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Merissa (11779 KP) rated Shot Across the Bow (Deep Six #5) in Books

Nov 29, 2021 (Updated Jul 10, 2023)  
Shot Across the Bow (Deep Six #5)
Shot Across the Bow (Deep Six #5)
Julie Ann Walker | 2021 | Contemporary, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SHOT ACROSS THE BOW is the fifth book in the Deep Six series and is the turn of Romeo and Mia. Romeo - as you can tell by the nickname - is a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy, whereas he thinks Mia has relationship written all over her. So, they both put each other in the dreaded #FriendZone, even though that's not where either of them wants to be.

If one good thing could come out of a plane crash, it's that it got them talking and stopped skirting around the edges. Once a certain conversation happens, all bets are off as to what will happen next. They both have a lot of emotional trauma and baggage to work through.

Doc and Cami meet for the first time in this book and the sharp-edged banter starts, which I think will continue all the way through their book. We don't see much of any of the others, and nothing at all of Wolf and Chrissy from book four.

There's not much at all of the historical story to this one, so I didn't get as much as I wanted, but that's probably just me. The mystery side of it didn't really grab me either as I thought it was quite obvious who was behind it, and what the reasons were.

On the whole, this was a steamy read with lots of sexual tension to begin with. I enjoyed this story and have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 29, 2021
Stork Bite
Stork Bite
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stork Bite by L.K. Simonds was one of the most deeply layered books I have ever had the privilege of reading before, and it emphasized how the small choices we make in life can have huge ripple effects that last generations.

This book is divided into two separate, yet connected stories. In the first “book” L.K. Simonds immediately immerses you into deep south life Louisiana. With vivid descriptions of local wildlife, scenery, and murder (really vivid). It was a great hook, and I could not put it down to see what happened next. L.K. Simonds did a great job making me feel like I was right there with David exploring all the options available to me. The people David meets on his journey were interesting and showed a real glimpse of life at that time, and the hardships that many people went through. I LOVED how David emphasized the need for education as being a founding block for a better life, and his selfless actions were remarkable. This “book” was my favorite as it really engaged me, and I enjoyed the ebb and flow of the author’s voice.

The second “book” introduces a completely new cast of characters, and as you will find out when you read the book, all the characters are interconnected in a remarkable way that is not obvious upon first reading the second “book”. While David seems to disappear from the story altogether, we meet Cargie and Mae two women from very different walks of life and who make very different life choices. I was fascinated by L.K. Simonds look into the 1920-1930s era of mobs, bootlegging, and the choices of people. It made for an interesting storyline. What really helped make this story interesting for me was not just the story itself, but the way L.K. Simonds rounded out the seemingly not connected stories into one overarching story.

Overall, I think that L.K. Simonds did a great job layering her characters, giving a good mystery that left you scratching your head for a while, and showing how one man’s choice can affect a multitude of people. One thing I wish was done differently, would have been the first book characters remaining as background characters in the second “book” so that I was not completely at a loss on how the two stories fit together until the last 50 or so pages. But Stork Bite did have a good conclusion that wrapped everything up nicely and gave me the pieces I needed to feel like David’s story ended. I give it 4 out of 5 stars for the accurate historical details, the stretched-out mystery, and for being able to layer so many characters and have the story come out richer because of it.

*I will advise that this story does include some mild swearing
**I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Witchfinder's Sister
The Witchfinder's Sister
Beth Underdown | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i><b>I think now that to be close to someone can be to underestimate them. Grow too close, and you do not see what they are capable of; or you do not see it in time.</b></i>

<i>The Witchfinder’s Sister</i> is based on true life witch hunter Matthew Hopkins that grew to fame during the English Civil War around East Anglia, hunting and killing “witches”. This book isn’t non-fiction, it’s fiction based around non-fiction! I love these sorts of books that create their own stories from something that was very much real. Not only does it make for good reading, they also bring in some true history facts, so you’re being educated on the subject as you read.

High praise goes to Underdown for this novel. I feel like historical fiction can be hard genre to get right, and considering this is a <i>debut</i> novel, I’m amazed at how well put together and beautiful this has turned out to be! I love reading historical fiction, every once in awhile, and this is the sort of book that keeps my love for the genre burning.

The writing in this novel was haunting and beautiful. Nine times out of ten, it was exactly as you would have imagined the 17th Century to be, but I felt there were a few slips that made the book feel modern. For example, would a lady in 1645 say the phrase <i><b>“shitting herself”</b></i>? Correct me if I’m wrong, but that feels like a reasonably modern phrase to me.

