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Unsettled Ground
Unsettled Ground
Claire Fuller | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I make no secret of the fact that I’m a huge Claire Fuller fan, and Unsettled Ground gave me no reason at all to think otherwise - it’s a beautiful book.
The characters Jeanie and Julius are vulnerable people who just need someone to guide them when their mother dies, even though they are fiercely independent. This is a family that has always lived on the edge of their community - both their actual geographical location and socially. They live hand to mouth, and when Doris their mother dies, the twins have to go without food at times, when it transpires that Doris has left them with no money and debts. The cost of her funeral is the least of their problems (and they overcome that problem reasonably easily anyway).
There is a feeling that the twins are trapped by circumstance and by each other. Jeanie has never recovered from a childhood illness and is illiterate, and Julius is not only expected to look after her, but is trapped in their local area because he has severe travel sickness linked to their fathers terrible death. Their one comfort is their joint love of folk music (I wish I could have actually listened to these songs - I shall have to google them, and I hope they really exist!).
Claire Fullers use of language makes the everyday seem more lifelike in her books. I read most, if not all, of this with my heart in my mouth. How could I not? Jeanie and Julius are people who are shunned by society, taken advantage of and treated terribly. I feel I can’t leave this quite like this though: there are the good people, the ones that help.
I don’t want to spoil the story, so I’ll stop here, but what I will say is that this is another gorgeously written novel by Claire Fuller, and you should most definitely read it!
Many thanks to the publisher for providing me with an e-copy of this book through NetGalley to read and review.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Mother May I in Books

Aug 2, 2021  
Mother May I
Mother May I
Joshilyn Jackson | 2021 | Contemporary, Thriller
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mother May I was an unputdownable book for me - a high octane thriller, where a mother must follow, to the letter, the instructions of the woman who has kidnapped her infant son.

Bree Cabbat has a storybook life. She wants for nothing, has beautiful children, and a caring, handsome husband. She has come from a life of poverty, and she knows just how lucky she is. Bree doesn’t want anyone to take this life away from her.

When a witch-like character kidnaps her son and tells her that she has to do a job for her - and that she has to follow the instructions to the letter, Bree agrees. She has no other choice. The thought of a child being kidnapped, no matter their age, is horrifying.

As the story progressed, I found myself a little unnerved to find myself empathising with the baby’s kidnapper: she has a pretty compelling reason for her actions. And Bree feels the same way. She has a similar background to the woman, and knows how hard it is to claw your way out of poverty - and how easy it is to fall even lower. The fact that the kidnapper has her baby is ever present in Bree’s mind. She doesn’t forgive her because of her life experiences. Bree just wants to do what the witch has told her to do, and to get her son back.

Bree learns that her husband has kept a pretty big secret, and it has been the cause of not just their own plight. Will their marriage survive this?

To be fair, I wasn’t much concerned with the state of Bree’s marriage for much of this book. I was more interested in the relationship between Bree and her son’s kidnapper.

This book is gripping. I’m warning you now: don’t pick this book up if you know you’re going to have to put it down soon after. You won’t want to!

Another great thriller from Joshilyn Jackson - highly recommended!

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Space Hopper in Books

Feb 9, 2021  
Space Hopper
Space Hopper
Helen Fisher | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Space Hopper is a wonderful story about the love of mothers and daughters, loss, reconnection and time travel. Quite a mix there, and that’s exactly what drew me to this book.
Who, in Faye’s position, wouldn’t take the opportunity to visit someone they had loved and lost? What makes it all the more intriguing is the fact that this person is Faye’s mother. Although Faye is happily married with two young children, she feels a gap in her life - and the person she wants to fill that gap is her mother. But she died when Faye was 8 years old. When she accidentally steps inside the Space Hopper box that she has kept since childhood, that strength of feeling transports her back to the 1970’s and her childhood home.
This isn’t a book that you can rationalise, so it’s best not to, after all, it’s the strength of Faye’s feelings, I think, that take her back in time. It’s a very sad book at times, and if I was faced with Faye’s decision - to stay with my family or to see my mum after not seeing her for 30 years - I would be hard pressed to make the right choice. After all, what IS the right choice?
It does seem a little selfish of Faye to choose to go somewhere where she might not be able to return from, but there’s no doubting Faye’s love for her husband and children. But to be able to speak to her mum as an adult after so long - you can imagine how compelling that must have been for Faye.
I really enjoyed this, and I have so many thoughts about it that I could go on and on about it! It would make such a good book club book - there’s so much to discuss.
The writing is quite beautiful, and I cried at the end - I think that says it all, really.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this thought-provoking book.
The Push
The Push
Ashley Audrain | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is a nameless woman, a daughter, a wife, a mother, and this story is told from her perspective, kind of. The woman is telling us her life story: how she met her husband, about her pregnancy and her troubles with her daughter Violet, and other events that traumatise her for life. The characters in this book are quite disturbed, intense and very complex. For some strange reason, I could really relate to the protagonist. I understood her and her thoughts resonated with mine sometimes.

At the beginning of the book, I was not very impressed, I had no idea what it was about. But the more I got into it, the more absorbed I became. The narrative has several different lines and is telling the story of women from three generations. The protagonist is sharing the deepest and scariest thoughts of her life, and it got very intense for me sometimes. I really enjoyed the suspense, turns and twists. The topics discussed in this book are marriage, pregnancies, lack of motherhood instinct, mother-daughter relationship, children behavioural issues, grief, depression, trauma and many more.

