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**I received this book free from Story Cartel in exchange for an honest review.**
Noa and Amar meet each other in, "Mutual Advice", a support group for those who have relationship issues. Amar and Noa end up doing sessions together and these sessions lead to a romantic relationship. An relationship that is forbidden from the start as Noa is Jewish and Amar is Muslim.

Chava Epstein writes a romantic story filled with passion. The reason why I didn't give this story more than two stars was because it just didn't make me feel the passion. I'm not sure if some of the story got lost in translation, or if the format I was reading it in, distracted from the deeper meaning, but it was a task for me to finish this book. Throughout telling the love story of Noa and Amar, there are also love letters and paintings and other stories that Noa is writing to tell about her love for Amar. All of these side stories made me lose interest in the rest of what was going on.

On the other hand, I LOVED the artwork that accompanied each chapter in the book.
I received this book from Story Cartel in exchange for an honest review.
Noa and Amar meet each other in, "Mutual Advice", a support group for those who have relationship issues. Amar and Noa end up doing sessions together and these sessions lead to a romantic relationship. An relationship that is forbidden from the start as Noa is Jewish and Amar is Muslim.

Chava Epstein writes a romantic story filled with passion. The reason why I didn't give this story more than two stars was because it just didn't make me feel the passion. I'm not sure if some of the story got lost in translation, or if the format I was reading it in, distracted from the deeper meaning, but it was a task for me to finish this book. Throughout telling the love story of Noa and Amar, there are also love letters and paintings and other stories that Noa is writing to tell about her love for Amar. All of these side stories made me lose interest in the rest of what was going on.

On the other hand, I LOVED the artwork that accompanied each chapter in the book.
I enjoyed this like no other mystery book. The main character Bruno, was someone I would enjoy reading more about. He seem content to help his town. This book could be read different ways as of a mystery, love story, adventure, or even a little of a guide about Muslim or even about a town.

It depends on how you would enjoy reading this book. To me it was more fun to read it as a Mystery. I feel like i was discovering along with Bruno. We also find out about Sami and how he got where he ended up. I really enjoyed read and learning a little more about France. We got about 3 story lines going on with this book.
It a sweet story about a family love for their son. It can even be a about a love story about Bruno and what going on with his community. If your children or child enjoy adventure and some action then this book is worth it. You even get to feel like a detective and try and solve and save lives. That will be up to you and decide how you like your book.
Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Clumsy and unoriginal
Watching this film would never be my choice, as despite my love of musicals I've never been particularly interested in the music of Bruce Springsteen. And I'm afraid to say this film hasn't changed my opinion on this either.

This film is so cheesy and cliched that I spent most of the time watching it cringing in horror. It seems to copy virtually every other type of film that has come before it that looks at coming of age in a Muslim and Pakistani background - it's like a poor version of East is East, with barely any laughs & a bit of Springsteen thrown in. The production values in this too are rather poor. You can tell it's low budget, from the dodgy dance scenes to the cinematography as a whole.

There is a decent cast thrown into this like Hayley Atwell, Rob Brydon and Dean Charles Chapman but I felt like they were sadly underused and letdown by the poor and ridiculously cheesy script. There are some likeable parts in this that makes it a little bit feel good but overall I could've quite happily turned this off and not felt like I was missing out.
The Children Return By Martian Walker I enjoyed this like no other mystery book. The main character Bruno, was someone I would enjoy reading more about. He seem content to help his town. This book could be read different ways as of a mystery, love story, adventure, or even a little of a guide about Muslim or even about a town.It depends on how you would enjoy reading this book. To me it was more fun to read it as a Mystery. I feel like i was discovering along with Bruno. We also find out about Sami and how he got where he ended up. I really enjoyed read and learning a little more about France. We got about 3 story lines going on with this book.
It a sweet story about a family love for their son. It can even be a about a love story about Bruno and what going on with his community. If your children or child enjoy adventure and some action then this book is worth it. You even get to feel like a detective and try and solve and save lives. That will be up to you and decide how you like your book.
The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958)
The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958)
1958 | Action, Classics, Family
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Special Effects (for the time) (2 more)
Casting (1 more)
A film ahead of it's time.
An incredibly fun film, only improved by the the very special effects of Ray Harryhausen.

