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A Deadly Inside Scoop
A Deadly Inside Scoop
Abby Collette | 2020 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Opening Scoop of Murder
Bronwyn “Win” Crewse is ready to reopen Crewse Creamery, the ice cream parlor founded by her grandparents in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, after some renovations. Unfortunately, opening day sees an early October snow storm and no customers. However, Win’s day gets even worse when she stumbles upon a dead body after she’s closed the shop for the day. The man turns out to be someone who crossed paths with Win’s family years ago, and not for the better. Before Win knows it, the police are looking at her father as the killer. Now, Win needs to figure out what really happened so she can clear him of a crime she knows he didn’t commit. Can she do that and get customers into the ice cream parlor?

I love ice cream, so that was a draw to this series, and the ice cream descriptions definitely made me drool. The delicious sounding recipes at the end will help with that. The mystery started out a little slowly. It did eventually get going, and we had some good suspects and twists before Win figured everything out. The characters were a mixed bag. I loved Win, and her family is wonderful as well. I especially appreciated the close relationship she has with both her parents and her grandfather. Her friends were more caricatures than fully developed characters, and as a result, they amused me at times and annoyed me at others. I can see them getting more developed as the series goes along, however. This is still a tasty treat, and I can see it developing into a favorite series for many.
No Way Home
No Way Home
Annette Dashofy | 2017 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow Start Due to Set Up
A rare warm Sunday in November sends Zoe to the stable for a trail ride through her area of Pennsylvania. However, that trail ride ends early with the discovery of County Commissioner Dale Springfield’s body. It appears he fell off his horse in a tragic accident, but Zoe doesn’t think that explanation quite makes sense.

However, her hopes of being involved in the investigation get sidelined when her best friend, Rose, demands Zoe’s help. Rose’s son has disappeared in the New Mexico desert, and the police think he is a person of interest in a murder. So Zoe joins Rose in New Mexico. Can she help find Logan and figure out what really happened?

Since this series really has two main characters, Zoe and police chief Pete Adams, we are able to follow the progress on both cases even though Zoe is a thousand miles from home. However, that makes the beginning of the book slow since, just as one story is picking up the pace, we have to slow down for the other to be set up. My patience was rewarded with a satisfying resolution and several tense scenes. The divided focus keep some of the supporting players a bit thinner than they might otherwise be, although Zoe and Pete are still as sharp as ever. Since Zoe is a paramedic and deputy coroner, this series is a bit darker than my usual choices. As long as you expect a more traditional mystery when you pick it up, you’ll be fine. This is not the book to jump into the series with, but fans will certainly be glad they read it.
Bone Canyon
Bone Canyon
Lee Goldberg | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Burning Need to Solve a Cold Case
A recent wildfire in the Santa Monica mountains has had a surprising side effect. The bodies of several people dead for many years have started to be found since the brush that’s been hiding them is no longer around. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Detective Eve Ronin and her partner, Duncan Pavone, have landed the most recent one of these cold cases. Their case proves to be complicated when they identify the body as that of a twenty-something who vanished several years before. As they begin to investigate, they make several startling discoveries. What exactly lead to her murder?

I enjoyed the first book in this series, and I wasn’t disappointed with this one in the slightest. Part of the fun is learning the twists of the case as they unfold, and then watching Eve try to make sense of it all. There is plenty of action on the way to a wonderful climax. Eve is a strong main character, and I enjoyed getting to know her better here. I did feel like a few of the supporting players could be stronger, but maybe that was my reaction to their poor attitudes which aren’t fully explained. While the overall tone of the book is serious, as it should be given the case, there are some very fun moments, most of them coming at the expense of Hollywood. This isn’t one of my typical cozies, so there is language, sex, and violence; be prepared before you pick up the book. I’m glad I picked up this fast paced, twisty mystery.
Mercy River
Mercy River
Glen Erik Hamilton | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Helping a Friend Gets Van into Trouble
A middle of the night phone call sends Van Shaw to the small town of Mercy River, Oregon. The call had come from fellow former Army Ranger Leo Pak, and Leo has been arrested for a murder in the community. Van thinks Leo is innocent, but Leo won’t answer Van’s questions about what happened. Meanwhile, the town is the site of an event for current and former Ranger, so the population is swelling this weekend. Will that help or hurt Van’s efforts to clear his friend?

