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The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Not Bad
The trailer lead me to believe that this movie was going to suck, but it was actually pretty good. The main protagonist is a boy named Lewis. He movies in with his uncle, whom he has never met before, after the death of his parents. He soon realizes that strange things are happening in his new home, and once his uncle explains that he is a warlock Lewis takes an interest in learning magic.
This film had a lot of moments that made me laugh mixed in with a few serious themes. Lewis really struggles throughout the film. He has a hard time fitting in with his peers, and he is still grieving from the loss of his parents. Sometimes the serious moments felt a little forced, but over all they weren't to bad.
I think older kids would really enjoy this movie. I would be hesitant to take a really young child to this one. They might be frightened by some parts, but really that will depend on the kid.
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
Give Bradley Cooper ALL the awards.
Let me start off by saying I've never seen the 1937 or 1954 versions of A Star Is Born, and I only very vaguely remember the 1976 Streisand version. That said, this movie was everything I wanted it to be, and I was enthralled from the very beginning.

While Lady Gaga's performance was amazing, Bradley Cooper's performance was a level above, and the fact that he directed as well just adds to that for me. The supporting cast was wonderful - notably Andrew Dice Clay as Ally's father, and Dave Chappelle as Jack's childhood friend.

The music was great, and I've already downloaded the soundtrack for the express purpose of listening to "Black Eyes" on repeat.

I went through all the emotions while watching this movie, and I'd definitely watch it again. It didn't feel too long, which is the case with so many movies these days, and the pace was steady but not slow.

Plus, as I overheard from one moviegoer: "I've never seen Bradley Cooper so hot." Amen, sister.

Erika (17788 KP) rated The Shining (1980) in Movies

Nov 25, 2018 (Updated Nov 25, 2018)  
The Shining (1980)
The Shining (1980)
1980 | Horror
I just watched this film for the first time yesterday. I don't typically watch horror films/scary movies because I have an overactive imagination and don't need any other nightmare fuel.
I was finally convinced after a conversation with a co-worker when we were talking about how sometimes people just snap, and he emphasized how Jack Torrance's actions were completely fitting with a psychological break. I had also seen various references to the film, such as the extended scene in Ready Player One, and a South Park Halloween episode when Randy Marsh buys a Blockbuster and the same situation happens.
I wouldn't actually deem this as a straight-up horror film, it was definitely more of a psychological thriller. It was so well done (haven't read the book, nor will I ever, not a fan of Stephen King). The music fitting with the cinematography and creating the mood and overall tension in the film. It's definitely one of the best films I've watched as of late, and I'm glad I finally got around to it.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 25, 2018

It is a masterpiece for sure. You should try and find documentary Room 237 which talks a lot about The Shining and how Kubrick filmed the fake moon landing.

Dot and the Kangaroo
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MMD Reading Challenge 2017- For Fun
Category: Book set in a place you've never been/want to visit

Back to the Classics Reading Challenge 2017
Category: Book about an animal/or animal in Title

 I'm giving this book 4 stars. I enjoyed it so much. Dot gets lost in the Australian Bush and is befriended by a Kangaroo. She meets many creatures while trying to find her way back home. I loved the descriptions of the Bush and the creatures that live there. This is a really good children's book, and the only problem I had with it is that all humans are demonized. There is no distinction made between poachers and those who hunt for food. I have always wanted visit Australia, even though some things about Australia terrify me, for example, killer spiders. I actually used to watch the Dot movies when I was a kid. I had no idea that it was based on this book until I was looking for books to read for the Challenges. I'm really glad I found it!
The Last Starfighter (1984)
The Last Starfighter (1984)
1984 | Action, Sci-Fi
Guilty 80s pleasure still sparkles!
I have made several "Andy's Guilty Pleasures" lists in my life and Flash Gordon, Krull and this film are always at the very top. I'm sure it's because this movie was a childhood favorite, but also because it hits everything just right. It's not complicated, scary, or deep at all. Just a campy good time.

When local teenager trailer park handyman Alex Rogan finally beats his favorite video game "Starfighter" he gets more than he bargained for when it's owner comes calling and invites Alex into outer space to help the star league defend itself against its enemies.

It was one of the first movies to use any sort of CGI images as we think of them today. I'm sure nowadays people would say it looked a bit dated, but I would argue the characters and story are what keep it relevant.

There have been many stories and attempts to remake or reboot this film, even from Steven Spielberg, and thus far it hasn't happened.

