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Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983)
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983)
1983 | Drama, War

"A story about compassion and forgiveness set in a World War II Japanese prison camp, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence seems to improve with age and repeated viewings. The screenplay, by Nagisa Oshima and Paul Mayersberg, based on a book by Laurens van der Post, is oblique, brutal, poignant. Tom Conti, David Bowie, and Takeshi Kitano all give first-rate performances, and Ryuichi Sakamoto’s score is heartbreaking. The last five minutes never fail to destroy me"

Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lady Chatterley's Lover
D.H. Lawrence | 1983 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I chose Lady Chatterley's Lover by Mr D.H Lawrence. Lady Chatterley's lover was a book created by Lawrence created in 1928. He had the book published privately in Italy and France but boy did he kick up a fuss. The book was subsequently banned in the UK, Australia, Canada, the US and India. There were outcries of the lewd nature of the book, the frank talk about sex and intimacy and extra-marital affairs. In 1960, a trial was held in the UK and the book was released from its ban.

While reading this, I tried to understand why this book was considered so obscene. I mean we have 50 shades of grey which didn't have any fingers pointed at it and that book discusses more unique sex forms. This book discussed pure 'vanilla' sex between a man and a woman. So what was the issue?

Continue reading my review at:
The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
1986 | Action, Comedy, Family
This isn't a tournament...
I've only recently just finished watching the actually quite good The Karate Kid spin off (featuring the same characters, 30 years later) on Netflix.

The reason I mention this?

Because the final episode of Season 2 teases Daniel returning to Okinawa, when he wistfully rediscovers/looks at a book about the history of that location.

It's the same book as in this film (he's reading it on the plane), which I'd never actually seen before.

The plot, basically, is that Daniel accompanies Mr Miyaga back to his ancestral homeland of Okinawa when the latter receives a letter saying his father is dying, 6 months after his (Daniels) victory at the All Valley Karate tournament - the film actually picks up directly here, with Kreese attacking Johnny Lawrence (one of the two main adult characters in Cobra Kai). It transpires that Mr Miyaga left to avoid a fight with his best friend, who had an arranged marriage to Mr Miyaga's love. Said friend still holds a grudge, with his nephew starting to pick on Daniel as a foreigner. As in the first, this ends with a Karate fight, but here the stakes are raised considerably with said fight more brutal than in the first film (but not as brutal as in the season 2 finale of Cobra Kai).
Cobra Kai - Season One
Cobra Kai - Season One
2018 | Action, Drama
loved seeing the same actors playing classic characters (0 more)
Was a bit predictable at times (0 more)
Cobra Kai Never Dies!
Contains spoilers, click to show
I left watching this series until i was closer to the third series release date and i watched this over two nights and loved it. It was great to see Ralph Macchio and William Zabka back playing the iconic characters we all either loved and hated. I found myself immediately feeling sorry for Johnny and found Daniel a bit full of himself in the first episode but as the series progressed you could tell Daniel needed to find his way back to Mr Miyagi's teachings. But the back story of Johnny Lawrence was heart breaking at times and made me feel compassion for his character and like a character that was the villian over thirty years ago. I found the end scene between Robbie and Miguel a bit predictable but it made sense as it introduced the characters and the history of the show to people who had maybe never seen the original movies. Plus the tribute episode to Pat Morita who played Mr Miyagi was beautiful but was cleverly tied into the story arc of Daniel trying to find his way back to the right path. Overall this was a great first season which set up season two perfectly.
A Little Assassination
A Little Assassination
Lawrence Troyna | 2019 | Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly, I am not sure what to say. There really wasn’t much that stood out to me about this book. (0 more)
There were multiple things about this book that I didn’t like. There was a Mr. Tillotson and a Mr. Trenchard on opposite sides, which was mildly confusing. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
A Little Assassination by Lawrence Troyna follows the story of what happens when two assassins are hired to get rid of each other. Too bad it is largely the result of a misunderstanding.