While this may sound like the set up for many of the books I normally read, it isn’t long before the plot branches off in some thrilling new directions. Those looking for a thriller will not be disappointed with the action scenes, yet the mystery is tied up perfectly. Since Van is out of town for much of this book, the series regulars are reduced to cameos, yet we still get some updates on them. The new characters are fully developed, and Van continues to be a complex main character. I appreciated how this book works in issues that vets face without slowing down the book by preaching. Like the earlier books in the series, this one does have flashbacks, but they don’t focus on any particular time in Van’s life while still helping us appreciate the events unfolding in Van’s life currently. This book has more language and violence than I typically read, but it fits for a thriller and never gets excessive. This was another compelling entry in the series. Anyone looking for a great thriller will be pleased this picked up this book.
Untrue till Death
Untrue till Death
Graham Brack | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Master Mercurius is back with, unfortunately for him, another murder. It’s 1674 in Leiden, and after solving the mystery and murders of the young girls in Delft, he has made something of a reputation for his abilities as an investigator. William of Orange wants to employ Mercurius to rout out any plotters against him, and just as he starts his investigation, one of his colleagues at the University of Leiden is killed. When one of William of Orange’s men is murdered, it looks as though they are linked. Mercurius is called on to solve the murders therefore safeguarding William.

I don’t know whether it’s just me, but I never manage to work these things out, but the big reveal always seems to be completely rational. The whole story is delivered with a bit of tongue in cheek - I really do appreciate the humour in all of Brack’s stories, his main characters are immensely likeable, and that mixed with the historical details makes for a very enjoyable read.

Mercurius is an ordained Catholic priest masquerading as a Protestant cleric, and he’s surprisingly adaptable. He seems to be very open minded for someone living in this period, and we see his thoughts on a variety of topics - this time whether it’s right to condemn someone to death for accidentally killing someone else. Perhaps there were people who thought like this - I like to think so.

Many thanks to Sapere Books for sending me a copy of this to read and review (even though I had preordered it after reading the first one!🤦🏼‍♀️). It was my absolute pleasure!
Murder in Season
Murder in Season
Jessica Fletcher, Jon Land | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
‘Tis the Season to be Murdered
Jessica Fletcher is looking forward to spending Christmas in her fully restored house, including a visit from nephew Grady and his family. The final work needing to be done on her house is a new septic system. When the workers start digging, they find human remains. It is quickly determined that one of the bodies is centuries old, but the other is much more recent. The investigation looks like it ties into the founders of Cabot Cove. What secret might the founders have been hiding that is worth killing for today? Meanwhile, in a bit of horribly bad timing, a tabloid TV reporter is in town to do a story about the high murder rate in Cabot Cove. What complications will that produce in the investigation?

Next to the Cabot Cove episodes of the TV show, the episodes with Grady were always my favorite, so I was thrilled to get to spend time with him here. Some of the other regulars seem a bit off to me, but that’s been how I’ve felt with the last few books, the only books in the series I’ve read. The mystery was good. I do struggle at times to get into mysteries that are set years before the characters we are reading about, but this book did a good job of tying the past into modern activity to make me care about the outcome. The ending was a bit abrupt, but it does answer our questions. The Christmas scenes were wonderful and put me in the mood for the holiday. This is a Christmas treat for fans of the series.
The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Quite often more interesting in theory than practice, the films of Peter Greenaway can be inaccessible, oppressive and pretentious in the worst way. He himself would say his work is half film, half art, without apologising for it, and why should he? Looking at his CV, I can say there have been some I have enjoyed, or at least marvelled at: The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover being the obvious one. Drowning by Numbers being another – ambitious and ingenious constructions that are startlingly effective if in the mood for such conceits. Whereas things like Prospero’s Books and The Pillow Book cross the line of pomposity and pretentiousness just too far. So it was with trepidation I approached this one, expecting that the wigs and costumes would far outshine the content of the story. I was quite wrong.

