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Historical fiction isn't my favorite genre, but I'm much more willing to read it when it's mixed with mystery. I've read some of Hambly's work before and know her to be a fine writer, and I'd read good reviews of this series by people I respect, so I decided to give it a whirl.

I suppose all the descriptions of people's clothing would have mattered much more to someone who cared about such things, but I do realize that they were important in the context of the story. Personally, I was relieved when the main character went on a journey! I would have been happier had his medical skills been utilized more frequently than they were, but I suppose his experiences were fairly true to life for a "colored" man of his time.

I did learn quite a lot—things that I intend to verify in non-fiction sources shortly. The information about the black code, for instance, and the explanation of the distinction between "black" and "colored" people seemed too precise to be fabricated.

I knew, too, that Louisiana is the only U.S. state whose laws are based on French rather than English common law, which seemed silly to me. Why wouldn't they go with the standard everyone else used? After reading this novel, I'm starting to realize that there may have been rights given to citizens under French law that were lost under English law.

I'm not sure as to whether or not I'll go forward in the series, as I'm not sure that I can handle the unhappiness I can see foreshadowed even in some of the titles. However, I will say that this volume is well-written and well-plotted. I certainly didn't guess who the killer was or why the murder was committed before the big reveal, and that was a pleasant change!
One Taste Too Many
One Taste Too Many
Debra H. Goldstein | 2018 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sarah Blair’s Tasty Debut
Sarah Blair is awakened in the middle of the night by a phone call from her twin sister Emily who exclaims that Bill is dead and the police think Emily is responsible. Sarah isn’t that upset that her ex-husband is dead, but she is surprised that Emily is the chief suspect. But Emily was found with Bill, who had eaten her rhubarb crisp despite the fact that he hated rhubarb and avoid the nuts Emily used because of his allergies. What is really going on? Meanwhile, Sarah gets a shock when Bill’s current girlfriend, Jane, produces a will that claims Jane gets custody of RahRah, the Siamese cat that Sarah has had ever since Bill’s mother died several years ago. Can Sarah prove she should keep RahRah while clearing Emily of murder?

While it doesn’t take much to intrigue me with a culinary cozy, I found Sarah’s status as a cook of convenience to be a great pull for this series. For more serious culinary lovers, Emily works as a line chef and is part of a culinary festival taking place in their town, so all abilities are covered, although the two recipes at the end are definitely on the simple side. The mystery starts strong, with us learning about Bill’s death on the first page. I did find it harder to care about the sub-plot involving RahRah; I think it’s more because I’m not a pet person so I needed more time to warm up to him before I would care. Still, both storylines reach great climaxes, and Sarah manages to figure out all the twists along the way. The characters have some room to grow, but the main cast, including the suspects, are all solid, providing a good base for future growth. Fans of culinary cozies will enjoy this tasty debut.
Basket Case (1982)
Basket Case (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Horror
7.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Basket full o' fun!
What would your life be like if you were a former conjoined twin, couldn't tell anyone about it, and then also carried around your now separated deformed, menacing killer twin in a wicker basket?

Thus the premise of this entertaining, yet goofy 80s horror comedy.

Awkward, nerdy Duane Bradley comes to stay at a low rate hotel with a scummy array inhabitants in search of a normal life. He is always carrying this large basket which he holds dearly, but won't let anyone look inside. The basket occasionally makes unusual sounds and shimmies every once in a while, but its contents remain a mystery.

He goes to a doctor's office only to unleash the basket contents on the unsuspecting physician. Turns out his now unattached deformed brother survived their separation operation and is now a menacing, killer globule out for revenge. The killing spree continues for the other doctors and random hotel inhabitants, but then Barry meets a girl he likes. She likes him back. Barry struggles to keep his new love away from his brother who can also read his thoughts.

Will love survive?

Along with films like Braindead, Society or even Re-Animator, Basket Case makes its case as a cult 80s classic. Yeah fine, the dialogue and acting are cheesy and sometimes over the top, but the gore and interesting practical effect kills are there for fun. The creation of the basket creature was interesting and not something I had seen before. Once the revenge plot element was revealed, you are sort of rooting on the separated twins to continue and complete their quest of carnage just so you can see more clever murder sequences.

If you don't take it seriously it's pretty fun.

Cat and Mouse (Alex Cross, #4)
Cat and Mouse (Alex Cross, #4)
James Patterson | 1997 | Crime, Mystery
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alex Cross (0 more)
Knew the killer early on (0 more)
Another brilliant Alex Cross
Contains spoilers, click to show
Alex Cross is back-and so is a raging and suicidal Gary Soneji. Out of prison and dying from the AIDS virus he contracted there, he will get revenge on Cross before he dies. In addition, we are introduced to a new pair of rivals whose paths cross that of Alex and Soneji. Thomas Augustine Pierce has been chasing his demon, Mr. Smith, since the savage murder of his fiancee. Mr. Smith is a unique monster, with actions toward his victims so insane-so unimaginable-that he is thought of as "not of the earth." Pierce, known in the business as St. Augustine because of his track record for catching killers and his invaluable status to the FBI and Interpol, may even be better than Cross.When things heat up and Alex is in a near-death coma following an attack in his own home, Pierce goes to Washington to help with the investigation. But just as he begins to piece together the mystery of how Gary Soneji could have mortally wounded Cross after he was believed to be dead, he is summoned to Paris with a postcard from Mr. Smith inviting him to a very special killing.The body count is high, the tension the highest, and the two killers on the loose are watching every move their pursuers make. Who is the cat, and who is the mouse? What and where is the final trap? And who survives?

