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Turning the Tide
Turning the Tide
Edith Maxwell | 2018 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who Killed the Suffragist?
While the country is gearing up for the Presidential election of 1888, Rose Carroll and others in her town in Massachusetts are gearing up for a peaceful protest in support of women’s suffrage. Days before the election, Rose finds the body of Rowena Felch, the local leader of the movement, dead outside her home. Could it be that someone hates the idea of women voting that much? Or is there another motive?

While women’s suffrage is a strong theme in the book, Rose quickly finds other motives for murder. I did feel the plot slowed down a time or two, but that never lasted for very long. In fact, the author was able to work in development in the mystery in the middle of some of the scenes about the suffrage movement. I especially appreciated the fact that some of the males in this book supported the movement, too. The characters are great as always, and a couple of sub-plots advance series storylines well. All told, this is another great book.
Truly, Madly, Deadly
Truly, Madly, Deadly
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story had a good plot. Maybe I've become jaded or numb over the years, but I didn't find it to be a nail biting, edge of your seat murder mystery like so many other readers that commented throughout the story on wattpad.

While I am by no means a grammar nazi, there were enough errors and repetition of phrases to pull me out of the story from time to time. There are only so many times a character can bite, lick, worry or do anything else to their lips, before the reader starts to wonder what's wrong with them. The main character also tended to "fist her hands" quite often, a term I found a bit odd for the balling of one's fists.

I wouldn't go as far as so many of the readers in saying that this is the best book I've ever read. Even if the things I mentioned above were corrected, it would still just be a decent book that keeps you guessing; a light, entertaining read.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Upgrade (2018) in Movies

May 5, 2019 (Updated May 5, 2019)  
Upgrade (2018)
Upgrade (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Gore and storyline (0 more)
Some of the script (0 more)
What if Robocop wasnt a cop??
Stumbled across this beaut of a film. Premise is man and wife get into a car accident and then robbed. Wife is killed and man is left paralysed below the neck. Mans friend (who is a computer designer type person) offers him the chance at a normal life with a new chip that can operate limbs for you. Man takes off and starts to investigate his wife's murder and mystery and who done it starts. This film is at its heart a thriller but is based in a sci fi futuristic world. It is also has some excellent body horror and gore in it including a 'mouth cut' which was bloody awesome! Some of the dialogue is a bit silly with the main character giving crappy 1 liners whilst fighting the people who he suspects of killing his wife but it's not that off putting and I was able to laugh these off. All in all a really good film and well worth a watch.
Show all 3 comments.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) May 6, 2019

It was really good. Wasnt expecting much - love it when I stumble onto a gem.


Andy K (10821 KP) May 6, 2019

Yeah me too.

Fire in the Blood
Fire in the Blood
Ed James | 2014 | Crime
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another cracking page-turner in the Cullen series, this time following the case of a body found in a barrel of whiskey.
For me, the mystery surrounding the case and the identity of the victim and the perpetrator were less hidden than in the previous books: I had an inkling of the plot from fairly early on. That being said, the journey to the conclusion was still an enjoyable one.
Main gripes are:
Too much "thumbing" going on; everyone "thumbed" this and "thumbed" that
The climax of the book was less of a revelation, more of the killer panicking and attacking the police when they really were not all that close to "cracking the case". Cullen is making a career for himself from being attacked by the killer on high profile murder cases who suddenly feel the need to reveal themselves and save another 50 pages of detective work.
Part of this may have been as the story evolved from a short story into a novella and ultimately into a full novel.
Still, an enjoyable, well-written story.
Prose and Cons (Magical Bookshop, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s time for the annual Food and Wine festival in town, and this year Violet Waverly is adding a Poe-try reading at Charming Books to the week’s line up. However, when one of the readers is found dead at the bottom of the shop’s steep stairs during the event, things take a tragic turn. The police quickly decide it was murder and start looking at Violet’s friend Sadie. An Violet prove her friend is innocent?

I absolutely love the bookstore in this series, a shop where the perfect book finds you. That’s really the only bit of magic in the series, and Violet is left to use old fashion methods to sift through clues and motives to find the killer. I did feel some of the characters could be stronger, but the mystery is strong with plenty of red herrings before things fall into place at the end.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Winter has settle on Massachusetts, but farmer Cam Flaherty is still very busy. She’s growing food in her hoop house and hoping to land a contract to provide produce during the summer at the local assisted living facility. However, the night that her food is served, one of the residents dies from poison. With local gossip and the police looking at her, Cam must dive in to the mystery to clear her reputation.

The book did start a little slowly, but once the murder takes place, things pick up. I was turning pages as quickly as I could until I reached the satisfying ending. It was great to spend time with these characters again, and the suspects were equally engaging. Be sure to read through the recipes, too, since there is a joke in one of them.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Murder Most Fowl
Murder Most Fowl
Edith Maxwell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One morning in March, Cam’s neighbor dies at his breakfast table, just hours after his chicken farm his hit by animal rights activists. Wayne was a very nice man, often offering Cam advice on her own heard of chickens. When the man’s daughter turns to Cam for help understanding what happened to him, Cam starts investigating. But can she find the killer?

I always enjoy my time on Cam’s farm, and this book was no exception. The pacing was a tad uneven, but that was only a minor issue. The mystery is still strong, with good clues, red herrings, and a great climax. While a couple of supporting characters sat this one out, the rest of the cast is back and as strong as ever. This will leave you turning pages until you read the end.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Copy Cap Murder (Hat Shop Mystery, #4)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scarlett Parker is thrilled to be going to her first Bonfire Night hosted by her friend Harrison’s firm. However, when the time comes to burn the straw man of Guy Fawkes, the group realizes it is actually Win, Harrison’s office rival who had come on to Scarlett earlier that night. Harrison becomes a suspect, and Scarlett must figure out what is happening to keep her friend from taking the fall.

This is another fun entry in a great series. The characters and their relationships continue to grow, and I love seeing the next chapter of their lives. The multitude of suspects made for a great mystery, and I was surprised when everything was revealed at the end. And yes, we do get some news on the cliffhanger at the end of the last book as well.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Meg is hoping that a feature on the winter training of the new Ridge Rangers will impress her editor at Northwest Extreme. However, when she arrives high up on Mount Hood, she finds tension in the group. As she is wondering if she will even have a story, and a murder occurs. Suddenly, she wonders if she will even survive the weekend.

The problem with the book is it takes too long for the weekend to even start. The beginning was slow, and the ending dragged on too long as well. Some of the series regulars felt shoehorned into the book, but I was happy to see them since I like them, and I appreciated the advancement on the series storylines. Honestly, I do love the characters, and once the mystery got going it was pretty good. I just hope that the pacing issues are ironed out as the series progresses.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>
Stan has been summoned to Rhode Island to work with a group of master chefs. Sheldon Allyn is hoping to put together an impressive dinner that will convince investors who give his business money, and if he succeeds, Stan will get the money to expand her gourmet pet food business. When Stan and the others arrive at their secret location, they find out of the chefs beat them there only to be murdered. As the weekend begins to fall apart, can Stan figure things out?

Since this book takes place in Rhode Island instead of Stan’s usual local, many of the series regulars only get cameos. That was my only complaint with this great book. The new characters are lots of fun, and even the brief time we spend with the series regulars seems some growth in them. The mystery is very strong with lots of moving pieces. I didn’t have it all put together until the end myself.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.