I loved our main character, Alice. Me and my mum were talking about historical fiction novels and how we find it hard to understand why women make the decisions they make in these books, because we’re so used to having some equality and independence. But I noted that in this book, even though Alice is inferior to her brother and his counterparts, she is still a risk taker; going against her brother's wishes & sneaking around. I liked that she was strong and a little rebellious, it was so much easier to connect with her because of this.

On the other hand. I <i>hated</i> Matthew. He was a despicable character. I can rarely hate a character in a book, even if I’m supposed to. I tend to find the good in them at some point, or have some sort of sympathy for them, but I absolutely despised Matthew. Well done to Underdown for creating such a hate-inducing character. It’s quite a hard feat, but she managed it perfectly. The same goes for Mary Phillips.

The tension was built so well in this novel, you could feel the mystery growing and growing with every page and I loved it! Though the story moved reasonably slowly, the book was still absolutely riveting and I found it extremely hard to put down when I knew it was time to get some rest.

I am so, so excited to read more from Underdown. This was an amazingly well put together and researched.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Books UK for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
A lost heiress has been found, but the past brings a danger that will threaten all she holds dear.

With a mysterious past, Brooke Eden recruits her closest friend, Justin Wildon, to find who her true family is. She has been raised in Monaco by the Grimaldi family, but she knows that they are not her true family. She is shocked to discover that she is a long lost daughter of The Earl of Whitby and even more surprised that her father receives her with open arms. Although, the rest of the family takes a little more convincing. Horrors of her mother's death haunt Brook and there are many secrets that have to be uncovered. When greed and lust for wealth and power threaten Brook's life, her faith keeps her strong. Will the secrets of the past be revealed? And will Brook return home after being lost for a second time?

"But God does not just instruct us to forgive - He instructs us to trust. To trust that, even though life hurts us, He will take care of us."

Roseanna White had me completely captivated from the first page of The Lost Heiress. Set in 1910, during the Edwardian Period it was a new experience for me. With society rapidly changing and new inventions around every corner, it was wonderful to see it through Brook Eden's eyes. I admire her courage and strength throughout this story. She is someone that I would love to know and to follow on one of her harebrained ideas. She can be rash and impulsive, but her faith is evident. We could all benefit by following her example of putting our trust in the Lord, even when the world seems to be crumbling down around us. If you are a fan of Downton Abbey and love a little mystery with your historical fiction, you will quickly loose yourself between the pages of this book.

I received a free digital copy of The Lost Heiress from Bethany House Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
City of Vengeance
City of Vengeance
D. V. Bishop | 2021 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
City of Vengeance is set in 16th century Florence during the Renaissance, a time when cities in Italy were run by Dukes. Florence’s Duke was Alessandro de’ Medici.
Cesare Aldo is an officer of the criminal court and a former soldier, and when we first meet him, he is riding home to Florence from Bologna with the Jewish moneylender he’s protecting. This is where we learn just how good Also is at this part of his job. His charge reaches his home safely, despite an encounter with bandits.
Thinking he has finished his job well, Also leaves the moneylender at his home and thinks nothing more of it - until the moneylender is murdered.
Also is tasked with finding the murderer within four days, which seems impossible. Especially when you factor in all the trouble that Aldo manages to get himself in to!
Meanwhile another constable of the criminal court, Strocchi, is investigating the death of a young man. The only problem, is that he was murdered whilst wearing a dress, and homosexuality is illegal. Finding his murderer isn’t high on the courts list of priorities - in fact, there are those who work there who believe that he has got exactly what he deserves.
There’s loads of mystery and intrigue in this book, as well as heaps of historical detail. It’s fast-paced and totally unputdownable. It shows the seedier, more difficult side of life at this time, especially when we get a look in to La Stinche - a notorious prison hellhole.
Both Also and Strocchi are characters that I’m looking forward to finding out more about - especially Aldo. There’s a lot more to him than we see in this, what I hope is, the first of a series (I’m totally guessing here - but it’s not a terrible idea!).
Many thanks to Pan Macmillan for providing me with an e-copy of this book to read and review through NetGalley.
Maybe I should have read the first book in this series before asking for this via NetGalley. Unfortunately, I don't think I can finish reading this.

