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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated Spare Room in Books

Feb 19, 2020 (Updated Feb 19, 2020)  
Spare Room
Spare Room
Dreda Say Mitchell | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
While browsing Audible one day for an audiobook to listen to, I stumbled upon Spare Room by Dreda Say Mitchell. The book synopsis instantly had me hooked, and I knew I had to listen to this book. I ended up liking Spare Room very much!

Lisa is a young women with some psychological problems. However, she is determined to make it on her own without relying on her parents. When she spots an ad in the newspaper for a spare room in London for a great price, she inquires about the room and ends up living there. After finding a suicide note in her room, Lisa decides to find out more about this man while trying to figure out her own murky past. However, all this will place Lisa in grave danger.

The plot for Spare Room was highly interesting and written very well. Mitchell did a fantastic job at making it easy to transport readers into the setting. I felt like I was with Lisa every step of the way. The pacing, for the most part, is decent, and I found myself having to know more. There were a few spots were the pacing slowed, but for the most part, this book had a lot of action. I had to know more about Lisa's past. There were times I was questioning whether Lisa was sane horrific things happen to her or if she was just losing her mind. There were quite a few plot twists. Some were predictable, but others, I never saw coming. All of my questions were answered by the end of the book, and there were no cliff hangers which I was happy about.

The characters in Spare Room all felt realistic and like they were real people instead of characters in a novel. Mitchell did such a great job of breathing life into each individual character. Lisa was such a complex woman. I admired her tenacity to find out the truth at all costs even when she had everything going against her. Her determination was fierce, and she never let anyone get in her way. Alex was a sweetheart, and I loved how caring he was towards Lisa and how much he helped her out. Lisa's parents cared for Lisa, it was obvious, but I found myself wishing they would go about helping Lisa in better ways. Martha and Jack were fantastic! I always found myself not trusting Martha even though she came across as completely innocent to begin with, and I was always wondering if Jack really was as bad as Lisa thought he was. Patsy was probably my favorite character. That old woman reminded me of my grandma a lot of the time.

The narration, done by Kristin Atherton, was pretty good for the most part. I felt like Atherton started out the beginning of the book a bit flat, but she quickly got better. Her accents and voice changes for different characters were fantastic especially for the characters of Jack and Patsy.

Trigger warnings for Spare Room include violence, animal murder, attempted murder, murder, suicide, alcohol, some sex (though not graphic), profanity, and gas-lighting.

All in all, Spare Room weaves an interesting story with a fantastic cast of characters that will suck you right into their world. I would definitely recommend Spare Room by Dreda Say Mitchell to everyone aged 16+ who loves a great solid story.

Kelly Rettie (748 KP) Feb 19, 2020

Really happy for this review.... it's currently on my kindle waiting to be read.... really looking forward to it nowšŸ˜Š


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) Feb 19, 2020

It's really good! It starts a little bit slow, but it quickly picks up. =D

Green Room (2015)
Green Room (2015)
2015 | Horror, Thriller
After a fruitless tour, a punk group, The Ainā€™t Rights, find themselves out of money and stealing gas to get back home. When a recommendation from a fan looking for an interview leads them to play one more show out in the backwoods of Oregon to a crowd of white supremacists, they become witnesses to a murder and barricade themselves in the green room. With no clear escape, they enter into a deadly battle of wills with the owner of the club, and his band of skinheads, and quickly discover that they have no intention of letting them leave alive.


Itā€™s to the point now where if the A24 logo is at the front of a flick, chances are Iā€™m handing over my hard-earned cash. Enemy, Locke, A Most Violent Year, Ex Machina, Slow West ā€“ theyā€™ve been distributing some of my favorite films from the last few years and are fast becoming a powerhouse for indie movies, not unlike Focus Features a little more than a decade ago. Unfortunately, this means I set my expectations a little too high on my way into Green Room, which was not hard to do when you combine A24ā€™s track record with the emerging talent of writer/director Jeremy Saulnier. Blue Ruin, his second feature, was the surprise indie hit of 2013. Expertly crafted and deliberately paced, it harkened back to 70ā€™s-style bleak and gritty filmmaking. Green Room also features some of the DNA that made Blue Ruin great, those quite moments of high-tension leading into heart-stopping explosions of extreme violence are present and accounted for, but a thinner plot and characters who are severely underdeveloped show that this story, to its detriment, was in much more of a rush to get where it was going than its predecessor was.