The book is set somewhere American sounding (might be Canada), the atmosphere of this book is pretty dark and shrouded with mystery. I really liked the writing style of this novel, it is very honest, detailed and the mystery was kept perfectly. The chapters are pretty short, so this book was a true page-turner for me. I really loved the ending, because I was pretty confused with some stuff happening in the book, but the ending kind of clarified it for me. I have to throw in a warning, that this book has triggers when it comes to pregnancies, cheating, death of children, grief, psychotic behaviour.

So, to conclude, this book is a very intense life story, filled with very well crafted characters, that are intriguing, absorbing and the plot that is layered, complex and brutally honest.
Fire Colour One
Fire Colour One
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of those books that you see displayed in the library and just think, "What the heck? I'll give it a go."

This is YA book, as most of the books I read are. It's named after a painting, which ends up as quite a significant aspect in this novel.

Iris lives with her mother Hannah and step-father Lowell. She doesn't remember her real father. Hannah has always told her that he didn't want her, that he didn't care. She blamed him for their debts, their problems.

Thurston is Iris's best friend, her only friend. He means everything to her. He's always been there for her, until she has to move away to England without any means of telling him where she's gone.

Iris herself is a pretty troubled girl. Family life isn't great - Hannah and Lowell want her to be more like them, more conscious of her appearance and wealth. But all Iris really cares about is fire. There's nothing like the soothing flicker of a flame.

When she meets her father Ernest, Iris soon realises that everything she's been told by her mother has been a lie. He didn't leave her; Hannah took her, changed her name and hid. Ernest had been searching for her for years. But now it was too late.

The book actually begins with Ernest's funeral, and sort of goes backwards a few times. There's memories written throughout, clips from the past. We slowly learn more and more about Iris's personality, and we watch her re-develop her relationship with her father.

It's actually a pretty great book. It's so realistic, and unique. It isn't a fantasy, it isn't a cheesy romance, it isn't even really a book with a typical happy ending.

Although I wouldn't have searched this book out in particular, I am happy I read it. I'm not sure it quite gets 4 stars from me, so I'll give it 3.5.
Psychopath with Piers Morgan (Crime Documentary)
Psychopath with Piers Morgan (Crime Documentary)
2019 | Crime, Documentary
8.0 (4 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Direct and in depth interview technique (3 more)
Able to see family interaction in video footage
Mothers point of view is shared
Expert point of view is shared
Over dramatisation (1 more)
Piers questions repeatedly ask Paris to describe feelings that he may not have.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Paris Bennett is a diagnosed psychopath incarcerated in the Ferguson Unit within Texas State prison for stabbing his 4 year old sister to death.

Piers, revealing that Paris has a 'genius' level intellect.. an IQ score of 141 'wants to find out how their (psychopaths) minds work'.
When Piers opens the interview, in which he is separated from Paris by 'toughened glass', Paris begins with 'Since this is going to be done for ITV would you like me to speak in Queens English'. The comment, clearly planned, is blurted out almost in excitement and followed with a self-satisfied smile. Immediately, arrogance comes accross reflecting his narcissism.

This interview is mesmerising in that, despite his attempts to control his responses, you see the presentation of psychopathy quite clearly in the detachment and monotone used by Paris in describing horrific acts.

The documentary provides context by showing videotaped interactions between Paris, his sister and his mother which while appearing normal and happy, contained the odd disturbing comment from Paris that may have revealed his mindset. For example, to his mother:' what is your favourite sentence?,' I don't know ',' kill Charity's children? '.

Piers carries it out in a professional manner, calmly yet assertively seeking information. However the focus of his questions, on asking Paris to describe emotions, while helping to reveal the nature of psychopathy, do seem unfair.

One of the most disturbing aspects of this documentary is the fact that Charity, who has another child, has not only remained in contact with Paris but that she encourages his contact with his sibling rather than putting as much distance between him and Paris as possible.

Because Paris was a juvenile when convicted he will be up for parole in a few years in spite of his diagnosis.
The Last Thing She Said is filled with more then one mystery. Chris is the main one that needs to find answers for a dying friend. But what if that friend ends up being a famous author that wants to give her children the legacy that she left behind?

Well the way this plot goes. Chris and his mother do not know anything or seem to know that they are were friends to someone that was to be kidnapped and dead. When your mother last friend is leaves a letter to your son and ask you find out who murder her first husband George? The plot start to get thick and hot again.

This brings in the Geezer Squad to open up the cold case of a century. The author seem to bring in Mac and his wife which help a bit. If you meet the mayor you should not be surprised that their going to be a case that brings laughter between the two dogs.

Their seems that theirs is murder that needs solving that happens to be bring in two murders and a kidnapping. Who killed Lacy Woodhouse? Who would want George Livingston dead? Why extort money from Horace Billingely?

Laura Carr doe not disappoint. She gives us more then one mystery to dig into. How they all be connected and be related to the kidnapping and murder of George Livingston? To find out all this you will have to read The Last Thing she said. There is not one why to find one answers to why Mercedes Livingston? What ever happened to her? Their seems to be mystery until Chris gets and autographed book.

This author does her book brilliantly that I can not wait for the next one. This author adds her other mystery characters in seemly and they seem to help if they can. This time Mac get pulled in a bit. Will his wife be able to help with Chris cold case?