For example, I was terribly confused by the scene which has DeLuca saving Van Buren from almost drowning. The whole episode just wasn't described so that I could visualize what was going on, who was where, how she got into the water, and how he was able to find her to save her. I'm hoping that this is fixed in the final version.

By the way, I don't think that this author knows Chicago that well. She describes a warehouse there near the lake, but by her description, it sounds like it is only yards from the lakefront. However, as far as I know there were never any shipping warehouses on the lakefront, only on the river. That means the characters in that scene couldn't have been looking out on Lake Michigan, but only onto the Chicago River.

Another thing that confused me was why the author gave DeLuca - who is so Italian that he translates from that language into English - a very Scottish first name like Hamish. If that's explained in the first novel, I really wish the author had added a line about it in this one.

Finally, the "romance" bit here - or should I call it angst - was too overpowering for me. DeLuca goes on and on about every aspect of this woman and why he adores her and how he feels when he's around her. When she started in on her feelings towards him, well... that's when I gave up on this book. (I only read about 15%.)

This is really a shame because I've been trying to find a good cozy mystery series where I can fall in love with the protagonist/s and enjoy some harmless sleuthing on a historical backdrop. I'm afraid this one didn't deliver for me.

Now I have to figure out what I'm going to tell NetGalley when I tell them I'll not be reviewing this book.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 15, 2020 (Updated Aug 15, 2020)  
Sneak a peek at THE BLACK MIDNIGHT, a historical mystery, by Kathleen Y'Barbo on my blog. Enter the giveaway to win a $20 Amazon gift card and/or a signed copy of the book!

Two killers, two detectives, and a menace called The Black Midnight may be the death of both of them.

Three years before Jack the Ripper began his murderous spree on the streets of London, a killer struck fear into the hearts of the citizens of Austin, Texas. Some believe one man is responsible for both, while others lay the blame at the feet of someone close to the queen herself. With suspicion falling on Her Majesty’s family and Scotland Yard at a loss as to who the Ripper might be, Queen Victoria summons her great-granddaughter, Alice Anne von Wettin, a former Pinkerton agent who worked the unsolved Austin murders case, and orders her to discreetly form a team to look into the London matter. One man is essential to her team, and she doesn’t want to consider taking on this challenge without his expertise. Unfortunately, he’s back in Texas, with a bad attitude and a new profession.

The prospect of a second chance at catching the man who terrorized Austin three years ago just might entice Isaiah Joplin out of his comfortable life as an Austin lawyer, even if it does mean working with the Queen’s great-granddaughter again. If his theories are right, they’ll find the Midnight Assassin and, by default, the Ripper. If they’re wrong, he and Annie are in a bigger mess than the one the lady detective left behind when she departed Austin under cover of darkness three years ago.

Can the unlikely pair find the truth of who is behind the murders before they are drawn into the killer’s deadly game? From Texas to London, the story navigates the fine line between truth and fiction as Annie and Isaiah ultimately find the hunters have become the hunted.
The Ghost Camper&#039;s Tall Tales (Destiny Falls Mystery &amp; Magic #3)
The Ghost Camper's Tall Tales (Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #3)
Elizabeth Pantley | 2021 | Mystery, Paranormal
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am so excited to go back to Destiny Falls.
Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic tells the story of Hayden, a young woman who has been transported to a magical dimension to find that she has a family she never knew and a destiny she never dreamed of. While ostensibly these are cozy mysteries, the true story is Hayden’s missing mother. She left Hayden with her grandmothers not long after she was born, but as we have learned through the books of this series, that is not entirely accurate.

Here in book 3, The Ghost Camper’s Tall Tales, Hayden along with her siblings investigate information that could finally lead her to her mom. Though, it comes with the admonition not to trust anyone.

While Hayden and feline bestie Latifa investigate a new death on the island while trying to find out more about the mysterious letter from Emily, a ghost with a penchant for storytelling brings Hayden to his world. She must decide whether his stories are for fun or more historical in nature, and what do they have to do with her investigations.

As I said, it is so great to be back. The great recurring characters of Hayden’s family, the local townspeople, and of course the wonderful animals of Destiny Falls, which in itself is a magical wonderful place, pick the story up right where the last book left, without a moment’s pause in the action. Romance takes a step up and Latifa and her extended cat family prove why cats will someday rule the world. We finally get to learn secrets, but then there are always more questions than answers, so of course I can’t wait for the next installment.

Rating: 5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily