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Deadly Summer Nights
Deadly Summer Nights
Vicki Delany | 2021 | Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relaxing Summer Murder
Elizabeth Grady is starting the second summer running the Haggerman’s Catskills Resort, which her mother has inherited. She is hoping things will go smoothly this year, but that’s before she finds the body of one of their guests floating in the lake. The local sheriff thinks the victim was a communist. With rumors swirling around the resort, and guests threatening to leave, Elizabeth has to step in and figure out what really happened before the resort is ruined. Can she do it?

As much as I loved the book, I found the mystery to be rather week. We get too much about life at the resort for it to have the time to be fully developed. However, it’s hard to complain since resort life sounds fabulous. I’m not ready for summer to be over, and I enjoyed dreaming about spending time on the lake with nothing to do. The book is set in the 1950’s, and I felt like I was transported back in time as well. The characters are as charming as the setting, and I want to see more of them. I enjoyed this book enough that it won’t be my only visit to Haggerman’s.
The Twist and Shout Murder
The Twist and Shout Murder
Teresa Trent | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m Going to Shout About This Twisty Debut
It’s 1962 in Camden, Texas, and Dot Morgan is almost done with her secretarial schooling. But she’s taking on helping her father with a run for the local city council. However, the election hits a snag when her father’s opponent dies. The police think it was a tragic accident, but Dot thinks something else is going on. The trouble is, if she convinces the police that it was murder, will she and her father become the top suspects?

It did take me a couple of chapters to get fully into this book, mainly because I felt like I was trying to remember all the characters and their relationships to each other. But once I got that sorted out, I was hooked. There are plenty of complications for Dot to deal with, and I enjoyed seeing how she dealt with everything. She is strong. There are plenty of great characters, including a potential love interest. That time in history is also brought to life, including the changes society was going through. I already can’t wait to see these characters again. If you are looking for a fun historical mystery, you’ll be glad you picked up this one.
Unravel Me ( Book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
131 of 230
Unravel Me ( Book 1)
By Kendall Ryan

Psychology student Ashlyn Drake's neat, orderly life takes a turn for the crazy when she finds the perfect subject for her amnesia thesis - a young man without any memory of his previous life, including the murder he's accused of committing. Against all common sense, Ashlyn's drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

Perhaps it's that he's so incredibly male: even handcuffed to his hospital bed, he could pass for a cologne ad - Scent de Insanity. Or perhaps it's because she's spent too many lonely nights studying. Either way, she's determined to help him solve the mystery of his past.

But when she finally learns his secret, there's no telling which one is the real him, the gentle lover she's fallen for or the troubled man with a dark past...

I enjoyed this more than I thought I was going to. It was defo an interesting story and way to meet the man of your dreams. Very well written and plenty of spicy bits. Only thing that really got my back up was the name Ashlyn I don’t know why I just don’t like it!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated The Counterfeit Wife in Books

Nov 20, 2022 (Updated Nov 20, 2022)  
The Counterfeit Wife
The Counterfeit Wife
Mally Becker | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nothing About My Enjoyment of This Book was Counterfeit
Becca Parcell and Daniel Alloway have been sent by General Washington to Philadelphia. Someone is flooding the colonies with counterfeit money, and they believe this is where it is originating. It is critical to shut down the supply in order to keep the economy from crashing, thereby destroying the war effort. Just as the two of them get a suspect, a murder takes place, and someone surprisingly close to Becca becomes the prime suspect. Can they figure out what is going on?

I was thrilled with this second trip back to 1780. Once again, I felt like I was in that era while I was reading, including what life was like during that time. The mystery was strong with several twists that kept me reading. There is a strong romance between Becca and Daniel, and it strays a little beyond the cozies I typically read, but not too far. Both of them are strong lead characters, and the story is told from both of their points of view. Meanwhile, the rest of the cast, both real and fictional people, are just as strong. The ending of the book is extremely satisfying, but I’m ready to jump into the next in the series.