 Nero is an assassin who is employed by the British government through a program that is nonexistent. Frequently his job is to remove people who could cause embarrassment to the British government. A sort of lasting damage control so to speak. Unfortunately, no matter how carefully Nero plans his jobs sometimes they go wrong . Usually, that just means a few unintended people get caught in the crossfire, but not this time.

 Leon is an assassin as well, but unlike Nero, he works for a crime family. His jobs are usually fairly similar to Nero’s except he doesn't secretly work for the government. This time when Leon is called in his order is to eliminate anyone responsible for the bomb that went off inside one of the family’s drug manufacturing plants. When it is discovered that the plant was accidental collateral damage from a British government hit Leon is supposed to be called off. When this does not happen Leon and Nero’s groups end up fighting head to head for a short while until Leon gives up by his group completely. Now it's an all-out manhunt, but the prey is also a hunter.

 Honestly, I am not sure what to say. There really wasn’t much that stood out to me about this book. The most surprising (and in this case the best) part of the book was finding out who the leak on Nero’s side was. There were multiple things about this book that I didn’t like. There was a Mr. Tillotson and a Mr. Trenchard on opposite sides, which was mildly confusing. I was also surprised to find that the plot moves steadily yet to me it still seamed dragging.

 The language can be a little rough and (as one would expect from a book about assassins) there is a lot of violence. With that being said the book is best suited for young adults and adults alike. I rate this book 1 out of 4. I had much higher hopes for this book than what it delivered. It was fairly dry and predictable. There really wasn’t much about this book that impressed me aside from who the leak was.
The Truth Seekers
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A period romance of the highest order, this story is totally un-put-downable from the moment you first step foot into the twisted psyche of the enigmatic and, quite frankly, dark Mr Hawes. There are so many twists and turns and little surprises throughout this book that it truly is a wonderful read. But before I start to waffle too much in general terms, IÕll get stuck in in letting you know my thoughts.


To start, I think the characters are more than worthy of a mention. Lawrence is a master of character development, and I say this after having only read one of her books, but that is honestly how strongly I feel about it. Never, in all my many books, have I come across a character as understated yet complex as Miranda. At first sight, she appears to be a simple and quite ordinary society beauty, but how very wrong that assumption would be. As the story progresses, we see her develop into a fiesty, and then broken young woman, before she regains her spark. The journey she travels is so tangible you can almost feel the emotions pouring through the pages. And that brings me onto the strange Mr Hawes. HeÕs a character and a half. Awkward, rude and at times quite objectionable, yet I still felt endeared to his situation. I find him harder to describe, as he really is so different and out of the box that itÕs refreshing against the standard ÔconformityÕ to society norms you usually find in period novels.


Something else I think really needs mentioning is the fact that this book is hugely believable. I am a huge reader of historical books, I am a great history addict and I have to say, this book ticks every single box. ItÕs full of the little quirks you would expect to see in that time Ð the language, the traditions, the vacation spots. ItÕs all just sublimely weaved together to create a total immersion into this time. It is truly like reading a modern day Jane Austen, and I mean that as the highest compliment and the greatest praise for Lawrence. It is clear that there is a huge bank of knowledge behind this writing, and that makes it so much easier and enjoyable to read. Honestly, I canÕt praise it highly enough!


At the risk of repeating myself, I am going to touch briefly on the plot for my final batch of comments because I am left slightly astounded and speechless with this book. The plot is amazing. Put very simply I know, but it is just exquisite in itÕs development, itÕs execution and itÕs whole story is just perfect. I donÕt say that very often about books, but this is so worthy of the mention. IÕm just, well, struggling to put in to words exactly how much I loved the way the story developed. The twists and turns, sudden changes, and eventually the happiness weÕve been searching for from the start, it was all woven together with immense skill and understanding for the genre and that made it such an easy book to get lost in (in the best possible way).