The first thing that must be mentioned with the first of the Sinbad trilogy, is Ray Harryhausen's special effects. While his work can't be compared in realism to that of the digital age, but the sheer skill and effort put into the creatures are incredible, and create something that no digital method can approach in charm.

The story, loosely based on one of the 7 voyages of Sinbad from the Arabian Nights, is great fun, and makes for compelling viewing. The acting from the main cast is excellent, if a little cheesy in places, but sadly this is detracted from by some of the questionable acting from smaller cast members and extras, but with these films, it is expected, and in its own way adds to the enjoyment.

Finally, something that couldn't really be helped in that era, but the casting of white people as famous Muslim characters. Obviously being the 1950s things were quite different in terms of inclusion, but they still made a film to be proud of :)
Love, Hate, and Other Filters
Love, Hate, and Other Filters
Samira Ahmed | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book made a big splash when it came out in January, and rightly so, as I've finally discovered for myself! Written by an Indian-American, Love, Hate, and Other Filters follows Maya Aziz, a seventeen-year-old born in America to Indian immigrant parents. She's the only Muslim girl at her school, and while she feels like she sticks out, she doesn't feel discriminated against until a terrorist attack happens in her state. She had -just- gotten most of her issues worked out before the attack, but in the aftermath of the attack, and the community's response to it, her parents clamp down on her freedom, and she struggles to get her life back.

I really loved Maya in this book; I can understand her parents' fears, but also her rebellion when they take away the freedom she values. I think my favorite character, though, was the side character Kareem. I kind of hope Ahmed writes another book and tells us his story. He was just so NICE.

I loved the writing and the characters overall, but there were a few sentences that made me pause and repeat them in my head because they were just outstanding.

"The vows are simple, the same kind of pledges I've heard at weddings of every faith. Except at the end, there is no kiss. I close in for the money shot anyway, hoping for a moment of rebellion from Ayesha and Saleem. But no. No public kissing allowed. Full stop. The no kissing is anticlimactic, but some taboos cross oceans, packed tightly into the corners of immigrant baggage, tucked away with packets of masala and memories of home."

And also, about arranged marriages and being a good Indian daughter:

"And the Muslim? The Indian? That girl, she doesn't even get the dream of the football captain. She gets a lifetime of being stopped by the FAA for random bag searches every time she flies. She gets the nice boy, the sensible boy, the one her parents approve of and who she will grow to love over years and children and necessity."

Maya is a whip-smart young girl who wants to be a film maker, and she spends most of her time behind a camera, observing. Her observations are really what make this book shine, and her snark had me laughing throughout the book.

I really loved this book, if you couldn't tell! I love minority-driven YA, and this one reminds me quite a lot of Saints and Misfits. Given how much I loved both of these, I really need to read When Dimple Met Rishi!

You can find all my reviews at
Four Lions (2010)
Four Lions (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama
The fine between comedy and tragedy...
Contains spoilers, click to show
I can remember first hearing about this early in 2010, and was unsure as what to expect. On one hand this could have been a nasty hate film, mocking the wave of Muslim extremism which is taking a firm hold in this country, merely for the entertainment value, or this could be one of the important satires on the subject to date.

It was by far, without a shadow of doubt, the latter. Four Lions follows five amateur, lackluster Muslims from Sheffield who all believe that they are a primed terror cell on the frontline of the war against the infidels. Unfortunately for them, they are bunglers, whilst achieving the ability to create explosives, they have failed to control how and when it explodes! The plot culminates with an attempt to attack the London Marathon but it is a long road, taking our protagonists to the terror camps of Pakistan, and the town halls of Sheffield. This film is written and directed so expertly, it is literally frightening.

Morris and his pitch perfect cast deliver a film which so perfectly walks the razor wire tightrope between comedy and tragedy that every laugh is tinged with sadness or pity and every dark moment, seemingly comedic.

Is this a comedy? Decidedly not, but is this funny, and intentionally so? Yes. It's almost as if the laughs are out of sheer relief, as moments which should shock are delivered or followed up by some of the most profoundly realistic and yet ridiculous conversions.

