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Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (91 Ratings)
Book Rating
Badass female (1 more)
The King (0 more)
She's beauty and grace. She's not sorry at all about your face.
There are quite a few people who look down on Celaena Sardothien as a character because she is a badass woman who is confident in her appearance. She thinks about how she presents herself to the world and has no qualms about declaring her beauty. She comes off as vain, but I found it as a relief after reading so many books where a female character did not realize her worth for whatever reason. It was a nice change to go from a mousy girl who does not believe in herself to Celaena, who does not always believe in herself, but at least knows she is on top of the world.
Throne of Glass has an array of characters who have a purpose. Each one mentioned plays a part in some manner. It may not be in this first book of the series, but they all play a part at some point. No one is unimportant. They weigh on the events unfolding even if it is the smallest of details. They aren't there are fillers, which is wonderful.

As for the very obviously love triangle between Celaena, Chaol, and Dorian I was fine with it. Even if it was a focus, their triangle did not keep from the plot. It was not a distraction and thrown in their for "romance". It actually plays a part for later in the series. In a way, I felt it helped progress the story along and did not keep us from the main focus: rid the kingdom of evil.
Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
A surprisingly wonderful middle book for a trilogy
Clockwork Prince is the 2nd book in the Infernal Devices Trilogy. The Shadowhunters and Tessa are searching for Mortmain before he unleashes a demon/automaton army.

Clockwork Prince avoids the middle book slump that a lot of trilogies endure. The first book was good but this book was definitely better in my eyes. One of the main reasons must be because of the amount of backstory. It really felt like Clare had thought out every single little detail. Such as what happened to Will as a child, or what is Tessa really?

Clare also didn't make the mistake of reiterating her previous TMI books. Often writers have a set formula for their books, but Clare has branched out and added extra layers. There's some deceit, secrets and mystery woven within the plot.

I personally enjoyed all the information shown about the Clave and politics. We learn how heads of institutes are chosen, and that it can be challenged. We also learn about how Shadowhunters do cooperate with mundanes to a degree. There's involvements in the monarchies and governments of the time. These may be throwaway lines but I enjoy the world building it brings.

I also enjoyed the travel of England a bit. Clockwork Prince visited Yorkshire. There was also a throwaway comment about Grantham which is in my home county of Lincolnshire. Although it wasn't explored as a location, I enjoyed the reference since I did grow up 20 minutes away.

Overall I enjoyed Clockwork Prince. I hope the third book lives up to expectations.
First off, I want to thank the authors for sending me a copy of this book in return for an honest review; please be reassured that receiving this book for free in no way influenced my review in any way.

What a fantastic read that was!

Excellent characters, brilliant and unique story line, gripping and full of suspense … what more can you ask for? Well, throw in a serial killer and a deadly flu virus and you have Silent Fear! But that’s not all … the Morcans write in a way that immerses you into the story so that you become absorbed into the lives of the characters and the dire situation they have found themselves in through no fault of their own.

I have to admit that it was quite daunting to find my Kindle copy was 708 pages long!! That’s one heck of a beast, however, you quickly forget that as you are swept along from chapter to chapter with ease picking up the subtle clues dropped along the way that you don’t initially recognise as being clues until the excellent twist at the end when all is revealed.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good whodunnit or mystery or thriller or serial killer story or … actually, anyone who loves reading a great book and I would urge you to check out the Morcans other works some of which I have been lucky enough to have also read- see my blog for the links - <a href="">Reading Stuff 'n' Things</a>.
The Life of Glass
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Melissa’s father died almost two years ago. She has been struggling, but is surviving with the help of her best friend Ryan. But through a series of events, her world gets turned upside down. A new girl comes to school and befriends her immediately, for some unknown reason. Ryan gets a girlfriend. Melissa’s mom is dating some guy. Ashley, her older sister, is… well just being an annoying older sister with problems. And in the middle of it all, Melissa still has unsolved mysteries about her father, her desires, and herself.