Green Roomā€™s major selling point is of course, Patrick Stewart. Adding one part Cameron Alexander (Stacy Keachā€™s character from American History X) to one part Walter White/Heisenberg, his performance will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest departures of our time. Having said that, and believe me when I say Iā€™m loathe to fly in the face of what an exceptional casting choice this was, he is frustratingly underutilized. It does speak to what an unrivaled talent he is when he can build most of his menace from the other side of a locked door, but regardless of how solid the performance is, his presence is merely a set-piece. A role with this little screen time rivals Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs (they both had what probably amounted to about 15 minutes of screen time, or less), but Iā€™m certain Stewartā€™s wonā€™t leave as lasting an impression. To be blunt, if youā€™re queuing up just for him, you may come away disappointed.


The flip side to this comes about through Imogen Poots as Amber, friend to the murder victim and unfortunate enough to get trapped backstage with the band. Much of the best dialogue, along with some incredible moments of jaw-dropping spontaneity, comes her way and itā€™s her deadpan delivery that steals the show. Though we are supposed to root for the band, it was her cynical ā€œinside manā€ that drew me further into their nightmare situation and kept me hoping that she might be the one to survive and give the skinheads the brutal justice they deserved.


For now, Iā€™m sticking to my guns and giving Green Room just half marks, but I look forward to a second viewing at home in a few months, where Iā€™m certain my opinion of it will improve, due to my expectations being more aligned and the foreknowledge that this is simple and standard survival horror fareā€¦that just happens to feature Picard as a neo-Nazi.
Laurell K. Hamilton | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anita's over herself (0 more)
Can't really think of anything (0 more)
So I just finished Serpentine in the Anita Blake series. I borrowed it from the library because, well, the series has gone down in quality. In this one, Anita is back to kicking ass and taking names! All of my favorite characters are back (Edward, Olaf, Nicky) and happily, Richard and his baggage are nowhere to be found. Anita's let go of alot of her own so she didn't push and moan her way through this one. Finally.
In Serpentine, Anita and her fiances are in Florida for Edward and Donna's wedding, where Micah has also been in contact with a new group of "Weres" whose body parts become actual snakes. Of course, despite promising to use this time as a threesome vacation, the Four Horsemen have to solve a murder and a kidnapping, deal with a new flavor of psychic, a wedding party that is completely crazy, and keep her relationship going. There is some sex (which honestly makes me happy), but it's not the focus of the story. This book reminds readers that Anita has always been a badass with badass friends, and they start doing what they do best. Even Donna shows some fire, though it quickly goes out again. Still, Anita hardly does any magic or psychic stuff compared to the other books and manages to come out swinging. Hamilton seems to have gotten the memo about the series, because this book finally focused on the action outside of the bedroom.

Jamie (131 KP) rated Red Sister in Books

May 18, 2017  
Red Sister
Red Sister
Mark Lawrence | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent writing style (2 more)
Well developed characters
Fascinating world and magic system
After a while feels a little drawn out (0 more)
A fun dark fantasy with an interesting world
Nona has a natural ability to fight and at nine years old sheā€™s already convicted of murder. She finds herself whisked away to a special covenant that trains young girls to become assassins, and herein lies the base of the plot and all I can say is WOW. I was absolutely blown away by Red Sister.

The world building in this book is phenomenal and I want to know so much more about it. The sun is dying, the planet is slowly being enclosed in ice and with it humanity is changing, becoming desperate and looking to prophecies. There is a focus on the four races, each with unique talents in combat. The magic system is complex and is split between two schools of magic, and there is a plethora of diverse specializations for both.