This is a reread and one of my favourites from James Patterson. I love Alex Cross and the characters in these books. Patterson is such a brilliant writer.

I cheered as he finally got Soneji that evil SOB needed taking down! I do think Smith was quite easy to pick out from the start.

On to the next Alex Cross book .


Edge of Darkness (2010)
Edge of Darkness (2010)
2010 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Mel Gibson is back on the screen in the winter thriller “Edge of Darkness”. Boston cop Thomas Craven (Gibson) is excited about his daughter Emma’s (Bojana Novakovic) visit home from her first post college employment position. Yet from the very start something seems wrong. Before dinner is even served a masked assailant kills Emma in cold blood on the porch of her father’s house leaving Officer Craven determined to figure out who killed his daughter and why which requires Craven to do this with or without the help of the law.

This is not a mystery but rather the story of a cop’s determination to avenge his daughter against impossible odds which are stacked with numerous shady characters that Craven must deal with to solve the murder, including senators, businessmen, and one title-less problem solver. Moreover, the flick walks directly into the muddy waters of morality, the law, business, and politics.

Tightly packed with characters, “Edge of Darkness” leaves little room for character development, thereby loosing much of the emotional response it seeks to create. However, the standout performance by Ray Winstone, who plays the insightful but questionably aligned Jedburgh, did lighten what otherwise is a dark and densely packed tale.
Further frustrating the viewer, the film’s ending is expected and not at all as dramatic as the buildup demanded. I left wondering why Gibson would remake the original award winning BBC-miniseries into a boring film that is ripe with undeveloped characters.

This thriller lacks the inventiveness or conclusion to make it worthy of Mel Gibson’s return. There were a couple of mildly tense moments and few well executed scenes but overall “Edge of Darkness” is really more of a substandard drama than an engaging thriller. The 117 minutes spent watching the “Edge of Darkness” was slightly enjoyable, but the story really is nothing new.
Murder on Cape Cod
Murder on Cape Cod
Maddie Day | 2018 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Macenzie "Mac" Almeida has returned to Westham, Massachusetts, after several years away, and she is settling back into the town where she grew up. She's enjoying time with her family, her bike shop is thriving, and she enjoys her weekly meetings with the Cozy Capers, a book club that reads exclusively cozy mysteries. Returning from their meeting one night, Mac stumbles over the dead body of Jake Lacey. Jake didn't have the best reputation in town, and Mac had her own disagreement with the man over a repair he had been hired to do for her. Worse yet, she recognizes the knife as one her brother owns. With the rest of the Cozy Capers jumping in to try to help solve the crime, will they succeed?

Ever since this series has been announced, I've been looking forward to it, and the debut didn't disappoint. I always love vacation destination settings, and this one is fun; now I want to visit Cape Cod. Plus, what cozy mystery fan isn't going to want to read about a club that loves the same sub-genre we do? We are introduced to a large selection of series regulars here, and it took some work to keep them all straight, but I'm sure that will get easier as the series goes along and the various supporting characters get enough page time. The suspects don't have the same issue, and it is easy to remember their motives. There are several secrets and potential motives for murder, but by the time Mac figures things out, everything is clear to us and her. While this isn't a traditional culinary cozy, Mac's boyfriend owns a bakery in town, and we get several recipes at the end of the book.
The 19th Christmas
The 19th Christmas
James Patterson, Maxine Paetro | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Lindsay Stop a Caper at Christmas?
San Francisco Homicide Detective Lindsay Boxer and her partner Rich Conklin are using their lunch hour for a little holiday shopping, and they happen to be on hand to catch a petty criminal. The criminal immediately wants to talk deals. He’s heard rumors that someone named Loman is planning some kind of big heist on Christmas Day. As the tips begin to pour in, the police are left chasing their tails as they try to figure out what Loman really plans. Or who he even really is. Meanwhile, reporter Cindy Thomas has landed the story of an illegal immigrant accused of a murder and gets assistant district attorney Yuki Castellano involved in her attempts to free him. And medical examiner Claire Washburn leaves town to teach a course during Christmas week to college students down in San Diego.

As popular as Christmas books have become, this is one series I hadn’t expected to offer one since some of the storylines in other books don’t lend themselves to the season. These storylines do, but unfortunately, the books is a mixed bag. I didn’t buy their excuse for writing Claire out of the book, and Cindy and Yuki’s sub-plot is undercooked. It felt like it was there more to preach than entertain. Fortunately, the main mystery was entertaining and kept me turning pages, although it relied on the villain taunting police, a trope I have trouble buying. Add in an epilogue that came out of nowhere and left me wondering if they are setting up the next book in the series. On the other hand, I got plenty of Christmas spirit from the book. As I said, this is an average entry in the series.