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    Lighting Handbook

    Lighting Handbook

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    Lighting Handbook is a tool for all theatre, corporate and event technicians. It displays detailed...


Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Moonglow in Books

Nov 9, 2017  
Michael Chabon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautifully written
This biography of Michael Chabon's 'grandfather' is a stunning piece of whimsy, the tale of a cranky, old genius that grips and surprises throughout. It is a long, meandering novel masquerading as a memoir, flitting around time and place so that the chapters don't follow consecutively and it's only gradually that we build up a picture of the narrator's family history via the stories told to him by his grandfather.

Despite the fragmented narrative and some aspects considered to be fictional truth, there's real heart and soul here which lifts this novel beyond merely the clever construction, giving it a haunting, poignant undertone.

For me the book is less about the grandfather, but the beautiful, damaged woman with whom he falls in love with. Profoundly affected by her experiences during the Second World War, the narrator's grandmother tells stories to shore up her own sense of self and to hold herself together in the wake of trauma.

While at times it can seem tedious, the author's writing carries it through, moving effortlessly from rambunctious humour to distressing scenes. It is a meditation on families and what constitutes a family when it's not based on blood, histories and accurate memories. A big-hearted and beautifully-written novel.
Call Me Michigan
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a second chance novel - Mason and Tyler were best friends in their younger years, although both of them wanted more, neither of them said anything. When Tyler left home under difficult circumstances, Mason got blinding drunk before chasing after her and giving her a drunken kiss. Now, this is not guaranteed to win anyone over, so unsurprisingly, Tyler leaves anyway. Fast forward a few years, and Tyler returns to take care of her family. Of course, the first person she sees is Mason, although he doesn't recognise her. Things are about to change for the pair of them.

This is a well written, fast moving and smoothly paced contemporary romance, showing character growth and not just with the two main characters. With getting to know each other again, things don't go exactly smoothly. However, things eventually work out for them, which is good because the situation is about to get a whole more complicated.

This is a story guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies, at the same time as you laugh and cry with the characters and the situations they find themselves in. Definitely recommended by me.

* I was given this book in return for a review which has in no way affected my opinion. *
12 Years a Slave (2013)
12 Years a Slave (2013)
2013 | Biography, Drama, History
Cast and acting is spectacular (1 more)
Fantastic direction by Steve McQueen
Harrowing, disturbing beyond belief
It's taken me four years to watch this film out of fear I'd be seriously disturbed by the end of it. And no doubt it is disturbing.

The story of Solomon Northrup entails a free black man in America being kidnapped and then sold into slavery. He is gifted and educated, on top of having led a free life with his wife and children, hence in many ways it can be seen as even more traumatic knowing what is already out there.

What's interesting is the complicity of others involved, including other African Americans who have had to turn the other cheek in order to survive. The white men are despicable in this film, the brutality is truly horrifying.

It goes without saying Chiwetel Ejiofor is fantastic as Solomon, he's understated which makes his acting all the more moving. Michael Fassbender is particularly gratuitous in his role as a slave owner. Lupita Nyong'o is absolutely outstanding, playing a woman brutalized by the master for his own disgusting needs. The women go through a particular hell in this horrid period of history. You'll need a strong countenance to watch this.
Show all 5 comments.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Sep 7, 2017

This is quite different as one it's based on a true story and two, slavery is a horrific time in history. So it's brutal.


Lindsay (1693 KP) Sep 7, 2017

I believe that.

The Right Hand
Derek Haas | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I started listening to The Right Hand with absolutely no idea what it was about, and within seconds I was entranced. Everything about this book was 5 stars or higher. The writing was right for the genre: descriptive and witty, but more focused on the point of the story than the writing itself. The pacing was perfect, the tone was awesome, and the characters were fabulous. I mean, a CIA spy who is so bad-ass and awesome at what he does that the organization doesn't even want to know how he gets his job done, only that he gets it done? How awesome is that? The plot never stopped moving, changing, turning. (And since I did listen to the audiobook, I will say, the reader did an excellent job!)

Sometimes I have long drawn out reviews and lots to say about books… and don't get me wrong, I have a lot to say about The Right Hand, but it all circles around one thing: If you like spy thrillers and adventure novels and don't mind a good murder or some bloodshed, go read this book now. This book is Exciting, entertaining, funny, emotional, and just downright awesomely cool.