On top of the detailed world, the book also nailed atmosphere. I felt a sense of wonder as Nona learned not just about fighting, but about magic and the world around her through her classes. It gave me a nostalgic feeling about a certain school of magic that I had also enjoyed in the past. I actually liked Nona a great deal. Even though she is a tiny little ass kicker sheā€™s also extremely flawed and has a difficult time dealing with interpersonal relationships. Having a heroine who wasnā€™t perfect in every way was really rather refreshing. Experiencing her school days as she befriended other girls at the covenant was just plain fun and I liked most of the characters.

As Nonaā€™s opinions of certain friends fluctuates as the story goes along, I found my opinions of those same characters changing as well. Does Nona hate this girl because sheā€™s truly awful? Or is it because of petty jealousy and pressure from friends that her view of this other girl is distorted? I found these subtle details about Nonaā€™s change of heart to be clever ā€“ it really shows how her character develops over the course of the story while also making me as a reader realize just how invested I was in the character.

Oh and of course, this book is full of action. Lawrence truly has a gift with words and reading descriptions of action sequences was exhilarating. The fights are extremely violent and rather brutal. I love the way this author writes. I couldnā€™t get enough of it!

I think the only thing that I found frustrating was how slow the characters were to seek help when faced with danger much larger than themselves. There were several points where it was obvious certain characters were up to no good, but no one ever went to the abbess or the other sisters with information. Iā€™m talking about the kind of danger that can get someone killed. Even worse, several characters even mention to Nona that she should tell someone and she never does. I can kind of forgive the characters because all of them are young but itā€™s just frustrating because it feels intentional in order to draw out the story.

Overall, Red Sister has become both one of my favorite reads of the year and now one of my favorite fantasy books. Iā€™m excited for the rest of the series and Iā€™m very interested in exploring more of Lawrenceā€™s work. I may have a new favorite author!
Two Can Keep a Secret
Two Can Keep a Secret
Karen M. McManus | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great plot twists (1 more)
Great Characters
Slow pacing for the first 14 chapters (0 more)
A Good Mystery!
When I read about Karen M. McManus' new book Two Can Keep a Secret, I added it to the top of my to read list. I loved her previous book One of Us is Lying, so I figured her new book would be just as good. Luckily, Ms. McManus did not let me down.

The synopsis of Two Can Keep a Secret really drew me in. I enjoyed they mystery behind who had killed the first homecoming queen, Lacey, and who was responsible for the current missing homecoming queen nominee as well as the mystery surrounding Ellery's and Ezra's aunt Sarah. Every time I thought I had figured out who the culprit was, another spanner was thrown into the works, and I would suspect someone else. This book definitely kept me guessing throughout, and I was wrong about who was responsible. The plot twist are great, and I can't say that I ever saw any of the plot twists coming.

The pacing starts out slow up until Chapter 14, and I found myself wondering if I had made a mistake with reading Two Can Keep a Secret. Once I got to Chapter 14, the pacing picked up, and I found myself fully immersed in what was happening. Not once did the pacing become too slow again. I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next.

The characters in Two Can Keep a Secret were all believable and fully fleshed out although I would have liked to know more about Sarah. There was some closure to Sarah's disappearance, but I felt like more information would have been nice. My favorite characters were Malcolm, Ellery, and Katrin. I loved watching Malcolm's and Ellery's relationship bloom. There was just something about Kartin that I really liked. I also liked the character of Brooke.

Trigger warnings for Two Can Keep a Secret include some underage drinking, profanities, some sexual innuendos, violence, attempted murder, and murder.

Overall, Two Can Keep a Secret isn't as good as One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus. However, it's still a great read. It has some great plot twists and well written characters. I would definitely recommend Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus to those aged 16+ who love a good mystery.
(A special thank you to Delacorte Press for providing me with a hardback of Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Caged in Books

Jun 21, 2019  
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dr. Sayer Altair is a neuroscientist, investigating the brains of serial killers for the FBI. But when the police find a young girl, dead, after being locked in a cage and left to starve, Sayer is called on to lead the murder investigation. The case intensifies when it turns out she's the daughter of a famous Senator. Soon another girl is missing and Sayer feels the pressure of the case surrounding her. Can she find this next victim before it's too late? And can she find the horrible person who is doing this--before they strike again?

