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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Murder at Morrington Hall in Books

Nov 20, 2021 (Updated Nov 20, 2021)  
Murder at Morrington Hall
Murder at Morrington Hall
Clara McKenna | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life Upheaval and Murder
American Stella Kendrick is thrilled to join her father on a trip to England in 1905 until she learns that he has arranged for her marriage to Viscount “Lyndy” Lyndhurst. Before she can fully process this news, Stella and Lyndy find the body of the vicar who was supposed to marry them. What does this mean for their future? Can they figure out what is going on?

I might have passed by this series had I not won the first three in a contest earlier this year. I’m glad I did. The romance is a stronger part of the story than I would normally like, but I’m torn on that here since I really found it easy to root for Stella and Lyndy. The story is told from multiple points of view, and early on, it is the scenes from the local inspector’s point of view that really advanced the mystery. Ironically, I found myself wanting to get back to Stella and Lyndy when we got those scenes. There is a solid mystery here, and I appreciate how the clues were scattered throughout the story. While I loved Stella and Lyndy and some of the others, some of the characters fell into the love to hate category, which was actually fun. I definitely want to find out what is next for the lead characters, so I’ll be picking up the next book soon.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Murder on Trinity Place in Books

Aug 17, 2022 (Updated Aug 17, 2022)  
Murder on Trinity Place
Murder on Trinity Place
Victoria Thompson | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Starting the New Year (or is that Century?) with Murder
In the final week of 1899, Sarah and Frank Malloy are invited to a dinner party given by their neighbors, the Ellsworths. They are warned that one of their fellow guests, Mr. Pritchard, is likely to ramble on about his dairy, but instead he starts talking about how everyone needs to welcome in the turn of the century coming in just a few days. On New Year’s Day, the man is found dead near Trinity Church where he was trying to convince the revealers the new century was starting. Frank is hired to find out what happened to Mr. Pritchard. Can he do it?

I’d felt the previous couple of books in the series had taken a dark turn, and I’m glad to say this one wasn’t nearly as dark. Sarah also got to play a prominent role in the main mystery as well as a fun sub-plot involving a character from a previous book and the clinic Sarah’s recently founded. I’m often about half a chapter ahead of the characters when it comes to solving the mystery, but this time, I was stumped until we reached the end. Once again, it’s fabulous to spend time with these characters, and the new characters are just as sharp. This is a strong entry that shows why the series is going strong after so many entries.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated The Right Sort of Man in Books

Sep 29, 2023 (Updated Sep 29, 2023)  
The Right Sort of Man
The Right Sort of Man
Allison Montclair | 2023 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Match Made for Murder
Its 1946 London, and people are looking to get back to normal after the end of World War II. Miss Iris Sparks and Mrs. Gwendolyn Bainbridge and formed an unlikely partnership in a marriage bureau, both of them looking for something new in their lives. They’ve been opened a few months and are beginning to see some successes, but all that is threatened when one of their clients is murdered and the man they’d matched her with is arrested for the crime. With their personal and professional reputations on the line, they set about trying to prove he is innocent. Can they do it?

When I first heard about this series, I was drawn to the time in history and the premise. I truly appreciated how that time in history is brought to life. I did find the book hard to get into, but once I did, I was hooked. The mystery is good, with some surprises along the way to the suspenseful climax. The characters grow on you, and the sub-plots both of the leads get make them into fully developed characters. What I wasn’t expecting was the humor, which had me laughing as I read. This is more a traditional mystery due to some of the content, but it is still mild. I will definitely be back to see what happens to these characters next.
Logged On
Logged On
Barbara Ross | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Does Julia Have a Suspicious Neighbor?
This Christmas, Julia has become obsessed with creating a perfect Yule Log cake to impress her boyfriend's family when they come for Christmas, but her efforts aren't turning out well. She is so desperate that she goes to a neighbor, Mrs. St. Onge, since her cakes were legendary. Mrs. St. Onge is an older lady, but as Julia begins to spend more time with her, Julia begins to wonder about the many people from Mrs. St. Onge’s past and present who seem to disappear from her life around the holidays. Is Julia in any danger herself?

