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Six Sweets Under
Six Sweets Under
Sarah Fox | 2023 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Debut Isn’t as Sweet as I’d Hoped For
Becca Ransom has returned home to Larch Haven, Vermont, and has taken over the chocolate making in her family’s chocolate shop. She is loving being around her family and friends again, but she isn’t as happy to see that Archie Smith is still being obnoxious in town, opposing just about everything. When he is found floating in the canals in town, everyone is shocked to learn it is murder. When Becca’s grandfather becomes the prime suspect, can Becca figure out what really happened?

I’ve been wanting to try a book by this author for a while, so I figured the start of a new series was the perfect time to do that. Plus, I can’t resist a chocolate theme. That aspect made me drool. However, the mystery could have been stronger. We got more theorizing than clue gathering, although Becca did still reach a logical solution. Speaking of Becca, I really appreciated how mature she was, realizing her own fault in one particular sub-plot. And I loved her and the rest of the regulars. Likewise, the setting in fantastic – I’d go visit in a heartbeat if it were real. While I wish the plot were stronger, I’m planning to visit again when the sequel comes out.
Digging Up Daisy
Digging Up Daisy
Sherry Lynn | 2023 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Intriguing Premise, but Execution Suffers
Kinsley Clark is hard at work with her landscaping company, SeaScapes, trying to get ready for the upcoming Walk Inns event at several bed and breakfasts in the area, including the one her aunt owns. As she’s digging in the dirt outside her aunt’s inn, she discovers a shoe buried in the dirt. She immediately recognizes the shoe as the one on the local news connected to the murder that took place the day before. How did it come to be in her aunt’s garden?

I really did like the premise of this mystery, so I went in hoping to enjoy the book. I did struggle through the first chapter, which gave us lots of backstory for Kinsley. Fortunately, it ended with the discovery of the shoe, and things picked up with several interesting suspects, clues, and red herrings. Unfortunately, when we reached the ending, not all the clues were accounted for. I think I can make some of them make sense, but I’m not sure they do. It’s a shame the plot turned out to be weak since I did like the characters and the setting. In the way of extras, we get some gardening tips and a couple of recipes. The characters and the setting are definitely a draw. If only the plot were better.
Stitched in Crime
Stitched in Crime
Emmie Caldwell | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Accidental Fall? Or Murder?
Life is beginning to settle down again for Lia Geiger, and the crowds are returning to the craft fair where she sells her knitting projects, thanks in part to Cori Littlefield and her wonderful crochet projects. Sadly, Cori is found dead one day near the bottom of a waterfall. While the police rule it a tragic accident, Lia thinks there might be a connection to a similar death from two decades ago – a death that Cori claimed to witness as a little girl. But can Lia find any evidence to back up her claim?

I enjoyed the first book in this series, and this was just as much fun. We get a puzzling mystery with several strong suspects. Every time I thought I knew who done it, another suspect would do something to put them at the top of my list. The ending answered all my questions, including one the characters never asked. I do feel like the characters could be a little stronger, but maybe that’s just me, and maybe it’s because of all the background characters. I had no trouble keeping all the characters straight, and a character that rubbed me a bit the wrong way in the first book has definitely softened here. If you are looking for a fun cozy, this is the book you need to pick up.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Rum and Choke in Books

Jan 2, 2023 (Updated Jan 2, 2023)  
Rum and Choke
Rum and Choke
Sherry Harris | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bar Contests, Treasure Hunts, and Murder
Chloe Jackson has been drafted to represent the Sea Glass Saloon in the Barback Games. This annual tradition, a multi stage competition that includes physical and bar related contests, sounds fun until she meets some of her competition – ringers brought in to represent other bars. Meanwhile, her friend Ann asks Chloe to go with her as Ann tries to find a pirate ship sunk long ago. The first morning out ends abruptly when Ann finds a dead body – one of the Barback Games ringers. What is going on?

Sherry Harris is one of my favorite mystery writers, and this book is a perfect example why. With all of the storylines, this book has more than enough to keep us engaged. Yet, it doesn’t unfold in a traditional cozy way, which is a wonderful thing. Chloe pieces everything together for a great climax. It was nice getting to know Ann better, and Chloe is continuing to grow as well. The rest of the returning characters are charming, and the new characters fit in perfectly. I’m not a drinker, so I might have passed up this series if anyone else were writing it. But I’m so glad I started reading it. Whether this is your first visit with Chloe or you already love her, you’ll enjoy this book.