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Chocolate Cream Pie Murder
Chocolate Cream Pie Murder
Joanne Fluke | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating Cozy Mystery!
“Chocolate Cream Pie Murder” is the twenty-fourth book in the Hannah Swensen Series by the author, Joanne Fluke. Why did I want to read this novel? Well, I love to curl up on the sofa on a dark winter’s night, or any time, really, with a mug of hot chocolate and a good cozy mystery and if it’s about food, as this one is, then so much the better!

I haven’t read any of the other books in this series yet, however, I don’t think that this spoilt my enjoyment of this novel. That said, there is nothing more exciting than picking up a book which is the first in a new series.

When Hannah’s Bakery, The Cookie Jar, becomes the setting of a TV special about movies filmed in Minnesota, Hannah hopes the spotlight will be shining on her bakery, and not the unsavoury scandal about her personal life. But that’s impossible with a disturbing visit from someone she once believed was her one and only love, a group of bodyguards following her every move, and a murder victim in her bedroom. Now, moving to her mother Delores’ penthouse, Hannah and an old flame team up to solve a case and as suspects emerge and secrets hit close to home, Hannah must find the killer prowling around Lake Eden before someone takes a slice out of her…

I liked that the opening chapters drew me into the story and captured my attention immediately. Although I had to wait a while before an actual murder took place there was still a lot going on. I found many of the characters very funny and easy to relate to, particularly Hannah herself and many of the other characters in the book were extremely amusing and unusual. I even liked the bad guy, the one everyone loves to hate.

The book had a natural, steady pace, and even though the murder occurred towards the end, I was kept guessing until the surprising reveal. Delightful and entertaining “Chocolate Cream Pie Murder” is a quick, light read for all cozy mystery fans.

{Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for the free copy of this novel and for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review.}

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Green Book (2018) in Movies

Feb 26, 2019 (Updated Feb 26, 2019)  
Green Book (2018)
Green Book (2018)
2018 | Drama
One of the most well crafted movies I have ever seen (0 more)
After awarding Widows a 10 when I saw it last year, I didn't think that there would be another 2018 movie that I would award a perfect 10 to, but here we are. That is because this is a perfect movie, as in there is nothing in this movie I would have changed and there are no aspects of the filmmaking lacking either. Who in the world would have thought that Peter Farrelly, (the guy that brought us Shallow Hal and Stuck On You,) would make one of the best films of last year?

This film is so phenomenally well crafted, that it is actually pretty hard to find things to discuss. The cinematography was solid, the sets and outfits were well designed, the script was sharp and well written, the direction was great, the soundtrack was ace and the performances were top notch. Both of the two lead characters, played by Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali respectively, go through their own arcs throughout the movie. I don't want to give too much away, but the conclusion leaves you feeling fulfilled and that the journey that you just went on with these two characters was worth your while.

The movie also does a great job of mirroring the attitudes that still permeate a great deal of the American mind-set in our own day and age. It shows us that although we have come a long way since the overtly racist attitudes of the 50's, we still have a long way to go and it does this with a great subtlety. There is an obvious parallel here to another 2018 Oscar nominated movie BlackKklansman. As much as I loved BlackKklansman and how direct and overt it was in it's message, I feel that Green Book handled the comparison of older vs modern day attitudes towards racism with far more subtlety.

Overall, I don't have a bad word to say about Green Book. All aspects of the film are brilliant, which results in a fantastically well crafted movie. Then of course, the fact that it is led by a brilliant duo of performances by two of the greatest actors working in Hollywood today doesn't hurt it either.
Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Sorry to Bother You (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
7.0 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When a man gets a job at a call center, he finds that using his “white voice” not only gets him ahead faster, but it takes him down a road crazier than he ever could have imagined. “Crazier” is the operative word here as this movie pushes crazy to the absolute limit. Sorry to Bother You is not without its flaws, but it gets the job done in terms of quality.

Acting: 10

Beginning; 10

Characters: 10
Cassius’ (LaKeith Stanfield) character works on a number of levels. He’s your average guy trying to make it in the world having to rob Peter to pay Paul. He’s easily lovable and funny. More importantly, he’s relatable. There was a number of times watching the movie where I found myself thinking, “Definitely been there before.”

While his character shines, it pales in comparison to Detroit played by the phenomenal Tessa Thompson. She has such a smoothness about her that you can’t escape. In this role, she is a starving artist trying to pave her way and stay true to herself as she wants Cassius to do. She’s cool as shit, but also not the type of girl you ever want to doublecross. I can’t express enough how much Detroit impacted the movie as a whole.