The mystery on this one really drew me in. It is on the shorter size for a novella, but it had me turning pages quickly to find out if my suspicion on what was happening was true or not. As always, the characters are wonderful. We only see quick glimpses of some of the regulars, but they are still charming. And the new characters are great. As a bonus, there’s a recipe for a Yule Log cake at the end.

NOTE: This story is a novella, roughly 100 pages, and was originally part of the novella collection Yule Log Murder. If you have that book, there is no need to buy this ebook. If you haven’t read the story, now is the time to sit back and enjoy this Christmas mystery.
Murder on Devil’s Pond
Murder on Devil’s Pond
Ayla Rose | 2024 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of the Town Recluse
Hannah Solace has returned to her small town in Vermont to help her sister run a B&B. The only person she’s really reconnect with is Ezra Grayson, the town’s eighty-year-old recluse that most people want to see sell the house he’s lived in most of his life. Then Hannah finds his dead body on the pond that borders the B&B. When she finds herself on the suspect list, Hannah begins to investigate. Is his death related to a secret from the past? Or was one of his heirs, who are staying at the B&B, too impatient to inherit?

I’ll admit, it took me a couple of chapters to fully get pulled into this new world, but once it did, I was fully hooked. The mystery is complex with a variety of motives. I figured one thing out early, but the rest, including the killer, kept me guessing. The characters, including the suspects, grew more complex as I read as well. There are some relationships I’m looking forward to seeing explored further as the series goes along. The environmental themes are well done, and the recipe at the end sounds delicious. This book is a little more on the serious side for a cozy mystery, but as long as you know that going in, you’ll be fine. If you are looking for a new series you can dig into, you’ll be glad you picked up this book.
Dangerous Behavior
Dangerous Behavior
Nancy Bush | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ties together well with a good ending (0 more)
Extremely slow start (1 more)
Heavy focus on the romance can be off-putting
Killer Couples
I could almost tag this book as a straight up romance given how much time is dedicated to Sam and Jules’ love story. While the romance could be a good hook for some I personally just found it distracting and kind of eye roll worthy. Sam and Jules were high school sweethearts, Sam cheats, and after getting dumped Jules finds her way into the arms of his brother, who took care of her through her family troubles. The book spends an inordinate amount of time on Sam’s miserable love life and how he never got over his first love despite a plethora of women throwing themselves at him. This made the earlier parts of the novel slow down to a crawl as the narrative focus was more about the romance than the actual murder.

It got worse when Jules started getting her memory back and remembers nothing of the love she shared with her husband and instead keeps thinking about Sam and all the great sex they had. Days after her husband is murdered. I groaned. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised and it’s predictable, it’s just so distasteful and was just sort of a big middle finger to Sam’s brother Joe. I couldn’t get behind the romance in the story at all and it really decreased my enjoyment. So much that I actually was really struggling to like the book and had been thinking about rating it lower until I got to the second half of the book.

Thank goodness for the second half, when the mystery really started to come together. The thrill killers were an interesting pair that bring to mind several serial killer couples. It was a confusing twist on an otherwise average murder mystery and at first I had been wondering why they were even in the story at all. As I dug deeper into the story, however, things pulled together nicely and I actually found these characters to be pretty interesting.

This was the part of the book that was actually good, and the ending alone convinced me to push my rating just a little bit higher. It was worth slogging through the romance to get to the good stuff. While I found certain parts predictable and had figured out the dastardly duo immediately when they were introduced I still enjoyed unraveling the mystery and finding a few surprises along the way.
Murder from Scratch
Murder from Scratch
Leslie Karst | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Delightful Cozy Mystery!
MURDER FROM SCRATCH is book four in the series of the Sally Solari Mysteries of which I look forward to reading more. It’s a delicious mixture of mystery, family, and irate chefs and a fun, fast and interesting read. I haven’t read the other books in this series yet, however, I don’t think that this spoilt my enjoyment of this novel. That said, there is nothing more exciting than picking up a book that is the first in a new series.

