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Should You Keep A Secret?
Should You Keep A Secret?
Lisa Darcy | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book didn’t capture me as much as I thought it would by the blurb, but once I got into it I didn’t want to put it down (until I had to, but then I struggled to pick it back up again for some reason!).
The book is based around the idea of finding something out about a friend’s other half and then the dilemma of whether you tell them and potentially blow up their relationship, or whether you keep it to yourself but feel guilty every time you see your friend.
It was interesting to see how the friends wrestled with the idea of whether to tell their friend or not and the way in which they went about it. It was also interesting to follow the fall out, and see what happened to the relationship afterwards.
I also liked how we had chapters from different people’s perspectives and we got to know them a bit more and also found that, although from an outsider’s point of view their lives might seem pretty good, everyone has their own demons and own problems to deal with.
I didn’t like how we switched between first person and third person narratives, and wasn’t completely sure why the only first person narrative was for Stella, I would have preferred all first person (the chapters told you when the character had changed) or all third person rather than a mix.
However, overall this wasn’t a bad book to read. The secret was pretty ridiculous, but I suppose that’s one way to keep you reading, and I felt annoyed by some of the characters decisions. But it was something a little different to my usual reads.
The Secret Ingredient
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m fairly new to Nancy Naigle’s work, having only read one other book by her. But, that said, let me tell you this: she is amazing! Having the chance to read this delicious novel was so fun! I loved her writing style, the hope and the characters that are woven together, all of it! It was a phenomenal read!

Andrew and Kelly’s characters were awesome. I loved the way they were chiseled, and seeing them interact together really played out like it was a movie on the Hallmark channel. I truly love when a book can do that!

Andrew’s character was my favorite. I loved how he developed throughout the story, and seeing how things were when he returned home. Though I’ll be honest. I wasn’t sure what to think of his breaking their engagement and traveling away. I wanted to shake him! But, I also saw how it needed to be like that to full feel the emotions of these awesome characters, to fully understand that it needed to be done so he could understand his true feelings.

This is most definitely a 4 star novel that I should high praises to. Andrew and Kelly needed just one thing from Naigle for this book……just one secret ingredient……..and she did it beautifully! Well done, Naigle. This is a keeper book on my shelf and I can’t wait to read more of your work!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Shattered Secrets (Book of Red #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Everything about you has been kept a secret for 17 years. Then one after another the secrets come crashing down around your ears and demand to recognised. What would you do and how would you react? This is what Abby has to ask herself as she deals with being kidnapped after a date gone wrong.

There is enough confusion, twists, turns, trust issues as well as what might be a slightly dodgy advice giving book to make this book absolutely absorbing. Who should Abby trust and who should she keep at a distance. I can't tell you that because I was second guessing all the way through and something would happen to change my mind again and again.

This book is brilliantly written, with a well thought out plot line and a pace to match. The characters will interest and intrigue and keep you turning the pages. Definitely recommended for all Paranormal / Fantasy readers out there and it is YA so there is nothing there that shouldn't be.
The Spite Game
The Spite Game
Anna Snoekstra | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Creepy and readable but rather strange
Ava was terribly bullied in high school by three girls she idolized: Melissa, Cass, Saanvi. One particular incident so traumatized her that she cannot move on and years later, she finds herself unable to get past it. So she watches her former classmates--online and in real life--and she plots. If she can just find a way to get even, Ava thinks, then she can move on with her own life. But Ava's stalking threatens to overtake her life and perhaps her sanity. She finds herself in a police station, waiting to tell her story to a detective. What has Ava done?

"The bad thing inside of me took root there. Like mold, it grew in that hot moist place. You won't want to hear any of this. My story. I know that. But if you want me to confess, then you'll have to listen."

This one reminded me of a lesser version of Roz Nay's Our Little Secret, where so much of the tale is our main character telling her woes and recapping her life while in a police station. I didn't love Ava or hate her: I often felt sorry for her. Her inability to move past high school basically crippled her entire life, and her revenge mission is all she has.

