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Pieces of Me (Missing Pieces #2)
Pieces of Me (Missing Pieces #2)
N.R. Walker | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pieces of Me is the second book in the Missing Pieces series and you need to read book one before you start on this one. It starts where book one finished and is a continuation of Justin's recovery and how Dallas is coping with everything and everyone.

Although this has the same characters and situations in it, the story is different enough to keep my attention. Finding out more about what Dallas has to cope with on the business side, plus what Justin deals with, made this all the more real for me. Life is tough without any 'easy answers' magically appearing. Dallas has to rob Peter to pay Paul and juggle his credit cards too. I loved that part, like I said, making it real.

This was a brilliant addition to the series and I thoroughly enjoyed how Dallas and Justin's story moved along at a steady pace. There is a bit more steam in this one as Justin's body and mind start to remember Dallas.

A fantastic story that has me gripped. Can't wait to continue. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Simple Favor (2018)
A Simple Favor (2018)
2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
As soon as the movie starts we learn that Stephanie is a vlogger who's "best friend" Emily is currently missing and we are thrown into a backstory of how they met. We also discover that Stephanie is a widower and Emily isn't the nicest of people, she's always criticising Stephanie and even freaked out when she took her photo, yet Stephanie still wants to hang out with her and share secrets etc. I guess Stephanie just has a hard time making friends so clings to the first woman who speaks to her, sadly this is a thing as I've known people who have done this in real life. Anyway the last time Stephanie hears from Emily, she is asked to pick up her child from school for a few hours and she's never heard from again. Stephanie and Emily's husband take it upon themselves to find out where Emily is, the investigation is short lived when Emily is found dead.
The movie was very captivating especially an hour before the end. There was so many unexpected twists and turns, just when you get over one twist another is thrown at you. There is a little humour in it, however, this humour can sometimes takeaway the seriousness of the movie as it is a little far fetched at times. You'll understand when you watch 😉
Pepper the Salt Potato
Pepper the Salt Potato
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pepper the Salt Potato was a lovely, illustrated book that was fun to look through, plus, the feel of the paper and overall look of the book was beautiful. The pages had cool eye-catching colors, transporting scenes, and easy to read words. I enjoyed reading about Peppers trip to the State Fair in New York and all the places he and his friends went on the way. I also enjoyed the authors history note in the front and the recipe on the back which added an interactive aspect I like seeing in children’s books. The overarching message of the book is good as well “I am who I am”, is a great reminder to just be yourself.

The only thing that would have made the story better was that the storyline itself seemed to be missing scenes. From one page to the next, there was not always a clear flow or thought process to lead the reader. However, it was still enjoyable, and I think Lenora Riegel and the publisher Siphre Books did a great job with the overall look and feel of the book. I give it 4 out of 5 stars and look forward to reading more books from Lenora Riegel.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
...Like Clockwork by Queens Of The Stone Age
...Like Clockwork by Queens Of The Stone Age
2013 | Alternative
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It’s the first album in two years that I’m totally enthralled and inspired by. I don’t know if it’s because of his [Josh Homme’s] near-death experience - Josh did nearly die on the operating table, during a simple operation that went wrong - but the lyrics are really a massive leap. James [Dean Bradfield, Manics guitarist] and Sean [Moore, drummer] have always loved Queens but I’ve never been a massive fan, then this album really got to me. There’s a track called ‘If I Had A Tail’ that’s almost got an In Utero feel to it. The drums are massive, the lyrics are brilliant: ‘I Appear Missing’ what a title! ‘I Sat By The Ocean’ is a bit like ‘Ocean Spray’, it’s got the same sort of bassline. The first time I heard it absolutely blew me away, the musicianship on it is fucking astounding as well. It makes you feel quite defeated. There’s a desert dryness to it as well - anyone who’s been in hospital will relate to it, it has a bare whiteness to it. It’s forensic. It’s actually a really earthy album, but not earthy like Crosby, Stills and Nash. Earthy like you’re lying there having an out-of-body experience. I’ve struggled over the last two years, I’ve loved loads of songs and records, but there’s been no albums that actually sound like an album - this one does."

Reign of Ash (The Chosen #2)
Reign of Ash (The Chosen #2)
Meg Anne | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
27 of 250
Reign of Ash ( The Chosen book 2)
By Meg Anne

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

"You will damn us all."