Content/Recommendation: Mind language. Violence (not gruesome, but still bloody). Ages 16+

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Hold in Books

May 9, 2018  
Michael Donkor | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A coming of age story
A coming of age story, set between Ghana and London, this is the story of Belinda, a housegirl, who moves to London to help the daughter of her employers friends. Amma (the friends daughter) has become withdrawn and is struggling with something in her life - not her studies though, she's a straight A student. She won't talk to her parents about it, and to begin with, it doesn't look as though she'll talk to Belinda either. Their friendship builds over a period of weeks and months. In this time, Belinda goes back to school in order to gain some qualifications. She seems to feel guilty of having left her fellow housegirl, who she refers to as sister (even though the 12 year old Mary is not her sister by blood, they have bonded over being in the same circumstances of separation from their families at young ages).
This novel explores African attitudes towards sexuality, family and responsibility. It's funny at times, but also incredibly moving. I really enjoyed it. We can see the contrast between life in a Ghanaian city and village, and the difference again between those places and London. A fascinating novel.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this fantastic book.
Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens
2015 | Animals, Card Game, Comic Book / Strip, Humor
Nice Art (1 more)
Funny Theme
Not Very Replayable (1 more)
Mostly Luck
Not Enough Game
I really wanted to like Exploding Kittens. I Kickstartered the original. I bought the expansion hoping things would be better. Sadly, under the theme and the cute funny art, there really isn't much of a game here. Now it sits under other things in my small games closet and the large box for the expansion gets in the way when I am moving things around.

When people come over to play games, this is one of the games they always pull out wanting to try and this is always one of the games I try very hard to persuade them to put back into the dark corner of the gaming closet. When I first played it I though the art was nice and the theme was fun and I hoped I had missed something about the gameplay. But over time, as more people pull it out of the game closet and I am unable to persuade them otherwise I realize that there is very little here at all to make this game re-playable unless you are totally blind drunk - which I guess may be the point.

Hey - at least I don't have to wear rubber crab claws for this one.
Terraforming Mars
Terraforming Mars
2016 | Business / Industrial, Economic, Environmental, Science Fiction, Territory Building
I love the science behind the cards (4 more)
fun to imagine
Building an engine and working with the cards
finding and exploiting synergies
managing your resources and timing.
can feel lucky based on cards that come up or don't come up. (1 more)
NEEDS to have an aftermarket system of keeping the cubes in place.
One of my favorite games right now.
I adore this game. I have so many good tings to say about it. The fact that all the cards are based on hypothetical science is amazing. Who doesn't love the Idea of throwing asteroids at the planet, or building a city with a dome, or even shooting lasers. The boards require an extra component in my mind and that is a board with raised edges to keep the cubes from accidentally moving around. This is the biggest detriment. You can find them online for about $5 -10 a piece. I love this game, and it's much better with these and I found it absolutely worth it. But I think if I was lukewarm on it, this might piss me off. Definitely try before you buy, but it's an amazing game. And there is an APP being developed now for it, so be on the lookout for that soon.
Skyscraper (2018)
Skyscraper (2018)
2018 | Action
Not the Worst, But...
When a former FBI hostage team leader is hired to survey the security of a skyscraper, he finds himself in a battle to save himself and his family after terrorists take over the building.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 2
I remember watching the first ten minutes of the film thinking, “Is this ever going to pick up?” I could have showed up late and missed nothing. No intrigue, no strong plot advancement. Just…blah.

Characters: 7

Cinematography/Visuals: 2

Conflict: 10
If nothing else, Skyscraper succeeds by moving the story along with action. There is always something happening from death defying leaps to shootouts with thugs. It’s never really a boring film, just more flat than anything. For the most part, I appreciated the consistency of movement.

Genre: 4

Memorability: 2

Pace: 9

Plot: 8

Resolution: 6

Overall: 60
I honestly thought I would end up scoring Skyscraper lower. It does what it sets out to do, lull you into a mindless stupor with action, but so does the Transformers franchise and that’s not very good either. It’s a brainless movie with no real substance. If you can deal with a movie that has too many over-the-top scenes to count, Skyscraper might be worth your time.
2016 | Civilization, Economic, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction
So, so much (0 more)
Can be a bit daunting to take on the rulebook (0 more)
The best mix of many board games
This game has so much going for it and by far is my favorite game on my shelf right now. First off, just looking at and opening the box, the artwork is fantastic. I bought the artbook for the game just because I wanted more of the art. Next, mechanics of the game. Each player has a choice of what unique pair of actions they will take in a turn. A turn consists of:
 1) Choosing a block of actions that said player had not chosen last turn
2) Choosing a top level action from chosen block
3) choosing a bottom level action of chosen block.

These action range from creating and placing workers, mechs or buildings, resource generation, or doing something that would initiate combat (usually moving). There are many different strategies to win, whether through ecnomics or military domination. Each play through is unique.
I highly recommend getting all expansions for uncreased play variety as well as the Broken Token organizer, which reduces setup time for 30 minutes to 5 minutes. Other items that really enhance the gameplay are metal coins as well as realistic resources from stonemaier games