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I am, I am, I am: Seventeen Brushes with Death
I am, I am, I am: Seventeen Brushes with Death
Maggie O'Farrell | 2017 | Biography
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moving, harrowing, well-written
I Am, I Am, I Am is a memoir by award-winning British author, Maggie O'Farrell. It is subtitled Seventeen Brushes With Death, and in describing these (mostly, but not exclusively, her own) experiences, O'Farrell also, of course, shares many other important moments of her life. As well as describing the situation that led to them, the physical effects they had on her and those close to her, she also notes the change in attitude they caused.

There is a deep sense of violence faced by a woman's body, which is apparent in her experiences. She describes near misses with vehicles, a mugging, juvenile encephalitis, the birth of her first child, near drownings, a knife-throwing act, dysentery-induced dehydration, and an encounter with a murderer.

The section about her miscarriages is deeply moving. She questions why it isn't discussed and why it is given little exposure. She explains how mothers end up feeling isolated because of the little care given to those who have experienced it. Her voice and pain shines through at this particular point.

As with her fiction, O'Farrell’s prose is often exquisite. This is a privileged peek into the life of an amazing author, a moving and fascinating read.
Gallowstree Lane (Collins and Griffiths #3)
Gallowstree Lane (Collins and Griffiths #3)
Kate London | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fans of The Wire or Broadchurch will love this.
I didn't realise until after I'd finished this, that it was actually the third in the series - not that it made any difference whatsoever to my enjoyment!
It's a really well told, gritty police procedural, heavy on the character building. In fact I became very attached to these characters: the struggling single parent WPC; the teenaged boys who had become involved in drug dealing; the officer involved with a big operation; the DC investigating a murder. I didn't like the big drug dealer though (which I think was the whole point. He was a man devoid of conscience).
The mothers in this really resonated with me: women trying to do their best , one working long hours and sacrificing time with her baby to be able to provide for him in a job she loves; the other, a woman who risks losing her son to drug dealing and violence. Both women backed into impossible-to-get-out-of corners.
I really, really enjoyed this book, and I'll be buying the first two in the series to read and catch up!!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to the author, Kate London, for reading along with us!
An American Marriage
An American Marriage
Tayari Jones | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
A thought provoking novel
The story of Roy, Celestine and André. Roy is falsely accused of rape and is imprisoned for ten years. He and Celestine haven’t been married for much more than a year, and Celestine finds quite early on that she can’t cope with being alone and a prisoners wife. I have to admit that I disliked her a great deal for this. She knew that he was innocent, but couldn’t stand by him. She stops visiting, cuts off contact, but still pays money into his jail bank account. Her childhood friend, and Roy’s best friend develops into something more at Roy’s mothers funeral. I realise, looking back on this, that I was very judgemental of someone who was put into an impossible situation. Celestine didn’t ask for any of the problems that were thrown at her after Roy’s imprisonment, and I really think that this book was very good at making you see all sides of the story. People had their reasons for doing what they did.
I actually listened to this on audiobook, and I think this was in large part to ‘blame’ for my very emotional reaction to Celestine’s apparent abandonment of Roy. The narrators were excellent.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Mother! (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Mother! (2017)
Mother! (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
Palpably insane fantasy psycho-horror from Darren Aronofsky that seems intentionally designed to alienate and repel mainstream audiences. The presence of Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem seems calculated to lure in innocent passersby for this unhinged tale of... of...

Well, look, Lawrence and Bardem live in a lovely house in the countryside; he is a noted poet, she is his wife, and to begin with all is well. Then mysterious strangers start appearing and dark events threaten to disrupt their idyll. Things get extreme. At points they get extremely extreme.

If this movie was your pet it would attack your furniture and howl at the moon, then fetch you your slippers with a 'who, me?' look on its face. If you're a stickler for things like naturalism and coherence, then it is probably not for you; but Aronofsky creates the fractured sense of living through an unfolding nightmare, with all the non-logic that suggests, rather well, and the stars are all on full power. It's still very nearly the proverbial movie with something to offend everyone, but you can't fault the technical expertise with which it has been made, or the director's success in realising his (highly peculiar) vision for the film.
Show all 6 comments.

Joe Julians (221 KP) Feb 11, 2018

To be fair to them, it was a very difficult film to market. Not sure what else they could have done.


Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 11, 2018

Yes, hard to say what it is about without giving it all away.

Dear Mrs. President
Dear Mrs. President
Ana Maria Medici | 2021 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a book that will help encourage young girls to dream big? Maybe go a little further in life than what their mothers or fathers have for them. Well, this book called "Dear Mrs. President" helps with that along with the diversity.

This book shows what an inspiration anyone girl, whether she is a female of color or not. Should try and dream big and could ever well become President of the United States. It is encouraged by the first vice president of color and the first female president of the United States of America.

The book stands written to use a child letter that tells the story of encouraging and inspiring girls and diversity through the letter and what a female can do the job and still be strong. Anyone can be anything they want to be.