Kiri Helena Solene thought her trial was over. She was wrong. Prophesied to be the strongest of her kind, Helena is still coming to terms with the depth of her power and what it means to rule. Unfortunately, there's little time to learn.

"Without the tether you will fracture."

As her soul mate, Von is Helena's balance. Too bad he's missing. When he disappears, her tenuous hold on her magic begins to slip. Helena must find Von, and soon, or risk losing control completely. If only she knew where to look.

"You have a choice before you."

A malevolent force has risen, threatening the lives of Helena and those in her Circle. What they don't realize is that without Von, she will become the thing they most fear. How do you choose between the people you've vowed to protect and the one person you can't live without? How do you choose when there's no choice at all?

I’m really enjoying this series I loved this book! Was so glad she got her mate back and her circle intact! Full of action it’s one of those books you don’t want to put down!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated The Art of Betrayal in Books

Jun 9, 2021 (Updated Jun 9, 2021)  
The Art of Betrayal
The Art of Betrayal
Connie Berry | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of a Recluse, Theft of an Antique Jar
Kate Hamilton is back in the village of Long Barston to help her friend with his antiques business while he recovers from surgery and spend more time with Detective Inspector Tom Mallory. One afternoon, a woman comes into the store with a valuable piece of Chinese pottery she wants to sell on consignment. But that night, she stumbles onto the stage of the village’s May Fair pageant and dies. Almost immediately, Tom gets a call about the antique shop, and he and Kate go there to find that the pottery is missing. Can Kate figure out what is going on?

It was a pleasure to be back with Kate and Tom in England. This is a fantastic mystery with plenty of twisty threads for Kate to follow before she resolves things. I had a part or two figured out, but most of it didn’t come together for me until Kate had figured it out. Then I couldn’t believe I had missed it. The characters are strong. Kate is a little older than a traditional protagonist, something that I enjoy. I quickly got reacquainted with the returning characters and enjoyed getting to know the suspects, who were strong enough to make me care about the outcome. This book will please Kate’s fans and should bring her some new ones.

Erika (17789 KP) rated This Is a Robbery: The World's Greatest Art Heist in TV

May 1, 2021 (Updated May 1, 2021)  
This Is a Robbery: The World's Greatest Art Heist
This Is a Robbery: The World's Greatest Art Heist
2021 | Documentary
My review of this documentary may be slightly bias because I've read several books on the Gardner Heist, including the FBI Agent's memoir who nearly tracked down the missing paintings, but got stuck in a pissing contest between agencies.
First, I felt like they should have had this FBI Agent contribute more to the documentary, rather than presenting some other theories as to where the paintings ended up. I actually thought they were going to have him appear in the last ep, but he didn't. This would have bumped up the rating for me, honestly.
Second, so many conspiracy theories with the Italian mob. I just shook my head at this. Way too much focus. The police department's focus seemed half-ass, and like they took the easy way out by blaming the mob, then didn't interview actual witnesses again.
The BEST PART of this documentary series was when they interviewed a guy that is a member of the IRA. There was a theory that the IRA had lifted them. The guy basically told everyone to F-off, because the IRA wasn't involved. I cackled because it was completely hilarious.
Overall, this was just ok. It would probably be really interesting for people that don't know anything, or very little, about the Heist. Sure, this heist is interesting, but not 'The World's Greatest Heist'.
Quantum (Red Rock Alien Mail Order Brides #1)
Quantum (Red Rock Alien Mail Order Brides #1)
Erin Kellison | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quantum is the first book in a new science fiction romance series by Erin Kellison. The story is fast-paced and full of information on how the galaxy actually works, and what some of the species look like. There is a lot to take in, but it is definitely worth it.

Raider has stolen a Quantum Stone. Using this stone in a wormhole enables time to move backwards. He wants to sell the stone to past to buy himself a future, for reasons that you find out as you move along the story. Sophia is on a mission - to find her missing brother. She will do just about anything to find him, but when she opens a can of worms, she definitely gets more than she bargained for, especially when she finds out there is more to her brother than she realised.

Very well written, with a smooth flow to the story, like I've already mentioned it is fast-paced, but this is in no way a bad thing.With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, this book was thoroughly enjoyable. Definitely recommended by me, and I'm looking forward to reading further on in the series.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!