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1922 (2017)
1922 (2017)
2017 | Crime, Horror
Old Movie Revisited: 1922. Another sweet Netflix made Stephen King movie, within less than a month of Gerald's Game, another awesome sauce flick. This one brings back Thomas Jane into the King fold for at least the third time, a trend I hope he continues, seems to fit in well... a roll in the Dark Tower perhaps, well, isn't he already... In this one, taking place sometime before WW2 ;) we have farmer Wilfred James and his wife, Arlette, and son Henry. Now Arlette wants out of the midwest farm crap fest and move to the big city, sell the farm, get a divorce... Wilfred, well doesnt really seem to care about the divorce part, but losing the farm and Henry, cause of course the boy will go off with mommy, isnt going to happen. So what is a dad to do, duh, convince your 14 year old son to help murder your wife, invent a tale she ran off and expect everything to go well. You may have guessed, it doesn't... Hell, even little Henry becomes a outlaw. Good flick, bringing in some old Stephen King landmarks to tie in his universe a little tighter, takes place near Hemingford Home, where a few well known King characters hail from, big one being Abagail Freemantle, of The Stand... But more recently in theatres... IT, one little fat boy named Ben Hanscom also once roved it roads! Thomas Jane was awesome, if a Shining remake was ever in the works to be more true to the book, I'd love to see Mr. Jane as Jack, i think he'd be insane :) Filmbufftim on FB
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
Wow. Just wow. It feels like there are no words that could describe how great Guardians of the Galaxy is. This is the first movie in a while where I walked in with high expectations, and yet they still managed to exceed them. OK. Enough gushing. Time to get to the dirt.

Guardians, while a movie about a group of people, follows Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) as he loses his mother and then is suddenly whisked away (kidnapped) by an (at first) unknown space ship. Then we fast forward 26 years later and we see what the young kid who couldn’t handle the death of his mother has become. A quick-witted, sort of goofy, outlaw who likes to refer to himself as Star Lord. He double crosses the same people who have helped raise him to be the man he has become, and so sets off a series of events that brings Star Lord, Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper), Groot (Vin Diesel), Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and Drax (Dave Bautista) together to go an insane adventure in an attempt to save the galaxy. In order to do this, they must stop Ronan, a Lieutenant in Thanos’ army, from obtaining a mysterious orb. The gang comes together through unlikely circumstances, and ultimately work very well together as a team, but do they have what it takes to get the job done?

This movie is all around genius. While I did have high expectations for the film, I was a little reticent about James Gunn directing. He has not had anything on this scale in the past, but man did he knock it out of the park. Every element of this world was working together perfectly… the soundtrack and score helped set the quirky, adventurous tone of the film. The cinematography combined with the visual effects was captivating. The acting was superb, with the standout being Dave Bautista as Drax. Who knew he had it in him? Apparently James Gunn did. But every actor played their part as if it were meant for them specifically. If I have one gripe in the department, it’s that Nebula (Karen Gillan) did not have as much screen time as she should have. You also some surprise supporting cast in their too with the likes of Michael Rooker, Djimon Hounsou, Glenn Close and Benicio Del Toro, the movie is definitely Gunn-ing for gold. (I am so sorry. That was cheesy I know).

We saw this movie in 3D. I am not a big fan of “everything has to be 3D”, and typically space-based movies tend to overdo the 3D effects. However, I think that the 3D in this movie was slightly understated, which is a definite good thing. Sure, there were scenes that you could tell were made specifically because it would be shown in 3D, but they didn’t make you sick of the effect 5 seconds into the scene. It was very artfully done, and not too overwhelming for a space film.

This is definitely the film to see this summer. Great action, good story arch, great setup for the next movie, and a multitude of tie-ins to the other Marvel universe films. I am definitely going to be seeing this in theaters again, especially since we did not get the bonus scene at the press screening, and it will be a definite buy on Blu-Ray. Even in 3D.

I also wanted to address the rumor of Nathan Fillion being in this film. No, he is not Nova. However, he is in the film. But blink… and you will miss it. I am curious to see if anyone else can find him in the film. Please let us know in the comments!
Frequency  - Season 1
Frequency - Season 1
2016 | Drama
Likeable characters (3 more)
Good story
Good pacing
They were able to release an epilogue to tie up some loose ends
There were a few frustrating moments (1 more)
Missed out on finishing side stories thanks to cancellation
An interesting show that deserved 1 more season
I liked this series. I know it's based on a movie which I have seen but the movie itself was rather forgettable. I don't really remember much from it. This was far much better though. Maybe because we had more time to care about the characters.

It's not a perfect series. There were a lot of frustrating moments where things could have been made a lot more simple. People could have been told what was happening and there was proof if they were just allowed to talk into the radio themselves. But other than that the series was enjoyable and paced well. Time travel is a concept that is difficult to get right without sounding confusing but this was made simple.