This one had been on my shelf for a bit, and I picked it up as part of my self-imposed #readwhatyouown challenge. I also have the second book, Buried, coming up soon and wanted to read the first Sayer Altair book in the series.

I found Caged to be a quick, compelling read, and I warmed to Sayer immediately. She's a smart, complicated protagonist with her own set of issues, but also an endearing love of hot dogs, actual dogs, and a deep desire to solve her cases and help her victims. I had a slight sense of deja vu starting this one as I'd just recently read a book about another Ph.D. who was studying the brains of serial killers (The Killer on the Wall). What are the odds, right? (Fairly small, I suppose, when you read a ton of thrillers.)

This was a fast read--a race against time aided by short, quick chapters. I actually had a pretty good feeling about who our sicko killer was, but it didn't stop me from finding the entire book very compelling. The novel is a dark read, with the idea of a killer conducting experiments on caged girls very creepy. There's a lot going on--ties to mythology, Sayer's research, some mentions of Sayer's past (she's lost a loved one), office politics, Sayer's (wonderfully feisty) grandmother popping up, and more. At times, it's a bit much and some of the pieces don't feel fully explored, but overall, I enjoyed all the various plot lines.

Sayer is assisted by a great supporting cast (Ezra, one of her researchers, was my favorite, along with her FBI partner). Her grandmother, as mentioned, is also pretty fun. The thread of strong women in this one is interesting, and it's nice to have a main character whom--while obviously flawed--is still really tough and really smart. I'll read about them any day.

"'I think you might just be a badass, Sayer Altair.'"

I sometimes found the writing to be a little simplistic, especially when depicting Sayer's thoughts and feelings (along the lines of a little more telling versus showing). Still, it was well-written for a debut novel and well-done from a forensic and crime perspective--the author's background (Ph.D., murder investigator, and more) shows.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable read. I'm always up for a good mystery that holds my interest, especially one featuring a strong female protagonist. I'm looking forward to reading Buried soon. 3.5+ stars.
Small Great Things
Small Great Things
Jodi Picoult | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Here lately we hear a different story every week where a person of color has been wrong by the police or another authoritative figure in their community. Jodi Picoult tackles this issue head on. Telling the story of Ruth Jefferson, the only black nurse in the Labor and Delivery Unit at Mercy-West Haven Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut. When she is removed from the Bauer case because of the color of her skin, she's upset but continues to to do her job. When something horrible happens to the baby, Ruth has to choose between doing the job she was trained to do and fulfilling the wish of the white supremacist parents. When tragedy strikes, Ruth finds herself in the middle of a murder trial.

This book was amazing. I have been a fan of Jodi Picoult for a long time. Her books have a way of grabbing at your heart strings and make you look at the world from a different perspective. This book was no exception. I literally read this book from cover to cover. Rarely do I read the Author's Notes, but this time I did. I had to know where the inspiration for this book came from and what would make a white woman write a book about such an explosive topic in our society today. As a woman of color I felt a lot of emotions while reading this book.

Ruth Jefferson is a highly educated nurse at Mercy-West Haven Hospital. Despite being the only black woman in her department and one of the few in her neighborhood, she gets along well with her colleagues and neighbors and considers some of them friends, or so she thinks. As Ruth tells her story, I can relate to some of the struggles she faces. I was always taught not to judge people by the color of their skin. With part of my family descending from slaves and another part who owned slaves, my family is quite a mix of cultures. But when Ruth is put on trial or murder, these colleagues and neighbors were no longer her friends, they were now people who saw her as the black woman who killed a white baby.

This is an important book for everyone to read. Told from three points of view; Ruth's the nurse on trial for killing a baby; Turk, the white supremacist father of that baby; and Kennedy, the white, female public defender who is Ruth's attorney. Each character learns about themselves and the people around them over the course of this book.