Cinematography/Visuals: 7
The movie succeeds with a lot of jarring imagery, although I will admit that the shock value felt too strong at times. The visuals won’t change your life, but there were a few moments that raised an eyebrow or two. This is the lovechild of when artsy-fartsy meets comedy.

Conflict: 8

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 9
There were a couple of times where I found myself asking, “Ok, where is this going?” But it gets there eventually. It’s consistently funny and is meant to be one of those movies that you probably need to watch a couple of times to really grasp. Outside of one lull, expect to be consistently entertained throughout as this strange mystery unfolds.

Plot: 9

Resolution: 3

Overall: 86
Sorry to Bother You should be a classic, but a meh ending keeps that award just out of reach. I still really liked it and I think you will too. However, it fell just short of me loving it. If you’re looking for some strong social commentary, look no further.
Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
My entire childhood
So funny how seeing a "decked out" DeLorean in a Target parking lot the other day made me want to rewatch Back to the Future again soon. It had been on my rewatch list ever since I purchased the trilogy on Blu Ray on Black Friday, but just hadn't gotten around to it yet.

To say this movie (and the original Star Wars trilogy) defined my childhood is an understatement. The year 1985 meant I was 14 years old and lived within biking distance of the theatre where it was showing. Only Back to the Future and The Empire Strikes Back have the distinction of being movies I saw at least fifteen times during their initial run; at one point every day for a week straight.

The story of how the film got made is an interesting as the perfect screenplay itself. Basically Bob Zemeckis and Bob Gale shopped the movie around after they had made a few films, including Used Cars (good movie), but studios weren't interested. Except Spielberg. Unfortunately, the duo had just worked with Spielberg on 1941 and it was a dud.

Luckily, Zemeckis directed Romancing the Stone in 1984, so they finally went back to Spielberg with that clout and got the deal done. BTTF was actually the first film released under Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment (with the E.T. logo) that Spielberg himself did not direct.

Then, casting. Filmmakers really wanted Michael J. Fox, but he was not available due to his TV schedule filming sitcom Family Ties. They had to move on, so they cast Eric Stoltz and filmed for 5 weeks.

Zemeckis felt like something wasn't right and asked Spielberg to take a look at the dailies. They agreed Stoltz was a good actor, but not right for the part of Marty McFly. They begged the Family Ties people to let Michael do both and they finally agreed. I can't believe how Michael did two full time jobs during production, but he did and managed to create an unforgettable character that will live forever in movie history.

If anyone ever decides it is a good idea to remake, reboot and/or get a sequel going I will personally go to their house and punch them in the face! ?


Kevin Phillipson (9958 KP) Jul 29, 2020

Going to see it next week at my local cinema

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Choreography (1 more)
Story (0 more)
Relentless Action
Contains spoilers, click to show
So John Wick 3 is a straight follow on from John Wick 2 and boy do we know it. The action starts exactly where it left off and is relentless for the first 30 minutes of the movie. The first fight scene in the Library is epic and sets the tone for the rest of the movie.
The story is what is lacking in this movie. John has been left excommunicado (all services removed) and is trying to find a way back and the reason for this is so he can remember his late wife. As you would expect with someone in his line of work he has things in place for this type of scenario but they are things we have already seen in the last 2 movies and it leaves you wanting more from it, the lack of depth is quite frustrating. It almost felt like they set all the action scenes and then tried to decide what story they could put in to link them all together nicely.
The fight scene with Halle Berry and her dogs should have been amazing and was to a degree but I felt like she was almost made the star of the movie for that period, just to show that women can do this too. Feels like everyone is having to show that this isn't just a man thing anymore for fear of being sexist.
Mark Dacascos was a piece of light entertainment to all the action and violence when he meets John and some of their scenes were entertaining if a little out of place.

The movie felt like they are struggling to think of what story they can use to move this forward now and are relying on the action to do that. Due to the choreography and action being so amazing you can get away with it, to a degree.
John Wick 4 feels like it will head in the same vain as this one as we still didn't get to see much about the High Table and I think John will decide that the table needs to be thrown out!!!

