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The Shell
The Shell
Jenni Boyd | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nicole Fysh is a conchologist, she studies shells. When her friends send her pictures of themselves diving, she sees something in the pictures that could make history. But if this shell is really what she believes it is, she can't possibly be the only one looking for it. She hops the next flight to join her friends, and find out if this shell is exactly what she thinks.

The Shell is full of twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat. I never knew that shells were such a hot commodity. This book definitely will have me taking a closer look at the shells I come across on my vacation this summer.

In Nicole's search for the shell, she comes across quite a few people who are also on the hunt. They will stop at nothing to get their hands on the rare treasure. From murder, smuggling, and purgery, nearly anything. Nicole goes on quite a journey herself, suffering along the way.

Jenni Boyd give another enjoyable mystery. This so far has been my favorite. There are twists you don't see coming and surprises around every corner. You don't know who you can trust and if the truth will ever come out. I recommend this for all looking for a great thriller this summer.
It’s a week away from opening day for the Snowden Family Clambake, and Julia and the rest of her family are hard at work making sure everything is ready. But they are also discussing what to do with the ruins of Windsholme, the family mansion on the island where they host the clambake. One expert they are bring in turns out to be Julia’s prep school roommate, Wyatt Jayne. Wyatt is in town to oversee a yacht renovation, but when the owner of the yacht is found murdered, she finds herself the prime suspect. Julia has her own reason for investigating the murder, a very personal one. Can she figure out what truly happened?

While this is book six in the series, it’s only been a year to Julia and the rest of these characters, which allows us time to really see their relationships grow and change. I like watching this growth as the series progresses. There are several sub-plots that facilitate this, but I felt they slowed things down early in the book. Once the mystery kicks into high gear, it completely captured me again, with several wonderful twists and a climax that tied everything together perfectly.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
When Darkness Follows (Beyond the Grave #4)
When Darkness Follows (Beyond the Grave #4)
Athena Daniels | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Darkness Follows (Beyond the Grave #4) by Athena Daniels
When Darkness Follows is the fourth book in the Beyond The Grave series, and we reunited with both TSI and Debunking Reality. Rachel has called Debunking Reality because of a murder-mystery that involves her. Unfortunately she can't remember what happened, and wants to find out what happened to her friend, whilst clearing her other friend's name. Once Daniel hears she is involved, nothing will keep him away.

As is typical with Athena Daniels' books, nothing is quite as it seems. There is enough tension and paranormal activities to keep you both turning the pages and also on the edge of your seat. We see more of Pia, with Nate showing up occasionally. However, the focus of this story really is on Daniel and Rachel. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though I was left with some unanswered questions.

The writing is superb, and pacing exceptional, and the transition from one scene to the next is flawless. However, for myself, the ending felt a bit rushed. That being said, I would still highly recommend this book. The whole series is outstanding, and so is this story.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Roxanne (13 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Nov 9, 2018  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 Rating.

I must admit that I got swept along with the hype when it came to this book. I read many glowing reviews and many one star reviews so I went in with an unbiased, open mind. I don't usually go for these types of books but because this book just seemed to be everywhere I decided to take it out from the library (obviously in a big queue due to the popularity of this book) instead of buying it. I was actually very surprised that I loved this book! Everyone knows the murder mystery structure to these types of books, they are always so predictable which is the reason why I usually stay away from them, however, this was very unpredictable. I was surprised by the amount of twists and turns and the characters were mind-bending. I do not like to put spoilers in my reviews and so I have to keep it pretty vague...but these characters...goodness me! How twisted, how cunning, how incredibly smart. The only reason why I knocked some points off was because it became a bit longwinded in places, I felt my interest slowly slipping away and parts became repetitive. This means I believe it would of worked just as well if it was a bit shorter.

Overall, I enjoyed this very much!
Behind Every Lie
Behind Every Lie
Christina McDonald | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

After reading Christina McDonald's The Night Olivia Fell, I was eager to read her latest, Behind Every Lie.

