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The Call Of The Wild (2020)
The Call Of The Wild (2020)
2020 | Drama
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
402. The Call of the Wild. The tale of a CGI dog named Buck. With its all too human eyes, and unrealistic facial expressions, Buck is the main character, he doesn't speak, for that we have Harrison Ford narrating, then later becomes a character, John Thornton. Buck is the mayors dog, and everyone loves him for his all too human ways, but danger lurks. In the Yukon there's a dog shortage?? Ok then, Buck gets kidnapped, beaten into submission, in a Disney way, don't worry. Luckily tho, Buck is purchased by a super nice postal worker, Perrault and partner Francois who needs him on his sled, and at this point we realize there must be a dog shortage, because the CGI dogs he has are rough, missing eyes, ears, old as Walk Disney's decapitated head waiting to be reborn with a trillion bucks in the bank! Buck becomes lean and tough, learns to be part of a team and ultimately lead that team! And when that job dries up, Buck meets John Thornton, a sad kinda guy, suffering from a huge loss in the past he can't move past. John saves Buck from another dog sled operator, who seems to be hellbent on going on a suicide mission. The two become the best of friends going on grand adventure off the map, and showing Buck his true place in the world! Filmbufftim on FB

Christine A. (965 KP) rated The Rabbit Hunter (Joona Linna #6) in Books

Mar 26, 2020 (Updated Mar 26, 2020)  
The Rabbit Hunter (Joona Linna #6)
The Rabbit Hunter (Joona Linna #6)
Lars Kepler | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
6th book in the series. Can stand-alone but read the earlier ones first.
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

The Rabbit Hunter is the 6th novel in the Joona Linna series written by Lars Kepler. Kepler is the pseudonym of husband and wife team Alexander Ahndoril and Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril.

While it is the 6th in the series, it can stand alone. However, you should read the earlier novels to really understand the characters.

Kepler's books are detailed and gritty. They are not set nor originally published in the US. Be warned! There is gore. That being said, the books I have read in the series are captivating. This one, not so much. I do recommend reading it but it was missing something. I am not sure if the cause was the translation or the original text.

Joona was not as strong of a presence as in prior books. He is released from jail just to help solve the case of the rabbit hunter. Instead of focusing on the case, he plans for life after prison and without working as a police officer. It is in his blood. It is who he is.

I will read book 7 and hope it was only this book or its translation I found lacking. I thoroughly enjoyed the others in the series.

This 200-word review was published on on 3/25/20.
The Cutting Place (Maeve Kerrigan #9)
The Cutting Place (Maeve Kerrigan #9)
Jane Casey | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely devoured this book and, once again, I find myself sounding like a broken record in that I haven't got enough different words to describe how much I enjoyed it and despite it being the ninth in the series, it continues to feel fresh with the partnership of DS Maeve Kerrigan and DI Josh Derwent being a particular highlight of mine and one which I absolutely adore.

Here we find the team investigating a particularly brutal murder when a body part is found by a mudlarker on the banks of the Thames; the ensuing investigation leads to a missing journalist and an exclusive gentleman's club ... are they related? Amongst all this is a look into the private life of Maeve and the importance of strong friendships and trust.

This is a compelling and engaging story line and not just a police-procedural; it delves into the murky world of "gentleman's" clubs, domestic violence, blackmail, privilege and power. I'm not going to lie, it's a dark story full of tension that is all too plausible but there are lighter moments that provide some occasional relief.

Highly, highly recommended and you don't have to have read previous books in the series to appreciate just how good this is but you will certainly want to after reading this.

My thanks and appreciation go to HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
The problem with Ralph Breaks the Internet is that it suffers from a big case of the ‘unnecessary sequels’. Which isn’t a surprise seen as the majority of sequels are the same, but I’ve come to expect more from Disney.