Non stop action and amazing fight scenes makes this movie amazing and what you want to see. Just make sure you remember thats what you came to see when watching.
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019)
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Put it down
#secretlifeofpets2 like its predecessor offers nothing new to the #animated film genre in a film thats not only overlong (even at just an hour & a half) but extremely souless too. I hated the #original #secretlifeofpets & im actually a big fan of cgi animated movies too so when we decided to go see this with my nephews i wasnt to excited but i figured it might be an improvement on the first, boy was i wrong. First of all my nephews absolutely #loved this film laughing, sitting on the edge of their seats, talking about the characters & feeling #anxious during the action so while my review is a negative one younger kids will dig its #furry characters, loud action & vibrant colour pallet for sure. Heres why i hated it - i find the pets themselves so visually ugly & lazily designed that it offends my eyes looking at them (seriously some of them or hideous). Dialog is so atrocious & basic you could practically guess what flat one liner would be delivered predictably by almost every one. Story for about an hour felt non existent & i questioned myself on whether id missed a part that told us about the end goal or the #journey the film was taking us on. It was like we had just watched a bunch of 10 minute short films all cut together to make a feature length movie with no payoff. Once the film does finally reach the end we do get an in site into what the film was overall trying to say (#parents arnt alone in bringing up kids, theres always other things that aid in the up bringing & although the world is a #dangerous place #failure & getting #hurt is all part of #learning & growing as a person process) but it just seems it got side tracked along the way. Animation is nice & theres some good looking scenes no doubt but its standard stuff. #Soundtrack wise its quite fun & keeps the films pace lively. Pact full of stereotyping, stolen set pieces from the likes of #toystory, storylines that are all over the place & #jokes that fall flat its hard film for #adults to sit through as it offers nothing as a reward. Your kids might #love it but you might not be able to stay #awake to even notice. #pets #dog #cat #illumination #minions #kids #children #kevinheart #pet #silly #funny
You're Next (2013)
You're Next (2013)
2013 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Finding a good horror film has been a little like a prompt train over the last few years, they are few and far between. However, 2013 has produced more than its fair share of movies within the genre, with the excellent The Purge, released earlier this year; Insidious 2, which is in cinemas this autumn and of course, the subject of this review; You’re Next. But can this modern horror film deliver the thrills and spills of those of yesteryear?

Relative newcomer Adam Wingard directs this rather formulaic home invasion film with some nice creative touches and a rousing score, borrowing heavily from other similar films like the dire When a Stranger Calls, the excellent The Strangers and the downright ridiculous Black Christmas.

However, what sets You’re Next apart from the pack is in its comic timing. Rather than going for full shock value, the film delivers a comedic edge which is welcome in breaking up the bludgeoning and stabbing, which there is a huge amount of.

The plot is simple, a family gathers at their parents’ large manor house to celebrate an anniversary, only to be taunted and butchered by a group of masked killers intent on ruining the party. There are the usual horror clichés of people being watched from outside, people being crept up on from behind and the gem that is thinking there is someone there and realising it’s just a member of the family, but Wingard keeps it feeling fresh and new throughout.

The acting is generally terrible, as is the case with many horror films, but because the movie never takes itself too seriously, the performances add to the overall effect rather than become an annoyance. One stand-out characterisation is Sharni Vinson as Erin, a larger than life Australian who really comes into her own in the battle between the ever decreasing family and the constant onslaught of the masked murderers.

Whilst not scaling the heights of last year’s Cabin in the Woods, You’re Next really helps show that there is life in a genre which has been inundated with cheap knock-offs, countless sequels and pointless remakes.

It is daft, unoriginal and full of lifeless characters, but as a slice of truly terrifying horror and a piece of laugh out loud dark comedy, it succeeds and is highly recommended.
Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built (2018)
Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror
Helen Mirren (0 more)
The effects could have been better. (0 more)
Dame Helen Mirren locks you to the screen.
I don't go see movies in theaters often. If you haven't noticed tickets have got insanely pricey. I don't know what prices are everywhere else, but here in Boston, it's almost 19 bucks a ticket. The last movie I watched in Theaters was Jurassic World a few years back. I figured what the hell, I brought my mom along, and we went and saw Winchester. My experience is probably going to be a bit different than yours who might be viewing it at home in a few months when it comes out on VOD of DVD/Blu-ray obviously. So I might have hyped up this review a bit.

I knew nothing of the Winchester house or it's story. Sure I heard the name before, and that it was some type of firearm. I also went into this movie almost blind. Just seeing a few second clip, not even a trailer. I knew Helen Mirren was in it. As a huge fan of Mirren, I was sold at just that. The movie follows Sarah Winchester the grieving widow of the co-owner of the Winchester gun company. (Helen Mirren) Troubled about her mental state, people close to her and affairs ask a doctor to come and examine her mental state. Dr Price ( Jason Clarke) soon finds something else lurks in the walls other than her hallucinations.

