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The 18th Abduction
The 18th Abduction
James Patterson, Maxine Paetro | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunt for Missing Teachers
Three teachers have gone missing in San Francisco, and all eyes are on San Francisco police officer Lindsay Boxer as she is leading the hunt for them. Unfortunately, there are few leads. Can she find anything before it is too late? Meanwhile, her new husband, Joe Molinari, has found a woman near the FBI’s San Francisco office. This woman, Anna, claims to have just seen a known war criminal from her native Serbia in the city. Is she right? What is he doing there? Can Joe make sure this man receives the justice he deserves?

Outside the prologue and epilogue, this book takes place five years in the past, meaning that some of the recent stupidity in Joe and Lindsay’s marriage has been forgotten. I couldn’t be happier about that. The story is another fast-paced mystery against overwhelming odds that keep the pages turning. It even gave me something I’ve been wanting for a long time in this series (no spoilers, don’t worry). Unfortunately, most of the Women in the Women’s Murder Club are reduced to cameos as the plot drives forward. The characters continue to be fairly thin, but that’s no surprise to fans. We get into Anna’s past and the war crimes that took place in Serbia, so expect the heavier subject matter when you pick up this book. Overall, fans of the series should be happy with this latest offering.
Death of a Nurse (Hamish Macbeth, #31)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poor Hamish. He’s still as unlucky at love as he ever was. After spying an attractive nurse, Gloria, while out making rounds on his beat, he arranges to meet her for dinner. He’s stood up, and only finds out several days later that the nurse has been murdered.

Gloria’s employer, Mr. Harrison, soon has a new nurse, and it doesn’t take long before there is another body, and another murder for Hamish and his new constable Charlie to investigate. Instead of having to deal with Inspector Blair as usual, Hamish is at first pleased to find the case being handled by Inspector Fiona Hemming, but it becomes all too apparent that her interest is as much in Charlie as it is in solving the case, and she has little use for Hamish. The killer is no match for Hamish’s intuition and power of deduction, however. Luckily for Inspector Daviot Hamish is only interested in seeing justice served and getting back to his quiet highland existence, so he has no qualms about once again letting his superiors take credit for solving the case.

All of the usual suspects make an appearance, Dick and Anka, Elspeth, and of course Priscilla. This book was so typically Hamish, and I loved it. Fans of the series should really enjoy this one, but the mystery would work as a standalone as well.

NOTE: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
Fortitude  - Season 1
Fortitude - Season 1
2015 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
A genre-spanning atmospheric thriller
I watched Fortitude when it first aired a few years ago, and have decided to give it another watch now to refresh my memory now the final series has aired.

Fortitude is set in a beautiful location in the arctic, and the show really makes the most of showing off this location as often as possible. The plot itself is intriguing and bonkers, but yet doesn't quite go too far. It spans a verify of genres, from murder mystery and crime to drama and gory horror, and it does this really well. Some of the gory horror parts are actually quite disturbing (in an good). This is also a very character driven story, and most of the characters in this are well rounded and developed. It has a fantastic cast including some very well known faces like Stanley Tucci and Michael Gambon. However for me it's Richard Dormer that truly shines in this. He gives Dan a lot of depth and despite his errant and sometime psychotic ways, you do still feel sorry for him. I find it difficult to accept that this is the same person who plays Beric Dondarrion in GoT, he's that good an actor.

If you're looking for something that's well acted, doesn't stick to a specific genre and is honestly a little bizarre and unusual, then this is definitely worth a watch.
Mardi Gras Murder
Mardi Gras Murder
Ellen Byron | 2018 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Dampens Mardi Gras This Year
Maggie Crozat's home town of Pelican was flooded out just three weeks ago, but the community is rallying together to repair and rebuild. And they certainly aren't planning to let that curtail this year's Mardi Gras celebration. Unfortunately, Maggie has gotten roped in to help with this year's Miss Pelican Mardi Gras Gumbo Queen Pageant, something she is definitely against. However, when she finds one of the judges dead, she begins to wonder if she is in danger because she's taken on this job. Or does it tie back to the body of the John Doe that was found during the flood?

