New Adult or General fiction she has the ability to capture the reader better than most authors I've ever read.

The Titan Series is the Sequal to Jennifer Covanant series. If you haven't yet read Covanant please read it especially if you love Greek mythology. Covanant follows a very empowered amazing female lead called Alexandra Andros where as The Return follows Seth.

Seth is an extremely complex and amazing character if you have read the Covanant series you know Seth started out as a egoticial hard man Apolloyon who through the series change due to Alexs influence.

The Return Seth no longer has Alex as his conscious and guide. Seth has to repent for his mid deeds from the covanant series and it doesn't help he suddenly has feeling for his new charge. I love this book a lot not as much as the original Covanant series but it still amazing all the same plus Seth and Apollo arguments egos and bitch fighting can keep me amused for days.

Li Hughes (285 KP) rated Six Four in Books

Sep 3, 2017  
Six Four
Six Four
Hideo Yokoyama, Jonathan Lloyd-Davies | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A dense, rich plot (1 more)
Tons of interesting cultural glimpses
That dense, rich plot can be slow going (0 more)
I loved this book. Translated works can sometimes be clunky, with little nuances lost along the way, but this one was so smooth and evocative that it didn't really feel translated at all. Kudos to Jonathon Lloyd-Davies.

The basic plot involves 2 missing girls: the 1989 kidnap and murder of a 7 year old and the more recent disappearance of Press Director Mikami's teenage daughter. With the anniversary of the original crime coming up, Mikami is charged with organizing a PR visit by the police commissioner to the family of the murdered 7 year old and discovers a previously unseen clue in the case files along the way. The insight into the minutiae of Japanese daily life is fascinating: the sense of failure Mikami feels from having been transferred to criminal investigations to press director, cops stopping to purchase a visiting gift of rice crackers before stopping at the victim's home, Mikami's knowledge from the glimpse of a home shrine that a key witness has passed away.

While this can be a slow read, I suggest sticking with it. Take it in small doses. It's worth it.

ClareR (5784 KP) rated The Moor in Books

Apr 25, 2018  
The Moor
The Moor
Sam Haysom | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I might not go on that hiking trip.....
You're in at the deep end straight away with this story, and it doesn't come up for air for the next 200 pages (or so!). It starts as a ghost story told by their teacher to five 13 year old boys on a training weekend on Rutmoor National Park, and ends - well, that would be giving the game away! We get glimpses into the past with the use of newspaper articles written about missing children and mutilated animals, and we look at the present and one of the survivors from the ill-fated walk. We're also told the story of what really happened on that ill-fated weekend.
The suspense was portrayed really well, and the boys were written with an understanding of how teenaged boys talk and act (much like Stephen King, in fact). I actually dreamt about this story whilst I was reading it, and let me tell you, it wasn't pleasant! And yes, I loved it!
This is great for horror-suspense lovers, and isn't really gory, in my opinion. It just messes with your mind ?
Thanks to The Pigeonhole for choosing this book to serialise. It was fun (in a keep-you-thinking-about-it-late-into-the-night kind of way)!!!
Mike and the Dog-Gone Labradoodle
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Mike discovers that his secret crush, Nic's (Nicole,) dog has gone missing he is on the case. After failing to find her dog, Baxter, on his first outing, Mike's twin sister along with some of their friends put on their thinking caps and head out to look for clues as to where the dog could have gone. The relationship between Mike and his twin sister, Maddie is totally believable for a 12 year old boy. They're total opposites and he just doesn't get her smart 'weirdness.' How Mike describes his feelings for Nic and his interactions with his friends also really puts you in his shoes. All of the characters have fun and humorous personalities and the descriptions of them really give you an image of this newly found group of friends. It was a great lead into how The Pet Shop Society was formed and, I feel, would really engage readers 7-11 to read more of the series. This was a simple chapter book that was engaging as well as thought provoking and would take the child on a fun adventure.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review, which this is.