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Bringing Maggie Home
Bringing Maggie Home
Kim Vogel Sawyer | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I will confess: it's been awhile since I read a Kim Vogel Sawyer book. Like eons ago. But,when I saw this book available and read the blurb, I knew it was one I could not pass up! I definitely made the right choice for sure, as it was like coming home from a long stay in a foreign country. Her writing style was breathtakingly stunning in this emotionally moving, sometimes suspenseful book.

I loved the women in this book. They each stole a piece of my heart and became like family to me. I loved that feeling. I loved the way Ms. Sawyer created this story with 3 generations of stong willed, stubborn women. The mystery she added to the mix and the cold case of Maggie's story was incredibly done. It was the perfect blend of emotions for me!

If you are looking for a fast-paced, laugh out loud novel, don't pick up this book. If you want a book that will grip your soul, twist it, taking it on the most incredible roller coaster ride (the only way I will ever get on a roller coaster!), then this book, filled with messages of longing, hope, desperation and learning to lean on God to show the way, will be the perfect one for you! Ms. Sawyer's latest book is definitely a top read of 2017 for me and gets the highest of 5 stars! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Staging is Murder
Staging is Murder
Grace Topping | 2019 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Starting a New Business is Murder
Laura Bishop is just getting her home staging business off the ground, and she is thrilled to land Victoria Denton as her first client. Victoria can make her reputation in their small Pennsylvania town. Unfortunately, Victoria also has a reputation for being hard to work with, and Laura is finding that all too true. Working late one night, Laura is shocked to find Victoria’s dead body. When the police arrest Laura’s assistant, she decides she needs to look into the crime to find out what really happened. But can she do it?

Since this is the first in a new series, we get to meet quite a few new characters here. I enjoyed Laura and her friends, although they do have a little room to grow as the series progresses. The plot starts off strong, but bogs down a bit as Laura struggles to figure out how to start her investigation. Not that I can say much since I identify with her struggle. Once she gets moving, thanks in part to some blunt questions from her friends (again, too much like me), the story picks up and I was fully on board. The climax was creative and answered all our questions. Laura is a mystery fan herself, and I enjoyed her comparing herself to the main characters in the books she’s read. Each chapter starts with tips on staging your home, and they made me very thankful that I am not planning on selling my condo any time soon due to all the work involved. I’ll just enjoy reading about Laura’s efforts to stage houses and solve mysteries.

Luc Horvathova (60 KP) rated Dracula in Books

Oct 22, 2019  
Bram Stoker, Ang Lee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
Written in form of diaries and letters (0 more)
Gripping, entertaining well written master piece
Contains spoilers, click to show
The book is written in form of letters and diaries. It starts in Dracula's castle in Transylvania as Harker, the estate agent is going through the sale of some properties over in England. His good relationship with count starts to crumble as some weird things start happening and the place he's staying gets really scary. After the transaction is over and Harker is free to go home, he collapses on the way and gets submitted into the hospital. Meanwhile story starts explaining the relationship of his fiancé Mina and her best friend Lucy. Lucy is choosing her future husband while getting really sick for an unknown reason. Her sleep walking and getting pale and lifeless worries Mina. Lucy's future husband seeks help at his friend psychiatrist who calls his old friend Van Helsing. Meanwhile in psychiatric institute one of the patients behaves very strangely, specially at night time. Lucy's condition gets really bad and eventually she dies, breaking everyone's heart. In the same time Mina meets her sick fiance and get married moving into their new home. After Lucy's death she meets Van Helsing And others and together they figure out that count Dracula is behind this all. As much as vampires are scary, the group is determined to kill count under any circumstances. One of the last losses is Mina getting into Dracula's hands and slowly turning into vampire herself. The hunt begins to be very serious and our friends are getting very does the story ends, it's up to you to find out by reading this masterpiece.
The Keeping Room (2015)
The Keeping Room (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery, Western
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The Keeping Room starts as during the civil war, Augusta (Marling), Louise (Steinfeld) and their slave Mad (Otaru) must work together to look after their family home together, while the men are out at war, they are getting by with Louise wanting to do more than just work around the house.

The women soon become targets for the rogue soldiers Moses (Worthington) and Henry (Soller), without the normal support they must defend their home before the war comes to them.


Thoughts on The Keeping Room


Characters – Augusta is the lady of the house, keeping Louise in line, while making it fair for everyone under the roof, no matter what their status is. She will be the one that will go for help and risk her life to protect the rest. Louise is the younger of the two women, she doesn’t like being forced into work believing the slave should do it all, her failure to follow instructions only makes it difficult for Augusta. Mad is the slave that has been welcomed as part of the family, joining in the defence of the home too. Moses is one of the soldiers that is leaving a path of destruction as they run away from the war. He targets the women’s home and the women to make his own for the time being.

Performances – Brit Marling is good in the leading role, we see strong performances from the three women if we are being honest, Hailee Steinfeld continues to show her ability, where as unknown Muna Otaru should be a name we pay more attention too. Sam Worthington does a fine job in the villainous role where we see him deliver lines in a disturbing manner.

Story – The story follows three women that must put their classes a side during the American Civil War to protect their home from rogue soldiers that only want to do unthinkable things to them. We get to see how the women do have their own problems to deal without the soldier adding to them, the unsure feeling about whether they will have the men in their lives returning to them. Once the soldiers arrive it does become a survival story which is good, it shows how difficult and risky it would be for either side just to attack they must focus on defending. The pacing of the story seems solid with giving away too much too early before leading to the night of the event.

Western – The film does use the western themes in the elements of the war time western not the wild west style it works well enough with the rogue soldiers trying to take a home.

Settings – The film uses the lone settings of the house in the middle of nowhere and the paths leading to it, to show us how isolated people would become during the war time.

Scene of the Movie – The night of the event.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Certain parts feel slow though.

Final Thoughts – This is a slow-moving western that shows the effects of the civil war on the women left behind that could face their own uncertain future as the men out at war. It has strong performances and a dark feeling about what could happen next.


Overall: darkly depressive look at the American Civil War.
Our House
Our House
Louise Candlish | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clever narrative that flips through different mediums (0 more)
So. Much. Talking. Ending was blah. (0 more)
Started great - fell flat quick.
What sh*tshow these people's lives are!! I cannot even start to fathom the choices some of these characters made, but hey - it makes for a great story! What would you do if you came home one day and people were moving into your house? All your stuff is gone (including your estranged husband - totally missing) and the moving truck is backed up to your front door and unloading someone else's stuff??? Bonkers. Totally bonkers.

Safe to sat Fiona Lawson is about to lose her mind. Who are these strangers and how on Earth did they find, purchase, and move into her house when she was just away for the weekend! And um... where the F are her kids?!?! Her missing husband may or may not have something to do with it. And the secrets! They just come spewing out from every side, every angle, and everyone!

SUCH an interesting way to tell a story, too! I really enjoyed the back and forth, and different mediums used - though normal narrative - past and present, podcasts (with listener comments and hashtags too!) and even a suicide note... so crazy! This was shaping up to be a definite 5 star read for sure.. but meh. The end was SO abrupt. I was like, "um... did someone remove some pages in the back of my book? Did the printer run out of ink?" OK, OK I get that it's one of those, 'whats gonna happen?' type endings maybe? But too much unanswered for me, too much left up in the air, that I almost felt like there was no direction or solution to things so let's just STOP. Eh, no. I was all-in until the last few chapters - and then totally bummed.

Overall, a really cool story, great narrative, clever twists - but the abruptness of that ending just made feel like someone got a bit lazy.