Keeping my fingers crossed it never does.

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Many heroes working on many levels to take down Thanos (0 more)
Too spread out and not fighting together (0 more)
A great big cast of heroes take on the big bad Mad Titan
Infinity War was promised to be the big hero movie of the year. Reading from the comics it was looking like a bloodbath, I was curious to see how it would translate to the movies. It didn't slack on fight scenes, just about every represented Avenger was involved in at least 1 fight. Seeing Cap in his Nomad suit and facial hair was enough to get this girl's heart pumping. I preferred IW to Endgame with this being more action filled overall. While IW is darker than a normal avengers movie, it is with a purpose. This isn't a movie where the normal quips and jokes would fit in. While I didn't like the fact that the heroes were spread out over the world, I understand in the bigger scheme of things that it was needed. A great lead in movie to Endgame's payoff.
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
There are worse ways to spend two hours I guess...
Please no one say the book is better!

Sandra Bullock was the highlight of this movie I felt compelled to watch because of all the recent hype.

Some unexplained phenomena causes people throughout the world to lose it and begin committing suicide and the carnage begins. Soon there are not many people left and they have a hard time deciding who to trust and how to resolve their situation.

Others have said the movies was too long and I would agree. A twenty minute trim job would have done this movie well. The first act was the best part of the film as I felt the 2nd half lacked a lot of action and was slow moving.

I am probably one of those people who love vague or unexplained ending way more than most people do; however, this one was a disappointment.

I would say watch A Quiet Place, The Mist or Under the Skin instead.

Show all 6 comments.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) Jan 7, 2019

Is it this one?

Or is this a Fifty Shades of Ernie film?


Tena Bremmer (3 KP) Dec 22, 2019

I enjoyed this movie. I was confused during some parts but I did like the ending.

X-Men: Days of Future Past
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The inspiration behind the X-Men film of the same name, in which a member of the team (or rather, therir consciousness) is sent back in time from the dystiopian future of 2013(!) to the early 198os to stop the assissination of a US Senator: an assiassination that directly leads to fear and mistrust of mutant-kind, and the creation of the robotic Sentinels who police their society.

What is interesting is just how much of this is similar to the events of the movie - often times, the movie bears the barest resemblance to the source material - even if the particulars are different.

For instance, in the movie it's Wolverine who is sent back in time; here it's Kitty Pryde (is she even in any of the movies?). Magneto plays a much larger role in the movie than here; where he's in the future but not so much in the past. Finally, Mystique's role is much enlarged in the movie - perhaps as a direct result of Jennifer Lawrence's star power?

But in either case, the main beats are the same.
Moonraker (James Bond, #3)
Moonraker (James Bond, #3)
Ian Fleming | 2002 | Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I know I've seen it, but I don't really remember all the much about the 1979 Moonraker film (incidentally, the year I was born), other than that it starred Roger Moore (in his fourth role as James Bond), and that James Bond went into space.

James Bond does not go into space.

At least, not in the novel on which that film is (very loosely) based - or, more accurately, from which they took the title.

Instead, we have a Cold-War era spy thriller, with the Moonraker of the title really more of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (an IBM) rather than the Space Shuttle of the movie. Nor is there CIA involvement, nor a battle-in-space, nor a madman setting out to wipe out all life on Earth ... you get the picture.

There are, however, elements of the novel that make it into future Bond movies, in particular the facial reconstructive surgery of 'Die Another Day' clearly picking up it's cue from the background given to the central antagonist of Drax, and just what happened to him during the war.
Infinity: Volume 1
Infinity: Volume 1
Jonathan Hickman, Jim Cheung | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spring 2018.

Perhaps the best Marvel movie to date was released, a culmination of circa a decade of Marvel movies consisiting of numerous single-character led films and even a couple of previous 'team-ups'. That movie was, of course, 'Infinity War, part 1'.

At around the same time, Comixology ran one of their frequent sales. With a picture of Thanos on the cover, a title called 'Infinity' and being on sale at around the saem time as the movie, I made the mistake of thinking this would share similarities with the plot of the movie.

(No) spoilers: it doesn't.

As others on this site have mentioned, however, it is perhaps well named in that the story seems to go on ... and on ... and on ...

Honestly? I struggled to get through this, finding it hard to 'tie together' the various disparate story-lines; to even really care about all that much about what was happening or who it was happening to.

In short, and for me, this was a massive disappointment.