Behind Every Lie has an interesting premise - how can you prove you did not do something if you cannot remember it. Eva Hansen wakes up in a hospital after being struck by lightning. She discovers her mother was murdered and Eva was found just down the street from the murder. She cannot remember what happened but the police doubt her and her convenient memory loss. What follows is a two continent race to solve the mystery before the police arrest her. Did Eva kill her mother? If not, who did?

Both of Christina McDonald's books grabbed me right at the beginning and kept me there throughout the whole story. I was worried because I rarely believe a book is 5 stars. It has to blow me away. I gave The Night Olivia Fell 5 stars. I was hoping Christina McDonald was not a "one and done" author. Behind Every Lie proves she is not. While I did not give Behind Every Lie 5 stars, it did earn a well-deserved 4 and ensured Christina McDonald is an author I will continue to read.

This 200-word review was published on on 2/27/20.
Hitting the Books
Hitting the Books
Jenn McKinlay | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Was the Hit and Run a Murder Attempt?
Spring has arrived in Briar Creek, and it’s such a beautiful day that Lindsey Norris can’t help but spend a few minutes looking out the window of the library. However, what she sees is someone hit tennis coach Theresa Huston and then drive off. It sure seemed to Lindsey that the car sped up as it approached the crosswalk. When the investigation points to the library, Lindsey can’t help but get involved. But was this a case of negligent driving? Or was it attempted homicide?

The book does a good job of slipping us back into the world of the series while also setting up the mystery. However, I did feel the pace lagged a bit in the middle before wrapping the major questions up with the climax. A couple things could have been explained better, but they were minor. On the other hand, I loved how the library came into play in the plot. We don’t see as much of the series regulars, but that allows us to really get to know Theresa and those in her life, which I enjoyed. Plus, we get some good development for Lindsey and Sully. The book has the usual classic book discussion questions, craft, and three recipes at the end. Fans will enjoy this book; I know I did.
The Summoner’s Sins (Sandal Castle Medieval Thrillers #3)
The Summoner’s Sins (Sandal Castle Medieval Thrillers #3)
Keith Moray | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Summoner’s Sins is a really engaging historical fiction set in the 14th century. I really liked that real historical people were used in the narrative, and the attitudes of medieval people towards religion and witchcraft always fascinates me. The average medieval person was a very superstitious type - which I suppose was an understandable way to make sense of the world without science. Curses shouted out from the gallows abound in this story, and there are plenty of rebels in the background who are only too happy to make it look as though they are curses that have come true.
Richard Lee is a reasoned and logical man, and able to tell a curse from an actual murder - and thank goodness for him! I really liked the characters that Keith Moray has written in to this story, and Richard and Hubert are great lead characters. Richard is a god-fearing man, but he doesn’t let religion get in the way of the truth. Hubert is ever faithful to Richard and their pursuit of the truth.
I really very much enjoyed this book - I do like historical fiction (you’ve probably guessed this by now!) and I enjoy a good mystery. This delivered in spades on both counts.
Many thanks to Sapere Books for providing me with an e-ARC.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated The Art of Betrayal in Books

Jun 9, 2021 (Updated Jun 9, 2021)  
The Art of Betrayal
The Art of Betrayal
Connie Berry | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of a Recluse, Theft of an Antique Jar
Kate Hamilton is back in the village of Long Barston to help her friend with his antiques business while he recovers from surgery and spend more time with Detective Inspector Tom Mallory. One afternoon, a woman comes into the store with a valuable piece of Chinese pottery she wants to sell on consignment. But that night, she stumbles onto the stage of the village’s May Fair pageant and dies. Almost immediately, Tom gets a call about the antique shop, and he and Kate go there to find that the pottery is missing. Can Kate figure out what is going on?

It was a pleasure to be back with Kate and Tom in England. This is a fantastic mystery with plenty of twisty threads for Kate to follow before she resolves things. I had a part or two figured out, but most of it didn’t come together for me until Kate had figured it out. Then I couldn’t believe I had missed it. The characters are strong. Kate is a little older than a traditional protagonist, something that I enjoy. I quickly got reacquainted with the returning characters and enjoyed getting to know the suspects, who were strong enough to make me care about the outcome. This book will please Kate’s fans and should bring her some new ones.