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Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Yuval Noah Harari | 2016 | History & Politics
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Succinct and simple telling of human history (1 more)
Interesting and stimulating account of human history
This book is absolutely a must-read for anyone interested in the history of humankind, the development of societies, language, money and patriarchy, and what the future might hold for humankind.
   This book is a simple retelling of what we currently know about the history of humankind. It follows a path from our common ancestor with apes through the stages of revolution to our modern era. It takes a deeper look at the Argicultural and Cognitive Revolutions, and at the progressions of human society over thousands of years, including the development of writing, money and laws.
   The author challenges many of the beliefs and myths we hold in our age, asking us to question why things are as they are. Why has society typically been patriarchal throughout our long history? Why, with a closer look at the structure of other species' societies, do we not live in a matriarchal society? He raises many questions that I never previously realised or thought about, and really has the capability of changing the way you look st society and how it developed.
   This is a fascinating, well-written work sure to keep you hooked for the entirety of the book. I can't recommend this book enough to anyone with a curious or enquiring mind.
Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands Book 3
Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands Book 3
Alwyn Hamilton | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was great! This is the concluding volume of the Rebel of the Sands trilogy, and it wrapped things up perfectly. I especially liked how she handled character deaths; each one got a short little chapter told in a legendary story kind of way, switching to a third person narrator instead of the first person viewpoint of Amani. The last chapter, telling us what came after the events of the book, was told in the same manner, and I really liked how it tied the book together.

There's so little I can say about this book without spoiling the previous two! We learn even more about the Djinni in this book, and some of the creation myths of Amani's people. We get a little more into the politics of other countries, and even a bit of their magic. And ohhhh there are stories to be told there, if Hamilton wants to continue in this world. I'd love to see a prequel based on Sam, and his country could do an entire sequel trilogy!

I think one of my favorite scenes was Amani using her control of sand to sail their ship across the desert. It's just an amazing visual.

This was one of the best concluding books to a trilogy that I have read in a long time. Fantastic book.

You can find all my reviews at
Harry H Corbett: The Front Legs of the Cow
Harry H Corbett: The Front Legs of the Cow
Susannah Corbett | 2012 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Told by his daughter, excellent series of interviews and contributions (0 more)
Insightful, Poignant and Revealing
I started reading this after only knowing of Harry H Corvett in Steptoe and son as Harold the long suffering son of Albert (Wilfrid Brambell) and also n Carry on Screaming as Sidney Bung. I never realised what an accomplished actor he was at this point. After reading this amazing insight into his life i have realsied how versatile an actor he really was. With this being written by his daughter i expected a lot of fawning sentimentality and i am glad that i was proved wrong. This is a very revealing, moving and motivational book written with care and consideration. As well as her own personal experiences she draws on people from stage and screen that include but are not limited to Bryan Murphy, Lynda Baron and writers such as Ray Galton and Alan Simpson. One of the best bigraphies i have read for a very long time. Its a long book and tells of the history of the various theatres that Harry worked at and for but i found this interesting rather than distracting. This also includes a section at the end that debunks some of the myths associated with Steptoe and Son (them hating each other, Wilfrid Brambell always being drunk etc). All in all a five star read.

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Aug 12, 2023  
MARELLA (WRAIDD ELFENNOL #1) is due for re-release on the 1st of September.

If anyone is interested in an ARC then please fill out this form:

If you read and enjoy and would like to read further in the completed series, please contact me.

Here's the blurb:
In the enchanting world of Wraidd Elfennol, where myths come to life and magic weaves through the very fabric of the island, a youngling’s life is about to be turned upside down.

Marella wants only one thing—to become a Water Weaver, skilled in the arts of scrying. Together with her best friend, Daren, they travel to the main village of Charon to take the Test that will decide their futures.

With her otter Partner, Nixie, by her side, she delves deeper into the traditions that make Wraidd Elfennol what it is. Although only thirteen years old, Marella will have to choose the life path to take with the talents she was born with.

What happens when you don’t get what you wish for?
And what happens if you do?

The Wraidd Elfennol series begins with an enthralling young adult fantasy that will captivate readers as they are transported to a realm where the Elements enchant.

Rewritten and re-released with over 80k words added

#FREE on #KU
of 235
King of Flames ( The Masks of Under 1)
By Kathryn Ann Kingsley

Everything about my life has been pretty normal working as a forensic autopsy technician. Until the day I woke up with a mysterious symbol tattooed on my arm.