I commend Jodi Picoult for tackling this difficult subject, especially during this time in our country when the subject is so relevant. As she mentions in her Author's Notes, most white authors write historical fiction about the black community, but this book fits right with today's headlines and some are even mentioned. This book helps to confirm why Jodi Picoult is one of my favorite authors.
Ready or Not (2019)
Ready or Not (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Great From Beginning to End
A new bride agrees to an innocent game with her in-laws on her wedding night only to find out the game involves her murder.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
Cinematography/Visuals: 10The film has a dark, yet colorful cast that works on both engaging and eery levels. Part comedy, part horror directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett masterfully capture both without either looking out of place. I was very impressed with the attention to detail.

Conflict: 10
Entertainment Value: 10Itā€™s hard to miss when you combine action, comedy, and horror into a solid movie. Every moment of this movie is engaging. itā€™s a ride youā€™re excited to be a part of as you wade through what the heck is going to happen next. A fun, wild ride.

Memorability: 9
Ready Or Not will definitely stand in the memory long after being watched. Again, it checks the boxes in the three different categories. However, it doesnā€™t quite master any of them hence the docked point.

Pace: 10
Great start, then the tension continues to mount from there. it never lets its foot off the gas save for a few short breaths. It shoots out of a cannon then moves forward at a breakneck pace.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10
One of my favorite parts of the entire story. Mums the word here.

Overall: 99
In the near future, Iā€™m going to do a piece on ā€œMovies I Can Watch Repeatedly and Not Get Boredā€. Ready Or Not will probably make that list. It does so many things right. Definitely a movie to remember.
Murder in Season
Murder in Season
Jessica Fletcher, Jon Land | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
ā€˜Tis the Season to be Murdered
Jessica Fletcher is looking forward to spending Christmas in her fully restored house, including a visit from nephew Grady and his family. The final work needing to be done on her house is a new septic system. When the workers start digging, they find human remains. It is quickly determined that one of the bodies is centuries old, but the other is much more recent. The investigation looks like it ties into the founders of Cabot Cove. What secret might the founders have been hiding that is worth killing for today? Meanwhile, in a bit of horribly bad timing, a tabloid TV reporter is in town to do a story about the high murder rate in Cabot Cove. What complications will that produce in the investigation?

Next to the Cabot Cove episodes of the TV show, the episodes with Grady were always my favorite, so I was thrilled to get to spend time with him here. Some of the other regulars seem a bit off to me, but thatā€™s been how Iā€™ve felt with the last few books, the only books in the series Iā€™ve read. The mystery was good. I do struggle at times to get into mysteries that are set years before the characters we are reading about, but this book did a good job of tying the past into modern activity to make me care about the outcome. The ending was a bit abrupt, but it does answer our questions. The Christmas scenes were wonderful and put me in the mood for the holiday. This is a Christmas treat for fans of the series.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Sleepless in Books

Nov 11, 2021  
Romy Hausmann | 2021 | Thriller
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nadja had a difficult childhood and spent time in prison after being convicted for a crime. But it's been years since her release and she's wanted nothing more than a normal life since: a quiet flat, a job, and maybe some friends. But when one of those few friends, Lauren--the wife of her boss--asks for help covering up a murder, Nadja cannot help but agree. Even if it means endangering all the peace she's worked for. The women quickly make a plan, but when it all starts to crumble, Nadja begins to question exactly what her role is in this plan.

I really enjoyed Hausmann's book DEAR CHILD, but this one didn't have quite the same flair. There are books with confusing timelines that you enjoy and then there are books with confusing timelines that simply muddle things and make it hard to enjoy the plot. This book was the latter for me. There are a lot of interconnected stories in varying timelines and points of view and, truly, it's a lot to follow.

This read seems rather slow and rather blah until the last bit, where it takes off and gets exciting. You sort of know where it's going, which makes it even harder to keep reading. The characters are not that engaging, making it hard to get attached. It's difficult to root for this gang--especially Lauren and her husband. The plot is crazy and rather violent, spinning toward preposterous. If you can suspend disbelief, you'll enjoy things a lot more.

Overall, this had hints of enjoyment, but wasn't my favorite. 2.5 stars.