This was a weird book. It switches in time frequently, going between whatever the present moment is and then Ava remembering moments in high school. I found the timeframe to be confusing at times. Ava's singular focus on her former classmates--and getting even--could be frustrating at moments, yet the book was also oddly compelling and somewhat addictive. It certainly did a good job at capturing the meanness of high school girls. What a terrible time that is.

"I was so naive, so ready to give those girls everything: my loyalty, my trust, my devoted friendship. I was ready to spill every secret I ever had, to follow them to the ends of the earth. I guess the last bit turned out to be true, in some ways."

It was a creepy read sometimes. I guessed the ending a bit early, but that didn't really make it any less enjoyable. Overall, I found this one a little odd and a little off-putting. It was a strange read, with a pointed focus on its main character (and her own mission). Still, it was rather readable.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Concealed (Beholder #2)
Concealed (Beholder #2)
Christina Bauer | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Concealed is the second book in the Beholder series, and it is a series, so it does need to be read in order.

Elea is on her mission to save her Sisters and Brothers from the vicious Vicomte. Rowan is on his mission to do goodness knows what - damn those Casters and their secrets! Elea wants to keep her distance from Rowan, but he has other ideas. He protects her whenever possible, and also gives her one of his familiars so that she can call for him whenever she needs to. Elea finds Amelia, the person Veronique told her to find, and she gets more information that will help her. Of course, time is always a constraint, plus other tendrils sneak in to disrupt Elea.

Without giving anything away, I had managed to guess the 'secret' and yet it still broke my heart. It took me a moment because that is exactly what I had thought during book 1, but then we met another character and thought I was wrong. Turns out I was right, and it HURT!!! On both sides, it hurt. For him and her. I really hope that there is a HEA coming otherwise I might be permanently scarred I tell you!

Incredibly well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. This book was thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish, with plenty of character development. It is also full of twists and turns that make it even more enjoyable.

If you like #Fantasy, then I can definitely recommend the Beholder series by Christina Bauer. Absolutely brilliant.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Dilemma in Books

Jul 2, 2020  
The Dilemma
The Dilemma
B. A. Paris | 2020 | Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Livia became pregnant when she was seventeen and her wealthy but distant parents basically disowned her. As such, she's always dreamed of having a giant party of her own. Now she's turning forty and finally having the lavish party she's always longed for. Her husband Adam and eldest child, Josh, will be there, but her younger daughter Marnie, who is studying in Hong Kong, will miss the celebration. And, secretly, Livia is relieved--something she hasn't even told Adam. Adam, meanwhile, just wants it all to go well for Livia. He has his own surprise planned, until he learns something terrible that will change everything.

"What I hate most is that my need for this party came from my parents. If I'd been able to have the wedding they promised me, I wouldn't have become obsessed with having my own special day."

Well, I can say one thing about this book: it's really readable. I flew through it in one day. Now, did I enjoy it? That's something entirely different. The plot is based on a preposterous web of lies and secrets that I don't think any couple would actually keep from one another. Not to mention that Livia is just ridiculous in her desire for this elaborate party, which we learn she has truly been dreaming about and planning for twenty freaking years. Seriously, lady?

Both Livia and Adam make insane decisions in the name of their secrets, but Livia's "secret"--which is actually just her being crazy yet again and overreacting to life--pales in comparison to Adam's, so it's impossible to take her seriously about anything. Meanwhile, you just want to shake Adam, tell him it's a stupid party, and get it together. Man up, tell your wife, and let's go. None--none of this--is necessary!

Honestly, while I kept turning the pages because a) I hoped someone would grow up and make a smart decision and b) I was wishing things would turn out differently, this book was stressful. It was hard to read, emotional, and tense (and not in a good, thrilling way). The whole story has an "ick" factor to it. While it was a quick read, it's not one I really recommend. 2 stars.