The Lion King explanation for the war against the west; The almost horrifically callous 'Honey Monster' exchange as a police sniper may well have just shot an innocent civilian will stick in your mind. Let alone more simple humour, such as the eating of the sim cards to prevent tracking, which resembled the Catholic method of taking of the bread at mass.

But this was also about grooming: Grooming the audience to sympathise with a terror cell plotting in our midst was genius, whist having to watch the various methods employed within the group itself, leading to some of the films most poignant and tragic moments.

The disenfranchised Muslim population of this country have been captured so well, though portrayed on one hand as been dimwitted 'wanna-be terrorists', but on the other as real people, miss led with some of the most ridiculous concepts designed to reduce their lives to that of mediocrity in order to convince them to take so many others. This is a sympathetic peace movie in a time of great confusion and conflict.

Until now, United 93 was the film which had most summed up the dark times in which we live, following 9/11, but this is at least on par with it and is a great addition to a long and significant catalogue of topical anti-establishment films, such as M.A.S.H. and Dr. Strangelove.

Not just highly recommended, but a MUST SEE!
How It All Blew Up
How It All Blew Up
Arvin Ahmadi | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
How it All Blew Up is about Amir, a closeted, eighteen-year-old. He always knew it would be hard to come out to his Muslim family, so he hasn't. When some bullies find out and blackmail him, Amir gets scared, skips graduation, and fleas to Rome. He gets taken in by a group of new friends and he spends his summer having late nights where he can feel like himself. Until his old life comes back knocking. Now, Amir is telling the whole story, with the entire truth, to a U.S. Customs officer as his family has just been detained. Can Amir get his hard-won freedom back?

I went into this book thinking it would be a storyline I don't really see: representation of a queer Muslim in YA... I didn't really get that. Islam plays no part in this story - Amir openly admits his family isn't that religious. When asked if his parents would disapprove of him being gay, he replied:

"Yes and no. Our culture is pretty conservative, even if you're not religious."

It also went into this huge countdown leading up to what happened on the airplane and why the family is detained and when we get there... it just felt like it fell short of what it could have been. I also just didn't care much for the main character, he never really clicked with me and I honestly don't know why but I found myself rolling my eyes at a lot of his choices and reasonings.

The whole story also felt very unrealistic to me. How on Earth does an eighteen-year-old make enough money editing Wikipedia pages to get to Rome, get his own apartment, and live there a whole month? There were so many side characters that would be mentioned in passing for only a page and then never heard from again? Amir's high school boyfriend we get built up to be this whole thing, for him to just toss him aside. We had all these supposed close relationships (Amir and his sister were supposedly super close??) but everything felt surface level and not flushed out. There's an entire scene in the novel, that I won't get into because of spoilers, but it just felt wrong and had no real build up to the entire scenario besides small side remarks.

The only character I really even cared for was Amir's sister, Soraya. She was only thirteen, but she was a firecracker just waiting to be messed with. She cared for her brother, regardless of anything.

I did enjoy the back and forth of the interrogation rooms and what happened as it made it a super fast read. Apart from that though, I think the story fell short of what it could have been.

*Thank you Bookish First and Penguin Teen for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Mercy Triumphs (Side by Side #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am new to Jana Kelley’s work, but I can say that it won’t be the last one I read from her. While this is the third book in a series, it could easily be read as a stand alone. It was captivating and breath taking, and didn’t leave me confused with the beautiful characters or the plot lines.

I absolutely can not imagine what a Muslim who wishes to embrace Christianity has to go through. The judgement, the pain, the sacrifice, all of it has to take a toll on ones soul. But, through the beautiful words of Ms. Kelley, I can see what happens. I can see the pain, the sacrifices, the emotional transition. It’s all vividly portrayed among the pages of Mercy Triumphs. The characters that are chiseled for this story are life like and become a part of the reader. I loved that.

Ms. Kelley has true talent! An emotionally raw novel of mercy and grace, this story will leave you in awe long after you’ve closed the last page. The details that Ms. Kelley weaves into this story are beautiful. I could feel God with me as I read this stunning novel. It is definitely worthy of 4 stars and two thumbs up. I am looking forward to going back and reading book 1 and 2.

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*