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Primal Bonds ( Shifter Unbound book2)
Primal Bonds ( Shifter Unbound book2)
Jennifer Ashley | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
72 of 250
Primal Bonds ( Shifters Unbound book 2)
By Jennifer Ashley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

When a female Shifter comes to town seeking refuge, Feline Shifter Sean Morrissey claims the new arrival and finds a beautiful woman who looks him straight in the eye without fear, stirring the mating frenzy within him.

To relocate to a new Shiftertown, half-Fae, half-Shifter Andrea Gray must accept a new mate. But Andrea's intense attraction to Sean is something she never expected-a perilous complication for a woman with a troubled past.

This is becoming one of my favourite shifter series. I love and hate the premise nobody wants to be in a shock collar but you could imagine this actually happening if shifters existed in real life. This book shows some kickass females and some eye candy in our Irish boys! I really enjoyed this storyline it kept me glued to the book. It also targets deep issues and that we can overcome them regardless of how hard it gets!
The Reaping (2007)
The Reaping (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
You'd think a movie about Hilary Swank and Idris Elba fighting the ten biblical plagues would have been somewhat more exciting, no? Can't think of many other ways they could have made this less thrilling or scary (one of those lazy farts that actively tries to make its jumpscares predictable) - but points for God-tier southern bible-belt madman David Morrissey and frightening wounded animal-esque AnnaSophia Robb, neither of whom are used nearly enough. Might possibly be one of the most tame R-ratings in cinema history, purposefully skipping out on the gore and ick like it's trying desperately to hold onto the PG-13 rating it doesn't have. Has a couple nice-looking shots, and (finally) starts getting quite creepy + fun in the back end but it still looks like shit. Seriously, I hope that when the plagues do start hitting planet Earth they at least aren't this contrived and badly-rendered. I'm also convinced that this script was still on the first draft when this empty drag was made because not only is it full of holes but none of the numerous last-minute twists were climactic and just seemed to rush themselves right out the door. Not even that awful just... not really of any value.
Confession (David de Morrissey, #3)
Confession (David de Morrissey, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been many years since i read books 1 and 2 of this series and as much as i wanted to read them all together, it took me a long time to find them in paperback considering how old they are (1992). Because of their age, they are rather old fashioned in style, using terms like "vampiress" and it took me quite a bit to get back into. Once i got past the first third of the book, I was used to it and though it took me a while, i got into the series again.

I feel a little bad for Darienne, though i do think she brought it on herself and the fact that she's off to London is not looking good. As for David and Veronica, I'm happy for them. It's taken three books but they're finally getting their HAE.

And because they got their HAE, I'm confused by book 4, [b:Eternity|1935575|Eternity (David de Morrissey, #4)|Lori Herter||1938087]. I always assumed it would be David and Veronica as vampires spending eternity together, but maybe it has something to to with Darienne?

I'm off to go find out.

Rick Astley recommended Hatful of Hollow by The Smiths in Music (curated)

Hatful of Hollow by The Smiths
Hatful of Hollow by The Smiths
1984 | Rock
9.5 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Johnny Marr was quite young around this time, wasn't he? And Morrissey…some people are more lyrical than others and their conversation can use the language more [stylishly]. And he must have found that it came easily to him. But how does Johnny Marr play like that! Even people who hate The Smiths agree that Johnny Marr was a genius. To be honest, Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce weren't a bad rhythm section either. How did they do that quite young? I don't know. One of my older brothers was into The Smiths and we shared a bedroom so I heard a lot of their music. We would have been teens about this time. I loved the fact that they were from Manchester. I saw Andy Rourke around this time in town and it made me think 'fucking hell! It happens! I've just seen HIM! He's in this band that are totally credible, cool, has put Manchester on the map and I've just seen him walk out of the Arndale Centre!' And so yeah, we bought records and got drunk in Manchester and it felt like the town was happening at the time. The first time I saw them was on a north west television show and they did 'This Charming Man' and I was like [mouth agape]. We had had the Duran Durans and Spandau Ballets who looked great and were very glamorous and then you're confronted with these guys from Manchester – very ordinary in a way you might actually see them in Manchester but they weren't ordinary in their music. They didn't dress in clothes made by someone in Soho. It was like they got their shirts in Afflecks Palace! It was almost anti-glamour. And that felt very touchable. What do I think of Morrissey now? For me, lyrically he's still incredible. I can't say I know the last album well but I just think, like anybody who is an artist, you can tell a story a number of times and it has a freshness about it but we know Morrissey's way [by now]. I don't want to judge him but I don't really get into what he says off record because sometimes you wonder if he's taking the piss? But I don't know, I haven't really followed it. Is he doing that to create something going? Will he come back and say 'I didn't mean it like that'? Surely he must know [his recent comments around Britain First] are not a cool thing to do. But he's bizarre and thank God he's bizarre. I don't want him to be normal in any way, shape or form."