It is a good series but it's not great. Sometimes the main lead got annoying at times but the series got cancelled too early so some of the side stories could not be looked at like the corruption in the police force.

***Spoilers*** stan is corrupt and I expected the dads death from a car accident to be the result of that and not actually an accident. I thought that would have made a good plot for the 2nd season ***end spoiler***

However this couldn't be told so they just ended up sizzling out. On the plus side they, they were able to send out a 3 minute epilogue to tie up a couple of loose ends to give the show a proper ending. More shows should be given this chance.

Still worth a watch and maybe 1 day we will see another shot at this.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Good characters are brilliant (0 more)
Evil characters aren't as strong (0 more)
There has been an awakening...
Contains spoilers, click to show
There was a point where I honestly thought that this day was never going to come. Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in 30 years we have an exciting, entertaining Star Wars movie. Now this review will contain a non spoilers section and a spoilers section, so if you haven’t seen the movie yet, maybe don’t read past the spoiler warning. So, strap in because if this franchise is starting as it means to go on, then I’ve got a good feeling about this…

First off, let’s talk about the new cast. All three of them are fantastic in their performances, with Daisy Ridley as Rey, John Boyega as Finn and Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron respectively. Poe has the smallest role, which is my biggest and only complaint about the character, because he is awesome. He is funny, he’s an amazing pilot, he reeks of cool and he is the one character in this movie that I’d love to get a pint with. Finn is another new character, dealing with an inner conflict, (which I won’t ruin,) but is still likeable and relatable. Rey is arguably the most central of the three new main cast members and she delivers also, she sold the fairly bland character dealing with an exciting new adventure calling her name pretty well, but possibly could have done more in a few scenes, as it sort of feels like they could have cast anyone of the same age in this role and they would have delivered, but she did well enough. Of course, the old cast are also back, Anthony Daniels as C3PO is just as irritating as he was 30 years ago and while it’s nice to see Peter Mahew back as Chewie, they really could have put any tall, thin guy into the furry costume and it wouldn’t have made any difference. Carrie Fisher is back as Leia and the while lines she had were entertaining and at times touching, she simply wasn’t in the movie enough. I won’t talk about Luke until the spoilers section, so let’s move on to Han. It’s nice to see grumpy old gramps Harrison Ford actually look enthusiastic and as if he is actually enjoying himself for a change. His performance surprisingly isn’t phoned in and he genuinely commits to the role just as much as he did 30 years ago. Also, out of the original returning cast, he is definitely in the movie most.

Now that we have discussed the light side, now let’s move onto the dark side. Personally I don’t think these characters are as strong as the protagonists. It’s not the fault of the actors, Domnall Gleason as Hux is great, super evil and almost Nazi-like, Andy Serkis as Snoke is intimidating in his performance also and Adam Driver as Kylo Ren is one of the best performances in the movie, showing sadness and anger, all while being an unhinged threatening presence. The problem here is that the villains in this movie just don’t have the same impact as the villains in the original , Hux and Ren are made out to be young and naïve and while Snoke is pulling the strings, but we only ever see him as a hologram and even then, we don’t see him all that much. It’s as if this is these villain’s origin story, but in A New Hope, the villains and the Empire already felt like an established, villainous organisation, whereas in this movie it is as if a bunch of amateurs have happened across a new death star (let’s not lie, that’s all that the Starkiller base is,) and they don’t really know what they are doing. And Captain Phasma? Hardly worth talking about, she is in two scenes and does nothing in either of them besides let herself get taken advantage of. So that’s a summary on how I felt about the characters in general, onto the movie as a whole.

I feel that Abrams has gotten the tone of this movie just right. It’s funny enough that it’s constantly entertaining and never boring and it’s serious enough that you feel a genuine, palpable threat throughout. The score is also fantastic, as is expected from John Williams and overall the effects are spot on also. I did have a slight problem with some of the CGI characters, namely Snoke, the tentacle monsters that show up briefly and the market owner that was in possession of the Falcon at the start of the movie played by Simon Pegg, but there were also a lot of puppets and practical effects were used and it really pays off in the overall look of the movie, no more crammed scenes of cartoon garbage like the prequels, just what matters. The pacing of this movie is very fast, some might say too fast, with Abrams not really giving the viewers time to breathe and digest what they just saw before throwing another dogfight or lightsaber battle at them, but hey, at least you can’t say it’s boring and I’m happy to say that there isn’t a senate discussion in sight. I really do feel like I have to see the movie again however before making an overall verdict and that is due to the extremely fast pacing and because of all of the significant events that happen nothing really stands out, which leaves a lack of meat on the bone. The story is well written however, the world is built well and the characters are all introduced well, but the story does follow a lot of the same beats as the original trilogy. Without giving anything away, the story is divided up into three distinct acts, with each taking place on a different planet followed by an epilogue at the end. There is a cantina scene, a robot carrying an important message to be delivered, Tie Fighter vs. X Wing dogfights and a death star-like weapon of mass destruction, there is even a trench run.