Visually it looks stunning and the voice cast are as good as they were the first time, and it’s wonderful to see Alan Tudyk back again as the best new character KnowsMore. The Disney princesses are by far the best thing about this film, and apart from them the only scenes I really enjoyed and found funny were the 2 credits scenes (one of which had been in the trailer). It’s a little sad that you have to sit through a full 2 hour film before finding something truly enjoyable. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a bad film. It’s Disney after all. It’s just that the plot seems a little lacklustre and really quite forgettable. It seems to be missing the magic and the humour from the original, and comes across as very bland and uninteresting. Whilst the internet idea isn’t a bad one and there are some good quirky parts, I don’t feel like it was as well executed as it could’ve been.

The original is a film I adore that never gets old, but sadly this sequel is all too forgettable and not one I’d be interested in watching again.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
I honestly think this is one of the best films ever made. Not only is the animation super cool but the story, the characters, the actors in the film, all of it. Magnificent. My favorite thing about this film is the clashing of the worlds, you could say. What I love so much about Marvel is not only the movies but the shows too. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Agent Carter, they're all great - but in reality, they live in their own bubbles. Obviously the Netflix shows interact, and S.H.I.E.L.D is somewhat important when talking about the MCU. Into the Spider-Verse merges bits that you see in the comic books, not only in the animation but the characters. We have seen Green Goblin over and over again in the live-action films - both Toby McGuire's and Andrew Garfield's. But we don't see Kingpin. Plus, if you've watched Daredevil, you get a good idea of who Kingpin is and what his backstory is so you know why he's doing what he does in Into the Spider-Verse.

There are just layers to this film that are missing from some of the other films that have been done. The only ones to compare it to are those in the MCU, but even still, those are planned and minute if you don't pay attention. I just really love this film and I'm super pumped for the second one.
The Songs of Us
The Songs of Us
Emma Cooper | 2018 | Contemporary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heartwarming, heartbreaking and beautiful
‘The Songs of Us’ is an amazingly emotional book. Beautifully written and quirky, it made me laugh out loud many times, but in perfect balance, it made me cry as it also dealt very sensitively with some more serious issues. It’s hard to explain without spoilers, but it was heart-warming, heart-breaking, funny and sad all at the same time.
I highly recommend reading this debut novel from Emma Cooper – perhaps have some tissues at the ready!

The Blurb
‘Our life – no matter what happens in between – starts and ends with a heartbeat: our own personal rhythm, our own song’
If Melody hadn't run out of de-icer that day, she would never have slipped and banged her head. She wouldn't be left with a condition that makes her sing when she's nervous. And she definitely wouldn't have belted out the Arctic Monkeys' 'I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor' in assembly at her son's school.
If Dev hadn't taken the kids to the zoo that day, then the accident wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't have left Flynn and Rose without a dad. Or shattered the love of his life's heart.
But if they hadn't seen the missing person report that day, they might never have taken the trip to Cornwall. And, in the last place they expected, discovered what it really means to be 'Us'.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Night Shift in Books

Feb 23, 2020  
Night Shift
Night Shift
Stephen King | 1978 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
King at his best
This is one of the first Stephen King books I remember reading, probably when I was far too young at around the age of 10/11, if not earlier. I loved it then, I loved it the handful of times I've picked it up over the past 2 decades and having decided to read it again this week, I still love it.

King is my favourite author, and it's books like this that really highlight why. I've never before known an author who can bring such detail and intrigue into 20 different short stories, even those stories that are only a few pages long. He's a master storyteller and this book is a great example. Every single story is engaging and filled with horror, telling you just enough to leave you satisfied and not feeling like you're missing out and with a well developed plot and characters.

Out of these 20 short stories, I'd only highlight one of these that is maybe weaker than the rest: 'The Woman in the Room' and this isn't bad, just more that it's lacking in the horror that the rest of the stories have and it's a shame because this is the final story. But aside from this every single story is a brilliant read and if you ever want to find a place to start reading Stephen King, without tackling his major epic novels, there's no finer place to start than this.
    The Big Journey

    The Big Journey

    Games and Stickers

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    Designed for kids and adults alike, The Big Journey is a beautiful, casual adventure. Tilt to roll...

    Nursing Procedures

    Nursing Procedures

    Medical and Education

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    Nursing Procedures by Slateable is an app designed for nurses who would like to have the best...