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Hari Nef recommended Tiny Furniture (2010) in Movies (curated)

Tiny Furniture (2010)
Tiny Furniture (2010)
2010 | Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Full disclosure: Lena is one of my best friends, but this was a film that I latched onto and loved long before I even met her. I see it as The Graduate for my generation of girls. The first time I watched it, I felt so dragged and so seen, as though my post-collegiate neuroses were just laid bare and my illogical chaotic feminine misbehavior just strung up for everybody to see. Dead-end jobs, complicated mother-daughter relationships, complicated sister-sister relationships: Dunham explores these things with a mix of levity and fearless vulgarity that makes her work feel so true and so to the gut."

The Others (2001)
The Others (2001)
2001 | Horror, Mystery
I Am Your Daughter
The Others- is a great haunted house film that has a great twist at the end. Its scary, haunted, horrorfying, thrilling and terrorfying.

The Plot: Grace (Nicole Kidman), the devoutly religious mother of Anne (Alakina Mann) and Nicholas (James Bentley), moves her family to the English coast during World War II. She awaits word on her missing husband while protecting her children from a rare photosensitivity disease that causes the sun to harm them. Anne claims she sees ghosts, Grace initially thinks the new servants are playing tricks but chilling events and visions make her believe something supernatural has occurred.

Its a excellent haunted house film.

ClareR (5789 KP) rated How It Was in Books

Nov 18, 2019  
How It Was
How It Was
Janet Ellis | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
How It Was looks at the complexity of a mother/ daughter relationship, and how a mothers own childhood can affect this. Or at least it does in the case of this family.

The 1970s were a time of change for some women, but not the women in this story. Marion is the mother of two children: Sarah, 14 and Eddie, 7. She is unhappy in her life, and has been for many years. We look at her life through a series of flashbacks (and flashbacks through her daughters eyes at the same time) as she sits at the hospital bedside of her dying husband. We learn of the affairs, the terrible relationship with her daughter, and the catastrophic accident that cost the family far more than just a child (although this was quite traumatic enough).

I found it very difficult to empathise with Marion, she’s not a likeable character. She seems self absorbed, I didn’t like how she felt about her daughter (it’s as though she feels repulsed by her), and how she speaks to everyone is simply rude. To me, it seemed to be a mixture of boredom, depression, selfishness and desperation that drove Marion’s actions. Michael, her husband, is endlessly patient, perhaps scared that she will leave him. He puts up with some terrible behaviour from Marion. I really wanted him to stand up for himself.

It doesn’t sound like it, I know, but I really liked this book. It’s a book with a thoroughly unpleasant main character (in fact she’s not on her own on that score - watch out for Adrian!) and they do make for interesting story lines!

This is the first book I’ve read by Janet Ellis, and I will be looking for more.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Two Roads for my copy of this book.
Good Me, Bad Me
Good Me, Bad Me
Ali Land | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
To say that this is a chilling story would be a gross understatement. I think my heart was in my mouth for the whole time I was reading this, and I really resented having to put it down.
This is the story of 15 year old Milly, and how she copes with her life after she informs the police that her mother is a serial killer. A killer of small children. She has also been horrifically abused by her mother. We follow her in to her foster family, a family where she is not completely welcomed. The teenaged daughter of her foster parents is a troubled, bullying, frankly rather horrible teenager. It's interesting to look at the similarities and differences between these two characters. How a child who has lived a terrible life seems to outwardly cope better than one who has had a loving (if rather distant) family.
Milly's inner voice, that of her mother, is a chilling reminder that she was controlled completely by this evil woman, to the extent that she finds it difficult to cope without her. The story shows the love of a child for their mother, even though they have been terribly abused by her and seen her do abhorrent things to other children.
I don't want to say too much more - I'd hate to spoil it for anyone else. I will say that this was an excellent story though, and it’s a book that I’ve recommended to a lot of friends.