I will say this, the script was silly, and by silly it was not good. I think if the script was written a bit differently, the film would have been a 5 star. If you're looking for a gross horror movie, then this is not. However what the film is , is a beautifully made light paranormal movie with a couple messages. At least this is how I feel. Yes this movie used the jump scare tactic.
Which probably had more effect on me, sitting in a loud theater than it would at home. The acting was solid I thought especially from Mirren who is always a powerful performer. The effects were O.K. , There was maybe one part that the effects made a ghost look almost like something out of Lord of the Rings, and it looked quite silly.

Lauren (6 KP) rated Supergirl - Season 2 in TV

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Supergirl  - Season 2
Supergirl - Season 2
2016 | Sci-Fi
Chyler Leigh!! (4 more)
Floriana Lima
Melissa Benoist
Jeremy Jordan
The addition oaf a Luthor
Character development (2 more)
Network switch
Lovesick Kara took away from the supposed theme
Contains spoilers, click to show
This season had some absolutely great aspects and some that were not so stellar.
I think that the show did an amazing job with Alex's coming out storyline. It was so real and raw. This storyline was looked upon so highly by the LGBTQ community as it seemed to really speak to so many people. It was also a great example of a healthy relationship, with both women being so supportive of one another and helping each other grow. I read an article that praised it as being one of the healthiest on TV. I also think that Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor was a great addition. She brought a bit of conflict and mixed emotions. Can a Luthor get along with a Super? Is she bad or is she good? I think the moral dilemma was actually a nice addition. It was super fun seeing all the guest stars from the old Superman and super hero shows/movies making an appearance. I also liked seeing Superman a bit. I didn't like the prospect of him taking away from her and swooping in to save the day, and was happy that it didn't really seem to happen that way.
Generally speaking I thought that the move to the CW hurt the show, despite opening some doors for things that may not have been included had the show remained on CBS. I noticed a lack of character development in this season. Characters that I thought grew a to last season seemed to stay the same. There was no character growth at all. Characters that were introduced this season didn't seem to have much back story and remained 1 dimensional. There seemed to be a lot of missed opportunity. I also think that Kara falling for and pining after Mon-El so much seemed to take away from the empowerment that she had so much of in the first season. She focused so much on him that it seemed to make her forget so much of what she stood for. Not to mention that he didn't respect her at all and she continued pining after him. She so quickly jumped from loving James to immediately chasing a guy with qualities and from a planet she claimed to hate. It didn't make much sense.
The Festival (2018)
The Festival (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Jemaine Clement (0 more)
Fairly enjoyable comedy
The Festival is directed by Iain Morris, who co-created and wrote The Inbetweeners show and subsequent movies. It feels just like another Inbetweeners movie too, especially as star Joe Thomas plays what appears to be an exact copy of his Inbetweeners character Simon, pining for his girlfriend and obsessing over her throughout the movie. The result is a fairly likeable and enjoyable comedy, still a lot better than most movie comedies these days, and with some laugh out loud moments. But, you can't help comparing it to The Inbetweeners and, unfortunately, it's just nowhere near as good as that.

In The Festival, Joe Thomas plays Nick, preparing to graduate and soon to head off to a festival with best friend Shane and girlfriend Caitlin. After a cringe-worthy ejaculation gag involving his mother, getting dumped by Caitlin and having a breakdown on stage at his graduation ceremony, Nick becomes depressed and it's up to Shane to try and drag him along to the festival and moveon with life. On the train to the festival they meet up with Amy, who's also on her way to the festival, and when they do finally get there they end up camping right next to ex-girlfriend Caitlin and her friends.

Your level of enjoyment throughout The Festival is going to vary depending on how you feel about festivals as a whole. If you're like Nick for much of the movie, then you're going to share his discomfort with the mud, the toilets and the cramped camping arrangements, laughing at him and his frustrations with it all ("I just want to go home and have a nice shower and a poo!"). If you're a festival goer yourself then you'll revel in the whole experience lived out on screen, as the movie was actually filmed during a real festival. Along the way there's drink, drugs, druids(!) and nudity for Nick to endure as he hopes to get back with Caitlin, and then later on a blue smurf girl who he hooks up with for a one night stand.

The supporting cast are all fairly funny, particularly Hammed Animashaun and Claudia O'Doherty as friends Shane and Amy. But, it's the brilliant Jemaine Clement as Shanes stepdad who manages to steal every single scene he's in and is just hilarious. Sadly though he's not in it as much as he should be.