In conclusion, just in case you didnÕt grasp it earlier in the review Ð I freaking loved this book! It was fantastic from start to finish. A great pace, wonderful characters and a delightful storyline that kept me hooked from page one. The only thing I didnÕt like is the fact it had to end! I cannot recommend this highly enough and I will be looking forward to devouring more of Elizabeth LawrenceÕs offerings as soon as I possibly can.

ARC received with thanks and first reviewed as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie -
Finding your feet (2018)
Finding your feet (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
6.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Foot tapping and Tear Jerking.
There are some films whose trailers really don’t properly represent their contents. The trailer for the new ‘grey-pound’ film “Finding Your Feet” promised a light hearted and witty foray into an elderly dance-club. And, yes, you get some laughs. But it’s very much a bitter sweet comedy, and the bitterness is ladled on by the bucketload leading to more tears than smiles through the majority of the running time.

Sandra (Imelda Staunton, “Pride“) – now Lady Sandra, after her husband’s latest knighthood – is in a predictable, sex-free but reasonably happy marriage to legal beagle Mike (John Sessions, “Denial“, “Florence Foster Jenkins“) when her world is shaken to its core on discovering that Mike has been having a five-year affair with her best friend Pamela (Josie Lawrence). Moving in with her Bohemian sister Bif (Celia Imrie, “Bridget Jones Baby“), she struggles to integrate into her decidedly lower class lifestyle and find common ground with Bif’s dance club friends Charlie (Timothy Spall, “Denial“, “Mr Turner”), Ted (David Hayman) and Jackie (Joanna Lumley, “The Wolf of Wall Street“).

Can Sandra turn her downward spiral around and find love and happiness again? Well, the posters scream “The Feel Good Film of the Year” so you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know the answer to that! But it’s a bumpy journey for sure.

Getting all the acting honours is Timothy Spall, who is far too good to be buried away in this small British rom com. To watch him do “ordinary bloke doing ordinary things” is an absolute delight. He adds class and distinction to every scene he’s in, especially for those concerned with his truly tragic and upsetting back-story. Running a close second is Celia Imrie who has a wicked smile off to perfection and adds a lot of emotional depth to her performance: and she needs the range, since she too is on a pretty emotional journey through the second half of the film.

John Sessions and Josie Lawrence – old compatriots of course from the original version of TV’s “Whose Line Is It Anyway” – also deliver marvellous cameo performances, as does Phoebe Nicholls (“The Elephant Man”, “Downton Abbey”) as the tennis playing friend Janet.

Less convincing for me was Imelda Staunton, particularly in the first half of the film: for me she never quite pulls off the icy cold emotional wreck of Sandra, but is much better once the thaw has set in.

The film is written by Meg Leonard (in a debut script) and Nick Moorcroft (who did the “St Trinians” scripts). And there are some funny lines in there, although it has to be said that there are not enough of them. The majority of the best ones in fact are in the trailer, never bettered by Joanna Lumley’s zinger…. “My last marriage ended for religious reasons…. he thought he was God and I didn’t”! There’s not much more room for comic lines, since the rest of the script is stuffed with the dramatic outcomes from various flavours of old-age malady. Fortunately I was one of the younger members of the generally grey-haired audience, but for those further up the scale it must have been like staring into the void!

The film will win no awards for choreography, since the dance scenes are gloriously inept and out of sync. But this all rather adds to the charm of the piece.

Directed by Richard Loncraine, director of the equally forgettable Brit-flick “Wimbledon” and the rather more memorable “Brimstone and Treacle”, this is as Douglas Adams would have said “Mostly Harmless”: a film that most over-50’s will find a pleasant way to spend two hours. But go in expecting a drama with comic moments, rather than the hilarious comedy predicted by the trailer, and you will be better prepared.

(I should comment that the rating below is my view: my illustrious wife declared it a triumphant chick-flick and gave it FFFFf).