It does encourage dreaming big. It should not matter if you are a female of color or not or a male to do the job. If you can do the job, you should be able to do so. This book symbolizes hope and to female leaders everywhere you can, and it's to make kids go big and dream further than ever before.

Merissa (11805 KP) created a post

Jun 25, 2021  

Stuck with my Frenemy By USA Today Bestselling Author Maya Daniels and Cassandra Fear.

You Stack it, We Pack it.

Life should be good when you are a daughter of Aphrodite, or a daughter of Morrigan. But that’s not what the fates had in mind for Cherry and Ebony. The two women get stuck together in the human realm to return a favor their mothers owe that will change their lives forever.

Appointed as the Karma collectors, they have the perfect opportunity to grow into their powers, only if they can look past their differences and embrace the destiny unfolding at their feet.

Having thieves as their fated mates was never part of the plan.

When Thor’s hammer gets stolen, it’s time to dash out some karma and collect on the sin. That’s where their troubles begin. Although they don’t like each other, they must work together unless they want to pay penance in the underworld for a century.

This whole mates thing must be a mixup, the only thing both of them agree on.

Plus it can’t be hard to deliver karma to humans, right?


Start reading now.


Alana (9 KP) rated Reflection in Books

Jun 26, 2019  
Elizabeth Lim | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written and planned out (1 more)
Original concept
Missed a plot point which could have further extended the books narrative (0 more)
A true twist on a classic!
Contains spoilers, click to show
A fantastic original concept created using a classic well loved Disney character Mulan.
Title is clever, referring to character growth throughout Mulans journey and a part of the book where she must face the chamber of mirrors in order to complete her challenge and save Shang from moving on before he is ready.
This original concept fits well with character which is not easy to do when using characters who are household names and often remind us of our childhood watching Disney classics but it is a risk that has played off.
There is little to critique but I do however believe that there should have been a chapter written exploring Mulan returning home to her family after the war, seeing if she was correct in the chamber of mirrors about her father and mothers reactions to her running off to war as this could differ greatly from the classic plot, I personally would have loved to see grandmother Fa's reaction to Mulans trip to the underworld or at the very least mushu's reaction- as this would have extended the plot leaving a more well rounded ending.
After the Flood
After the Flood
Kassandra Montag | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just wow! What an absolutely amazing read. I have been sat on this review for over a week. Just trying to find the words to portray how much the book captured me! From the very first page to the very last.
Myra has lost everything during the floods: her home, her mother, her husband and her daughter. But her daughter wasn't taken by the flood, she was taken by Myra's husband. Years later, Myra and her younger daughter, Pearl, are still searching for Row. The world has been flooded and what we're once mountain peaks are treacherous under the water. Myra and Pearl live on a small boat and have to overcome the challenges of trade and raiders. After their boat is destroyed they join a larger ship that dream of an ideal community and they all head north for a safe place to settle and to find Row. Full of lust, treachery, bargaining, secrets and betrayal, this novel has everything a reader could ask for. It is beautifully written. It was so easy to empathise with Myra and struggle over the difficult decisions she has to make with her. And I can imagine most mothers would find it easy to put thenselves in her shoes. I cannot recommend this book enough
The Collective
The Collective
Alison Gaylin | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Camille Gardner lost her daughter five years ago and is still angry and grieving. After a public incident, she joins a Facebook group for grieving mothers. From there, Camille is drawn into the dark web and a collective of women who seek revenge on those who killed their children. Unsure if this group is real or not, Camille finds herself pulled into the group, unsure if its members are survivors or murderers. And finding out the truth may lead to her own demise.

This was such a dark thriller--it pulled me in immediately. It's twisted and a little crazy in its plot, but it's so mesmerizing and keeps you guessing the entire time. Camille's grief and anger seeps through the pages, and the themes of loss and motherhood are prominent throughout the story. It's such a tense tale, as you keep reading and wondering, along with Camille, about the collective and its intentions. The book makes you question yourself and how far would you go to protect or avenge your family.

Overall, this is a twisty and dark thriller with an original and emotional plot. 4+ stars.

I received a copy of this book from William Morrow and Custom House and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
If We’re Not Married By Thirty
If We’re Not Married By Thirty
Anna Bell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book that’s not hard to guess the ending, but did have some parts where I doubted that what I thought would happen would.
This is the second book that I have read by Anna Bell and her humour is poured into her books and her characters are just so loveable!
This book is definitely based around something that I think most people my age have done, which is make a pact with a friend about if you’re not both married or in a relationship by a certain age, then you will both get together. I think everyone makes the same pact thinking that it’s years and years away so it will never happen, and soon life creeps up on you and before you know it you’ve reached that age!
I loved the characters in this book and rooted for Lydia every step of the way. Although the book was predictable, it didn’t take away from how much I enjoyed it. Although the best characters were definitely the two mothers.
After enjoying two of Anna Bell’s books, I will definitely be looking at buying more that she has written. They are just good old rom-com chick lits, perfect for when you just need a bit of a giggle.