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Merissa (11704 KP) created a post

Dec 14, 2021  
"An eclectic bunch of tales that can be read at any time, but I'd recommend NOT at bedtime!"

Tour & #Giveaway: A Cold Christmas and the Darkest of Winters by Cinnabar Moth - @Archaeolibrary, @GoddessFish, #Dark, #Fantasy, #Horror, 4 out of 5 (very good)
The Virgin Cure
Ami McKay | 2011
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved Ami McKay's first book, The Birth House, so I was eager to read this one without even knowing the synopsis. This book did not really live up to the quality of the first book, but I did still enjoy it. While the title conveys the idea that the focus of the book is this social problem of the myth of the "virgin cure", in reality the book was really about the life of the main character, Moth. The virgin cure only plays a part in two small events, and serves better as a footnote to Moth's life.
Moth is quite an interesting girl from the start, having the maturity of a much older person as she deals with her mother's methods of making money along with her drinking habits, even as she finds her own ways of survival. Despite being of such a young age, she is aware of the struggles of the people around her and knows enough to recognize what a better life would look like for herself - even beyond the trappings of wealth. While sold by her own mother for the price of a sack of coins, Moth still longs to impress her and return to her. From there, she encounters one horror after another, many hidden behind a veneer of wealth and privilege. Her desires propel her to take on a different name in an effort to change her very identity into the kind of person she longs to be.
Dr. Sadie's intervention into Moth's life provides a nice contrast to what Moth lived with day-to-day. As McKay's original protagonist, she provided another appealing way of life other than one of wealth and privilege. Her journal entries in the book also showed how Moth appeared to others. Despite the struggles that Dr. Sadie endured as a female physician, I liked the part she played in Moth's life and the things she showed Moth.
As for the format of the book, I found it a bit strange sometimes. The pages often held side notes that had little to do with the plot, and were better at serving as distractions, plus chapters often began with poems or quotes that were vague at best and required some intelligent deciphering to figure out how they contributed to the book. The journal entries of Dr. Sadie that peppered the book held the most valuable writing, as it fit in with the timeline of the plot. I think the book would have fared better with less distractions, more plotting, and a better title.
The Moth and Moon
The Moth and Moon
Glenn Quigley | 2018 | LGBTQ+
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1780, Blashy Cove is a very progressive town, with running water and legal same sex marriages. An unexpected hurricane drives most of it residents into the cavernous the Moth & Moon, local tavern and inn. While they wait out the storm, fisherman Robin Shipp is forced to face demons from his past. Can the town and Robin pull together in the aftermath of the storm and pick up from the devastation to their homes and lives?

A wonderful combination of action, adventure, emotion, and romance. Once you start reading you will not want to stop! Full of real, relatable characters. They have flaws both physical and emotional; no one is picture perfect in Blashy Cove! However, most are lovable.

I like the descriptions given to the buildings and the surrounding area. It helps immerse the reader into the story. My favorite part of this book, however, is the idea of Blashy Cove, a place where homophobia does not exist. Same sex marriages are common and the norm. No one has to fight for their place. It is refreshing.

My only negative comment is that the physical description of The Moth & Moon gets repetitive throughout the first few chapters.

I highly enjoyed this read and definitely would recommend it to anyone. I give it 5 out of 5 stars
Resident Evil 2: The Board Game: Murder from Above (Expansion)
Resident Evil 2: The Board Game: Murder from Above (Expansion)
2019 | Action, Dice Game, Horror, Miniatures
Pieces (1 more)
Misleading Packaging (1 more)
A disappointing addition to an excellent game.
"Murder from Above" is one of the poorest expansions of the Resident Evil 2 board game.

It adds very little to the actual gameplay, with only one additional scenario to add to the core game.

In the reasonably large cardboard box filled with non-recyclable plastic, there are only 5 small figures (Giant Moth and 4 Murders of Crows), 3 cards and a sheet of paper with the scenario on...that's it.

But it is also the cheapest expansion to the game costing around £10 compared to the larger expansions that cost £30-40 (but do add more to the game).

A good, but at the same time underwhelming addition.
The Dark Side of the Wall by The Stallion
The Dark Side of the Wall by The Stallion
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is a project from Ben Wallers and Alastair Mackinven from Country Teasers. We moved in similar circles in the mid-90s. I saw them do the whole of this at the Moth Club earlier this year. You could think 'oh what a funny idea to cover the whole of Pink Floyd's The Wall', but they actually did it really well. I used to be a Pink Floyd fan, and one of the first albums I bought was Dark Side Of The Moon, but The Wall is where I parted company with them, I thought it was just a self-indulgent mess. So I was amazed to go and see that they'd actually made it palatable, they'd done something interesting with it. I know it's not coming from a take the piss point of view, Ben's got an actual affection for that record, and they'd really thought it out. The Wall is one of the most indulgent, over-produced records ever done, and so the idea of two guys on a stage at the Moth Club doing it is like 'how the fuck are you going to do that? Where's the choir, where's all this?' But it worked, it was really good. I preferred their version of The Wall to the Floyd one. I remember going to see the film version of The Wall, and Bob Geldof played the main character, and it was so rubbish and painful, the worst kind of that rock star moaning about nothing in particular. There's something in that record to do with a performer's relationship with an audience that's interesting - there is something strange about getting up on a stage and performing in front of people. In Ben's live performances as The Country Teasers or The Rebel, sometimes people think he's trying to wind the audience up or whatever, but it's always important that the audience is there and you're never allowed to be a passive spectator. I don't know if that's why he finds [this album] an interesting thing to deal with, but you could tell that there's a reason for it, it wasn't just 'let's try and do something ridiculous'. "