Santa Cruz restaurateur Sally Solari’s life is difficult enough at the busy Gauguin restaurant. So she’s worked up when her dad persuades her to take in Evelyn, her estranged blind cousin whose mother has just died of a drug overdose.

But Evelyn proves to be lots of fun and she’s a terrific cook. Back at the house she’d shared with her mum, Evelyn’s heightened sense of touch tells her that various objects - a bottle of cranberry juice, her grandfather’s jazz records - are out of place. She and her mum always kept things in the same place so Evelyn could find them. So she suspects that her mother’s death was neither accident nor suicide, no matter what the police believe.

The cousins’ turn detective and Sally and Evelyn are thrown into the world of male-oriented kitchens, and the cut-throat competitiveness that can flame up between chefs. With a long list of suspects in the frame, will Sally be able to find the perpetrator or end up getting burned?

Leslie Karst’s delightful writing style is well-paced and complemented by some interesting characters, some of whom were annoying but helped to make the story as good as it was. There was some romantic and spicy love entanglement, too. Written in the first-person narrative and sharing Sally’s innermost thoughts, Leslie Karst includes some wonderfully amusing moments and vivid descriptions especially of some of the food, such as fall-off-the-bone pulled pork and salmon with habanero-lime butter. An ex-lawyer, the highly organised and extremely likeable Sally demonstrated admirable sleuthing techniques and her cousin Evelyn, although with her own problems, exuded warmth and friendliness.

The book had a natural, steady pace and I was kept guessing right until the surprising reveal. Delightful and entertaining, MURDER FROM SCRATCH is a quick, light, highly recommended read for all cozy mystery fans.

{Thank you to #NetGalley, #Crookedlanebks and Leslie Karst for the free copy of #MurderFromScratch and for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review.}
Hurricane Fran is barrelling down toward Judge Deborah Knott's Colleton County, but that isn't even the worst of it. A young woman is found murdered in town: Lynn Bullock was the wife of Jason Bullock, a lawyer in Colleton. It looks like Lynn's philandering has finally caught up with her. Deborah begins her own investigation -- mostly in attempt to make sure that her cousin, Reed, who was involved with Lynn, wasn't also a part of her murder. But as Deborah keeps digging, she finds that Lynn and Jason's story goes much deeper and links in with many of the townspeople of Colleton County. When someone else turns up dead, Deborah knows there is more to Lynn's death than meets the eye.

Goodreads tells me that I haven't picked up one of Margaret Maron's Deborah Knott mysteries since 2009, which is hard to believe, because reading one of these cozy mystery novels is always easy and familiar. My kids and I have been participating in our library's Summer Reads program, and this year the program gives away free books to adults, too! (How cool is that?) I chose a Maron book for June's prize and quickly realized how long it had been since I read a Deborah Knott mystery--and how many books I'd need to read to catch up with the one I picked up (#13, I think).

So here we are. I have a soft spot for Maron's mysteries due to my love of southern literature. She has a lovely and easy way of capturing her southern characters--their drawls, their southern ways, the complicated (yet simple) sprawling nature of Deborah's large extended family. This novel features a sweet young boy named Stan, who easily steals the show, as well as Deborah's typical interactions with her family and friends. While I always feel like trouble finds Deborah awfully easily (the murder rate in Colleton County is awfully high), these books are enjoyable, quick reads. Even after all these years, it was easy to pick back up again with Deborah and her clan. Deborah's sleuthing isn't particularly complicated--and the ending was fairly quick, with a twist that I had started to guess--but it was still a comfortable mystery. I always enjoy Deborah and will try to keep catching up with the series over the next few months. Oh who are we kidding... years. I still have a ways to go before I catch up and can read that free book from the library's program!

