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Stuber (2019)
Stuber (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy
Good Comedic Chemistry between Bautista and Nanjani (0 more)
Un-original storyline (0 more)
Going by the trailers for this film the studio behind this was going for a modern up to date take on the buddy/cop movies like (48 hours,Lethal Weapon) and they actually managed to pull it off.On the one hand you have the hard as nails cop (Bautista) seeking revenge for his partners death and on the other the comedic one liners of the sidekick (Kamani)

The relationship starts off rocky at first but by the end they are the best of friends.We also get the amazing martial art skills of uko iwais (though hes only on screen at the beginning and end of the movie)

Plot wise with this film,well it's been done a million times before with greater success and a few of the jokes fall flat but still an entertaining movie.
3 Holiday Tails (2011)
3 Holiday Tails (2011)
2011 | Comedy, Family, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Golden floofs (0 more)
I recorded this one off the TV, 'tis the season for made for TV Christmas movies after all!

Before the first advert break even appeared it was obvious how this film was going to go. It's not really a Christmas film though and there definitely aren't enough festively bedecked dogs.

The storyline is sickly sweet but it does at least give us a fun little romcom. It's a pleasant little film to watch but it isn't going to make anyone's top festive features. It's more likely to fit the bill of harmless film to watch while you put the decorations up or wrap presents.

Julie Gonzalo is a familiar face from lots of different TV shows, most recently Supergirl and she's no bad in the lead role, it's definitely her niece in the film that steals the show though, along with the floofs!
Superbad (2007)
Superbad (2007)
2007 | Comedy
First time I have seen this since it was released and I have to say it was a bit of a disappointment. It has some amusing moments but it wasn't nearly as funny as I remember , possibly due to me being 13 years older and my sense of humour not being quite so juvenile (maybe?). I found Jonah Hill's shouty and sweary character incredibly irritating and only laughed at him when he got hit by a car (as if Emma Stone would go anywhere near that). You can't help but like McLovin though and the best moments of the film involve his character and the crazy journey he takes. Plot wise it's pretty standard high school fare that has been done better a million times before in movies that better stand the test of time. Overall it's an easy watch but nothing to write home about.
GoodFellas (1990)
GoodFellas (1990)
1990 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Perhaps the jewel in the crown of Scorsese’s gangster movies, from a fine crop. Adopting the voice of Henry Hill (a career defining role for Ray Liotta) as narrator is the first point of difference, and it works with tremendous effect. The suggestion is we are watching one man’s version of events that may or may not be entirely true. It is a relentless piece of cinema, that drives with complete bravado through each scene of shocking violence, machismo and greed. Too many memorable moments to mention… De Niro’s fountain pen; Pesci’s “Funny How?”, etc. A high level of rewatchabilty sets it above a lot of its rivals. It never judges or preaches to us, but lets us feel bad for enjoying the often repellent acts as so much fun! A product of 90s extremism, but never gratuitous. Simply a joy to watch and a nailed on classic.
Ghost Rider (2007)
Ghost Rider (2007)
2007 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Ride With The Cage
Ghost Rider- is one of those movies you love but think its wierd at the same time.

Nicolas Cage- goes over 100% on his acting in this film. He's over nine-thousand.

The plot: Years ago, motorcycle stuntman Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) sold his soul to save the life of a loved one. Now, he transforms into a fiery, avenging agent of justice at night wherever evil roams. As the only one who can walk in both worlds, Johnny is charged by Mephistopheles (Donal Logue) himself to destroy Blackheart (Wes Bentley), a demon that wants to overthrow Mephistopheles and create a worse hell than the one that currently exists.

Their is a 5-10 minute talk between nicolas cage and sam elliot and you cant understand a word there saying.

Ghost rider- is funny, has action, is dumb but overall is a good movie.
Sing Street (2016)
Sing Street (2016)
2016 | International, Drama, Musical
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Put on your makeup and dancing shoes for one of the best movies of 2016, Sing Street. With music from The Cure, the enjoyment of this movie is pure. It features some Duran Duran, gotta give the creators of Sing Street a hand. Not only does it have music from, but also will make you say A-Ha. I'm telling you it's a huge smash, it even includes awesome tunes from The Clash. With music from Hall & Oates, it will make you want to chase big dreams in a small boat. You'll get to hear Spandau Ballet, it'll leave you wanting to party all night and dance all day. After this review you might think I'm a ham, but give it a watch and you will even get to hear The Jam. Now it's time to get up on your feet for the best band of the year, Sing Street!
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Crikey Mate Thats A Huge Shark
The Meg- is a great movie, i dont why people dont like it. I liked it alot. It reminded me of "Jaws", "Jurassic Park" and "Deep Blue Seas". All, yes all great movies. You have Jason Statham vs. a shark, what better can you get. Jason fucking Staham vs. A fucking shark, i mean a Meg. Its what we all been waiting for. I watched this movie, for the first time last year and like it said i really liked it. The action, the shark, some of the plot, and of course Jason Statham.

The plot: Follows a group of scientists who encounter a 75-foot-long (23 m) megalodon shark while on a rescue mission at the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

If you havent seen this movie, than see it. A good popcorn movie to watch. You will have fun watching it.
The Rules of the Game (1939)
The Rules of the Game (1939)
1939 | Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The easiest choice. The greatest of movies. Never has a film been so formally rich and so teeming with life. Jean Renoir’s romantic roundelay is as fluid and multifaceted as the characters he depicts with equal doses of compassion and bemusement, and this depiction of the mercurial nature of human behavior, of the beauty and absurdity of civilization, has never been equaled. The Dance of Death is the greatest sequence, but it’s also a dance of life. For many years, the film was literally unavailable in an acceptable print or video version in this country. For a showing several years ago (before the recent Janus Films rerelease), the Museum of the Moving Image had to import a 35 mm print from England. And as though it isn’t enough to be able to own a masterfully restored copy, the Criterion DVD has a great documentary about Renoir by Jacques Rivette!"


David Schwartz recommended Videodrome (1983) in Movies (curated)

Videodrome (1983)
Videodrome (1983)
1983 | Horror, Sci-Fi

"David Cronenberg’s reflexive masterpiece of modern horror, with James Woods as a seedy purveyor of soft-core exploitation for cable TV, and Debbie Harry as his siren, brought the media-as-message theories of fellow Torontonian Marshall McLuhan to visceral life. This was one of the first movies I rented on VHS, and Videodrome is partly an exploration of the strange, clunky physical sensation attached to the idea of a feature film being available on a paperback-size plastic-and-tape cassette that is inserted into a machine . . . and our brains. A quarter century later, Cronenberg’s dazzling vision of a world where image and flesh are one—“long live the new flesh”—Videodrome’s futuristic vision is timelier than ever. And above all that, the movie is sexy, smart, funny, and fascinating, moving adeptly between its layers of reality, imagination, and that vast territory in between."

Maleficent (2014)
Maleficent (2014)
2014 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

"The metaphor, man. The fact that they would take this age old, vilified idea of a powerful woman and take away that dark mystique that’s been repeated throughout history and in such a mean way to all women. Like, anytime you see in cartoons, in movies, anything from, like, the ’50s, the ’40s, you would see this dark bitter woman. And you would see her explored in a way where she always represented evil, but never with a sense of justified evil. Rewrote the history books on the vilification of a powerful woman. I thought that was really, really powerful for Disney to do that. It’s like taking an old metaphor that’s been repeated for so many years and putting it on its head. It makes you think twice when you look at a person that’s a “bad guy.” That‘s a powerful message for kids to not be judgmental."