The Draughtsman’s Contract is still difficult to engage with, especially on first viewing, as the plot is dense and often hidden within the trivialities, as it unfolds, however, it becomes an ingenious murder mystery with all the clues hidden in plain sight under the artifice of surface detail. The things that are happening are not the story, the story is underneath, much as the real humanity of these people is hidden under ostentatious wigs and skirts. Familiar British actors of the time such as Anthony Higgins, Janet Suzman and Hugh Fraser serve Greenaway as consummate storytellers in a borderline theatre style throughout. It shouldn’t work or be half as compelling as it is, but there is magic at work here of some kind. Unique and marvelous if not always easy. But that is Greenaway!
O is for Outlaw
O is for Outlaw
Sue Grafton | 1999 | Mystery
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery from Kinsey’s Past
PI Kinsey Millhone is surprised to get a phone call from a guy claiming he found some of her stuff in an abandoned storage locker. Most of it is old school papers she left behind when she moved out on Mickey, her first ex-husband. But among those things is some mail – it’s mostly junk, but she finds a letter to her in the stack. Reading the letter shocks Kinsey. It sheds new light on her marriage to Mickey and the events that led to her leaving him fourteen years before. As Kinsey begins to hunt for Mickey to learn exactly what happened, she also begins to look into the murder that lead to her leaving Mickey. Will she learn the truth about what happened all those years ago?

I wasn’t burning with desire to learn about Kinsey’s first marriage, but that changes pretty quickly when I started this book. We are given the information we need from that time to understand what is happening in an interesting way that doesn’t slow things down. The past and present are meeting, and both drive the story forward. I was hooked until we reached the climax, which expertly wrapped everything up. The characters spring from the page fully formed the instant we meet them, which is nothing new for this series. We spend the most time with Kinsey, however, and she is a strong lead. I enjoyed seeing how these events impacted her. Fans of the series will enjoy seeing the background, and if you are new to the series, this book will show you why it has been so popular for so many years.
Guaranteed to Bleed
Guaranteed to Bleed
Julie Mulhern | 2015 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Guaranteed to Entertain
Ellison Russel is spending this particular Friday night in September 1974 at a high school football game. Not because she loves the sport, but because her daughter, Grace, is a cheerleader. Unfortunately, early in the second half, she stumbles on Bobby Lowell who begs Ellison “Tell her I love her” before he dies. Bobby and Grace grew up together, so the murder hits close to home. Ellison isn’t trying to solve things, but she can’t help but figure it out as she tries to figure out who the mysterious woman is. Will she pass on Bobby’s message? Will she find the killer?

I’m glad I was finally able to return to Ellison’s world. The story is strong. It doesn’t unfold in typical cozy mystery fashion, but that didn’t bother me. I got more and more involved the further into the book I got. Ellison is a great main character, and I loved watching the growth in the character here. The rest of the cast is also great, although I wish her Mother weren’t so focused on everything being perfect. I find it funny at times, but it can be annoying. The book walks a fine line between humor and more serious themes, and the result is rich. The book does venture into some PG-13 topics, but know that going into the book and you’ll be fine since it never gets too graphic. I do recommend reading book one before you read this one since it includes fallout from the events of that story. Hopefully, it won’t be so long before I visit Ellison again.
Marek (Guardians of Hades #4)
Marek (Guardians of Hades #4)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marek is the fourth book in the Guardians of Hades series and I really couldn't wait for the researcher's story! He has been hinted at in the previous books but, of course, you don't find out much until he gets his own story.

Marek has his past that he is "dealing" with. Well, he's not, not really, but it makes him feel better. Caterina goes out hunting vampires every night because she thinks if she kills his sire, her brother will return to 'normal'. When these two meet, sparks fly... literally!

Poor Marek! And poor Caterina!! Both of them were hurting before they found each other but even then it didn't go smoothly. Now, of course, I know it never does but these two really had it bad. How about turning into something the man you're falling for hates and literally fights every day? Yeah, not easy. However, in true Felicity Heaton style, they not only managed to overcome these obstacles but also found their HEA along the way. Of course, they also found murder, more mystery, betrayal, and heartbreak but it's all for a good cause! 😉

This is such a great series and Marek is a fantastic addition to it. A thoroughly enjoyable story from start to finish, with cameos from the other brothers, and plenty of steam between our two main characters. Absolutely brilliant and I can definitely recommend it. Now, bring on the next!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!