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Will Packer recommended Boomerang (1992) in Movies (curated)

Boomerang (1992)
Boomerang (1992)
1992 | Comedy, Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m skippin’ past all my movies right now in my mind, just so you know [laughing]. You know what? I’m going to go with Boomerang. Yeah. It was either going to be Boomerang or The Color Purple, but I feel like I’m trying to pick movies that not everybody picks. So I’m going with Boomerang. It was Eddie at the height of Eddie. It was a movie that was different than you had seen him do. The romantic comedy genre, and of course Halle Berry, who was still a fresh face at that time. I really enjoyed the construction of that movie. I’m a fan of the Hudlin Brothers [Warrington and Reginald]. They actually gave me my first internship in this industry. Absolutely. Straight out of college. My first internship was on a movie they made for Miramax, called Ride. I went down to Jacksonville, Florida and I was a camera PA on that movie. I learned a lot about Hollywood production. At that point I had made a movie, but it was an independent film that I made while I was still in college. This was my introduction to Hollywood filmmaking."


Allan Arkush recommended Seven Samurai (1954) in Movies (curated)

Seven Samurai (1954)
Seven Samurai (1954)
1954 | Action, Adventure, Drama
7.7 (19 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"My father was a film buff. He instilled in me an appreciation of the art of movies. He felt that there was no cinema artist greater than Kurosawa. At a very young age he took me to see Throne of Blood and Seven Samurai. Since then I’ve seen Seven Samurai over fifty times, in theaters, on VHS, laserdisc, and DVD. The latest Criterion edition is my favorite version of my favorite action movie. I love all the extras, especially the history of the samurai, which really enhances the movie’s historical context. In the second season of Heroes, we did a story line set in seventeenth-century Japan. The Seven Samurai box set was an invaluable resource for the costume and art department. About half of our crew watched it and were really inspired by what they saw. It’s one of those movies that I can’t turn off. One minute of viewing and I’m hooked. I’ve heard many people say that about the first two Godfather films, but for me Seven Samurai is the one that lures me into watching multiple hours of a movie I know by heart."

The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
1962 | Classics, Drama, Thriller

"In high school, I worked at The Video Room in Oakland, California. It had the largest selection of laser discs in the Bay Area. One guy owned all of them. I was smugly aware that most people were watching movies entirely wrong, and would tell them so. I’d explain aspect ratios and assure my friends they’ve never even really seen Jaws until they’d seen it at my house on the Pioneer, hooked up to my dad’s concert amplifier and massive stadium speakers, my own rig. I watched more movies during that time than I did in film school. The Manchurian Candidate was one of them, and it was just [on a] different level. I went in thinking it would be a masterfully directed political conspiracy thriller, which it was, but was also completely bananas. I couldn’t believe some of the choices made. That film gave me permission to get a little bit weird in my storytelling. Once you’ve seen an old lady execute a Korean POW while Frank Sinatra looks on in complacency, you know you can go to crazytown and the audience will stay with you. It’s not easy, but it’s possible."


Judd Apatow recommended The Last Detail (1973) in Movies (curated)

The Last Detail (1973)
The Last Detail (1973)
1973 | Classics, Comedy, Drama

"There are certain movies that I always go back to, but before I make a movie, I always find myself watching The Last Detail, the Hal Ashby movie. There’s something about it that’s so alive. It’s one of the first movies to really have frank language. I think it was somewhat shocking at the time. It was the first movie where everyone aggressively cursed, but it was about people in the armed services. It’s also a small story that’s very intimate and you just fall in love with all these characters that are in this terrible situation. I always watch it because Hal Ashby shot it in such a way that it just feels real. It’s almost like a documentary. I like how he paces the scenes, the coverage, and I always go back to it because it reminds me that the most important thing I can do as a filmmaker is convince the audience that what they’re watching is really happening. I don’t want them to be aware of me. So that’s one movie. It’s both heartbreaking and hilarious, which is always my favorite combination."

Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016)
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016)
2016 | Action, Animation, Crime
A cheese filled nostalgia trip
For better or for worse... The 1960s Batman tv show exists, and it will always be part of our comic book culture.

This recent animated film takes everything from that original show, and runs with it with unrelenting pride...and it's pretty damn entertaining.

Just the fact that Adam West, Burt Ward, and Julie Newmar all returned for this animated adventure is absolutely fantastic, and it really plays out well.
The absolute absurdity of the 60s show lends itself well to cartoon form.
The movie is filled with silly one liners, ridiculous Bat-Gadgets, and enough charm to make even the most serious Batman fans step back and enjoy.

The only reason I didn't score this higher is purely because some of the more recent DC animated movies such as The Dark Knight Returns are genuinely fantastic, whereas a lot of this movies qualities rely on the viewer understanding and respecting the silliness of the source material. I for one am happy that this exists.

The credit sequence involves a dance off between Batman and Catwoman. Do you really need another reason to check it out!?

