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Death of a Gigolo
Death of a Gigolo
Laura Levine | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jaine’s Latest Adventure is Fun as Always
Freeland writer Jaine Austen has landed a new job, this time for Bel Air heiress Daisy Kincaid. Daisy hires Jaine to write a romance novel entitled Fifty Shades of Turquoise. Jaine is working at Daisy’s house each day, so she is there for the arrival of Tommy, a young man who quickly worms his way into Daisy’s heart while alienating everyone else in Daisy’s life. To everyone’s horror, it isn’t long before the two announce their engagement. But when Tommy is murdered the day before the wedding, Jaine finds herself trying to figure out what really happened. Can she do it?

Yes, there are some strong sub-plots as well. Jaine is back with an ex. Will the romance bloom this time? Or will Jaine’s cat, Prozac, derail everything. Meanwhile, in a series of e-mails, we learn about the latest saga her parents are going through. All I will tell you is it involves a bad haircut and a sculpting class.

Those familiar with the series know what to expect, and they won’t be disappointed. Yes, the murder takes place a little late in the book, but the time isn’t wasted as everything is set up. Once Tommy dies, we are off to the races with plenty of twists and turns. Meanwhile, the two sub-plots weave in and out perfectly. There are tons of laughs along the way as all the stories build to their climaxes. The characters are more caricatures, but they fit this book perfectly. More realistic characters wouldn’t work here. Author Laura Levine used to write sitcoms, and that really is the best way to look at this book – as if your favorite sitcom characters were involved in a murder mystery. The result is light, fun, and delightful. So next time you need to smile, pick up this book.
Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody
Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody
Barbara Ross | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jane Will Charm You in This New Series Debut
A year ago, Jane Darrowfield took an early retirement, and she’s already beginning to look for things to do. She’s started helping her friends with problems, but she is surprised when she is approached by Paul Peavy, and manager of Walden Spring, a nearby 55-and-over community. It seems their community has devolved into high school, and the popular clique and the biker clique are at open war with each other through a series of nasty, escalating pranks. But before Jane’s suggestions can be put into practice, a dead body is found out on the community’s golf course. Have the pranks escalated to murder? Can Jane figure out what happened, or is she in over her head?

I love Barbara Ross’s books, so I was looking forward to starting this new series. I wasn’t disappointed. While the book does need a little time to set up these new characters, it does so without slowing down the mystery. Things only pick up when the murder takes place, and we follow Jane on some twists and turns that lead to the climax. We get glimpses of Jane’s past, but there is plenty more to explore in future installments; likewise, I suspect we’ll get to know the supporting players better as the series progresses. The suspects are a diverse and complex group, growing deeper as the book progresses. There are some funny scenes, especially at the beginning of the book. It does grow more serious as the book progresses, but we do still get some great moments that lighten the story. I’m definitely looking forward to getting to know Jane better as the series progresses.
A Shadowed Livery (Inspector James Given Investigations #1)
A Shadowed Livery (Inspector James Given Investigations #1)
Charlie Garratt | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A really well written police procedural
A Shadowed Livery is a police procedural very much in the vein of an Agatha Christie novel. It’s set in 1938, just as the rumblings of war begin and National Socialism and Fascism raise their heads in Germany. DI James Givens has been pulled off the case that he was working on (the murder of a Jewish butcher - the guilty men have been hanged, but there’s still work to be done) and sent to a small village in the English countryside, to wrap up the deaths of three people (mother, son and fiancée) at Grovestock House, where Sir Arthur Barleigh and his family live. DI Given has been told that it’s a simple case of murder/ suicide, but of course it develops into anything but that.

I very much enjoyed this - the style in which it was written felt just right for the time period, and there was great attention to detail. I liked how Given’s background is revealed as the story progresses, and how relevant it was to the time in history.

The mystery itself had me guessing up to the end, and it has a great ending! I love it when I’m kept guessing to the final pages. DI Given is a very likeable character, if a little naive in some ways - but that’s rather nice really. It lends him that human touch.

