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Gone Gull (Meg Langslow #21)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meg and various family members are spending the summer at the craft retreat her grandmother, Cordelia, is starting on some old family property. While her grandfather is hot on the trail of some rare gulls that might be in the area, Meg is teaching the blacksmithing classes and trying to figure out who is out to sabotage the center. But as the second week is starting, Meg finds the body of a fellow instructor. Has the sabotage progressed to murder? Or is there another motive?

Those who love this series will find much to enjoy here. We once again get plenty of smiles and laughs, often at the way Meg’s grandparents interact with each other. The characters are wonderful, although we do miss a few of the regulars since this book takes Meg out of town. The mystery and Meg’s roll in it was a little weak, but the characters more than make up for this. I also truly appreciated the family relationships that have been built in this series here. That community is wonderful.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Between plans to open the new pier in Old Orchard, Maine, and suffragist Sophronia Foster Eldridge being in town, things are busy for Ruby Proulx. The Belden, the hotel her aunt owns, is completely booked. Then a guest is murdered. With the police focused on the pier opening, Sophronia finds herself trying to track down the killer. Can she do it?

Once again, I found myself caught up in turn of last century Maine. It’s a great look at life back then. The mystery took a little while to really take off, but the story did a good job of using that time to introduce us to the suspects. Once the murder happened, I was glued to the page. Ruby is a fascinating main character, and I also enjoy the scenes we get from police detective Yancey’s point of view. The supernatural element is prevalent but still mild. I’m not usually a fan, but here it works well.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Georgia Thackery has had to move back home to take her new adjunct teach job, but the bright side is that means reconnecting with her best friend, Sid the skeleton. Yes, Sid is a walking, talking skeleton, and he just appeared in Georgia’s life 30 years ago. But when he suddenly recognizes a face from his living past, he begins to wonder who he was and what happened to him. Georgia and Sid quickly realize they are dealing with a 30 year old murder mystery. Can they solve this cold case?

I don’t normally read paranormal mysteries, but I’m glad I made an exception in this case. The story is a bit slower than I would have liked, but it did pick up as we grew closer to the climax, and I was satisfied at the end. The characters are wonderful, and yes, that includes the very life like Sid. Sid’s puns help lighten the mood. After all, there’s no such thing as a bad pun.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Robbie Jordan is keeping her restaurant open on a Saturday night for a special welcome home party for Erica Shermer. However, not everyone is thrilled that Erica is back, as Robbie sees when Erica fights with several of the guests. Still, she’s surprised when she comes down the next morning to find Erica dead in the restaurant. What was Erica doing back at the restaurant? And who killed her?

I fell in love with these characters when I read the first in the series, so it was great to be back spending time with them again. The new characters are just as fun and make wonderful suspects. One item introduced as part of the plot was left open, but I can easily see it being resolved in a future book. The main mystery of who killed Erica is well done, giving us a steady dose of clues and suspects until we reach the logical and suspenseful end.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Isolation (Faye Longchamp, #9)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I received a free review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review***

Faye Longchamp lives on a small island with her family. Going to the mainland for breakfast one morning, her husband and recently-released-from-jail father-in-law find a local woman dead in the water off her restaurant’s pier. Fearing that her father-in-law might make an easy scapegoat, Faye starts looking into the murder

This book started out slow, and I wasn’t sure I was going to like it. In the beginning of the story, we learn that Faye has recently suffered a miscarriage, and she’s having trouble coming to terms with the loss. Faye muddles around in a haze for several chapters, but as she starts to come back to herself, the book picks up pace as well. Once it gets going and you look back on the slow beginning, you can see that it is fitting considering Faye’s state of mind. I’m glad I didn’t give up during the slow part, because it finished up as a quick-moving, can’t-stop-until-I-know-who-did-it mystery.
Murder on Mulberry Bend
Murder on Mulberry Bend
Victoria Thompson | 2003 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of a Poor Teen
Midwife Sarah Brandt has gotten involved with the work of the Prodigal Son Mission which helps teenage women learn skills to keep them off the streets. That’s how she is able to identify the body that Detective Sergeant Frank has found in a park – it’s one of the girls from the mission. With no one to push the police to find justice for this girl, Sarah insists that Frank figure out what happened, with a little help from her. Will they find the killer?