Suddenly normal no longer existed. The barrier between Earth and a world called Under, dissolved...

Now I’m trapped with dozens of other people. Held prisoner by the creators of myths and legends, where the realm is ruled by two masked kings who want to turn us into creatures like them.

But even though I didn’t choose to be here, this new world manages to pull me deeper, affecting me differently than other humans. Unfortunately King Edu, also known as the King of Flames, notices this and I’m now considered a threat.

If I want to survive King Edu and the dangers of Under, I need to escape. The only problem is, there’s another masked king who seems to have an interest in me. Aon, the King of Shadows, wants me here in this world, and he wants me alive.

I just need to figure out why.

This was just so different to anything I’ve read. It was a whole new world of dark and twisty! Really liked the characters and story. Can’t wait to see where it goes.
A Short History of Myth
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
For such a short book, I developed quite a strong opinion about the text while reading it. I have been curious about Armstrong's writings for a long time, but this is the first attempt I have made at actually reading anything by her. I have always been a fan of ancient mythology, such as Greek and Egyptian, so this seemed like an easy choice.
In seven chapters, Armstrong takes a simplified stroll through history, focusing on the concept of myth and its impact on civilization. All throughout the book, she attempts to support her claim that a person can believe in myths without believing that the myths are actually true, and that the failure of modern society is by not following her specific edict. While this notion strikes me as absurd, I keep reading because, hey, it's a short book.
While I know only bits and pieces about many of the world's religions, I do know both the history and the holy book of my religion, Christianity. It becomes apparent to me early in the text that she is masking her opinions and interpretations of this religion as actual fact, so I can only imagine how she misconstrues other religions.
Her citations were lacking to me, with many claims going unsupported, others only partially supported, such as citation #84 and #30, and some citations simply not even applying to the specified text, such as citation #87. In citation #55, she claims that the Bible contains a Creation myth in which God brings the world into being by killing a sea monster, but one of the four verses she cites make no reference to anything of the sort (Job 3:12), and the other three (Isaiah 27:1, Job 26:13, Psalm 74:14) that do mention a leviathan cannot be interpreted that way when read in context. Isaiah is describing the end of days, while Job merely says that God created the serpent, and the verse in Psalm is within the context of a song about God rescuing the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery -- no relevancy to Creation. She makes the claim that Paul "was not much interested in Jesus's teachings, which he rarely quotes, or in the events of his earthly life." This claim is easily disproved by examining how Paul's words line up with Jesus's in John 5:21 vs. 1 Corinthians 15:22, Matthew 6:25 vs. Philippians 4:6, and many other passages.
While going through the citations, I got the feeling that the author depended on secondary sources for her information without actually studying the original source of her information. The book struck me as highly opinionated, vague, and too general for the topic being addressed. I have no doubt that there are better and more thorough books available on the topic of myth. I do not believe that I will be reading any more of Armstrong's works in the future.

James Dean Bradfield recommended Steeltown by Big Country in Music (curated)

Steeltown by Big Country
Steeltown by Big Country
2014 | Punk
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'm gonna go for a topical one... Obviously Stuart Adamson came out of The Skids. John Peel called him the Scottish Hendrix, and I loved The Skids. Absolutely loved them. Then he went on to form Big Country. And first of all I had to take a step back from it, but I just loved the way he put myths and folklore - Scottish folklore - into music, but he also linked it up with the modern day era. All those myths and belief systems were very prescient of modern day culture: how people use music to deal with loss, how people use music to deal with lostness in society, with poverty, with trying to strive to remain above the dignity level. And I thought that was quite a noble ambition for a musician, really. Lots of musicians have done that in different guises, but because Big Country was wrapped up in a certain Scottishness in the music, and what some people have called the Celtic mist in their music, they were utterly pilloried in the press. I love the music press and I love music journalism, but sometimes the music press have to be called to account, and they should give the musical kudos and reparations to Big Country and Stuart Adamson, who's sadly not with us. I also used to think, why is it that Billy Bragg's allowed to have a folk edge to him? The Men They Couldn't Hang had a folk edge to them; The Pogues were allowed to have a folklore edge to them, and people find it acceptable with The Pogues because they could get drunk to it. But Big Country were mercilessly slammed for being Scottish, whining, bagpipes… I look back and think it's a music journalism crime, what happened to them, and what happened to Stuart Adamson. You look at the album and you've just got so many songs which just touch upon the post-Thatcher unemployment that was going on in Scotland at the time... And the English-based press just absolutely slammed him for it; they just thought he was a man dealing in myth and outdated folklore and I think it's disgusting. I remember, in the sleevenotes, he said he understood the power of music way before he understood its language, and that's what he was trying to do with Big Country. It was a noble, amazing achievement which was treated with… what would you call it? Just London-dominated disdain. I'd like to redress that just by picking it. A folk influence is very much allowed in English music today, whether it be fucking Frank Bloke or Mumford And Sons with their Cath Kidston version of it. It's allowed through the gate; it's allowed to sell millions; it's allowed to have a voice. So there is a symbolism there. It's enough to make you want to be independent, the way Big Country were treated by the music press!"