I’ll be interested to see what happens in the second book as we edge closer to war. I’d like to see how DI Given gets on!

Many thanks to Sapere Books for my copy of this book to read and review. I will be preordering the next book for when it comes out next month (October 2019)!
The Key Lime Crime
The Key Lime Crime
Lucy Burdette | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Never Takes a Holiday
The week between Christmas and New Year’s is proving to be very busy for Hayley Snow. In addition to her regular food related articles for local magazine Key Zest, she is also covering the key lime pie contest, which is filled with more tension than Hayley expected. Meanwhile, her new husband, cop Nathan Bransford, is working overtime due to all the visitors on the island for the holiday. So when Nathan’s mother decides to come visit, Hayley finds herself playing hostess for a woman she’s never met before. Even worse, the pair stumble upon one of the pie contestants dead. Has the contest turned deadly? Or is there another motive for murder?

I’m always happy to escape to Key West via the pages of this series, although after reading this I may skip the New Year’s time period when I get to visit in real life. It sounded a little too crowded for me. Still, I loved getting to catch up with the characters, who are always a delight. We got to know one of the regulars much better here, which I really appreciated. The mystery itself could have been stronger, although we did have some good suspects and I was engaged and kept guessing until the end. Plan ahead before you pick up this book – I had to buy a key lime pie I was craving it so much. There isn’t a recipe for the pie at the end (we’ve gotten one in an earlier book), although one of the eight recipes is for a delicious sounding key lime parfait. This is another pleasant trip to Key West that will please the series’ fans.
The Man Who Died Twice
The Man Who Died Twice
Richard Osman | 2021 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One Heck of a Hoot!
I have read and enjoyed the first in this series which introduced us to the members of The Thursday Murder Club and what a surprising and enjoyable read it was; this second instalment is, in my opinion, even better. You don't have to have read the first as The Man Who Died Twice can be read as a standalone but it will certainly help to have a knowledge of the main characters.

I am loving being back amongst the members of the Thursday Murder Club - Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim and the additional, but definitely not superfluous, characters of Chris, Donna, Stephen, Bogdan, Patrice and Kendrick ... I love them all and really enjoyed getting to more about them which was skilfully woven within the story. The relationships they have with each other is special and really shows the value of friendship, trust and loyalty.

Reading The Man Who Died Twice is like putting on a pair of comfy slippers, a fluffy dressing gown, cosying up on the sofa in front of a real fire with the rain pouring down outside - perfect. Do not, however, be mistaken - this is not a cosy mystery, it is so much more than that - it has action, humour (lots of it), violence (although not a lot and not gratuitous) and tender moments all wrapped up in an excellent plot which is addictive and enthralling.

Is it plausible? Not really but its one heck of a hoot and I love it and cannot wait for the next .. there'd better be one Mr Osman!

Many thanks to Penguin General UK via NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy in return for an unbiased and unedited review.
Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers [Audiobook]
Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers [Audiobook]
Jesse Sutanto | 2023 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After initially thinking "oh dear, I'm not going to like this", the more I listened the more I grew to love Vera Wong.

Vera lives on her own after the death of her husband, her son being successful and not in her life quite as much as she would like. Once a thriving tea shop, Vera Wang's World Famous Tea House is now on it's last legs having only one regular customer so when she discovers a dead body in the middle of her shop one morning, she decides it has to be murder and begins to investigate and find out who killed Marshall.

Using her own logic, Vera decides that those who turn up at her shop to ask questions about the body immediately become suspects and she begins to ingratiate herself into their lives using her forthright nature, a little bit of manipulation, fantastic cooking and, if course, tea.

As the story develops, we get to know each of the characters and suspects more so by the end, you don't want any of them to be guilty of murder but one of them must be surely?

This is definitely within the 'cosy mystery' genre and whilst there is little action, I was caught up in the story hook, line and sinker and desperate to know what the ultimate outcome was going to be and I definitely wasn't disappointed.

The narrator was excellent and she totally drew me into the story and into Vera's life. This, for me, was definitely a book to listen to rather than to read myself and I am hopeful that Vera will do more investigating in the future.

Many thanks to HarperCollins UK Audio and NetGalley for enabling me to listen to and share my thoughts of Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Shamed in Books

Jun 21, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Painters Mill Chief of Police Kate Burkholder is back, in the eleventh book in the series from Linda Castillo. This time, she's investigating the brutal murder of an Amish grandmother. One of the woman's granddaughters is also missing--nothing left behind but a trail of blood. The girl's family is understandably devastated, and Kate recognizes that they are racing against time: the longer young Elsie is missing, the less chance they have of finding her. But as Kate plunges into the case, the more she delves into a world of secrets--and the more she realizes someone is going to great lengths to keep those secrets hidden.

I really enjoy the Kate Burkholder series, and I was very excited to receive a copy of this book, as I've missed a few of the latest books. It was incredibly easy to pick back up with Kate, and this book would work easily as a stand-alone, as well. It's a quick read; I read it in about a day. It's told mainly from Kate's point of view, with just a few tiny snippets inserted from a few of the other characters. It's tense, as it counts the hours Elsie has been missing, and you can easily feel Kate's panic and the sensation that the team is working against the clock.

As always, I am amazed that there is anyone left in Painters Mill; I always jokingly compare this town to "Murder She Wrote" and Cabot Cove, with Jessica Fletcher. Murder and violence seem incredibly attracted to Kate Burkholder and Painters Mill. Sheesh. But, that aside, I love the character of Kate, and the easy, familiar way Castillo portrays her. It takes no time at all to fall back into stride with her.

The mystery itself kept me guessing and interested, trying to put together the pieces along with Kate. As she often does in her books, through Kate, Castillo does a good job of highlighting the pressures of being Amish, along with the lengths they go to protect each other. The supporting cast is strong, although there isn't much further development in the Kate and Tomasetti (her partner in both love and work) relationship.

Overall, this is an easy, engaging read. Kate's a great character, and the story will draw you immediately and keep you guessing. 4 stars.
Beyond Reach / Skin Privilege (UK) (Grant County, #6)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A worthy end to a solid series - would recommend reading in order.
For some reason, the UK version of this book has a different name (Skin Privilege) to the rest of the world’s Beyond Reach title. Whatever you call it its the end of the Grant County series and what a way to finish!!! It’s a strong and worthy ending to a solid series that had a few ups and downs along the way for me.

We meet up again with Detective Lena Adams back in her hometown of Reece; where she has got herself into a whole world of trouble (no surprise there, it’s her special talent.) With a vicious (and I mean typical Slaughter full-on vicious) murder Lena is the only suspect and our intrepid heroes, Jeffery and Sara; rush to do what they do best i.e. stick their noses in and try to figure out what the hell is going on.

We get 2 different timelines and general POVs with us following Lena pre murder trying to unearth the truth of her family history and Sara and Jeffery trying to piece together Lena’s involvement in a murder. Lena looks especially involved in it when she does a runner from local law enforcement. The two main POVs work well together to slowly lead you through an enjoyable mystery.

I’ve previously not been a huge fan of Jeffery and Lena but this book worked to give me a better understanding and more empathy for Lena; although she is still annoyingly stubborn to the point of it being pretty stupid.

I thought the ending was what this series needed and for those that don’t like it there is a letter from Slaughter on her website explaining her thoughts (don’t read until after you have read the book.) Overall the Grant County Series has had some really high points (the first two books were particularly good) and some low points; A Faint Cold Fear and Indelible didn’t do much for me but overall I’m glad I kept with it and look forward to maybe meeting some of the characters again in the future - I think there is a tie in at some point in her Will Trent series that I’ve not read any of yet but look forward to giving a go - I do enjoy Slaughters writing.