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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Angry in America
One of the more intelligent movies to attempt to deal with the culture wars in America at the moment, this starts off looking like a relatively straightforward tale of a wronged woman taking on the callous reactionary establishment in smalltown USA, but then turns into something rather more nuanced.

Mildred, the main character, may be in the right, but that doesn't stop her from being an intolerant nightmare a lot of the time, while the racist cop who is her main opposition is not quite the uncaring thug he appears to be. In any case, it's the two sides' refusal to even try to consider the others' perspective that leads to the darker events as the story progresses.

Well-acted and well-written, it may be that the movie's refusal to offer easy or upbeat answers will work against it as far as some viewers are concerned. But another impressively provocative movie from Martin McDonagh.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
Valerian and the Unnecessarily Long Title, more like
Another lavishly imaginative and somewhat incoherently scripted sci-fi movie from Luc Besson, somewhat in the same vein as The Fifth Element. Plot mainly consists of running about in spectacular costumes in front of CGI backgrounds; exactly what is going on is frequently unclear.

The script is certainly baffling and doesn't feel like the work of a man credited as writer or co-writer of fifty other movies; the whole section with Rihanna and Ethan Hawke is just filler, in terms of the actual plot. Or is the plot itself only of secondary concern with this movie? It seems that way. DeHaan is arguably badly miscast as Valerian; however, Delevingne is something of a revelation in this movie (very good hair, too). And it definitely has its moments and always looks interesting. If only Besson could keep the script under control for his sci-fi films...
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)
2006 | Action
Largely superfluous entry to the F&F series doesn't feature any of your favourite characters, probably, was only retconned to have any connection to the rest of the series some years later. Identikit bad-boy teen gets packed off to Japan to teach the locals a thing or two about driving on the famously non-congested streets of Ikebukuro.

Really a film struggling to find a reason to justify its own existence: the plot is very forgettable and the rest of it rather so what - film attempts to make quest to go round corners sideways at high speed look like some kind of spiritual mission; essentially fails. Surprisingly unflattering to the Japanese characters, too; wouldn't happen nowadays. The movie's fascination with the fact some people have cameras on their phones is charmingly quaint, too. All the important parts of Tokyo Drift are recycled in later F&F movies, so you only really need to bother with this one if you're a completist.
War on Everyone (2017)
War on Everyone (2017)
2017 | International, Comedy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Slightly baffling deadpan black comedy parody of American cop thrillers (probably - it's hard to be sure). A pair of incredibly corrupt New Mexico detectives discover previously unsuspected reserves of decency and honesty as they encounter a ruthless gang of thieves.

One of those movies which seems to be trying ridiculously hard to go over the top, but with an absolutely straight face: the main characters aren't just corrupt, they're absurdly corrupt, and the plot at times seems to be intentionally provocative and also absurd (the story relocates all the way to Iceland at one point, but only for about five minutes). It's so in-your-face extreme in some of its attitudes and jokes that it's quite hard to engage with as a story for much of the time. But McDonagh is too good a director to make an entirely bad movie and there are some impressive moments and sequences along the way. But still a strange and difficult-to-figure-out movie.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Predator (1987) in Movies

Feb 13, 2018  
Predator (1987)
Predator (1987)
1987 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Testosterone-drizzled SF action movie. Elite team of mercenaries - 'veer wescuers, not assahseens!' declares Arnie at one point - are dropped into Latin American jungle on shady political mission, proceed to kill everyone in sight (maybe they need to reconsider how they think of themselves), discover formidable alien big game hunter has plans to turn them all into trophies.

The cast is charismatic, the action is exceedingly well-staged, and there's a very good monster (Jean Claude van Damme was originally supposed to play the Pred but was sacked for complaining about the suit and not being beefy enough). There's also a surprisingly understated subtext about the Vietnam War, for which fighting an invisible monster in the jungle is a not-unreasonable metaphor. Not far off the quality of the other big-name 80s SF movies; inability to produce an equally memorable follow-up suggests the Predator is a one-trick pony, however.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Catwoman (2004) in Movies

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Feb 15, 2018)  
Catwoman (2004)
Catwoman (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama
Kitty Litter
Wretched misfire of a superhero film proving that DC were quite capable of making bad movies before Zack Snyder was even on the premises. Attempt at a story of feminist empowerment ends up coupled to repeated spectacle of Halle Berry bending over in a leather bra while wearing jeans with holes in the bum cheeks. Dowdy wallflower discovers corruption, is flushed into harbour, given mouth-to-mouth by passing magic cat, wakes up with feline powers (including ability to stick to walls, unlike any cat I've ever seen).