The Life of Glass is a fast read—I tore through it in a matter of hours. I wasn’t particularly sure why I couldn’t stop reading it. Maybe it was the easy language, maybe it was the characters, maybe I was just in the mood for a good romance novel and that was what was on my shelf. Either way, I didn’t stop reading until my sister turned the light out on me.

I liked the characters a lot (though some of them I despised) and others remained mysteries until later in the book; they were those “oh I had no idea they were that kind of person” characters, and I liked the mystery of their personalities. They were relatable and likeable.

That being said, there was nothing hugely spectacular about The Life of Glass: nothing that will make it a long lasting fantastic memory or escape for me. I enjoyed it and I won’t forget it, but it won’t be one of those “second reads.”

This was part of the 1 ARC Tours for Bloody Bad.
Yarned and Dangerous (A Tangled Web Mystery)
Sadie Hartwell | 2015 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characters are fun, and some of the side plots are really interesting to follow. (0 more)
The heroine's mental waffling about the yarn shop and going back to work for the design house she quit to come help her great-uncle. (0 more)
A knitted cozy to enjoy
This cozy mystery was fun. I really liked how Great-Uncle Eb and his niece, Josie (our heroine), got along. The feud between him and his next door neighbor sounded interesting, though the author didn't dig into that too much in this book.

I am a crocheter and a yarn hoarder, so that could be why I didn't quite understand how Josie could consider selling the yarn shop Eb's late wife Cora left behind in favor of going back to the designer who was making her crazy in New York. She was so stifled and couldn't come up with amazing clothing designs until she started going through the inventory with a member of the local knitting group. Yet all through the book, this mental struggle between "It feels so welcoming," and "No, I'm just going to get rid of the inventory and sell it off," just bothered me, which is why it's an 8-star review and not a 9.

The villain is not immediately obvious, which I appreciated, since it's usually obvious by chapter 5 who did it, if not why they did it. I chased a few wild geese before finding out who the culprit was, so I enjoyed that.

It is a good book, as is the second book, and I'm looking forward to book 3 in the series.
Daughter of the King (The Derbfine Series #3)
Daughter of the King (The Derbfine Series #3)
Ashley York | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daughter of the king (The Derbfine Series #3) by Ashley York
Daughter of the King is the third book in The Derbfine Series, but could be read as a standalone as most of the characters are not major ones in the first two books. Brighit and Darragh have been promised to each other, almost from birth. And whilst there is comfort in the familiarity, there is also worry for Brighit as she fears Darragh will want her to change, to become the 'perfect little wifey'. Darragh is aware of Brighit's behaviour and loves her spirit. The only way for these two to work together is to trust each other, and that doesn't appear to be happening any time soon.

Once again, this book will draw you in. Not so much for the mystery, as that is quite straightforward, but for the complications and restrictions upon others in that time. Brighit and Darragh have to talk to each other about what happened, truthfully, for any headway to be made. I loved how Darragh worked things to allow Brighit more freedom, and how she realised Darragh wasn't how she had pictured him.