Myths and Legends
Myths and Legends
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Great adaptations (4 more)
Modern retellings and references
Long story arcs. E.g 3 episode stories
Geeky literature Easter eggs. ALL THE TIME.
Great for bedtime listening, and has disclaimers on episodes that are particularly PG rated.
Sometimes a little lacking in research but I think that's just ultra nerdy on my part (0 more)
Such a great show for all ages, on the go or at home.
So I absolutely adore this podcast. I feel like I've learnt so much I didn't know already about original stories and heard new ones I've definitely never heard of.

I'm a postwoman, so I spend roughly 6 hours of my day walking around outside, on my own. Finding this podcast had been a godsend. However, the adverts are a lot and I'm glad I have the option to fast forward 15 seconds to get back to the tale. I finally caught up with all the episodes without getting the membership and I do feel bad. Sorry guys, I may have to invest now that you've claimed so many hours of my life! It's taken me nearly a year to catch up and that's including your Fictional Podcast too.

I've tried to find similar podcasts but I've either found the person's voice grates on me or its not really what I'm looking for.

If you're after real, original fairytales, myths, legends (and what the differences are) you need to listen to this show.
Touch (Selfish Myths #1)
Touch (Selfish Myths #1)
Natalia Jester | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
177 of 250
Touch ( selfish Myths book 1)
By Natalia Jester

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

A mortal outcast, a mythical goddess, and a forbidden desire that defies the laws of magic.

They say I'm a celestial bad girl. But they're wrong--I'm far worse.

My name is Love. I spend my immortal years hunting within a frosted forest, matching human hearts with each mischievous strike of my arrow.

But in all my centuries, I've never known desire--until now.

He's a mortal. And the longer I'm with him, the more I crave his touch.

Yet binding myself to this human is forbidden. Without a doubt, it's fatal.

When I discover that he possesses abilities beyond his knowledge--a force strong enough to eradicate my kind--I have to make a choice.

One, destroy him before he destroys my race.

Or two, contain his magic by sealing his heart with someone else's.

This was a strange read but strange in a good way I think. It was a sweet story of love finding love for herself. I loved the interaction with the other emotional gods they certainly all have a story. I just can’t put my finger on what was so odd about the book I’m certainly interested in reading more by this author. For now this would be 3 stars for me.
190 of 230
Prison of Hope ( Hellequin Chronicles book 4)
By Steve McHugh

Long ago, Olympian gods imprisoned the demon Pandora in a human—Hope—creating a creature whose only purpose was chaos and death. Remorseful, the gods locked Pandora away in Tartarus, ruled by Hades.

Now, centuries later, Pandora escapes. Nate Garrett, a 1,600-year-old sorcerer, is sent to recapture her and discovers her plan to disrupt the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, killing thousands in a misplaced quest for vengeance.

Fast forward to modern-day Berlin, where Nate has agreed to act as guardian on a school trip to Germany to visit Hades at the entrance to Tartarus. When Titan King Cronus becomes the second ever to escape Tartarus, Nate is forced to track him down and bring him back, to avert a civil war between those who would use his escape to gain power.

I love love love this series! This has to be the best one yet. I really like the way the author uses the Greek gods and mythology as well as bringing all the myths and legends into the story without it getting silly. Nate is just brilliant I love his relationship with Tommy and other characters. I like the back story of Nate’s life that runs along with whatever he’s facing in current times. It’s such a good series.