Okay, so I saw the movie again on Tuesday this week and while most of what I felt the first time I felt again, making a lot of the feelings I had after my first viewing more concrete, I did notice a few new things. Also, from this point on there will be spoilers.

Knowing what was coming before it did really helped the pacing of this movie, it was much easier to digest a second time, but at no point was it a chore to watch the film again. I also noticed a lot more lens flares this time, upon first viewing I thought that the only lens flare in the movie was when the Starkiller base fires it’s weapon, but there are in fact quite a few throughout the film. Also the end scene with Luke was a lot better the second time, it didn’t feel as awkward or drawn out and felt more like a fitting end to the movie, although if you ask me, Luke should have at least had a line. Also the revelation that Kylo Ren was actually Ben Solo, Han’s son and Han’s death scene at the hands of Ren were also better on second viewing. While Han’s death was somewhat predictable and probably could have been executed better, it was nice to have him in this movie for the time we got him and I’m sure Harrison Ford is more than happy to never have to play the character again. Also BB-8 is possibly even more likable the second time. Seeing the movie again I also gained a greater appreciation for the cinematography in it, with some awesome long shots showing off the dogfights and the First Order vs. Resistance action. I’m glad I got to see the movie a second time as it has upped my opinion of the movie and if you are a Star Wars fan, it’s something that I would strongly recommend you do.
Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
Interesting premise (2 more)
Fantastic visuals
Director Joon-ho Bong brings us his vision of a post-apocalyptic world where most of humanity has been destroyed and the remaining humans are left to circle the globe in a relentless train called the Snowpiercer.

The cast is led by Chris Evans, but also features Kang-ho Song, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer and Jamie Bell.

Humanity has evolved similar to what I have read about the Titanic, meaning, the lower classes at the back of the train suffering to survive and the upper classes more forward living in luxury.

There is an uprising within the squalor and the inhabitants attempt to ascertain their situation by taking the cars ahead one-by-one. The story is very interesting and the people and situations the rebels meet along their way to the engine keep you surprised.

The engine also contains an interesting character who is eluded to within the beginning of the film.

The ending was somewhat controversial when the movie was first released; however, I find it more than satisfactory to tie up the story.

Check it out for yourself.

Captive (Cautiva) (2003)
Captive (Cautiva) (2003)
2003 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great Cast
Wow. Just wow. Every now and then, a movie comes along that exceeds your expectations. Something you’re. truly not ready for. There is so much depth in Captive (Cautiva). I highly recommend it. It follows the story of a girl who finds out her family is actually not her own and that she was given to another family at birth. She now has to go and live with her biological family.

Acting: 10
While I am not familiar with many of the actors/actresses in Captive, I must say I loved Barbara Lombardo’s performance. She plays the daughter torn between two worlds. I love the passion that she captures in the role along with her ambiguity. She was stellar.

Beginning: 2
Very slow start and one of the only things keeping this movie from begin a classic. If I hadn’t committed to watching this to review it, I may have turned from it after the first ten minutes. Glad I gave it a fair shake as things definitely pick up.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Director Gaston Biraben gives you a great look into the 90’s world of Argentina. Each scene was captivating and enlightening at the same time. You are really are thrown into two different worlds with the court system being the tie that binds.

Conflict: 10
What a daunting story! You can’t help but ask yourself how you would handle a situation like this. As I mentioned above, there is so much to unpack as the story unfolds and it creates great conflict overall.

Entertainment Value: 6

Memorability: 10
I’ve seen a number of movies since, but this movie came rushing back to me as soon as I turned it on. Great cast. Great story with depth that leaves a number of questions. Definitely leaves an impression.

Pace: 10
The story moves very consistently from beginning to end. As things start to unfold, you are left wondering what the end result will be. The conflict keeps the pace in check driving the story forward at a solid clip.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 6

Overall: 84
The main character’s persistence in finding out the truth of everything happening drives Captive for me. It’s a drama turned mystery and I appreciate how it evolves. I am so glad I didn’t judge the movie by its first ten minutes because it’s great.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) in Movies

Mar 2, 2019 (Updated Mar 2, 2019)  
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Last in the world to see I know
I am embarrassed to say I hadn't seen this film until just now. I can't believe I waited this long especially with my new 75" TV and my kickass sound system. I guess I was worried I was going to be severely disappointed especially considering this film's pre-release reputation.

I can't believe I heard nothing about the surprise cameo at the end. Thankful to my friend Randall for not spoiling that for me.

Since I am far down the line, I don't feel the need to sum up the plot or go into every minute detail of my likes and dislikes.