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The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle
The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle
Stuart Turton | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating

Mind blowing and unputdownable, this is one of those mystery thrillers that will keep you up at night until you see how it ends!

How do you stop a murder that’s already happened?

The Hardcastle family is hosting a masquerade at their home, and their daughter Evelyn Hardcastle will die. She will die every day until Aiden Bishop is able identify her killer and break the cycle.
But every time the day begins again, Aiden wakes up each day in a different body as one of the guests.

Aiden’s only escape is to solve Evelyn Hardcastle’s murder and conquer the shadows of an enemy he struggles to even comprehend. But nothing and no one are quite what they seem.

Honestly, the first couple of pages, I didn’t know where this book was going and whether I am going to enjoy it at all. But as you go through the chapters and get familiar with the story, you realise how clever this book is, and you enjoy it like you have never enjoyed any other book before.

As a debut novel, Stuart Turton did an incredible job with this book. It starts slowly, and grows into a great story. We follow the main character Aiden through many bodies, day by day. The book is set into one place, one town, one house and its surroundings, and sometimes moves backwards and forwards in time.

If you love mysteries and closed escape room books, you will enjoy this book so much!

I have always admired Aiden. Even though all the bodies he was in tried to make him forget about who he really is, he would always fight so his character can flow on the surface! I loved the sacrifices he makes towards Anna, and their relationship.

The ending, the last 30 pages are so smart, amazing and perfectly wrapped up that I couldn’t believe I never noticed those clues.

I am giving it 4 stars, because, even though I really, really enjoyed it, it was extremely hard for me to follow the times and bodies, and I couldn’t get along with the stories and solve the mystery together with Aiden - I always felt like I was falling behind, that put me under stress.

If you haven’t had the chance to read it yet, please grab a copy as soon as you can. This is the escape room mystery that we have all been waiting for!

I want to thank NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for providing me an advanced reader e-copy of this book, in exchange for my honest review.
Veronica Mars (2014)
Veronica Mars (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Story: Veronica Mars starts as Veronica Mars (Bell) fills the fans of the show in with the last few years of her life after the television show finished and gave us first time viewers a chance to get a basic grip of who the main characters are going to be.

Veronica is now about to take her bar exam, but when her ex-boyfriend Logan Echolls (Dohring) is accused of killing his celebrity girlfriend, Veronica returns home to get to the bottom of the crime, re-living her private eye ways and catching up with old friends.


Thoughts on Veronica Mars


Characters – Veronica Mars is the former private eye that has moved on to study law only to learn a former friend has been accused of murder. The character gets to return to see old friends to see where they are in life now and how things have changed, in the biggest case of her life. Logan Echolls is the ex-boyfriend of Veronica that has been accused of murder, he needs her help to prove his innocence.

Performances – Kristen Bell made this role her own on television and now you can see her own enjoyment of returning to this role. Jason Bohring is solid enough in the role of the suspect. It would be fair to say the whole returning cast enjoyed coming back and it worked for the film.

Story – The story plays into the hands of the fans of the show wonderfully, the problem comes if you never saw the show, you will never understand the moments between characters in this movie. This isn’t a film for people that never saw the show, but it does bring our character back to her old role to see where friends are which is always a nice touch for popular shows.

Crime/Mystery – The crime mystery tone is everything the TV show kept up with the light-hearted comic tone of the movie, with plenty of mystery moments to keep us guessing.

Settings – The settings do help the fans of the original show that have returned to their favourite show, seeing all the places we saw their favourite characters.

Scene of the Movie – Reunion.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not knowing enough from the TV show.

Final Thoughts – This is a wonderful treat for the fans of the show, catching up with our favourite characters is something we all like to do and this is no different.


Overall: Good TV show to movie.