This is a fantastic book with a creative mystery for us to solve. A strong sub-plot only adds to the fun of the book, and the climax ties everything together perfectly, including a plot point or two I'd forgotten about. The characters are fantastic as always; I truly love the large cast of series regulars. The suspects are strong, although it took a bit to remember how all of them are connected at first. The cast of characters at the beginning certainly helped with that. I did find the timeline felt a bit off at a few points, but this was a minor complaint. I love learning about a completely different region, and author Ellen Byron's love comes through. The recipes at the end will satisfy the cravings you'll develop while reading the book.
Christmas Cake Murder
Christmas Cake Murder
Joanne Fluke | 2018 | Mystery
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hannah's First Brush with Murder
This book is set at the first Christmas since Hannah's father has died. Hannah has dropped out of her graduate program and is home trying to help her mother, Delores, deal with life after her loss, and Hannah is beginning to worry. Fortunately, Grandma Knudson and Annie come up with the perfect project to get Delores's mind off her loss. It seems Essie, a beloved member of the community, has fallen and broken her hip. In an effort to cheer her up, Delores is asked to organize a Christmas ball, with Hannah recruited to bake the cakes for the events. While all this is going on, Hannah begins to share her dreams of opening her own cookie and coffee shop. And a novel that Essie was working on captivates Hannah, Delores, Michelle, and Lisa.

You'll note my teaser doesn't mention the mystery. That's because it isn't until late in the book that it comes into clear focus, although enough bread crumbs have been laid out earlier that we do get a satisfying wrap up. Meanwhile, we get lots of planning for the ball and Hannah getting the things that will become staples of her life as we know it from the rest of the series. It's fun for series fans, although even then I thought the book could have been shorter. Those new to the series definitely shouldn't jump in here since it is so atypical.
Boy, was that violent - if this was a movie, it would probably be given an '18' (or 'R'estricted, for those Americans out there) rating, not just for the blood, guts and gore, but also for the - occassional - nudity, and the not-so-occassional language.

Actually a collection of 5 different short stories, I can't say how true to history these are as I'm not a Norse scholar. I also found the vernacular a bit off-putting (were swear-words the same in the early Medieval Period as they are now? Really??), with the art-style (and plot) in some of the stories were better than in others. Talking of stories, this contains the following:

[b]Lindisfarne[/b]: depicting an early Viking raid on the monastery of the same name
[b]The Shield Maidens[/b]: in which three Viking women hold off hordes of the Saxons
[b]Sven the Returned[/b]: in which Sven returns to his homeland to claim his inheritance, having previously run away and joined the Byzantine Varangian Guard
[b]Thor's daughter[/b]: in which a clan leader is murdered and his land sold to a rival leader but his 14 year old daughter takes up his mantle and leads an army against the encroaching Vikings
[b]The Cross & The Hammer[/b]: Set in Ireland, this is more-or-less a murder mystery in which the central character is trying to track down the person(s) responsible for a spate of killings.
The Nutcracker Conspiracy
The Nutcracker Conspiracy
Lauren Carr | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Are you a fan of Murphy and Jessica? Then do not look much further than that of Lauren Carr. The Thorny Rose Mystery is picked up once again. We find that Murphy and Jessica are in the thick of things once again in “The Nutcracker Conspiracy”.

The plot seems to be interconnected a bit. Is it just that or is it two different things but involvement. This book seems too real like it really as if I am in real-world experience in my time. There seem to be Jessica who seems to in the middle of defending her friend Amy and her friend Kenneth. When her house is blown up and her husband is killed? Is it Amy that plotted it or is it someone else?

Murphy seems to be trying to find out who killed not one person but several different people. I seem to like this what my real-life government might be doing in a fictional tale. I hope not. But the plot seems to involve more than just the murder but also doing something called a spy ring?

What is the PEAA group? Will Murphy and Jessica come out of this okay and survive? This book has it all. It got surprises and twists and turns from beginning to end. We even get Chris Matheson involved to a point. What is going on? What happens with the President's assassination attempt?
Murder on Waverly Place
Murder on Waverly Place
Victoria Thompson | 2009 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder at a Séance
Midwife Sarah Brandt is surprised when her mother, Mrs. Decker, begs Sarah to join her at a séance. Mrs. Decker is hoping to reach Maggie, Sarah’s older sister, and obtain forgiveness for something that happened before she passed. Sarah goes, but nothing she experiences convinces her that it is at all real. However, Mrs. Decker goes back a second time, and one of the group members is murdered. They quickly call in Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy. The lights were out, and everyone was holding hands, so how was the victim killed?

Between the how and the who, I was pulled into this story and couldn’t put it down. There are some great twists along the way, and the climax is logical, although one part bothered me. It’s a very minor complaint. Sarah and Frank continue to be strong leads, ably sharing the view point of the story in a way that is easy to follow. They even made me laugh a few times as I was reading. While we don’t see Frank’s family, we do get to see more of the people in Sarah’s life, and I love spending time with them. The new characters are fantastic, and help bring New York City of 1897 to life. I always get lost in Sarah and Frank’s world, and this book was no exception. If you are looking for a historical mystery, I highly recommend this book.