I was compelled to read this book soon after I read the previous one with the promise of an update on an ongoing storyline. We do get quite a twist there before this book is over. The main mystery was a little weak, however. I didn’t feel like it had the twists we normally get, although maybe that’s because I had an idea what was going early in the book. The pages still flew by since the characters are strong and the time period comes to vivid life. Any time spent in this series is time well spent.
With a Little Bit of Blood
With a Little Bit of Blood
D.E. Ireland | 2018 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Henry and Eliza Must Solve a House Party Murder
Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins have been invited to the first house party thrown by the new Lord and Lady Ashford (she the former Clara Eynsford-Hill). The timing is perfect since a couple of strange things have forced the duo to look for a place to stay. However, the first morning a fellow guest is killed during the rabbit hunt. Henry is sure it was a hunting accident, but Eliza isn’t so sure. Who is right?

This is another fun mystery with the characters made famous by Pygmalion and My Fair Lady. The plot did seem to start slowly, however by the end I realized how things played into the overall story. A few of the regulars are reduced to cameos, but it was still nice to catch up with them. We have a rather large cast of characters, but it was always easy to keep them straight as the story unfolded. We get some fun with new (for 1913) things like airplanes and cars as well as mentions of the more serious things unfolding in the world at the time.
That Touch of Ink
That Touch of Ink
Diane Vallere | 2014 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More Than a Touch of Fun
When decorator Madison Night receives a five thousand dollar bill in the mail, she realizes this rare denomination is a message from her past. Sure enough, her ex-boyfriend Brad is soon back in her life trying to reconcile even after he lied to her to get her out of her life. But Madison has other things to worry about, like the dead body she stumbled upon. What has Brad gotten her involved in?

Warning: allow plenty of time when you pick up this book because you will not be able to put it down. The story is filled with twists and turns that will keep you engaged from start to finish. The plot is a bit more teen sleuth than usual cozy murder mystery, but that’s not an issue at all, and everything makes sense by the end. This is combined with fantastic characters, led by Madison who gets some real growth here. Fans of Doris Day will spot a couple of winks to the movie That Touch of Mink here, but if you haven’t seen the movie, you are still in for a delightful read.
Death on the Menu
Death on the Menu
Lucy Burdette | 2018 | Mystery
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Political Conference Derailed by Theft and Murder
Key West is hosting a conference with some leading dignitaries from Cuba, and Hayley Snow’s mom has landed the plumb catering gig, with Hayley among those helping out. The conference is being greeted with protests, and tensions are high. They only get worse when an artifact on loan from Cuba, is stolen. Then a man helping Hayley’s mom is murdered. Are the two events connected?

I have missed this series, and it was so fantastic to be back. This book has now added two more must visit locations on my bucket list trip to Key West, Harry Truman’s Little White House and Hemingway’s house. The politics of the US Cuban relationship is front and center and handled in a mostly even-handed manner. The politics and the drama around the conference to tend to overshadow the mystery at times, especially in the first half. Things do build to a great climax, however. And it was great to see Hayley and her friends again. Fans will be interested to see the latest in Hayley’s complicated love life, and we get to see plenty of Miss Gloria. This truly was a fun visit.
What the Bishop Saw (The Amish Bishop Mysteries #1)
What the Bishop Saw (The Amish Bishop Mysteries #1)
Vannetta Chapman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review: What the Bishop Saw What the Bishops Saw is a really good mystery in itself. You are guessing from the time you open the book and the last page you turn. Who killed Veron Fry? Did someone murder Vernon Fry on purpose? Is it Amish and English.I am still surprised with the ending. The Englisher needs help as she does not get to bottom of the case or any closes. Will the bishop help save an innocent man and catch the culprit? What is Henry talent and is it good or is bad. To find out this you need to read the book.I am still wondering why this person did what he or she did towards the Amish when they did not do anything to have it happen. Vannetta Chapman gets you hooked and wanting more. You will not want to put this book down once you start to read it. It pages turner for you. Will Henry take a leap a faith and use these talents. Find out by reading What the Bishop Saw. It a compelling story and one I hope to follow more of Henry and this community in Colorado Valley.