I'm putting this one as my favourite out of the three, simply because of how well written Brighit and Darragh were. With no editing or grammatical errors, this book was a delight to read, and Ashley York is a fantastic historical romance writer that I have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Holy Guacamole
Dan Harmer | 2011
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book blended many different styles of fiction literature all into one book. First, the foodie aspects are prominent, and many of the dishes described had me drooling. I would have loved this book if it was nothing more than a romance blended with gourmet cooking. But, then it grows to contain aspects of suspense, drama, mystery, and unpredictability. I really could not guess where the authors were going with each turn of the page, and it kept me riveted right to the end. Impressively, with as much as was involved in the plot, everything seemed to fit together reasonably well and still felt believable.
Bonnie Miller is the gourmet chef of the plot, but carries enough emotional baggage to scare away most people. Trace Domingo is an aspiring chef with an attraction to Bonnie that overrides anything she can throw at him, which leads to his being dragged along on a wild adventure to sort through Bonnie's baggage. Despite Bonnie's often-cold demeanor, I like how her character develops throughout the plot as she works through her issues. Trace is appropriately supportive and understanding, but his character does not change much from beginning to end.
I also found interesting much of the background information that was worked into the story to represent the local areas used in the plot, such as the food and the politics. The details about the orphanages was especially heart-wrenching, and I love what Bonnie does to contribute aid to them.
This book was both enjoyable and surprising, and I am glad that I was given the opportunity to read it.
She Walks in Beauty
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I knew next to nothing about New York City's gilded age before reading this book, so this was both a history lesson and an eye-opener to the practices of that time period, expecially among the wealthy young women. I had no idea of the extent that corsets were damaging to the body and health of a woman, and it really explains much of the female behavior that has been epitomized in Hollywood's classic films, such as the common fainting spells. It shows that the "modern" world really has not changed very much in regards to the demands put on women to look and act a certain way to be regarded as attractive. The similarities between Hollywood and the Gilded Age are both remarkable and quite sad, from the encouragement of anorexia and the overindulgence of luxury to how the popularity of an individual can be solely determined by the words of the press.
I did enjoy following Clara's rise to fame and infamy, even if the glamour and mystery of it was stripped away, so to speak. The Christian themes of God loving you just as you are and having a purpose beyond the practices of "society" seemed muted and understated throughout the book, but rather than detracting from the plot, it only seemed to enhance it. While I have been under the impression that books that fall in this genre of Christian Fiction should focus mostly on some Christian theme, this particular book did not seem to. The focus seemed more on revealing the truth about what really happened in New York City's Gilded Age through the eyes of a debutante.
Beatrice Turner was an enigma. Brought up in polite society by strict parents, she spent her life painting, writing in her journal, and watching the world change while she still wore Victorian garb. Considered an eccentric by her peers and then again by future generations, not many really knew who she was until after her death. In this slim volume, Beatrice's story is told through her surviving journals, self-portraits, sketches and other paintings. But through it all, there are still unanswered questions, so she remains a mystery to this day.

The book itself is basically good, Beatrice must have been a fascinating woman. She kept to herself but her journal reveals that she was a woman ahead of her time and I wish they hadn't burned her works, even if there were thousands of them. I guess it's a sign of the times, no one appreciated her or considered her a real artist, they just decided that because she was different, she's an outcast. The author writes well, but my biggest complaint was that there were too many unnecessary backgrounds told of people who didn't really matter to the story. Some of them I can see how it was needed but other than those few exceptions, it was just padding. Not that it's completely surprising since little is known about Beatrice, but those parts were pointless to the book as a whole. I'd stil say this is a worthwhile book that is fascinating, quick to read, and features many of Beatrice's paintings.

5 stars for Beatrice herself, 3 stars for the book, so a 4 average.
Bringing Maggie Home
Bringing Maggie Home
Kim Vogel Sawyer | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I will confess: it's been awhile since I read a Kim Vogel Sawyer book. Like eons ago. But,when I saw this book available and read the blurb, I knew it was one I could not pass up! I definitely made the right choice for sure, as it was like coming home from a long stay in a foreign country. Her writing style was breathtakingly stunning in this emotionally moving, sometimes suspenseful book.

I loved the women in this book. They each stole a piece of my heart and became like family to me. I loved that feeling. I loved the way Ms. Sawyer created this story with 3 generations of stong willed, stubborn women. The mystery she added to the mix and the cold case of Maggie's story was incredibly done. It was the perfect blend of emotions for me!

If you are looking for a fast-paced, laugh out loud novel, don't pick up this book. If you want a book that will grip your soul, twist it, taking it on the most incredible roller coaster ride (the only way I will ever get on a roller coaster!), then this book, filled with messages of longing, hope, desperation and learning to lean on God to show the way, will be the perfect one for you! Ms. Sawyer's latest book is definitely a top read of 2017 for me and gets the highest of 5 stars! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>