Hornet Flight
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
51 of 220
Hornet Flight
By Ken Follet

On the rocky coast of Denmark, two brothers, Harald and Arne Olufsen are straining against the rigid confines imposed by their elderly parents. Meanwhile, a network of MI6 spies is attempting to decipher an encrypted Luftwaffe radio signal which mentions the new Freya-Gerat - a rudimentary form of German radar equipment. Arne's relationship with Hermia Mount, an MI6 analyst draws him into underground politics, putting him under surveillance by the Danish security forces - and by one man in particular who has a personal motive to see Arne fall. It is only a matter of time before the brothers' paths converge in a united effort to overcome the Nazis. A disused Hornet Moth biplane is their only means of getting a vital message to the British...

Another enjoyable book from Ken Follet. This is set during World War Two a story of spies trying to tip the scales in a war that Germany are winning. I love this era in history it was a really good read. You will love this if you love Ken Follet , war time and espionage.

Wayne Coyne recommended Maniac Meat by Tobacco in Music (curated)

Maniac Meat by Tobacco
Maniac Meat by Tobacco
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"We saw their show a couple of weeks back, and of course I love the Black Moth Super Rainbow stuff, and Tobacco too. But I have to say when I was at the show there was a lot of new music he played and I was like 'Fuck, that's cool'. And then he gave me the new record and I discovered that a lot of what they played is on that, so to me it's the best that they've, or he's, done. He does the same song, over and over. He's working in the same colour palette every time, and he knows it, and he knows he's trapped in it, and I know it too. And it's rejuvenating. Even though you've heard these sounds he does a lot, it still comes back at you. Very effective. It's very evocative. He uses all these reverbs and echoes and distortions and it doesn't become music to you, it becomes an atmosphere, a mood. That's what a lot of this music I've talked about does: you don't think it's about drugs, you don't think it's about guitar playing, it's about a world that's created in your mind as these sounds are playing. It's fantastic."

Unravel Me ( Book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
131 of 230
Unravel Me ( Book 1)
By Kendall Ryan

Psychology student Ashlyn Drake's neat, orderly life takes a turn for the crazy when she finds the perfect subject for her amnesia thesis - a young man without any memory of his previous life, including the murder he's accused of committing. Against all common sense, Ashlyn's drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

Perhaps it's that he's so incredibly male: even handcuffed to his hospital bed, he could pass for a cologne ad - Scent de Insanity. Or perhaps it's because she's spent too many lonely nights studying. Either way, she's determined to help him solve the mystery of his past.

But when she finally learns his secret, there's no telling which one is the real him, the gentle lover she's fallen for or the troubled man with a dark past...

I enjoyed this more than I thought I was going to. It was defo an interesting story and way to meet the man of your dreams. Very well written and plenty of spicy bits. Only thing that really got my back up was the name Ashlyn I don’t know why I just don’t like it!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) in Movies

May 30, 2019 (Updated May 30, 2019)  
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Japan's biggest movie star returns to the screen in a solid, entertaining sequel (and I'm not talking about Ken Watanabe). Eco-terrorists steal a new gadget that allows people to communicate with and control giant monsters, intending to use it to save the environment by getting the world's monsters to destroy industrial civilisation: possibly not the most thought-through plan in history, but it has originality on its side.

I am not the best person to be objective about a new Godzilla movie, but I had a good time with this film. Even so, it does have obvious flaws: Kyle Chandler is kind of useless as the supposed protagonist, and the story does have a very 1990s vibe to it which I expect some people may have an issue with. However, the tone of the film is just about perfect: the Toho monsters look and behave exactly as you'd hope, and the film incorporates lots of little details from the original movies, most obviously the classic musical themes for Godzilla and Mothra. If you like Japanese monster movies, I think you will enjoy this movie a lot - if not, well, it's about a dinosaur, a dragon, a moth and a pterodactyl doing all-in wrestling together; whether you think that is an outrageously cool idea or unbelievably stupid is a matter of personal taste, but the movie itself is unlikely to change your opinion. Bring on the big ape!

Ari Augustine (10 KP) rated The Deep in Books

May 4, 2020  
The Deep
The Deep
Alma Katsu | 2020 | History & Politics, Horror, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Historical Fiction with a supernatural twist, I was drawn to The Deep like a moth to a flame. It's been awhile since I've read anything compelling enough to read in a single sitting, but Katsu deliveries such a horrific, heartpounding, and mind-spinning twist to a tale we're already so familiar with, that the story grips us from page one.

Annie Hebley is a nurse who survived the sinking of Titanic and has since confined herself to an mental institution. However, at the start of The Deep, she is hired to work on the Britannica to help the wounded WW1 soldiers. What I love about this story is how well it blends actual history in between these moments of atmospheric supernatural events. We meet characters who were once very much alive on a ship that actually existed. There's something eerie about tethering such a story in a historical way that connects to the reader, and this element of the story certainly spoke to me. But what I loved MOST was how unreliable Annie was as a character. Her point of view jumped between 1912 and 1916, blurring the lines of reality even further. Although the pacing wasn't always consistent, I love, love, LOVED Katsu's writing.

Overall, I'd recommend The Deep to anyone with a dash of patience, a dangerous curiosity for the supernatural, and, well, anyone who lives creepy stories rooted in history.