Logan Eccles (135 KP) rated A Dog's Journey (2019) in Movies

Oct 1, 2020 (Updated Oct 2, 2020)  
A Dog's Journey (2019)
A Dog's Journey (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
A dogs purpose again
I love a good heartfelt dog movie. My dogs love them too, they will sit and watch with me and actually get invested. And though we enjoyed this one just as much as the others that fall in the dog tearjerker movies it loses some points in my opinion in just being a repeat of the film it follows. Yes, I know it has differences but they're too small. Literally, the same joke is made about when bailey comes back as a girl. It is funny but it was already told. Don't get me wrong I like the story. I like the small connections to the first film. However, A Dogs Purpose was so special and unique they were hardpressed to make a sequel. I get it, the premise of the story can go on forever. That's the point of reincarnation but that doesn't mean the story HAS to continue. Now I do recommend this movie it is enjoyable but in my honest opinion, it wasn't necessary especially when other movies with the same idea "Dog narrated dramas" keep popping up and being successful.
Santa Claus (aka Santa vs. the Devil) (1959)
Santa Claus (aka Santa vs. the Devil) (1959)
1959 | Comedy, Family, Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Holiday Hijinx! (2 more)
Still a heartwarming ending
Super amusing take on characters
Terribly Dubbed (2 more)
Super cheesy
Not exactly politically correct. Lots of stuff would not go over well in this day and age
The epitomy of "so bad, it's great!"
One of my local independent theaters advertised this and I knew instantaneously: This movie was going to be so terrible, I would love it. It did not disappoint. A great trip back in time to before movies fit neatly into one of two categories: A) takes itself too seriously, or B) Superhero movie. This Santa still knows if you've been naughty or nice, but it's only because he eavesdrops on your conversations and watches your dreams. He lives in a castle in the sky, and can only visit Earth on Dec. 24th of every year. When he does, hilarity ensues as he constantly foils the Devil's plans to put each and every kid on the naughty list. If you're a fan of terrible B movies that just let go and keep you laughing, definitely check this out. Definitely some shallow stereotypes played up for laughs. Not for the easily offended.

David McK (3219 KP) rated Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) in Movies

Nov 7, 2019 (Updated Jul 24, 2022)  
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Terminator: Salvation
Terminator: Genisys

Forget them all.

(as an aside: notice how they get progressively worse as they went along?)

Right from the opening pre-credit sequence, this sets itself up as a sequel to the superlative Terminator 2: Judgment Day, ignoring all the above-named moves (and TV series). It's also no secret that this stars Linda Hamilton's kick-ass Sarah Connor (who was unceremoniously killed off off-screen in Terminator 3, before having her own TV show in the Sarah Connor Chronicles), with Gabriel Luna's Rev-9 a more worthy successor to Robert Patrick's T-1000 than Kristinna Loken's T-X and with the (inevitable) return of Arnie himself as an original series Terminator.

Like the first 2 movies, this is essentially a chase movie, with Connor and co on the run from the Rev-9 (from a future that has never heard of Cyberdyne or Skynet) while trying to protect Natalia Reyes Danni from the Rev-9: I also have to say that, like a lot of James Cameron's movies, this features powerful female roles, with Arnie really only along as back-up.

David McK (3219 KP) rated The World Is Not Enough (1999) in Movies

Aug 21, 2022 (Updated Aug 19, 2023)  
The World Is Not Enough (1999)
The World Is Not Enough (1999)
1999 | Action, Mystery
Brosnan's best Bond movie?
For me, the Pierce Brosnan era was the last time we had a 'proper' Bond movie - the Daniel Craig movies, for my tastes, are just too dour (even if they are probably closer to Flemings original creation)

Of the four Bond movies that Brosnan starred in - Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day - this is, generally, my pick for the best (although I keep see-sawing between this one and Goldeneye).

I'll freely admit that the fact that we're supposed to believe Denise Richards is a nuclear physicist is ludicrous (to say the least), but Sophie Marceau's Elektra King more than makes up for it, as does the presence of Robert Carlyle, and even Judi Dench's 'M' who seems somewhat softer, more matriarchal - but still with a backbone of steel - than her later appearances in the Daniel Craig era.

This is the one that also sees Desmond Llewelyn's Q finally bow out of the picture, handing over to John Cleese's 'R' and - for my money - is also the last time Bond was allowed to be, well, fun!
Chappie (2015)
Chappie (2015)
2015 | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi
Robots story special effects (0 more)
Same old stuff from this writer director of district 9 and elisium (0 more)
Sci fi robot gets feelings
Liked it story wise special effects humor .maybe its me i dont ever like to see a movie where the actor who plays wolvirine a bad guy.idk why just dont for some reason his name is slipping my mind.its weird how south africa looks like futuristic slums in his movies .but this movie is worth the time bareley ive seen worse.and the robot chappie is worth it.funny as a gangster.