It's not just that the story is poorly told, it's poorly conceived: around the same time Catwoman came out, Spider-Man was saving New York from a nuclear disaster while the X-Men were stopping psionic genocide. What case is Catwoman dealing with? Someone is trying to sell some dodgy make-up. Not just a really shoddy film, but an offensively patronising one, too.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Wonder Wheel (2017) in Movies

Mar 12, 2018 (Updated Mar 12, 2018)  
 Wonder Wheel  (2017)
Wonder Wheel (2017)
2017 | Drama
Not-bad-by-his-recent-standards-at-least Woody Allen melodrama (NB: theme park attractions are not central to plot). Frustrated former actress trapped in unhappy marriage with Fred Flintstone lookalike starts an affair with intellectual lifeguard, becomes insanely jealous when her stepdaughter also catches her lover's eye.

One of Allen's more theatrical movies - it certainly seems to have been made on a relatively low budget. Feels very much like a pastiche of Tennessee Williams or Eugene O'Neill, only considerably less subtle. At least as a character piece focused on a (somewhat) older woman there are fewer of the more problematic Allen tropes on display, and no sign of a laboured message or theme. Film is carried by a tremendous performance from Kate Winslet; Juno Temple is also good in a supporting role. Watchable stuff, certainly for Allen's remaining followers, although you do still wish he'd just make one more all-out comedy in the old-school style.
Marvel's Jessica Jones  - Season 1
Marvel's Jessica Jones - Season 1
2015 | Drama
film noir style (3 more)
amazing character development
strong female characters
perfect casting
Got a little dull at the halfway point (0 more)
She'll kick your ass, steal your wallet and all without spilling her drink
Jessica Jones Season 1 was such an amazing take on the comic books and really just gave me what I've been missing from the Marvel Universe. Krysten Ritter was not someone I would have picked to play Jessica Jones but she took the role by the horns and really just blew me away.

The show has some of the not only best female characters I've come across but has some of the best relationships between female characters which a lot of tv shows and movies miss out on for some reason.

For me though David Tennant was just the one that stole the entire show every time he was on screen he just drew you in and you just could not look away from him.
Terminator Genisys (2015)
Terminator Genisys (2015)
2015 | Action
Auction-prize Terminator movie appears to have been made by dyslexics, but that's the least of its worries. A film of two unequal halves: opening section, in which the events of the 1984 movie are cheerfully revisited and rewritten, has a sort of demented energy which makes it rather watchable. The rest of it, in which the action inexplicably shifts to a near future where the nascent Skynet is some kind of app or Windows update, is essentially incoherent cobblers.

Film is not just incoherent, but openly and knowingly incoherent, with elements of backstory and actual plot left unexplained, presumably to be revisited in a future sequel. Action and acting is okay; makes relatively little use of Arnie, all things considered. Hits all the right buttons to keep fans of the series from rising up in a violent revolt (though it's possibly a near thing); it will probably simply bore, confuse, or repel anyone unfamiliar with the earlier movies.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Ready Player One (2018) in Movies

Mar 29, 2018 (Updated Mar 29, 2018)  
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Spielberg's lavish version of Ernest Cline's geek rave novel is one of those films which comes at you all street and rebellious and subversive, but ultimately turns out to be slightly timid in its conventionality. A bunch of computer gamers embark on a quest to find the magic plot coupons that will save the internet from evil corporate monetisation, with added 'Oh! Look! It's Mechagodzilla!'

Smartly-scripted and well-mounted blockbuster is a hard film not to enjoy, with Spielberg in magisterial form and an appealing cast. Film has a tough tightrope to walk when it comes to staying accessible to a mainstream/older audience without stating the very very obvious to hip young kids at too great a length, probably does a decent job of it. Quite how much of the entertainment value of the film comes from spotting all the references to old movies and computer games is another question; either way, whoever negotiated all the rights clearances definitely deserves a bonus.