I think others who said it "connected the dots" of pieces of information you already knew but had never seen. Many have said the movie wasn't necessary and if the box office failure of this film dooms other future, more different and adventurous future Star Wars epics in the making that will be the biggest disappointment of all.

No Star Wars film will ever recapture my biking to the Marc Cinema every day for a whole week to watch The Empire Strikes Back when I was 9 and it probably shouldn't. I have to say I was thoroughly entertained while watching the film and didn't see any glaring omissions or subplots that didn't fit within the overall film arc.

The acting was all very good, especially Woody who seems like he is in every big movie these days. How can you not love seeing the Millennium Falcon streaking through the sky and the sounds of TIE Fighters in pursuit.

Maybe the film caught me on a good or forgiving day, but it was definitely far from the worst way I can spend 2 hours these days.

Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Pixar animation on point. (3 more)
All the familiar... voices?
Great story, as always(suck it Illumination)
You WILL cry
Expected... unexpected jump scare is expected. (1 more)
You WILL cry
The Necessary Unnecessary Sequel
Contains spoilers, click to show
Here is Toy Story 4. When you thought it was all over with Toy Story 3, how in the hell did we need this one. Well... lemme tell you... we did.

Quick recap, what happened at the end of Toy Story 3? Andy went off to college, and gave ALL of his toys to a little girl named Bonnie. That was it.

But was it?

So why was this story necessary? Without telling you EXACTLY how the movie goes...... what happens with toys when they go to a new owner? How about the idea of toys that are unwanted? And what about defective toys? Or those that are sitting on the shelf of an antique shop?

It also tackles the mystery of what happened to Bo Peep. Great to tie up that one loose end.

And then we come to Forkie. The "toy" that Bonnie made her first day of kindergarten. It's a spork. With pipe cleaner, popsicle stick, and googly eyes. In a parallel from the first movie, Buzz thought he was the REAL Buzz, and Woody has to help him realize he is a toy...... well... Forkie thinks he is trash... and Woody has to explain to him that he is a toy. Weird, but satisfying. And dammit... Trash!!!!

Watching this movie, made me miss Jim Varney. If you don't know who that is, lemme find an Ernest DVD box for ya, and I slap you with it. Also. Rest In Potatohead Parts, Don Rickles.

Last note... Toy Story 4 is another example of amazing animation AND story. Illumination Studios can't grasp that yet.

If you haven't seen it, go see it. Not like a "maybe you should". No... go see it.

Take some Kleenex
Furious 7 (2015)
Furious 7 (2015)
2015 | Action, Mystery
As most would expect from the Fast & Furious franchise, the 7th installment was full of the absurd, ridiculous and spectacular. How a former FBI agent and reticent street racer came to be the leaders of a highly sought after band of not-so-merry brothers (and sisters), hired to accomplish what special ops couldn’t is just part of the absurd. The ridiculous can be found in the escapades they find themselves mired in as well as the stunts they have to pull off to get out of said predicaments. But tied into the absurd and ridiculous are the spectacular adrenaline rushes charged with a lot of shiny metal and ferocious revs and rumbles of finely tuned engines.

Furious 7 tries to tie together the storylines of its predecessors. At least that was the original intent. But with only a couple weeks of filming left, the movie lost one of its leading men, Paul Walker in a horrifically ironic car accident. When the cast and crew, as well as Universal and Walker’s family agreed to finish filming, the movie became more about giving his character, Brian O’Connor, his last hurrah, a final dance with bullets he told his wife he missed before he finally accepted a more domesticated existence.

As much as I enjoyed Furious 7, it was hard to watch on so many levels. The fans will love the intense fight scenes, some wincingly brutal, some intricately choreographed. There are plenty of jaw-dropping stunts and heart-racing car chases, and plenty of one-liners to laugh or groan at, mainly from Dwayne Johnson’s character, Hobbs. This movie also had two villains, Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw and Djimon Honsou’s Jakande; one intent on avenging his brother, the other bent on getting his hands on “God’s Eye”, a device that would essentially give Jakande control of the world, of course. The movie also introduced a new character named Mr. Nobody, played by an amusing Kirk Russell.

With the aid of CGI and Walker’s brothers, Cody and Caleb, as stand-ins, director James Wan was able to keep Brian in most of the film. That’s where I found some difficulty in watching the movie. Wan and his staff combed through footage that normally would’ve ended on the cutting room floor to find usable shots that Wan came to refer to as “Walker Gold” because each shot became more and more precious. I understood that sentiment as each of Walker’s scenes, especially with Vin Diesel and Jordana Brewster, became even more poignant knowing they were some of his last. Wan didn’t try to make the audience forget that Walker was gone, instead he made Furious 7 the satisfying closing chapter for the character Walker brought to life, effectively paying tribute to Walker himself.